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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
I crossed out what you posted because it's irrelevant. I can come up with a list of how to make Lucas and Toon Link fully unique. But, it won't happen

You can come up with unique abilities for Lucas?
That's neat. I can't. But that doesn't matter, I might as well cross out what's irrelevant as well.

Ideas =/= predictions

Your Predictions =/= 100% what must happen

Not for Sakurai.

Oh, hello Sakurai.

You're right it's not. But, they become semi-clones anyway. Again, irrelevant.

And 9 characters that share moves or are for the most part based on another move set.

Guess this is irrelevant, if what I said was.
And, well, it is. There is no pattern except for adding newcomers and returning veterans. Which is vague, like my ideas.
And good enough for Lord Sakurai.

Well when every character who \fits the description of a significantly similar character originally capable of performing the same moves has become a clone or somebody who mostly shares moves with another character and Lucina fits that description (more than most clones I might add) I'm gonna say: Yeah! It does actually.
......and..............contradict each other. A character doesn't have to be a clone because they are similar. Everybody can and should be unique.

That's not why. I already told you why.

Just going to leave some Ike here, seems like a good place:

Luigi with an entirely Poltergust based move set would be something we have yet to see.

That's... interesting? It's not a playstyle gimmick, and it makes no sense. Where as my idea does. But OK.:ness:

Seriously.... how do any of your points rebuttal mine at all?
Me: -They can be unique
-They should be unique
You: They won't be unique
Me: How do you know? are you Sakurai?
You: [insert pattern bull**** that doesn't apply as patterns in the series don't exist]
Me: There are no real patterns of the series, Sakurai doesn't try to be guessable. You can't use past games to justify a new game.

So what's your response to that?

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Pokemon Newcomer that's never gonna happen?

That's pretty obvious for me!

He could even have his iconic spear for unique gameplay! Bidoof is uniquer then other newcomers like Crumb or Loo-Seen-A!

But really, I'm stuck between Deoxys and Gary Oak.
I'd say Grovyle, but to me has actually has a chance. It's a very very very small and tiny chance, but it is a chance.

Deleted member

The difference is:
1) Daisy literally debuted as an orange Peach in-game SML
And Luigi literally debuted as a green Mario in-game Mario Bros.
Yet.....he isn't entirely a copy of Mario (which is rare for him).

Aside from this, Luigi doesn't have much to distinguish himself from Mario ability-wise. Daisy, for someone who's pretty much limited to mass multiplayer festivities, manages to upstage Luigi in the "distinct from counterpart" department.

2) Daisy's most important (and only important) appearance had her playing the same role as Peach
Irrelevant to the point.

3) Peach's Daisy colors are actually still Peach anyways. It's Peach wearing a different dress that has a design reminiscent of Daisy. If you put on your friends clothes (not sure why you would), you don't become your friend.
And you don't receive your own playable slot in Smash Bros.
This point makes absolutely no sense.
1. No one ever brought up anything about Peach's Daisy color in Smash. Let alone said that Peach "becomes" Daisy while using that coloration.
2. By the logic of color swaps, what the **** is Wario doing as a character in Brawl, when Mario's got a Wario palette? If you put on your rival's clothes (not sure why you would), you don't become your rival. And you don't receive your own playable slot in Smash Bros. :rolleyes:

Do you see now how dumb that sounds?

EDIT: 4) Also, they usually even have the same stats in the various sports games they appear in.
You mean like....Mario and Luigi?
At least Daisy isn't typically shown with the same exact abilities or slight modifications to Peach's as Luigi does to Mario.

EDIT: And before you keep retorting with her lack of a major role in the franchise, bear in mind that it has nothing to do with what is being argued, despite being true.
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
To be fair, if we're going for legitimate left-field Pokemon possibilities, might I suggest Diancie? Or one of the other yet-to-be-announced event Pokemon for X and Y?

Event Pokemon have typically been saved for Pokeballs in Smash, but it'd be interesting (if nothing else) for them to have a playable event legendary. Could you imagine, Nintendo doing a worldwide online distribution of Diancie/Volcanion/Hoopa and then releasing a trailer for that Pokemon in Smash on the same day? The marketing practically writes itself.

Alas, I'm basically expecting the Brawl line-up plus Mewtwo. A man can dream though, right?


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
My two cents for a 'neverhappeningcausePokemonmakesabout200charactersbetweenSmashs' character would be

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
To be fair, if we're going for legitimate left-field Pokemon possibilities, might I suggest Diancie? Or one of the other yet-to-be-announced event Pokemon for X and Y?

Event Pokemon have typically been saved for Pokeballs in Smash, but it'd be interesting (if nothing else) for them to have a playable event legendary. Could you imagine, Nintendo doing a worldwide online distribution of Diancie/Volcanion/Hoopa and then releasing a trailer for that Pokemon in Smash on the same day? The marketing practically writes itself.

Alas, I'm basically expecting the Brawl line-up plus Mewtwo. A man can dream though, right?
This just made me think of a great idea.

There could be different versions of it based on different gens!

Sinnoh Event T.: Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus

Unova Event T.: Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect

Kalos Event T.: Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion

The more and more I think of this, the more and more awesome it seems.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Lucina? Unique?
Lucina may not be unique on her own, but if we pair her up with Chrom they could make quite the unique Doduo.

And then we could throw Robin in there too and make it a Dodrio. :troll:


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
My responses = Red
Your responses = White

You can come up with unique abilities for Lucas?
That's neat. I can't. But that doesn't matter, I might as well cross out what's irrelevant as well.

Well, he can use any PSI ability Sakurai wants.

Your Predictions =/= 100% what must happen
Don't be douchey. I'm simply being realistic.

Guess this is irrelevant, if what I said was.
No, I gave you reasons why it's irrelevant. Don't act like I'm being a narcissist because I'm the one presenting evidence that's in my favor instead of yours.

It's irrelevant because what you suggest contradicts what has happened before and is already an established and unbroken trend.

......and..............contradict each other.
No you said I declared them clones because they have swords and blue hair. And that's not what I said. You know that.

Read your own damn posts

Just going to leave some Ike here, seems like a good place:
Go ahead! It doesn't back up your point. Ike can't perform the same abilities as Marth. So he can't be a clone. Just like Rosalina.

Saying a character with a pistol could be a clone of a guy with an uzi doesn't just make sense because they are both classified as guns

That's... interesting? It's not a playstyle gimmick
Are you aware of what a playstyle gimmick is. Because that's exactly what it is.

and it makes no sense.
Why? And real mature there with the big star gif. How old are you exactly?

Seriously.... how do any of your points rebuttal mine at all?
Me: -They can be unique
-They should be unique
You: They won't be unique

How is what your suggestion of what can and should happen relevant to what likely will happen. Unless you are Sakurai and share the same opinion?

Me: How do you know? are you Sakurai?
You: [insert pattern bull**** that doesn't apply as patterns in the series don't exist]

Now I'm convinced that arguing with you is hopeless. Name ONE character that shared major similarities to another character and was capable of performing their moves who DIDN'T share moves with them.

There isn't one and it's happened to every single character who applies to it. So it's a pattern. It exists. You can't deny it.

Me: There are no real patterns of the series
Uh, yes there are several. You want to ask people here? They'll tell you the same.

Sakurai doesn't try to be guessable. You can't use past games to justify a new game.
In most situations yes you can. Just like you can use Sonic's popularity in the last game to predict Mega Man in this game. Just like you can use a retro in Melee to justify a retro in Brawl.

So what's your response to that?

My response is this: "The **** are you rambling about?"
I think I'm gonna end this "debate" here. Imma go sleep.
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
Wait, wait, wait, I have a better idea.

Nintendo announces an event download for a special Mewtwo in X and Y (I don't know, it has cool exclusive moves or the mega-stone from the opposite game, or it's shiny, fill in the blanks etc.). A few months pass, and the day/week of the event Mewtwo happens. On the same day Nintendo distribute it, they release a trailer. It shows a bunch of humanoid Smash characters (Wii Fit Trainer, Marth, Link and so on) sitting around in whitespace (a la Wii Fit Trainer's introduction) playing on their 3DS's. Each of them download their mystery gift and open it as normal. The last character opens their mystery gift, but instead of getting Mewtwo on their screen, Mewtwo in Smash shows up on the 3DS screen.

Cue trailer of Mewtwo on both Wii U and 3DS. Nintendo, hire me for your marketing teams. :p


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
And Luigi literally debuted as a green Mario in-game Mario Bros.
Yet.....he isn't entirely a copy of Mario (which is rare for him).

Aside from this, Luigi doesn't have much to distinguish himself from Mario ability-wise. Daisy, for someone who's pretty much limited to mass multiplayer festivities, manages to upstage Luigi in the "distinct from counterpart" department.

Irrelevant to the point.

This point makes absolutely no sense.
1. No one ever brought up anything about Peach's Daisy color in Smash. Let alone said that Peach "becomes" Daisy while using that coloration.
2. By the logic of color swaps, what the **** is Wario doing as a character in Brawl, when Mario's got a Wario palette? If you put on your rival's clothes (not sure why you would), you don't become your rival. And you don't receive your own playable slot in Smash Bros. :rolleyes:

Do you see now how dumb that sounds?

You mean like....Mario and Luigi?
At least Daisy isn't typically shown with the same exact abilities or slight modifications to Peach's as Luigi does to Mario.

EDIT: And before you keep retorting with her lack of a major role in the franchise, bear in mind that it has nothing to do with what is being argued, despite being true.
I thought you were arguing it was OK to assume Rosalina would be a clone of Peach because Daisy would. And I thought you were referring to Peach's Daisy color swap when mentioning her.

If you're actually talking about Daisy being able to have a different moveset from Peach, then yes. It just seems like your leaving out that Luigi is mostly a Mario clone. He was a complete clone in SSB64, but was mostly changed up in Brawl. So he got unique after modifications to his moveset slowly throughout every game in the series.

Unique moves for Daisy and Luigi:
Luigi- Poltergust
Daisy- Crystal Smash

That's all I got. Is Daisy really more unique from Peach than Luigi is to Mario?

Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
Volcarona would be another amazing Pokémon character that'll never happen. :(

Off Topic

@ Mega Bidoof Mega Bidoof

Your new avatar is sweet. Adventure Time is da best. ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
What's exciting is that Roy or Mewtwo could show up any friday without a Nintendo Direct.
Roy, perhaps.

I'd like to think Mewtwo has the kind of all-star power to warrant a returning veteran trailer. I know that there hasn't been a trailer for a veteran yet, but none of the veterans announced so far are in the unique position that the Brawl cuts are.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Roy, perhaps.

I'd like to think Mewtwo has the kind of all-star power to warrant a returning veteran trailer. I know that there hasn't been a trailer for a veteran yet, but none of the veterans announced so far are in the unique position that the Brawl cuts are.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
What's exciting is that Roy or Mewtwo could show up any friday without a Nintendo Direct.
It doesn't even need to be a Friday.

In fact, Roy AND Mewtwo could pop up on the website in 10 minutes.
We don't know, it could happen.

Volcarona would be another amazing Pokémon character that'll never happen. :(

Off Topic

@ Mega Bidoof Mega Bidoof

Your new avatar is sweet. Adventure Time is da best. ;)
Damn straight it is!
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Deleted member

If you're actually talking about Daisy being able to have a different moveset from Peach, then yes. It just seems like your leaving out that Luigi is mostly a Mario clone. He was a complete clone in SSB64, but was mostly changed up in Brawl. So he got unique after modifications to his moveset slowly throughout every game in the series.
......Pretty sure I've already implied that Luigi was very similar to Mario when I kept mentioning that Daisy being different from Peach in comparison to him.

Unique moves for Daisy and Luigi:
Luigi- Poltergust
Daisy- Crystal Smash

That's all I got. Is Daisy really more unique from Peach than Luigi is to Mario?
First, look at what Peach has in Smash.
Toad Shield: Daisy does not have Toad servants.
Peach Bomber: ....ok, she can copy this and still make sense.
Parasol: Other than Mario Party 3 (which every playable character uses one for a mini-game), Daisy doesn't use a parasol. Let alone as a weapon like Peach did in Super Mario RPG.
Vegetable: Daisy wasn't in Super Mario Bros. 2/USA, and in their very limited appearances, they were never in games Daisy was in.
Peach Blossom: Considering this is part Super Mario RPG reference part name pun, this would not work for Daisy.

Daisy by default (unless Ganondorf-esque logic comes in) would have to be different. Even if it means a huge chunk of the moves are like Luigi's Green Missile, in that they come out of freaking nowhere.

Throughout the Mario series, Daisy has been shown with the ability to manipulate flower petals in a similar to, but less extreme manner as Byakuya from Bleach (though his are specifically cherry blossoms). It isn't really that difficult to come up with a moveset that revolves around that, and that's not including the crystal power from Strikers Charged nor factoring in her normal attacks being less "girly" than Peach to reflect her tomboyish and more violent nature.

That being said, I wouldn't want Daisy in Smash. However, for the purpose of argumentation, Daisy is like Rosalina in that despite similarities to Peach, they have (or had in Rosalina's case) means of being special. Yet, due to their similarities, it was reasonable to believe they could just be clones/semi-clones, even if Ganondorf logic has to apply. (But then again, look at Dr. Mario. The only reason why he's a clone is because he's Dr. Mario. Hard to believe, but there's ways to make even Mario's medical persona distinct as well and not have to resort to making **** up like "Super Sheet" just to keep him like Mario.)


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
My responses = Red
Your responses = White

I think I'm gonna end this "debate" here. Imma go sleep.

"Don't be douchey. I'm simply being realistic."

"Read your own damn posts"

The hipocrasy, it burns.

"Don't act like I'm being a narcissist"

I don't have to try very hard to do that.

Especially when you say:

"And real mature there... How old are you exactly?"
Telling me
"You can't deny it."
and actually justifying your opinions with
"unbroken trend."
while trying to make it seem like I'm the only one who thinks the way I do with
"You want to ask people here? They'll tell you the same."

Who the hell do you think you are?
-Chrom can be unique
-Lucina can be unique
-Chrom and Lucina can be a team
-Unique newcomers are better additions than clone newcomers
-Unique newcomers add more to the game
-Fans have made movesets that have mad Chrom and Lucina unique together and separate
-Developers are more qualified than fans, and know what they're doing... more so than fans
-Sakurai has given many characters moves they don't possess
-No pattern in a previous game can justify anything in this game, as any pattern can be followed as easily as it can be broken
-4/5 newcomers so far have added a new, unique gimmick to the series not in a previous game
-Chrom is more requested than Roy, and is more popular even though Roy was in Melee. Roy was a full clone in Melee, and wasn't the original one chosen
-When people talk about who should return from Melee, more often than not, they'll only choose Mewtwo
-There are multiple FE characters that could be included as clones
-Awakening did much more for the series than Binding Blade, and is the most recent game
-If you care about patterns so much: FE had characters in Melee and Brawl, in Melee they added the upcoming new FE lord + Marth and almost added the lord from the game before the newest lord, in Brawl they added the newest lord from 2 games + Marth, the most recent lord is Chrom, and Marth has already returned. If patterns justify whatever you want to happen, then I guess I can use this to justify the final FE roster being Marth, Chrom... with Ike being considered/almost added. And nobody else. Sounds like crap to me, but if "patterns" mean everything, that's what will happen. And since Ike was more unique than Roy, Chrom will be even more separate than Marth, and then in SSB5 the newest lord can be added with an even more unique moveset, and Marth can return, and Chrom can be almost added but dropped due to time/choosing this new guy.
Thankfully, this scenario won't happen. Ike won't get cut, and I doubt we'll see a boring trio of Marth, Ike, Roy or Marth, Ike, Chrom when there are plenty of unique characters to choose from.Many patterns have been destroyed already. Like updating designs... many take their designs fro Brawl like Fox and Link. Every game so far has looked more and more realistic, this is more cartoonish. Pattern broken. Simple as that. Toon Link returned. 2nd Link pattern continued. Simple as that. It is just as easy to break a pattern, as it is to continue one. So patterns can't be used to justify anything, neither side, as both are viable unless looked at specifically to see what's actually being requested. You can justify likelihood based on simply... what you think the likelihood of _____ is. There's no evidence.
Remember, Sakurai even almost didn't add Ness in Melee and Jigglypuff in Brawl, the original 12 is the most prominent character tradition of the series and was almost not one at all.

......Pretty sure I've already implied that Luigi was very similar to Mario when I kept mentioning that Daisy being different from Peach in comparison to him.

First, look at what Peach has in Smash.
Toad Shield: Daisy does not have Toad servants.
Peach Bomber: ....ok, she can copy this and still make sense.
Parasol: Other than Mario Party 3 (which every playable character uses one for a mini-game), Daisy doesn't use a parasol. Let alone as a weapon like Peach did in Super Mario RPG.
Vegetable: Daisy wasn't in Super Mario Bros. 2/USA, and in their very limited appearances, they were never in games Daisy was in.
Peach Blossom: Considering this is part Super Mario RPG reference part name pun, this would not work for Daisy.

Daisy by default (unless Ganondorf-esque logic comes in) would have to be different. Even if it means a huge chunk of the moves are like Luigi's Green Missile, in that they come out of freaking nowhere.

Throughout the Mario series, Daisy has been shown with the ability to manipulate flower petals in a similar to, but less extreme manner as Byakuya from Bleach (though his are specifically cherry blossoms). It isn't really that difficult to come up with a moveset that revolves around that, and that's not including the crystal power from Strikers Charged nor factoring in her normal attacks being less "girly" than Peach to reflect her tomboyish and more violent nature.

That being said, I wouldn't want Daisy in Smash. However, for the purpose of argumentation, Daisy is like Rosalina in that despite similarities to Peach, they have (or had in Rosalina's case) means of being special. Yet, due to their similarities, it was reasonable to believe they could just be clones/semi-clones, even if Ganondorf logic has to apply. (But then again, look at Dr. Mario. The only reason why he's a clone is because he's Dr. Mario. Hard to believe, but there's ways to make even Mario's medical persona distinct as well and not have to resort to making **** up like "Super Sheet" just to keep him like Mario.)
If Daisy's ever added as a playable character and she's a clone. I'll get what you mean. But until then, Daisy being able to be unique, and Rosalina being able to be unique, doesn't really support the assumption they'd be clones. Daisy is more similar to Peach, but would not be a clone if added... I don't think their rushing this one and last minute clones aren't the way to go. I don't think Sakurai will purposely add any clone newcomers unless rushed... and they have time...

EDIT: Double post :c
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Deleted member

.....it's like what I had said went right over your head. Not trying to be rude, but I'm not talking about adding her now.
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Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
Obviously the best Pokemon rep is Wes.

I actually have some ideas that are floating around for a playable Wes (alas it'll never happen... ah well, it's still fun coming up with ideas, no?).

I'm not sure if I'd like a duo Umbreon & Espeon tag team, or that + Wes somehow joining in the fight more. (What, Colosseum is noted to be more darker than other Pokemon series, and there's some cases of physical violence that happened. Heck, Wes could even use bombs to attack and throw Snag Balls at people lol jk.)

Anyway, the reasons why I chose Umbreon and Espeon is that they're pretty memorable Pokemon in the game, being the starters and all. It's also stated that those Eeveelutions have been Wes' companions for a long time, so he must have a strong bond with them. I also personally like those Pokemon overall, though as long as Wes is different than PT, I'm fine with anything.

Too bad Game Freak doesn't seem to care about Pokemon games other than the mainline ones. Orre is one of my fave regions, and one of the most interesting in terms of the of the environment and atmosphere imo (dat desert punk feel, yo!). I'd be nice to see that region revisited one day, whether that'd be Genius Sonority or somebody else developing the game.

Trivia: Orre is inspired by Phoenix, Arizona, as stated in an interview.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
.....it's like what I had said went right over your head.
Not really, you didn't connect you're post to your original thought.
-Daisy could be mostly unique
-Daisy and Rosalina are equally dissimilar from Peach
-It was OK to assume Rosalina was going to be a clone of Peach
Irrelevant to Rosalina:
-Daisy is more unique from Peach than Luigi is to Mario in Mario games

If anything, you're arguing against your original point...


Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I actually have some ideas that are floating around for a playable Wes (alas it'll never happen... ah well, it's still fun coming up with ideas, no?).

I'm not sure if I'd like a duo Umbreon & Espeon tag team, or that + Wes somehow joining in the fight more. (What, Colosseum is noted to be more darker than other Pokemon series, and there's some cases of physical violence that happened. Heck, Wes could even use bombs to attack and throw Snag Balls at people lol jk.)

Anyway, the reasons why I chose Umbreon and Espeon is that they're pretty memorable Pokemon in the game, being the starters and all. It's also stated that those Eeveelutions have been Wes' companions for a long time, so he must have a strong bond with them. I also personally like those Pokemon overall, though as long as Wes is different than PT, I'm fine with anything.

Too bad Game Freak doesn't seem to care about Pokemon games other than the mainline ones. Orre is one of my fave regions, and one of the most interesting in terms of the of the environment and atmosphere imo (dat desert punk feel, yo!). I'd be nice to see that region revisited one day, whether that'd be Genius Sonority or somebody else developing the game.

Trivia: Orre is inspired by Phoenix, Arizona, as stated in an interview.
I like the idea of Wes fighting himself and his Espeon and and Umbreon support him, for instance his recover could be Espeon teleporting him.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Trivia: Orre is inspired by Phoenix, Arizona, as stated in an interview.
Wait a minute......

Pokémon is a Nintendo series that is represented in Smash.

One Pokemon game featured the Orre Region.

The Orre Region was based on Pheonix, Arizona.


Pheonix Wright confirmed for Smash!

EDIT: I seriously like the idea of Wes, though Id prefer the guy from XD, just because I played XD and not Colosseum. But that's just bias.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Wait a minute......

Pokémon is a Nintendo series that is represented in Smash.

One Pokemon game featured the Orre Region.

The Orre Region was based on Pheonix, Arizona.


Pheonix Wright confirmed for Smash!

EDIT: I seriously like the idea of Wes, though Id prefer the guy from XD, just because I played XD and not Colosseum. But that's just bias.
A copy of Half Life 3 confirmed for SSB4.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
so we are talking about pokemon characters that are unlikely to be in smash huh well how about Misty as a pokemon trainer that's as unlikely as it gets


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Chrom? I think the character has enough merits on his own to be playable in SSB4, and enough going for him to not be a blatant clone of Marth.

As far as the "duo" idea goes, Chrom is his own character, and Lucina is her own character. They aren't dependent on each other like Trainer and his Pokemon, Olimar and Pikmin, Rosalina and Luma, the Ice Climbers, and Kat and Ana. This was my same sentiment about Diddy and Dixie being a duo; they have enough on their own.

Unlikely Pokemon? Sceptile. Hawlucha. Pangoro.

After Mewtwo, the Pokemon I'd really like to see in SSB the most is Meowth.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
As far as Chrom goes, I'd be happy with him. Awakening was the first Fire Emblem game I really liked. He seemed to be a fitting replacement for Ike, but now it seems like everyone will be returning, if that's the case I'm fine with both Ike and Chrom being in the game. What's weird is three blue-haired swordsmen, from a series with a very diverse cast of characters.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I'd like to see someone from awakening, if my signature didn't make that apparent, I could live with any of them. Though at the idea of none of them doesn't really bother me either at the same time, probably because the fire emblem debate has become so heated that I just kind of stay away from it outside of a general sense or talking about the character outside of the context of smash.
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
We using first names or something now? I don't understand.
An idea roster is not a prediction roster.
I remember it being something else entirely, but I'll let it slide...
Too late! The world knows it! :troll:
Please tell me you're joking. Because it does just the EXACT opposite of that. Which would be succeeding incredibly.
Uh, are you suggesting that Lucina's design is very similar to Marth's Shadow Dragon design to the point where you would mistake one for the other? I highly doubt anyone would with prior knowledge to who Marth actually is.
Why? Because a character is "Too something" it's automatically bigotry?
I was moreso referring to people mentioning Ridley's iconic Super Metroid design and talking about how awkward that would look resized, while ignoring the perfectly functional Other M design. 'Cept I was imagining you keeping the Awakening designs in mind, without remembering that Smash For's design has little similarities to Awakening's design.
Lucas is pretty visually different from Lucas. Guess he can't be a semi-clone.
Lucas is Lucas. Totally should be semi-clone, I don't see your problem here.
I never said Lucina won't or can't be a Semi-Clone, that would be a plausible situation for her. But the potential is there and that is the point I am trying to get through.

So what? She shares the same role as a character regardless of what her role plot wise is. She's a caped swordsman.
As was Roy, Leif, Ike, Chrom, and any other future Fire Emblem lord. What sets her apart is the wide variety of classes she can utilize. Something unique to her, which is something I believe Lords of previous games can't live up to.
Ike's sword is heavier and not structured remotely like Marth's. It can't perform all the same actions like Lucina's can. Once Again, stop playing stupid.
You suggested that being a caped swordsman = clone material.
Does Ike have a cape? Yes. Does he use a sword? Yes.

Besides, utilizing a similar blade does not mean you're doomed to do the exact same attacks motions as another. Marth has his own style of swordplay as does Ike. Lucina, Robin, Chrom, etc. would be no different if they were going for unique character. It doesn't matter if the sword is the same by name, you don't need to use it like your ancestor before you.
Marth couldn't use Aether with the Falchion, but both Chrom and Lucina can. Her abilities should not be limited to just being Marth's just because she utilizes the same weapon.

Once again, Lucas has several different PSI abilities. Because Sakurai doesn't care what PSI abilities he gives him. He WANTED them to be ones that are similar to Ness.
So I looked it up and discovered they both do have some different PSI, but I'm not sure how it's relevant. So he wanted Lucas to be similar to Ness, okay. What if he wants to make Lucina similar to Marth? Or what if he doesn't want to make Lucina similar to Marth?
I mean the point you're making with that seems circumstantial with the concept that Sakurai will do what he did last time, which may not be the case since he's interested in a "Change of Direction" and all...

Leif's got magic
Which apparently wasn't enough to make him different from Marth as a clone. You know who else could use magic, Lucina!
Lucas has new PSI
Nothing damage-wise sure, but a defensive Lucas would have been interesting.
Toon Link has several different items
Toon Link being a clone actually makes sense since he's, you know, Link.
So do lots of clones. But, that's just how it works.
The only character that shouldn't have started off clone-like is Lucas.
The other ones are understandable (at least when you consider that they were initially added to BE a clone).
Wolf doesn't have enough material to really be that distinct, but I still think he's distinct enough. Only character out of the existing clone-y ones that needs to be changed is Ganondorf. Everyone else is pretty much fine (except star fox characters need different final smashes plox).

If they do add Lucina, I highly doubt it'll because they need a Marth clone. Only character I could see being added so they can be a clone is Black Shadow because Japan wants the guy and he's the best candidate to adopted Falcondorf's moveset.

Potential to not be a clone sure. But, when you go around saying that's enough basis to say she'll be a unique character. THEN you don't know what you're talking about.
Said it before and I'll say it again. I never said she won't or couldn't be semi-clone material. But I completely doubt the fact that they would add her to just make her a clone. Makes no sense, especially with the types of newcomers we're getting in this game.
Because if that were true then Lucas wouldn't share moves with Ness. It's the mere fact that Lucina is BASED on Marth that it wouldn't' be plausible to assume Sakurai would want her NOT to share moves with him if she can. And not only CAN she, but she can EXACTLY the same way Marth can.
She could, like Lucas could.
Of course the difference being that this is not Brawl and that this is not Melee. All of the newcomers revealed thus far are pretty different from previous fighters in one way or another. So I'm expecting little to absolutely no clone-like additions.

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