Hi we're talking Viridi it's my time.
KI isnt getting a newcomer for smash 4. everyone knows this. Im sure the backlash was felt with "KI bias" even in Japan. ( I have nothing to back this)
thus any and all KI chances are reliant on smash 5. Now if there is no Uprising 2 we arent getting a newcomer in the first place. at best a luigified dark Pit.
now IF (big if, sakurai doesnt want to do a sequel and I dont see anyone picking it up) there is an uprising 2 we know Viridi is coming back without a doubt. Hades maybe but it seems like Hades doesnt even have anything left
to be revived. Personally I think it would be boring for him to be the big bad again but not up to me. Medusa would probably either have a minor role again or outright not show up being revived AGAIN would be a bit annoying. and that's thanatos's thing.
So it would come down to
1. magnus becoming important (I doubt this and would probably be the equivalent of chrom. very bland sword user)
3. whoever the big villain of the game is (would be a one-off unless it's like . . Orcos. possible but I think Viridi muight take it)
4. Thanatos (hamazing, recurring, weird. this is a joke btw)
also I feel like Viridi on reset bomb is more like in between duck hunt and toon link but I guess duck hunt falls under the 8 bit category that "DK" (cranky) does, meaning she would be the most involved playable character in a stage.
Medusa is barely seen in 1 and Uprising. she talks in 4 chapters total
Even @
A Distant Demon
, the owner of the Viridi thread and our resident nature buff,.
im taking this as a compliment

does this mean im the Diddy kong to Impa but Viridi yet?
Oh boy ridley talk.
inb4 that pic of ROB is linked