ManlySpirit I spent my last ten or so posts arguing why Banjo isn't impossible (Which he isn't, and people are naive to think he is) but arguing Rayman is LESS likely then him is lunacy.
Granted, I'm biased, Rayman is my childhood and I've never even played a Banjo game, but Rayman is owned by Ubisoft, a company that has put more games on the Wii U then the other represented third party companies COMBINED. Rayman is older then Banjo, his games have sold much, more then Banjo's. Rayman's had many more games on Nintendo consoles then Banjo has. Banjo is owned by Microsoft, and while it is possible that Nintendo and Microsoft could make a deal for his inclusion, making a deal with Ubisoft for Rayman would probably be both simpler and easier, especially considering that Rayman already has content in Smash.
You know, for being the only person to give me a reasonable reply, I won't sit around and troll like I have with others.
Dude, I have to disagree. Call it bias as well, but unlike Banjo, Rayman is not a Nintendo icon, at all. Unlike the other 3rd parties (barring Snake who was merely a favor), he hardly has any history with Nintendo. Simply put, he doesn't deserve the spot as much as what is essentially the face of the N64 and Rare, who was Nintendo's partner during the Golden Era.
Now if we look at how the 3rd parties were selected, Snake was a favor, Pac-Man happened due to Namco's involvement, and cause Miyamotto demanded it. And MegaMan and Sonic happened due to fan demand. Yes, both are important, but fan demand played a key role in that.
Thus, the only way Rayman gets in at this point, especially keeping in mind that he was apparently already considered by Sakurai, is by fan demand. In which, he falls short to Banjo in pretty much every survey. Every survey I've come across, Banjo is the most popular guest character, even more than Snake the veteran. Thus, to say that Rayman is more likely than Banjo, is in my opinion incorrect. I personally feel that out of the guest characters, Banjo has the best shot. This doesn't mean that Rayman doesn't have a shot, if the demand kicks up, he does, but as it stands now, he doesn't seem to garner the necessary support compared to other popular requests.
Simple number say, Banjo usually lands in the top 3 overall. Rayman barely makes the top 15 in most polls.