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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
@ Wintropy Wintropy , @ Burruni Burruni
Balloon Fighter
Has excellent aerial mobility, I mean Jigs level, with wall of pain capabilities. Very light, poor ground game.

Notes: Has 5 jumps, and a flipper on his belt that he uses for some attacks.

Neutral Special: Blow Up/Pop Down: The center of Balloon Fighter's main mechanic, this move allows him too switch between having 1 and 2 balloons. If he currently has 1, he blows up a second, if he has 2 he pops 1. Having 1 balloon cause BF to lose aerial mobility, though even with one balloon his aerial movement is very high by the rest of the cast's standards. However, he also becomes heavier and more difficult to KO.

Side Special: Slow Zap: Referencing the lightning clouds in Balloon Fight, he rubs his balloon(s) against the back of his head and shoots a small lightning spark out of his hands. It moves slowly horizontally, like in the original game.

Up Special: Overinflate: BF gradually feeds more helium into his balloons, causing him to rise until the balloons can't take it anymore and pop. He gets new balloons when he hits the ground.

Down Special: Exploding Balloon: BF blows a balloon, ties it, and lets it go where he is. The balloon has a picture of an explosion on it for good reason, it will explode on contact with an opponent or projectile. It remains stationary, moving neither up or down. BF can't have more than 3 out at once.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
@ Wintropy Wintropy , @ Burruni Burruni
Balloon Fighter
Has excellent aerial mobility, I mean Jigs level, with wall of pain capabilities. Very light, poor ground game.

Notes: Has 5 jumps, and a flipper on his belt that he uses for some attacks.

Neutral Special: Blow Up/Pop Down: The center of Balloon Fighter's main mechanic, this move allows him too switch between having 1 and 2 balloons. If he currently has 1, he blows up a second, if he has 2 he pops 1. Having 1 balloon cause BF to lose aerial mobility, though even with one balloon his aerial movement is very high by the rest of the cast's standards. However, he also becomes heavier and more difficult to KO.

Side Special: Slow Zap: Referencing the lightning clouds in Balloon Fight, he rubs his balloon(s) against the back of his head and shoots a small lightning spark out of his hands. It moves slowly horizontally, like in the original game.

Up Special: Overinflate: BF gradually feeds more helium into his balloons, causing him to rise until the balloons can't take it anymore and pop. He gets new balloons when he hits the ground.

Down Special: Exploding Balloon: BF blows a balloon, ties it, and lets it go where he is. The balloon has a picture of an explosion on it for good reason, it will explode on contact with an opponent or projectile. It remains stationary, moving neither up or down. BF can't have more than 3 out at once.
I like this. The balloon switch mechanic is a nice touch.

Personally I was hoping that the catfish would appear somewhere, but this is very clever~


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Are there any popular ghost characters that would fit nicely in Smash?


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
Are there any popular ghost characters that would fit nicely in Smash?
Only ones I can think of would be King Boo and John Raimi. Neither of which are very popular.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Expected the collaboration Ashley moveset? Well KtG's went to sleep. So ....

As a notorious character listed often as "Defensive" and "Technique/Skillful" he's a bit unorthodox in his fighting with of course a fair number of similarities to his partner in crime. :4wario2:

Height: Appears to be a bit taller than :rosalina:.
Weight: "82" (Equal to :4falco: and :4littlemac:)
Ground Speed: 1.5 (Equal to :4wario2::4luigi::4kirby::4myfriends:)
Air Speed: 1.15 (Equal to :4mario::4dk::4mewtwo::4sonic:)

Jab Combo: One-two punch and a headbutt.
Dash Attack: Leaps into a combat roll (:snake:'s old dash attack)

Ledge Attack: Swings legs-first onto the stage.
Get-Up Attack: Breakdance spin onto his feet akin to :4mario:/:4luigi: D-Smash (Mario DDR callback, in which game he was the first boss).

U-Tilt: Waluigi swings overhead with a short whip-like thorned vine (from the Wall-Luigi super move in Strikers Charged)
F-Tilt: Waluigi deals a surprisingly strong punch! (Game & Watch Gallery 4, in which he was the hardest fight in Boxing)
D-Tilt: Waluigi extends out his leg from a crouched position. Has a 100% trip rate at the foot at full extension like the dirty cheater he is. (:4ganondorf:)

U-Smash: Waluigi delivers an overhead swing with his tennis racket.
F-Smash: :4peach:'s. But instead of a Frying Pan, his third weapon is a Hockey stick.
D-Smash: Waluigi stomps in fury, burying foes beside him (a nod to his Assist Trophy role)

U-Air: Breast stroke in the air to reach higher up in a headbutt to the enemy.
F-Air: Kicks forward with an inflated foot.
N-Air: Waluigi tucks in as his four-claw pack juts out in the diagonal directions (see below for more details)
B-Air: Drop-kick! (:4bowser:)
D-Air: :4sonic:'s dropping kick, as a two foot drop (reference to some of the Super Strikes from the Strikers games)

Grab & Pummel: Waluigi pulls out a potted Piranha Plant which lunges out to bite a target, chomping to deal extra damage (and usable as a tether recovery).

U-Throw: The plant spits out the opponent overhead before spitting out a massive coin that does the main launch.
F-Throw: Waluigi punts the opponent out of the plant's grasp.
B-Throw: Traditional "Spin-around-and-chuck-foe-behind-you" throw.
D-Throw: Waluigi pins his opponent under his foot as the plant spews out a flame onto the opponent (:4charizard:/:4ness:)

B: Quad-Grapple! - Waluigi uses his Doc-Oct ripoff pack (in Mario Sports mix, see http://themushroomkingdom.net/images/ss/msm/042.jpg here) as a command grab like :4wario2:'s chomp. Latches onto opponents and wrings them for some extra damage.

Side B:Liar Ball - Waluigi has a small wind up before pitching two Liar Balls (taken from the Baseball games, basically are purple metalic orbs with silver circles on the sides). One goes straight horizontal and the other in an arc that both end at the same point (around 3/4 distance of Battlefield) and will cancel upon hitting any platform, object, or character. One is a simple baseball which has the same properties of :4villager: f/b-air and the other is a Whiskered Eggplant (Waluigi's special item of the games) which explodes in a purple gas (akin to :4megaman: Crash Bomber) with the real or fake one being dependant on if the input is hard or light pressed (akin to :4samus:'s super missile) with the straight shot being the harder press.

Up B: Whirluigi - Equipped with a Tennis racket, Waluigi spins around to propell through the air, reflecting projectiles and doing minor damage in multiple hits if at a close range. Starts straight up but can be significantly curved (less offensive version of :4wario2:'s).

Down B: Waluigi time! A classic Mario Party dice block appears overhead and rolls. After 2 seconds or when activated again, Waluigi will have his "roll" which has a corresponding effect to the number. Has a 10 second internal cooldown (indicated by a slight flash over Waluigi, as :4wario2:receives on his bike being restored).

1 - Waluigi takes 5% damage
2 - Nothing.
3 - Spawns a Green Shell (referencing Mario Kart)
4 - Waluigi has 25% increased speed for 5 seconds.
5 - Spawns a Banana Peel (referencing Mario Kart)
6 - Waluigi deals 25% more damage and knockback for 5 seconds.
7 - Waluigi recovers 7%
8 - Spawns a Bob-Omb (referencing Mario Kart).
9 - Waluigi has 25% increased speed, damage, and knockback for 10 seconds.
10 - For 5 seconds, Waluigi is invincible.

Entrance: Rides in on... http://www.ausgamers.com/gameres/5485/images/695/wario_waluigi.jpg his special Crane kart from one of the Mario Kart games, which references how various parts of his origins got based from and retroactively added to Foreman Spike of Wrecking Crew. Also likely where the Eggplant ties to Waluigi came from.

Taunt 1: Waluigi pulls a rose out of nowhere, giving it a small whiff before tossing it.
Taunt 2: Waluigi triumphantly tugs on his moustache.
Taunt 3: From his debut, THE EVIL EYES! http://www.mariowiki.com/images/c/c0/Eviluig.PNG

Victory 1: A wrecking crew styled wall crumbles down to reveal Waluigi standing triumphantly. As stated before, the game is part of his roots technically.
Victory 2: His glorious victory dance http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/754/059/0ec.gif
Victory 3: How could I not put it in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6CLfZl0m88

Losing: Waluigi has his back turned to the camera, leering with envy over his shoulder.

Opinions? Suggestions? Concerns?
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Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Expected the collaboration Ashley moveset? Well KtG's went to sleep. So ....

As a notorious character listed often as "Defensive" and "Technique/Skillful" he's a bit unorthodox in his fighting with of course a fair number of similarities to his partner in crime. :4wario2:

Height: Appears to be a bit taller than :rosalina:.
Weight: "82" (Equal to :4falco: and :4littlemac:)
Ground Speed: 1.5 (Equal to :4wario2::4luigi::4kirby::4myfriends:)
Air Speed: 1.15 (Equal to :4mario::4dk::4mewtwo::4sonic:)

Jab Combo: One-two punch and a headbutt.
Dash Attack: Leaps into a combat roll (:snake:'s old dash attack)

Ledge Attack: Swings legs-first onto the stage.
Get-Up Attack: Breakdance spin onto his feet akin to :4mario:/:4luigi: D-Smash (Mario DDR callback, in which game he was the first boss).

U-Tilt: Waluigi swings overhead with a short whip-like thorned vine (from the Wall-Luigi super move in Strikers Charged)
F-Tilt: Waluigi deals a surprisingly strong punch! (Game & Watch Gallery 4, in which he was the hardest fight in Boxing)
D-Tilt: Waluigi extends out his leg from a crouched position. Has a 100% trip rate at the foot at full extension like the dirty cheater he is. (:4ganondorf:)

U-Smash: Waluigi
F-Smash: :4peach:'s. But instead of a Frying Pan, his third weapon is a Hockey stick.
D-Smash: Waluigi stomps in fury, burying foes beside him (a nod to his Assist Trophy role)

U-Air: Breast stroke in the air to reach higher up in a headbutt to the enemy.
F-Air: Kicks forward with an inflated foot.
N-Air: Waluigi tucks in as his four-claw pack juts out in the diagonal directions (see below for more details)
B-Air: Drop-kick! (:4bowser:)
D-Air: :4sonic:'s dropping kick, as a two foot drop (reference to some of the Super Strikes from the Strikers games)

Grab & Pummel: Waluigi pulls out a potted Piranha Plant which lunges out to bite a target, chomping to deal extra damage (and usable as a tether recovery).

U-Throw: The plant spits out the opponent overhead before spitting out a massive coin that does the main launch.
F-Throw: Waluigi punts the opponent out of the plant's grasp.
B-Throw: Traditional "Spin-around-and-chuck-foe-behind-you" throw.
D-Throw: Waluigi pins his opponent under his foot as the plant spews out a flame onto the opponent (:4charizard:/:4ness:)

B: Quad-Grapple! - Waluigi uses his Doc-Oct ripoff pack (in Mario Sports mix, see http://themushroomkingdom.net/images/ss/msm/042.jpg here) as a command grab like :4wario2:'s chomp. Latches onto opponents and wrings them for some extra damage.

Side B:Liar Ball - Waluigi has a small wind up before pitching two Liar Balls (taken from the Baseball games, basically are purple metalic orbs with silver circles on the sides). One goes straight horizontal and the other in an arc that both end at the same point (around 3/4 distance of Battlefield) and will cancel upon hitting any platform, object, or character. One is a simple baseball which has the same properties of :4villager: f/b-air and the other is a Whiskered Eggplant (Waluigi's special item of the games) which explodes in a purple gas (akin to :4megaman: Crash Bomber) with the real or fake one being dependant on if the input is hard or light pressed (akin to :4samus:'s super missile) with the straight shot being the harder press.

Up B: Whirluigi - Equipped with a Tennis racket, Waluigi spins around to propell through the air, reflecting projectiles and doing minor damage in multiple hits if at a close range. Starts straight up but can be significantly curved (less offensive version of :4wario2:'s).

Down B: Waluigi time! A classic Mario Party dice block appears overhead and rolls. After 2 seconds or when activated again, Waluigi will have his "roll" which has a corresponding effect to the number. Has a 10 second internal cooldown (indicated by a slight flash over Waluigi, as :4wario2:receives on his bike being restored).

1 - Waluigi takes 5% damage
2 - Nothing.
3 - Spawns a Green Shell (referencing Mario Kart)
4 - Waluigi has 25% increased speed for 5 seconds.
5 - Spawns a Banana Peel (referencing Mario Kart)
6 - Waluigi deals 25% more damage and knockback for 5 seconds.
7 - Waluigi recovers 7%
8 - Spawns a Bob-Omb (referencing Mario Kart).
9 - Waluigi has 25% increased speed, damage, and knockback for 10 seconds.
10 - For 5 seconds, Waluigi is invincible.

Entrance: Rides in on... http://www.ausgamers.com/gameres/5485/images/695/wario_waluigi.jpg his special Crane kart from one of the Mario Kart games, which references how various parts of his origins got based from and retroactively added to Foreman Spike of Wrecking Crew. Also likely where the Eggplant ties to Waluigi came from.

Taunt 1: Waluigi pulls a rose out of nowhere, giving it a small whiff before tossing it.
Taunt 2: Waluigi triumphantly tugs on his moustache.
Taunt 3: From his debut, THE EVIL EYES! http://www.mariowiki.com/images/c/c0/Eviluig.PNG

Victory 1: A wrecking crew styled wall crumbles down to reveal Waluigi standing triumphantly. As stated before, the game is part of his roots technically.
Victory 2: His glorious victory dance http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/754/059/0ec.gif
Victory 3: How could I not put it in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6CLfZl0m88

Losing: Waluigi has his back turned to the camera, leering with envy over his shoulder.

Opinions? Suggestions? Concerns?
I like how his Up Smash just says Waluigi. So, being Waluigi just harms everyone around him or something? Reminds me of that Where is Waluigi from Brawl in the Family...i miss BitF...

Good moveset anyway.
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Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
You know what would be magical for E-3?

Wolf, Roy, and Ryu all appearing. Man, to even see the sight of that...


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
You know what would be magical for E-3?

Wolf, Roy, and Ryu all appearing. Man, to even see the sight of that...
Ryu and Megaman doing uppercuts all day.

Also is Tecmo a thing? Would anyone like to see anyone from them in Smash?
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
You know what would be magical for E-3?

Wolf, Roy, and Ryu all appearing. Man, to even see the sight of that...

We'll seeing how :4megaman::4villager::4wiifit: we're at 2013 E3 then :4mii::4palutena::4pacman: we're 2014, 2015 is a no brainer.

3 characters revealing at once isn't impossible


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
You know what would be magical for E-3?

Wolf, Roy, and Ryu all appearing. Man, to even see the sight of that...
And imagine how magical it would be to have White Pit, Fabulous Pit and Dark Palutena (not Medusa, just Dark Palutena) announced...
...jokes aside, i can see that happening.

Still think its weird that their files came with the update even though it would take no effort to remove them.
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
And imagine how magical it would be to have White Pit, Fabulous Pit and Dark Palutena announced...
...jokes aside, i can see that happening.

Still think its weird that their files came with the update even though it would take no effort to remove them.
But they're already in the game.



Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
@ Wintropy Wintropy
Is the smallest character that would qualify as a "heavyweight", but lacks other heavyweight's sheer power and reach. Also has good grab range.

Neutral Special: Block Pull.
Mallo Pulls a block out of the background. The side of the block facing the screen bears a flat, static image of what that portion of the background looked like, but the sides have pushmo's classic green-yellow-pink color scheme. The Block is roughly 1.5 times Mallo's height (which is slightly shorter than mario), and is solid and can be stood on. Mallo can only have 1 out at a time, and the block can be destroyed by opponents, it has roughly 30% hp. Attacking the block causes it to slide.

Side Special: Sumo Rush.
Mallo runs forward with arms outstretched after substantial start up. This move is a command grab, if Mallo hits an opponent while running he continues his push, which damages the opponent. He ends with a toss that can be angled forward or up.
The moves most interesting property is that it can be used on Mallo's block as well as opponents. If he chooses the up throw he can throw the block up high enough to reach a battlefield platform.

Up special: Pillar Launch.
I'm pretty sure this violates physics but I can't think of anything else. Besides, all characters can double jump.
Mallo reaches into the space below him and pulls out a large pushmo pillar. He lets this pillar push against him and launch him into the air. The pillar can deal damage, but mallo can't.

Down Special: Stunning shockwave.
A Bowser/Yoshi esque move, but with a twist. Enemies near the landing site are biefly stunned, as if by ZSS.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I think I'll have a go with movesets. This one is for King Boo. He would be a light character that is relatively the size of Bowser.
Regular Attacks:
Neutral Attack: Licks the opponent, then licks the opponent repeatedly, and lastly flicks the opponent away with his tongue
Dash Attack: Dissapears, then licks behind him on reentry
Forward Tilt: Dissapears, then has a Tail Boo attack on reentry
Up Tilt: Lets his tongue flop about as he does a backflip (Similar to Mewtwo’s Up Tilt)
Down Tilt: Sweeps with his tongue.
Forward Smash: Has a Boo Guy drop a big mace ball in front of him while he disappears. King Boo will laugh at the opponent upon reentry, so this move is laggy. King Boo covers his eyes while charging this attack
Up Smash: Makes six Smolderin’ Stus appear over his head. A slot machine appears in front of him while you charge this attack
Down Smash: Disappears, then slams two Bomb Boo on reentry, making them explode. King Boo covers his eyes while charging this attack
Neutral Arial: Has Spirit Balls rotate around him
Forward Arial: Throws a Boo Ball at the opponent
Back Arial: Disappears, then attacks upon reentry. This turns King Boo around
Up Arial: Fires a laser from his crown
Down Arial: Thrusts his tongue downward
Grab: Grabs using a Boo Buddy Snake, in the air, a Big and Little Boo is used. This is a tether grab, long grab.
Special Attacks & Customs:
Neutral Special-Balloon Boo: Has a Balloon Boo inflate to a massive size, then blow the opponent away. If the Balloon Boo is hit, this deals damage to King Boo.
Custom 1-Wind Boo: The move acts more like Mario’s F.L.U.I.D.. Recoil is still possible
Custom 2-Gust Attack: No recoil, but has a very weak pushing affect, and has to be charged longer for the move to be of use.
Side Special-Broozer: Has a Broozer charge forward. This attack is multi-hit, and can KO at high percents, but it can only travel on the ground
Custom 1-Eerie: Has an Eerie go forward. This is a multi-hit, and is faster, and can float, but has no KO power
Custom 2-Black Boo: Has a Black Boo charge forward. This attack is more like Fox Illusion, except it doesn’t move King Boo
Up Special-Stretch: King Boo creates a Stretch under him. This refreshes his jumps, but there can only be one on the screen at a time, and it lasts a long time. Other fighters can use the platform, but the Stretch will attack everyone who is not the player who used the attack.
Custom 1-Stretch Trampoline: The move acts like a traditional recovery move
Custom 2-Stretch Attack: The Stretch damages other fighters on contact, but is less powerfull
Down Special-Boo Man Bluff: Summons a Boo Man Bluff. The Boo Man Bluff will attack the player making the most noise, even King Boo if he is noisy enough.
Custom 1-Judgement Boo: Boo Man Bluff will attack a random character, but moves faster
Custom 2-Attack Boo: Boo Man Bluff will attack everyone, but deals massive damage
Final Smash:
Final Smash-Tough Possessor: King Boo brings the target to the Paranormal Dimension, and the Tough Possessor stabs the trapped opponent. This is a cinematic.

Hmmm... I forgot to add throws. Oh well. My throws are usually lackluster anyways. Ideas are welcome though, If you think something should be tweaked slightly, I'm open to suggestions. I do have a question though. Do you think Eerie or Black Boo should be the default side special instead of Broozer, or should Broozer remain default? Let me know what you think. (With explanation please)

Deleted member

Thats not what exactly im saying. Still, he doesn't flies much despite it being better for dodging attacks and attacking. Not sure if he just gets tired after flying for too long since he actually can hower without using his wings for no reasons. When using wall scraping grab, he never flaps his wings. He moves them, sure, but they never act like wings. Maybe animators got lazy.
Maybe the animators didn't like Ridley. :troll:
I kid, I kid.

But it works.
That part about wings would be kinda ridicolous...Just wings that look small when folded would work better. About wings, im talking about something like his Brawl wings:
That way, they can have hurtboxes without becoming too much of a problem. And like in Other M, he can keep them folded unless he uses them. To make sure they are not static like Meta Ridley's disabled wings in Metroid Prime, they can move around like in Other M. Also, i would bend his wing "fingers" more if it would be possible, but i am limited by the model.
...you know, Ridley can get working design if Other M model would be used, with shorter arms and with Brawl Ridley's wings and tail (except this one should be slightly shorter).
But that's changing the model. We're right back to square one. I'm trying to think of ways to work around the issue Sakurai has with changing the pre-existing design.

I mean flying around using his telekinesis. Thats just the best name for it (and its similar too, except only on the ground). Its shorter than "flying around using his telekinesis".
No, the best name is levitation. And that's under the impression that Mewtwo fights like he's from DBZ.
He doesn't.

There was nothing that restricted him from flying. He just...didn't. You can spend as much as you want on last stage, but he will fly despite being more damaged than before.
So basically, reiterating my point.

He didn't care about restricting his flight despite it pretty much being a duel.
Galacta Knight:
-Strongest warrior in the universe
-Capable of infinite flight (and damn well uses it)

Whatever point you were trying to make here....doesn't work. There's no reason for Meta Knight to do anything but go all out.

That would be a better weight. Even if it would actually be weight, then he would still have lower weight than Bowser since that one is fat.
That's debatable, but this is something I'm not really willing to debate about, so let's agree to disagree here.

Im more talking about Brawl Bowser, who seems to be bigger than SSB4 Bowser or at least looks bigger.
I think Bowser may have gotten a little smaller to go with that new upright position and boost in speed.
But even so, the idea of Ridley being smaller than either Bowser within context of their appearances doesn't sit well with me.
Unless it can be verified that "slightly smaller than Brawl Bowser" = "slightly larger than SSB4 Bowser" within context of Smash 4.

How else should I put it.
You don't.
Otherwise you're just being thin-skinned because I was critical of your logic.

Thank you this is what I was looking for. Also so what has made Villager more plausible now than in the past? Nothing that's what. That being said, this might as well be saying that they will never be in the game. They even had to add some miscellaneous stuff to Villager to make him/her fit, was Villager ever in Balloon fight? no I mean there are balloons in the game but this is a stretch and Villager as far as I know has never boxed so I 'm not sure where that came from.
....now you're going into moveset. That's not what Sakurai was getting at.
Sakurai already had ideas on how Villager would fight (stated in a 2008 issue of Famitsu; site that had this information is gone though I saved the raw Japanese of it), he just felt Villager would be out of place as a fighter.
If you read the very first article I posted explaining Villager and WFT's additions, you would have seen that what made Villager "more plausible" (though not to the public until after his reveal) was prioritizing what he could potentially do over being "out of place".

Alright but i just feel that some sort of alternative could be reached. Also I'm not really getting why a distinction is being made between the two forms, aren't they the same being or am I missing something?
Some moves could probably be made less "Falcon" like a lot have done by Brawl. But the core of Ganondorf's style would probably stay the same.
It's the same being yes, but it's different states of that being. They reflect two completely different concepts.

Okay now if we're talking about the anime then that is partially correct.
However Pokemon in the Smash games seem to be half anime and half game and in terms of the game, well, flying is a big deal.
I said what I said because of the games.
Charizard has been portrayed fighting on the ground for each generation other than Gen 6, and that's because Gen 6 introduced Sky Battles and keeps Charizard in the air so it can participate in said battles.
Hell, it couldn't even learn "Fly" until Yellow, and it's only other Flying type attacks prior to being included in Smash are:
-Wing Attack (Introduced in Gen 2): A move where Charizard smacks the opponent with its wings.
-Aerial Ace (Introduced in Gen 3): A move where Charizard strikes the opponent from above that even Pokémon that can't fly such as Sceptile can learn.

Gen 4 was released after Charizard was already decided for Brawl, but it only added three moves: Air Slash, Roost, and Defog.

The only thing since then was Sky Drop as of Gen 5.
Only 7 Flying moves total.

-Kirby 64, irrelevant because that limiter of holding his breath has been written out of his character in every other installment after that game.
Did you completely miss my point about why Kirby has infinite flight in his games?

-Charizard can just fly when he wants to as well, is his beastial nature causing him to be polite even when he is meet with others in Smash that have the capability of achieving flight?
See, it's questions like this that make me critical of you.
Last time I took such a question seriously, it started a whole long winded debate I really don't want to be in. Now I'm going to do the smart thing and ignore this one.

-Charizard has taken flight as well when his opponents could not, as a means of tactile evasion. In the games, nothing is stopping you from using the move fly, and arguably Charizard takes flight in game when the situation calls for it without your input, because how else can you explain how flying pokemon can avoid ground attacks?
Because type balance logic.
Things like Earthquake or Magnitude being avoided due to flying makes sense.
Automatically immune to moves like Bone Club, Mud Shot, and Drill Run? Not so much. Makes about as much sense as Earthquake hurting Dustox or Chandelure despite never touching the ground just because they aren't Flying type or have Levitate.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
But they're already in the game.

I know Dark Pit came out with black clothes, black hair and all that mumbo jumbo, but Dark Palutena should be a inverted color-version of Palutena, besides skin and pupil color. We need more ladies with dark pink hair. So somebody...

Do a version of Palutena where all of her colors are inverted besides her skin, eye whites and pupils.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
But that's changing the model. We're right back to square one. I'm trying to think of ways to work around the issue Sakurai has with changing the pre-existing design.
Its not like ZSS you see in SSB4 is Other M ZSS. And using unchanged Other M Ridley is certainly bad idea because his wings are too long. Not too big. Just too long thanks to major difference in wing fingers. Using classic design wouldn't require such changes (just make him look like he does on his Zero Mission artwork or the manga - those versions have rather small wings that still aren't ridicolously small), but it doesn't fits Other M Samus well enough. Either way, SSB4 ZSS isn't 100% (or even 70%) Other M ZSS, so...
No, the best name is levitation. And that's under the impression that Mewtwo fights like he's from DBZ.
He doesn't.
Didn't Mew VS Mewtwo fight happened pretty much like a DBZ fight?
So basically, reiterating my point.
Either way, if he didn't fly for no reasons for most of the fight in both Other M and MP3, then why that can't be the case in SSB?
Galacta Knight:
-Strongest warrior in the universe
-Capable of infinite flight (and damn well uses it)

Whatever point you were trying to make here....doesn't work. There's no reason for Meta Knight to do anything but go all out.
And characters in SSB aren't any worse than that.
I think Bowser may have gotten a little smaller to go with that new upright position and boost in speed.
But even so, the idea of Ridley being smaller than either Bowser within context of their appearances doesn't sit well with me.
Unless it can be verified that "slightly smaller than Brawl Bowser" = "slightly larger than SSB4 Bowser" within context of Smash 4.
Last one. I usually think of SSBM, SSBB and PM Bowsers before SSB4 Bowser. Its a better way to compare size when Ridley is so hunched over that Bowser's back problems aren't much.
...maybe they just feel bad for the enviroment?...
...yeah, thats ridicolous. Even worse with that two-headed ostrich, who certainly wouldn't be able to take off fast enough.
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Cassie Shore/Shelby Goodkind (Netflix)
Sep 2, 2014
I keep seeing Dark Palutena. Isn't that just Pseudo Palutena...?


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Speaking of darkness, I was hoping for a Dark Bowser alt from Bowser's Inside Story. :ohwell:



Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I've made:

Special Moves

-Captain Toad (Includes Playstyle)
-"Shadow Temple" Impa (Includes Smashes and a Jab)
-Pidgey (Includes Shameless Plug)

Complete Movesets:
-Balloon Fighter
-Monita (Includes Playstyle)
-Dixie Kong (Includes Statistics and Playstyle)
-King K. Rool (Includes Playstyle)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2014
So do people still think Wolf is a shoe-in for DLC even though it seems that Roy and Ryu might get in before him? I might not be present often enough to hear it, but it feels like I don't hear many people still talking about him. So what's the current situation like?
I must admit I've become somewhat concerned about this myself. I feel like after we got Lucas people just assumed he was 2nd in line, and possibly might have cast their votes elsewhere. And I question how the smash team decide on Lucas to be the one to bring back. I assumed being the most popular among fans, but they never expressly said that was the reason I think? So when the news of Ryu and Roy came out, with no signs of Wolf, I began to worry a bit that his fate might have been left up to his place in the DLC poll. Anyway, I certainly hope we don't miss out on him because we've prematurely taken our foot off the gas.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I don't think Wolf not being part of the data means a whole lot. Its probably more that they plan to release Wolf a lot later, since they want it to coincide with Star Fox U's release. That'd be my guess. I highly, highly doubt Wolf will be considered a ballot character if both Roy and Lucas were chosen before he was.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
I don't think Wolf not being part of the data means a whole lot. Its probably more that they plan to release Wolf a lot later, since they want it to coincide with Star Fox U's release. That'd be my guess. I highly, highly doubt Wolf will be considered a ballot character if both Roy and Lucas were chosen before he was.
I'm of the impression that the likes of Lucas and Wolf were partially worked on before being put on low priority because of the series' newcomers. I'm certain work started up again on these characters as soon as the main game finished development.

There's no doubt in my mind at least that Wolf is just waiting to be revealed; besides, it's not like those files were left in on purpose, not sure why that would indicate that only those two were worked on.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I keep seeing Dark Palutena. Isn't that just Pseudo Palutena...?
Dark Palutena doesn't really exist. There was that time she was brainwashed, but that was still Palutena. Pseudo-Palutena was a fake Palutena created to test Pit. Pseudo-Palutena also used light attacks like Palutena. I think if it was a Dark Palutena it would probably use dark magic.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2014
I'm of the impression that the likes of Lucas and Wolf were partially worked on before being put on low priority because of the series' newcomers. I'm certain work started up again on these characters as soon as the main game finished development.

There's no doubt in my mind at least that Wolf is just waiting to be revealed; besides, it's not like those files were left in on purpose, not sure why that would indicate that only those two were worked on.
Well, but Sakurai stated that all this DLC is authentic or genuine and not from unfinished product, therefore they were not worked on prior to the release of the game if that is true.
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Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Well, but Sakurai stated that all this DLC is "authentic" and not from unfinished product, therefore they were not worked on prior to the release of the game if that is true.
True, but I don't think that statement accounts for everything. For instance, take into account Sakurais' statement of wanting to make as little cuts to the roster as possible, I take that as evidence that characters like Lucas and Wolf were at least on the initial roster list and at least were worked on just a little before being put on the back burner.
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Come to think of it, I think Chorus Kids have really fallen by the wayside. If the Rhythm Paradise character icon holds up and the Kids were among the obscure "cut due to time constraints" ensemble, they could well appear as DLC at some point down the road.

Incidentally, I don't think it was Ice Climbers-esque shenanigans that held them back. My theory is that they would (or at least could) operate as a single entity, and that they were shelved due to lack of fan demand and dropping down to low priority.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Since Mallo came up, is it weird we didn't have much content from the games, despite the fact we have three now.
@ Wintropy Wintropy
Is the smallest character that would qualify as a "heavyweight", but lacks other heavyweight's sheer power and reach. Also has good grab range.

Neutral Special: Block Pull.
Mallo Pulls a block out of the background. The side of the block facing the screen bears a flat, static image of what that portion of the background looked like, but the sides have pushmo's classic green-yellow-pink color scheme. The Block is roughly 1.5 times Mallo's height (which is slightly shorter than mario), and is solid and can be stood on. Mallo can only have 1 out at a time, and the block can be destroyed by opponents, it has roughly 30% hp. Attacking the block causes it to slide.

Side Special: Sumo Rush.
Mallo runs forward with arms outstretched after substantial start up. This move is a command grab, if Mallo hits an opponent while running he continues his push, which damages the opponent. He ends with a toss that can be angled forward or up.
The moves most interesting property is that it can be used on Mallo's block as well as opponents. If he chooses the up throw he can throw the block up high enough to reach a battlefield platform.

Up special: Pillar Launch.
I'm pretty sure this violates physics but I can't think of anything else. Besides, all characters can double jump.
Mallo reaches into the space below him and pulls out a large pushmo pillar. He lets this pillar push against him and launch him into the air. The pillar can deal damage, but mallo can't.

Down Special: Stunning shockwave.
A Bowser/Yoshi esque move, but with a twist. Enemies near the landing site are biefly stunned, as if by ZSS.
Up special could be the birds from the second game.
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Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Come to think of it, I think Chorus Kids have really fallen by the wayside. If the Rhythm Paradise character icon holds up and the Kids were among the obscure "cut due to time constraints" ensemble, they could well appear as DLC at some point down the road.

Incidentally, I don't think it was Ice Climbers-esque shenanigans that held them back. My theory is that they would (or at least could) operate as a single entity, and that they were shelved due to lack of fan demand and dropping down to low priority.
I thought similarly. You think it's possible they could end up being one of the pre-ballot characters? wishful thinking of course.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Come to think of it, I think Chorus Kids have really fallen by the wayside. If the Rhythm Paradise character icon holds up and the Kids were among the obscure "cut due to time constraints" ensemble, they could well appear as DLC at some point down the road.

Incidentally, I don't think it was Ice Climbers-esque shenanigans that held them back. My theory is that they would (or at least could) operate as a single entity, and that they were shelved due to lack of fan demand and dropping down to low priority.
Well, they rose to popularity because of the Gematsu leak, so I think a lot of their support was just people bandwagon-ing. When the ghost enemy was confirmed in Smash Run, they were being treated as an inevitability. Not surprising that they immediately fell off once the final roster was out.

However, given extremely outdated Gematsu turned out to be, it won't surprise me if they were scrapped during the planning process. They don't really have a whole lot to work on - other RH characters like the Wrestler or the Samurai or the Karate Kid have a lot more to improvise upon.

I think the idea might be revisited for the next game, but we may see a different character instead.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2014
I don't think Wolf not being part of the data means a whole lot. Its probably more that they plan to release Wolf a lot later, since they want it to coincide with Star Fox U's release. That'd be my guess. I highly, highly doubt Wolf will be considered a ballot character if both Roy and Lucas were chosen before he was.
Which makes me wonder why were they chosen before him? Waiting for the release of the game is possible, but does Star Fox really need Smash Brothers to help promote it? Anyway my question is why did they decide on Lucas? if it was based on popularity (which in Japan Lucas was the most popular according to PushDustin) where did they get their info from? Possibly post game surveys for club nintendo?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Well, but Sakurai stated that all this DLC is authentic or genuine and not from unfinished product, therefore they were not worked on prior to the release of the game if that is true.
That doesn't mean anything. Its all PR talk. I highly doubt all of these characters were created 100% after release, some were probably cut partway through development. Lucas and Wolf especially. Mewtwo and other newcomers probably weren't planned, but I doubt it in the case of Lucas/Wolf. That doesn't mean they were even mostly finished, they could've been cut much earlier and didn't have much going for them.
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