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Character Discussion Thread

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Anybody have any thoughts on my theory? I got a handful of likes, but there hasn't been much discussion on it.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Personally? I think there won't be any newcomers revealed for DLC until the ballot closes.

But then again, I believe that they're secretly planning one character per month, and chose to hide Roy coming out in May so they could reassure japan Lucas was back...


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
Will everyone shut up about Ryu's iconism? I swear, everytime anyone talks about him, all I hear is "icon icon icon icon icon icon".

And be honest, if Ryu doesn't show up for DLC after this, will anyone be dispointed?
Probably because it's true? Doesn't matter if you don't like it :p

And yes, I would be disappointed. It would mean that 3rd party DLC possibilities are still up in the air, and his fans would be disappointed, something that I never like to see happen.

Deleted member

Anybody have any thoughts on my theory? I got a handful of likes, but there hasn't been much discussion on it.
Figure I might as well expand my thoughts.

I'm still of the opinion that Wolf is being worked on. He doesn't seem like a character that would be added because of the Smash Ballot; I just think that they managed to hide Wolf's data well enough to where we didn't notice. My personal opinion is that Wolf got started around the same time as Lucas did and that he alongside Ryu and Roy will get confirmed at E3. I could see Lucas, Ryu, and Roy all being simultaneously released in June but what I worry about is how they will handle Season Pass for people who already got Mewtwo (like many of us here). I seriously hope Nintendo will accommodate for those who got Mewtwo already since I'm sure Mewtwo will be in a hypothetical Season Pass.

But yeah, I could see something like your scenario playing out. A friend of mine was talking about how we could see a Smash Wii U+ disguised as "Smash 6" and I'm thinking yeah, that could happen. For me, I think this would be a good way to put a bow into the series once and for all; the only question I have will be how they expect to accommodate those who already have Smash 3DS & Wii U. Only thing I can think of is maybe releasing a few NX exclusive characters like Ice Climber and Chorus Men.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Personally? I think there won't be any newcomers revealed for DLC until the ballot closes.

But then again, I believe that they're secretly planning one character per month, and chose to hide Roy coming out in May so they could reassure japan Lucas was back...
I highly doubt this is the case. Maybe every two months, but every month? They'd need to have a ton of unannounced characters in development, and need to start more characters from the ballot well in advance.

Figure I might as well expand my thoughts.

I'm still of the opinion that Wolf is being worked on. He doesn't seem like a character that would be added because of the Smash Ballot; I just think that they managed to hide Wolf's data well enough to where we didn't notice. My personal opinion is that Wolf got started around the same time as Lucas did and that he alongside Ryu and Roy will get confirmed at E3. I could see Lucas, Ryu, and Roy all being simultaneously released in June but what I worry about is how they will handle Season Pass for people who already got Mewtwo (like many of us here). I seriously hope Nintendo will accommodate for those who got Mewtwo already since I'm sure Mewtwo will be in a hypothetical Season Pass.

But yeah, I could see something like your scenario playing out. A friend of mine was talking about how we could see a Smash Wii U+ disguised as "Smash 6" and I'm thinking yeah, that could happen. For me, I think this would be a good way to put a bow into the series once and for all; the only question I have will be how they expect to accommodate those who already have Smash 3DS & Wii U. Only thing I can think of is maybe releasing a few NX exclusive characters like Ice Climber and Chorus Men.
I think its more likely they just forgot to remove Ryu and Roy's data. I ABSOLUTELY think Wolf is already being worked on.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Anybody have any thoughts on my theory? I got a handful of likes, but there hasn't been much discussion on it.
I think what you said about an "Ultra Super Smash Bros. 4" version for Nintendo's next console is spot on. Package all the DLC into one game, add some exclusive content for the port, increase the graphical fidelity, and allow online support to shift from the Wii U to NX servers. That, along with the possibility of the new Legend of Zelda title being a launch title, would incentivize Wii U players to upgrade while giving new gamers a more capable piece of hardware, further increasing the likelihood more gamers will pick up the 'new' Super Smash Bros. edition. May seem like a cheap page out of Capcom's playbook (which is fair since Ryu will likely be in the game), but it would be really smart for them to do. I know I would trade in my Wii U -- so long as my Virtual Console investments carry over.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Figure I might as well expand my thoughts.

I'm still of the opinion that Wolf is being worked on. He doesn't seem like a character that would be added because of the Smash Ballot; I just think that they managed to hide Wolf's data well enough to where we didn't notice. My personal opinion is that Wolf got started around the same time as Lucas did and that he alongside Ryu and Roy will get confirmed at E3. I could see Lucas, Ryu, and Roy all being simultaneously released in June but what I worry about is how they will handle Season Pass for people who already got Mewtwo (like many of us here). I seriously hope Nintendo will accommodate for those who got Mewtwo already since I'm sure Mewtwo will be in a hypothetical Season Pass.

But yeah, I could see something like your scenario playing out. A friend of mine was talking about how we could see a Smash Wii U+ disguised as "Smash 6" and I'm thinking yeah, that could happen. For me, I think this would be a good way to put a bow into the series once and for all; the only question I have will be how they expect to accommodate those who already have Smash 3DS & Wii U. Only thing I can think of is maybe releasing a few NX exclusive characters like Ice Climber and Chorus Men.
I agree. Remember that the included files were likely placed there by mistake. There is no guarantee that other characters aren't being worked on.

They could also bring Pokemon trainer back for Smash NX. Replace Charizard with Blaziken or something.

Deleted member

I think what you said about an "Ultra Super Smash Bros. 4" version for Nintendo's next console is spot on. Package all the DLC into one game, add some exclusive content for the port, increase the graphical fidelity, and allow online support to shift from the Wii U to NX servers. That, along with the possibility of the new Legend of Zelda title being a launch title, would incentivize Wii U players to upgrade while giving new gamers a more capable piece of hardware, further increasing the likelihood more gamers will pick up the 'new' Super Smash Bros. edition. May seem like a cheap page out of Capcom's playbook (which is fair since Ryu will likely be in the game), but it would be really smart for them to do. I know I would trade in my Wii U -- so long as my Virtual Console investments carry over.
That's my one reservation; how much of the stuff I bought for the Wii U is going to carry over? I bought a LOT of Wii and Wii U Virtual Console game on the Wii U and I also bought a few digital games a swell. If my Wii Virtual Console data won't transfer over, I don't want to sell my Wii U by any means. I also hope that the Wii U physical games will be compatible with the NX. If I am going to have problems transferring my games, I'm not getting a Smash NX just for extra game modes (although I feel as there will be a few exclusive NX characters as well should Scoliosis's theory come true.
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Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
I'd take Snake over Ryu anyday... I hate the fact that we're getting more than one character for one company. It in my opinion ruins what Smash is supposed to be.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
I think its more likely they just forgot to remove Ryu and Roy's data. I ABSOLUTELY think Wolf is already being worked on.
You basically echoed what I said a page or two ago. Too many things point toward his inevitable inclusion not against it.

I'd take Snake over Ryu anyday... I hate the fact that we're getting more than one character for one company. It in my opinion ruins what Smash is supposed to be.
Well Sakurai did say he wanted this game to be the best character game, and with the ballot and the inclusion of gaming icons it's shaping up to be just that, and I LOVE it!
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Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
Also, I don't care what Sakurai or anybody else thinks... but the fact that we haven't seen King K Rool or Isaac in Smash yet is ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Anyone can have their opinions towards Ryu; but there's not argue against his inclusion in Smash, .. like, seriously. Considering that are people claiming for Sora or Banjo to be in this game..

(and yes, I like Ryu as a character; .. the story behind Street Fighter is very poor, but his backstory in particular is what I like; AAAND I like his serene personality; ...well, when he's not fighting :p ).

Also, I don't care what Sakurai or anybody else thinks... but the fact that we haven't seen King K Rool or Isaac in Smash yet is ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous.
calm down, .. this have nothing to do with the Ballot; K. Rool, Isaac and many other still have their chances;
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I'd take Snake over Ryu anyday... I hate the fact that we're getting more than one character for one company. It in my opinion ruins what Smash is supposed to be.
No, it really doesn't...all those Nintendo characters and All-Stars? They're still here. They just invited some good friends from a couple streets over.
I'm not a fan of Ryu myself, but I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to say he is a blemish on the roster of Smash Bros.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I've played Ryu in a brawl hack pack.

He was fun. And I can't imagine his moves would be more different in Smash official.

But I'm really hoping that unlike Mewtwo he gets custom movesets and also has Akuma and Ken as alts. And then his customs can essentially be Akuma's Hadoken, and Ken's Shoryuken.

I don't think alts for Sakura, Sean, or Dan would work though.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
No, it really doesn't...all those Nintendo characters and All-Stars? They're still here. They just invited some good friends from a couple streets over.
I'm not a fan of Ryu myself, but I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to say he is a blemish on the roster of Smash Bros.
It pretty much does. A game that Celebrates Nintendo's Family and History should only have a fraction of Third Party characters. If this rumor is confirmed true then the Third Party Flood Gates are opened and you now have more people focusing on Third Party characters and Indies instead of Nintendo characters. Any Third Party Company will try to get their character in Smash just for advertising, which does not automatically benefit Nintendo. Third Party Companies release their games on whatever device they want, but they want the advertising potential.

If you are going to add in more Third Party characters than it ceases to be Smash Brothers and more Nintendo vs. Namco vs. Capcom vs. Sega, which is not the point of Smash Brothers.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
I've played Ryu in a brawl hack pack.

He was fun. And I can't imagine his moves would be more different in Smash official.

But I'm really hoping that unlike Mewtwo he gets custom movesets and also has Akuma and Ken as alts. And then his customs can essentially be Akuma's Hadoken, and Ken's Shoryuken.

I don't think alts for Sakura, Sean, or Dan would work though.
expecting for Ryu "Complete Change" from MvC1, huh? :\/


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Something I don't get. Why Roy? A large part of the FE fanbase hates him, as in, the people who would buy FE. Most smash Roy fans probably haven't played FE. If he's a cookie-cutter clone then I don't think I'll buy him.
Ryu's latest appearances on Nintendo SNES SF2. Tatsunoko vs Capcom Wii. SSF4 and Project X Zone for the 3DS with a sequel coming soon. Why Ryu?
This post sums up my thoughts on all of the hate Roy gets.


As for Ryu, he had a lot of recent appearances in Nintendo games not to mention Street Fighter 2 was one of the biggest fighting games on the SNES. Let's not forget that without SF, their probably wouldn't be Smash Bros today.

Here's the thing: Roy and Lucas aren't getting a new game. Roy's appearance in Awakening was also DLC but that included every other lordl Lucas is literally from a dead franchise
And? Both are fan favorite characters reflected by popularity polls in Japan.

Here's some things I can say for 100% certainty about Roy. You can pass it off as a leak if you want.
- He is absolutely not getting decloned and will be exactly as in Melee.
- He will not be sold separately at the same price as original DLC characters. That would be a ripoff.
- He will have his Melee voice.

If anyone can add to this list, I'd appreciate that.
So nice of you to spread your wisdom with us.

If roy gets reworked i will actually like him less.

No reason for them to spend extra time on making him unique when there could be other unique newcomers far more wotthy of time being used.
Why? Wouldn't it be better to have his moveset tweaked to be different from Marth and Lucina? A lot of people wanting him to return would like this so that we don't have people yelling out "3rd Marth" and all that crap.

I beg to differ with the whole "other newcomers being more worthy" sentiment seeing as Roy is one of the most requested characters in Japan (with a strong following in the West) to return to the series.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
It pretty much does. A game that Celebrates Nintendo's Family and History should only have a fraction of Third Party characters. If this rumor is confirmed true then the Third Party Flood Gates are opened and you now have more people focusing on Third Party characters and Indies instead of Nintendo characters. Any Third Party Company will try to get their character in Smash just for advertising, which does not automatically benefit Nintendo. Third Party Companies release their games on whatever device they want, but they want the advertising potential.

If you are going to add in more Third Party characters than it ceases to be Smash Brothers and more Nintendo vs. Namco vs. Capcom vs. Sega, which is not the point of Smash Brothers.
Do you honestly believe Nintendo sees Shantae, Quote etc. as even close to being on the same level as Ryu? Nintendo isn't going to add third-party for the hell of it because Ryu is in.
On top of that, Street Fighter is owned by Capcom, who Nintendo has already worked with for Mega Man.
It's not a big deal. I still consider King K. Rool, Isaac, Wolf, etc. to be the top picks for DLC, not nameless third parties.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
The floodgates were already open when Snake was revealed.
The flood gates to having a bigger influx of Third Party characters, not third party characters in general. That was a leak in the boat.

The point won't cease until half the roster is third-parties, which likely isn't happening anyway.
Whose to say that won't happen though? When does the limit of Third Party characters per company end? What about the limit? There are may Third Party characters who would get in over other Nintendo characters:

Take for example: Simon Belmont (Castlevania) over Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country).

With the restriction from the Third Party Company characters removed (if this rumor is true), then nothing is stopping Smash's roster from being Half Third Party, unless Sakurai/Nintendo intervenes.

Do you honestly believe Nintendo sees Shantae, Quote etc. as even close to being on the same level as Ryu? Nintendo isn't going to add third-party for the hell of it because Ryu is in.
On top of that, Street Fighter is owned by Capcom, who Nintendo has already worked with for Mega Man.
It's not a big deal. I still consider King K. Rool, Isaac, Wolf, etc. to be the top picks for DLC, not nameless third parties.
If Nintendo really did put Ryu in Smash as a deal with Capcom for a Traditional Fighting game, then we can expect more Third Party Companies demanding their characters in Smash before releasing any game on current Nintendo hardware.

Consider the possible Third Party Candidates for Smash 4:

Simon Belmont
Bomber Man
Roll (Megaman)
Zero (Megaman X)
Strider Hiryu
Tron Bonne
Captain Commando
Solid Snake
Tales of Character
Soul Caibur Character
Tekken Character
Sir Arthur
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Albert Wesker
Felicia (Dark Stalkers)
Golden Axe character
Vile (Megaman X)

Whose to say when the Third Party characters will stop? There are TONS of Third Party characters more recognizable than Nintendo's characters that would take 40% of the roster, even more.
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
expecting for Ryu "Complete Change" from MvC1, huh? :\/
YES! I forgot all about doing that!

I think there were other mode change moves in capcom I'm forgetting. But, for the smash version, full alts like Olimar/Alph with the ability to broaden those alts with customs would be preferred.

Do you honestly believe Nintendo sees Shantae, Quote etc. as even close to being on the same level as Ryu? Nintendo isn't going to add third-party for the hell of it because Ryu is in.
On top of that, Street Fighter is owned by Capcom, who Nintendo has already worked with for Mega Man.
It's not a big deal. I still consider King K. Rool, Isaac, Wolf, etc. to be the top picks for DLC, not nameless third parties.
If Shantae was so nameless, how come you named her?


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
If Shantae was so nameless, how come you named her?
Name in terms of general recognizability and legacy, something that the "indie trio" that are most often argued truly lack. Quote being the closest due to what Cave Story did for Indie titles but has little to no growth as a game/series. Frankly, Ryu's inclusion would only really help other iconic characters from companies who already have their foot in the door for fighters, as it breaks the unofficial "1 character per company" rule. This could mean someone like Jack Frost from Atlus, a new sub-sect of SEGA who has a healthy relationship with Nintendo but that doesn't make them that much more likely, only more plausible.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
And yes, I would be disappointed. It would mean that 3rd party DLC possibilities are still up in the air, and his fans would be disappointed, something that I never like to see happen.
Fans are going to be disappointed no matter what happens. It's inevitable.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Name in terms of general recognizability and legacy, something that the "indie trio" that are most often argued truly lack. Quote being the closest due to what Cave Story did for Indie titles but has little to no growth as a game/series. Frankly, Ryu's inclusion would only really help other iconic characters from companies who already have their foot in the door for fighters, as it breaks the unofficial "1 character per company" rule. This could mean someone like Jack Frost from Atlus, a new sub-sect of SEGA who has a healthy relationship with Nintendo but that doesn't make them that much more likely, only more plausible.
If the Ryu rumors are true then there are no Third Party rules in place. So when do the influx of Third Party characters stop?

If Nintendo bends on this they will bend on more. We will soon see more than 1 character per Third party franchise, example:

Megaman and Zero - Megaman, Megaman X
Ryu and Guile - Street Fighter.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
If the Ryu rumors are true then there are no Third Party rules in place. So when do the influx of Third Party characters stop?
If Nintendo bends on this they will bend on more. We will soon see more than 1 character per Third party franchise, example:
Megaman and Zero - Megaman, Megaman X
Ryu and Guile - Street Fighter.
This would be awful...but only because Guile is a bad Street Fighter rep.
Zero would be great though, and you easily justify his inclusion too.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
This would be awful...but only because Guile is a bad Street Fighter rep.
Zero would be great though, and you easily justify his inclusion too.
So? Just add someone alongside Ryu and Guile, nothing is stopping their inclusion.

My point still stands that Smash is capable of being 40% non-Nintendo, against being a celebration of Nintendo's History and Family.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Guys, calm down. You're making the assumption that Ryu is guaranteed to be in the game, and the files are brand new and not files from some old beta.

For goodness sake, wait for Nintendo to announce something.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
So? Just add someone alongside Ryu and Guile, nothing is stopping their inclusion.
My point still stands that Smash is capable of being 40% non-Nintendo, against being a celebration of Nintendo's History and Family.
40% non-Nintendo huh? Lol, okay.
At least I'd get Nightmare, Jill, Goku, or whoever then.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Guys, calm down. You're making the assumption that Ryu is guaranteed to be in the game, and the files are brand new and not files from some old beta.

For goodness sake, wait for Nintendo to announce something.
actually the chances for Ryu being in the game are that high.. :p. Of course, for a announcement like his, we will wait until E3; but nothing can prevent some speculation;

It's the fun of things like that, after all. XD
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Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
It pretty much does. A game that Celebrates Nintendo's Family and History should only have a fraction of Third Party characters. If this rumor is confirmed true then the Third Party Flood Gates are opened and you now have more people focusing on Third Party characters and Indies instead of Nintendo characters. Any Third Party Company will try to get their character in Smash just for advertising, which does not automatically benefit Nintendo. Third Party Companies release their games on whatever device they want, but they want the advertising potential.

If you are going to add in more Third Party characters than it ceases to be Smash Brothers and more Nintendo vs. Namco vs. Capcom vs. Sega, which is not the point of Smash Brothers.
How many characters are in Smash Bros right now? More then 50 if we count Lucas/Ryu/Roy. How many of those are 3rd party characters? 3. 4 if you count Ryu.

Around 1/13 of the current cast is made up of third party characters. Assuming they added ONLY third party characters from here on out (Not happening. Even if they do hit that number in the far future, they'd have plenty of Nintendo characters in between) They'd have to add around 7-8 more just to make up a 5th of the roster, and even then there are 50 Nintendo characters to counterbalance them.

Who have we gotten so far? Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman, and most-likely-soon Ryu. These characters are better known and loved then the MAJORITY of the Smash Bros cast.

My point still stands that Smash is capable of being 40% non-Nintendo, against being a celebration of Nintendo's History and Family.
Smash Bros is a game about Nintendo's history, and whether purists like it or not, other companies are part of that history.

Guys, calm down. You're making the assumption that Ryu is guaranteed to be in the game, and the files are brand new and not files from some old beta.
The files were patched into the game YESTERDAY. These aren't "Old beta files", they weren't present in the previous versions of Smash Bros.

I doubt that they were intentionally patched in, but the fact of the matter is that victory themes for Ryu and Roy were ADDED into the game POST RELEASE. This isn't some text leak or person claiming that they're dad works for Sakurai, it's content FOUND IN THE GAME.

No, I suppose Ryu and Roy aren't 100% guaranteed, but they are more likely then any other DLC character at this point in time.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Yes, Ryu is iconic. But does he fit in Smash? Ehh, sort of. Is he closely tied to Nintendo? Not really. Does he show up a lot on Nintendo systems? Not particularly. Was he asked for or wanted? Not in the least. Does it go against what Sakurai previously said? Yeah, but a lot of stuff does nowadays. Are we even going to get SF on Wii U to make up for it? Unlikely.

So yeah sure he's iconic, but it's understandable why people aren't particularly hyped to see him. I've accepted that it's probably going to happen, but I haven't really warmed up to it.

He's fine but there are so many better choices imo.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
actually the chances for Ryu being in the game are that high.. :p. Of course, for a announcement like his, we will wait until E3; but nothing can prevent some speculation;

It's the fun of things like that, after all. XD
That's the problem. Spectulation is fun when people treat like what it is, a opinion, but when people start treating it as cold hard fact, it just becomes painful to watch.

EDIT: @ Kalimdori Kalimdori , I meant a old beta that they have and we don't. Besides, I think we can all agree that the low quality stuff on there is definitely not meant for a finished game. Didn't even remaster it.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
40% non-Nintendo huh? Lol, okay.
At least I'd get Nightmare, Jill, Goku, or whoever then.
Unless you mean Goku from the Famicom games (the video game created one). Once Sakurai states all characters that have appeared in Video games are eligible, then Goku for Smash brothers is possible.

The addition of Third Party characters would mean less because of how much are being added. It will be more like the club that everyone can get in.

In this speculation, it is now less about Nintendo's All-Stars and more about every character that touched a Nintendo console.

How many characters are in Smash Bros right now? More then 50 if we count Lucas/Ryu/Roy. How many of those are 3rd party characters? 3. 4 if you count Ryu.
The number will just keep on getting bigger until some guidelines are placed.

Around 1/13 of the current cast is made up of third party characters. Assuming they added ONLY third party characters from here on out (Not happening. Even if they do hit that number in the far future, they'd have plenty of Nintendo characters in between) They'd have to add around 7-8 more just to make up a 5th of the roster, and even then there are 50 Nintendo characters to counterbalance them.
Adding in more Third Party characters in influx would also undermine the value of these characters getting in.

Who have we gotten so far? Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman, and most-likely-soon Ryu. These characters are better known and loved then the MAJORITY of the Smash Bros cast.
So are, about, 40 other video game characters.

Smash Bros is a game about Nintendo's history, and whether purists like it or not, other companies are part of that history.
It is also about Nintendo's Family alongside Nintendo's History. Just take any video game character who has appeared on a Nintendo console and *plop* they are in. Nintendo's Franchises benefit from being playable in Smash Brothers, unless the Third Party characters have an exclusive deal with Nintendo, then it does not benefit them in the slightest.

The more Third Party characters you add in, the less it becomes about Nintendo's History and more about advertising for Third Party Companies.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Yes, Ryu is iconic. But does he fit in Smash? Ehh, sort of. Is he closely tied to Nintendo? Not really. Does he show up a lot on Nintendo systems? Not particularly. Was he asked for or wanted? Not in the least. Does it go against what Sakurai previously said? Yeah, but a lot of stuff does nowadays. Are we even going to get SF on Wii U to make up for it? Unlikely.

So yeah sure he's iconic, but it's understandable why people aren't particularly hyped to see him. I've accepted that it's probably going to happen, but I haven't really warmed up to it.

He's fine but there are so many better choices imo.
I will have to disagree with some points;.. although you got some of them right. =P

About his closure with Nintendo, is bigger than some third parties highly requested for now.. for instance Rayman; ... Ryu just skipped the Nintendo 64 and (obviously) the Virtual Boy (even though, Capcom had planned a SSFII version for that, lol)... if you count re-releases, he's also on Wii U.. with more games even than Sonic. lol. .. every main game of his franchise, with just two exceptions, was on Nintendo systems... as I said previously, he was among names like Chrono and Mega Man in the SNES era.

About being requested.. yeah, I kinda agree, 'cause nobody would think about him, with Mega Man being a so natural fit from Capcom.. but, he's already in the game, and if there's some other Capcom character that deserves this spot... it's Ryu. :\/

actually I'm not seeing his reception as "not hyped".. I'm feeling more a mixed reaction... and in the aspect of marketing he'll be very welcomed;.. can you imagine those SF comptitive people going into Smash4 just by Ryu? It's amazing! A big deal! XD
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