Ashley - Lightweight, speedy fighter with many potential devastating magical attacks. Her magic wand, which is actually her companion Red, transforms into a wide variety of things for different attacks.
Note: Ashley's got a hover, similar to Peach, where she rides her broom.
- Neutral
- Nasty Potion: Ashley brews a potion in a cauldron that can then be thrown at enemies for damage and harmful side effects. Select the ingredients by pressing B (represented by an evil thought bubble from Ashley). The effect lasts for five seconds. The possible final potions, and their side effects, include:
1. Pepper Potion (Red): Increases the victim's speed while setting them on fire and rapidly dealing damage.
2. Sap of Life (Green): Gradually heals the victim while limiting their jump and their speed.
3. Bubble Brew (Blue): Drastically reduces the weight and launch resistance of the victim, while increasing their jump height.
4. Conductive Concoction (Yellow): Makes the victim magnetic, causing projectiles to gravitate towards them, as well as making them automatically pick up items.
5. Noxious Nightmare (Purple): A failed brew that instead of giving effects to the victim, explodes with violent force and high knockback.
In addition to the listed side effects, occasionally Ashley may mess up the ingredients for any potions, which can cause effects such as shrinking or enlarging the enemy, turning them invisible, and planting a flower on their head.
- Side
- Dark Cloud: Ashley tosses a dark, fast fireball that grows in size and power as it travels. It defies gravity similar to Luigi's Fireball. The longer she charges it, the faster it travels and, consequently, the faster it grows.
Also, the sound the fireball makes is the same as the Magic Wand from the original
Legend of Zelda.
- Up
- Broom Rocket: Ashley's staff turns into a broom which she rides spiraling into the air. It can charged for more distance. Also acts as a multi-hitting attack.
- Down
- Get 'Em Red: Ashley's staff turns back into Red, who Ashley uses as a shield. If Red is attacked he will counter with a stab from his trident before turning back into the staff.
- Final Smash: Monster Flower: Ashley uses a powerful spell to turn a potted plant into a gigantic, uncontrollable plant monster that breaths fire onto enemies and attacks with its vines. After a few moments, the unstable beast withers away.
Standard Moves:
Jab: Ashley stabs with her staff (Red) then waves it around in a circle for it, finishing by creating a small flame on the floor.
F-tilt: Ashley turns her staff into a broom and slams it on the ground.
U-tilt: Ashley waves the wand in the air above her, generating a small flame from it. Similar to Villager's up-tilt.
D-tilt: Ashley strikes the staff to the ground, creating an electrical spark.
F-smash: Ashley turns the end of her staff into a huge scythe, which she chops in a huge vertical arc.
U-Smash: Ashley turns the end of her staff into a venus flytrap, which she hoists upward as it snaps closed.
D-Smash: Ashley turns her staff into a candelabra which she stabs into the ground to create flame pillars on both sides of her.
Dash attack: Ashley turns the end of her staff into a trident which she charges forward with before thrusting it forward.
N-air: Ashley's hair turns white and spikes in both directions, her eyes glow red, as she sends out electrical sparks around her. Hits multiple times.
F-air: Ashley swipes in a horizontal arc with her broom.
B-air: Ashley swings Red by the tail behind her.
U-air: Ashley's projects an evil skull from the end of her staff. Has electrical properties.
D-air: Ashley's turns the end of her staff into a trident and stabs downward. Similar to Greninja's down air, but is floatier.
Throws/Misc. Attacks:
Pummel: Ashley's bashes the enemy with her staff.
F-Throw: Ashley tosses the enemy in front of her, then creates a storm cloud above them with her staff that shocks them with lightning.
B-Throw: Ashley spins the enemy around her once then blasts them behind her with magic.
U-Throw: Ashley tosses the enemy upwards then shocks them with an evil glare.
D-Throw: Ashley slams the enemy into the ground.
Get-up attack: Ashley sweeps with her staff.
Edge attack/100%: Ashley thrusts with her staff.
Taunt 1: Ashley's eyes glow red and her hair turns white. She levitates for a moment before returning to normal and falling.
Taunt 2: Ashley twirls her staff a bit and tosses it into the air before catching. A simple baton act.
Taunt 3: Ashley waves her staff forward, saying, "I don't play nice!"
Victory 1: Red returns to his normal form and does a victory dance, as Ashley glares at him, embarrassed.
Victory 2: Ashley rides in on her broom, spins-out and then stops.
Victory 3: Ashley rides in on her broom, but she falls as it reverts back to Red. She then looks to him in frustration and Red scratches the back of his head.
Moveset blueprint collaboration between KenithTheGatherer and Burruni.