"Sakurai likes to represent big franchises as a whole and not just add characters from only a part of the franchise" Where does this come from? Because taking a quick look to SSB rooster we can find exactly that, franchises being represented only partially, like many series that only have protagonists and not antagonist, Fire Emblem that is a series that includes much variety in characters, yet we only get swordsmen of it. In fact YOUR OWN POST proof that this argument is incorrect since it is clear and obvious that First Generation of Pokemon, Kanto region have priority and preference over the rest of the franchise.
By the way you forgot to mention Pichu representating the 2nd generation, hehe.
You can also consider that Pokemon is well represented in SSB, if SSB have mainly Kanto Pokemons is for a good reason and is that they are the most iconic in Nintendo history, yet the rest of Pokemon generations are not completly ignored they come in form of Pokeball and in part of Stages, you and others maybe think that is not enough but in my opinion is fair and acceptable.
"His fanbase is not as big as it used to be"
Where you find those informations, really, in a recent big poll (not official though) he was placed in 2nd place of a top 100 of favorite Pokemons only outclassed by Charizard, now think who are the Pokemon that have different Mega Evolutions, oh.
About Jigglypuff:
"Sakurai wants to have more newer generation representation."
Really, where you find those failure arguments? It is obvious that Sakurai is biased to 1st generation.
And also, for some reason Jigglypuff have become a no-dispensable part of SSB, it was in 64, it returned in Melee and Mewtwo was the one cutted in brawl, not Jigglypuff, at this point it is a safe assumption that Sakurai wants Jigglypuff to stay in SSB for some reason.
We also have Rayquaza as a boss in Brawl, that is really popular too, but like Ridley he was a too big to be playable (

To begin with Pokemon Trainer is in therms of representation of Pokemon a great character, it basically represents all this:
*The starters, specifically the starters of Kanto which are the most emblematic.
*The trio of elements that are connected to the starters, Grass, Fire and Water.
*Different states of Evolution, squirtle being in the base, Ivysaur being the first evolution and Charizard being the final form (if you dont count mega evolutions now).
*It represents Charizard that is one of the most popular, if not the most Pokemon.
*It represents Red that is most emblematic Pokemon Trainer.
So basically why should be he cutted?
I mean he is RED, in Pokemon he is the equivalent to Link, Samus, Donkey Kong, Mario, Kirby, Marth, Pit, Olimar, Ness, Fox... It is the main character in the first Pokemon game, Ok in other games he is not playable but thats something that Pokemon shares with other series, like for example Fire Emblem although Marth is not the Main protagonist of all Fire Emblem games, most of the people would reconigze him as the main Fire Emblem character. Same goes with Pokemon and he also have appearances in other games like Gold, Silver and remakes of those in where he is the final boss and is threated in the game as a legend.
Is one of the most important and less dispensable Nintendo characters.
And i dont really understand why people thinks that he is like a dead weight to Charizard instead of the perfect team they actually are, It is the character who represents better Pokemon as it is than the rest of the characters.
Golden Sun caused a considerable impact in the past, and is one of those games, that when you are fan of it, you never forget it.
You did two of the things that i really hate:
*Writing incorrectly Isaac
*Defining Isaac in a single line as an user of Earth Magic, yes, is real that he is a Venus Adept (Earth) but saying only that of him is a poor description of the character.
Good, to this there are two things that can be added to the list, the assistance of Magical creatures in battle, djinn and Summons of Gods that could devastate the Stage if anything most likely to be used as a Final Smash.
I-S-A-A-C repeat with me, Isaac. Much better explanation of the Isaac potential now, but is not completed.
As well as im concerned at the moment X is not confirmed to be part of Xenoblade, until that happens chances of Shulk are not related to X.
Xenoblade superior to Golden Sun? Debatable, to begin with although both are RPGs, one is a Turn-Based RPG designed to be reminiscent of old and classic NES games the other is an Action RPG of new generation. Comparing those games is hard. Xenoblade popularity seems to be higher at the moment for being something recent in contrast to Golden Sun. With some years Xenoblade could be in the same situation of Golden Sun.
Now if we talk about Shulk powers, other than seeing the future (and this is something that is unlikely going to be used except for Final smash if Shulk is in the game) and causing different damage or effect depending on the place you attack your oponent, there is not much that he can does that Isaac cant does. In other Hand we have plenty of things that Isaac can does that Shulk dont.
People thinks that Ridley, Mewtwo, King K. Rool, Little Mac and Palutena are Guaranteed characters, but im going to do a weird bet, only two or three of those characters are going to be playable.