What was actually said:
Actually, they remind me of the pre-Dec 18th arguments that Rosalina will be a Peach clone because she is also a Princess from the Mario series with Blond hair.
Since Chrom and Lucina are not Marth or Ike in a different artstyle, and are called clones for being blue-haired FE lords (specifically Chrom) with swords, this comparison makes much more sense.
And look at what happened to Rosalina...
Nah, it's a lot more like Wind Waker Link.
People coming up with a lot of unorthodox ideas and being highly in denial that the character will be based on another character.
Also, those Rosalina naysayers were idiots. I'm sorry, but please do the ****ing research before spewing garbage.
That is all I'm going to say.
I lied. This needs to be addressed.
What's with the Rosalina boner lately?
Pointing out the fallacy that Rosalina is identical to Peach in every single way.
Even though prior to her Smash reveal, she essentially was just "Cosmic Peach", which you try to deny for whatever reason.
Guess I must be a bloody idiot for knowing the
truth as it was.
I don't recall Rosalina using turnips, parasols, varies blunt instruments, and diabetes inducing girl power.
Nor do I recall Peach using galaxy defying mystical powers.
Rosalina is more comparable to Zelda, not Peach.
I don't recall Daisy ever using Turnips, parasols, or diabetes inducing girl power, nor do I recall Peach harnessing the power of crystals and flower petals, yet she doesn't seem to be such a "unique" choice 
The difference is:
1) Daisy literally debuted as an orange Peach in-game SML
2) Daisy's most important (and only important) appearance had her playing the same role as Peach
3) Peach's Daisy colors are actually still Peach anyways. It's Peach wearing a different dress that has a design reminiscent of Daisy. If you put on your friends clothes (not sure why you would), you don't become your friend.
And you don't receive your own playable slot in Smash Bros.
EDIT: 4) Also, they usually even have the same stats in the various sports games they appear in.
And Luigi literally debuted as a green Mario in-game Mario Bros.
Yet.....he isn't entirely a copy of Mario (which is rare for him).
Aside from this, Luigi doesn't have much to distinguish himself from Mario ability-wise. Daisy, for someone who's pretty much limited to mass multiplayer festivities, manages to upstage
Luigi in the "distinct from counterpart" department.
Irrelevant to the point.
This point makes absolutely no sense.
1. No one ever brought up
anything about Peach's Daisy color in Smash. Let alone said that Peach "becomes" Daisy while using that coloration.
2. By the logic of color swaps, what the **** is Wario doing as a character in Brawl, when Mario's got a Wario palette? If you put on your rival's clothes (not sure why you would), you don't become your rival. And you don't receive your own playable slot in Smash Bros.
Do you see now how dumb that sounds?
You mean like....
Mario and Luigi?
At least Daisy isn't typically shown with the same exact abilities or slight modifications to Peach's as Luigi does to Mario.
EDIT: And before you keep retorting with her lack of a major role in the franchise, bear in mind that it has nothing to do with what is being argued, despite being true.
I thought you were arguing it was OK to assume Rosalina would be a clone of Peach because Daisy would. And I thought you were referring to Peach's Daisy color swap when mentioning her.
If you're actually talking about Daisy being able to have a different moveset from Peach, then yes. It just seems like your leaving out that Luigi is mostly a Mario clone. He was a complete clone in SSB64, but was mostly changed up in Brawl. So he got unique after modifications to his moveset slowly throughout every game in the series.
Unique moves for Daisy and Luigi:
Luigi- Poltergust
Daisy- Crystal Smash
That's all I got. Is Daisy really more unique from Peach than Luigi is to Mario?
......Pretty sure I've already implied that Luigi was very similar to Mario when I kept mentioning that Daisy being different from Peach in comparison to him.
First, look at what Peach has in Smash.
Toad Shield: Daisy does not have Toad servants.
Peach Bomber: ....ok, she can copy this and still make sense.
Parasol: Other than Mario Party 3 (which every playable character uses one for a mini-game), Daisy doesn't use a parasol. Let alone as a weapon like Peach did in Super Mario RPG.
Vegetable: Daisy wasn't in Super Mario Bros. 2/USA, and in their very limited appearances, they were never in games Daisy was in.
Peach Blossom: Considering this is part Super Mario RPG reference part name pun, this would not work for Daisy.
Daisy by default (unless Ganondorf-esque logic comes in) would have to be different. Even if it means a huge chunk of the moves are like Luigi's Green Missile, in that they come out of freaking nowhere.
Throughout the Mario series, Daisy has been shown with the ability to manipulate flower petals in a similar to, but less extreme manner as Byakuya from Bleach (though his are specifically cherry blossoms). It isn't really that difficult to come up with a moveset that revolves around that, and that's not including the crystal power from Strikers Charged nor factoring in her normal attacks being less "girly" than Peach to reflect her tomboyish and more violent nature.
That being said, I wouldn't want Daisy in Smash. However, for the purpose of argumentation, Daisy is like Rosalina in that despite similarities to Peach, they have (or had in Rosalina's case) means of being special. Yet, due to their similarities, it was reasonable to believe they could just be clones/semi-clones, even if Ganondorf logic has to apply. (But then again, look at Dr. Mario. The only reason why he's a clone is because he's Dr. Mario. Hard to believe, but there's ways to make even Mario's medical persona distinct as well and not have to resort to making **** up like "Super Sheet" just to keep him like Mario.)
.....it's like what I had said went right over your head.
Not really, you didn't connect you're post to your original thought.
-Daisy could be mostly unique
-Daisy and Rosalina are equally dissimilar from Peach
-It was OK to assume Rosalina was going to be a clone of Peach
Irrelevant to Rosalina:
-Daisy is more unique from Peach than Luigi is to Mario in Mario games
If anything, you're arguing against your original point...
No, if anything it shows you shouldn't try to jump into someone else's argument and start a separate one when you don't understand the context of the argument in the first place.
So on that note, that's really all I have to say on the matter until Habanero responds.
But something tells me he's not going to...
Ok... still not explaining anything... that's cool.
There comes a time where explaining something is pointless.
This is one of those times.
>States random opinions and facts
>Doesn't connect them
>Refuses to explain
Alright, I'll just pretend you never said anything.
Regardless, I stand by the Rosalina Clone Assumption being idiotic.
The conversation started as a Chrom and Lucina discussion throughout almost everybody posting on the thread on that page.
Then turned into a Rosalina argument.
Who mentioned Rosalina first? Me.
What was the debate? Chrom and Lucina being justified as potential unique characters through Rosalina.
Who jumped into to the discussion about Rosalina? You (and Saturn)
Yea, I didn't just come into some conversation I had no involvement in.
Who brought up Daisy? You.
Why? For no good goddamn ****ing reason. You can't compare Rosalina to Daisy in Smash Bros, BECAUSE DAISY IS NOT ****ING IN SMASH BROS!
So now this was a unique potential debate of Rosalina vs Daisy. (And had nothing to do with the original debate of "are Chrom and Lucina more like Toon Link or Rosalina?") You grouped them together in comparison to Peach, meaning you thought they have equal uniqueness from Peach, trying to justify why you thought Rosalina would be a clone. Well, this can't be done, like I said, unless Daisy was a clone of Peach implemented in Smash Bros before Rosalina, you can't legitimately make that comparison.
And when I assumed you were talking about Peach's color swap for Daisy, as there was no way your comparison was relevant unless Daisy was playable and this is all she had. You brought up Wario?! And how unique Luigi is from Mario now? Why?! I had never said "Daisy 100% clone no matter what", I had compared her uniqueness to Rosalina's, as that was the new subject you brought up. Now that you'd brought in Mario and Luigi into the discussion, the original debate was just dead and rotting. You tried to justify Daisy no longer through any of the characters being discussed, but 2 characters that actually started out as clones.
You had now changed the subject to "is Daisy or Luigi more unique from Peach and Mario respectively?"
So I decided to respond by posting 1 move Daisy and Luigi both have that are unique from them. And asked if you had any others.
Then you talked about moves Daisy could take from Peach...
And right after talked about some of the unique moves that Daisy has, and wow her unique personality is not similar to Peach's.
And then you stated they were equally similar to Peach before Rosalina's reveal. Even though you already pointed out Daisy could take a move or 2 from Peach, and Saturn had already pointed out Rosalina could take no moves from Peach.
Which contradicts what you said when you first came into the conversation when you called Rosalina "Cosmic Peach"
You just went on and on about the uniqueness of Daisy, then paired them as equally unique from Peach. Which would mean Rosalina was plenty unique as well. Which would mean she is not Cosmic Peach. Which would mean she has no reason to be a clone if she's just as unique as apparently Daisy is.
Then you told me I jumped into your argument... which really pisses me off. If anything, you jumped into our argument about Chrom, Lucina, Toon Link, and Rosalina and turned it into comparing Daisy to everything.
You stated opinions and facts.
You didn't connect your thoughts.
And you refused to explain why you thought the way you did about all that irrelevant Daisy stuff.
Plus, you were just completely rude. You came into the conversation by saying he had a "Rosalina boner", changed the topic 10 times, told me there was no point in explaining yourself like I was too dumb to comprehend your genius, and then accused me of a bunch a random crap at the end like coming into to your argument... seriously...