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Character Discussion Thread

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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Galacta Knight's lance doesn't work the same way as Meta Knight's Galaxia, so having him be an alt would be illogical. Lances are spearing weapons, not slashing weapons, so to have a lance slash would be like having a hammer jab; an ineffective way of using a weapon. It would look ridiculous to have a spearing weapon used for slashing; hence why Galacta would necessitate his own slot.

Bandana Dee is generic in his design, only separated from his fellow Waddle Dees by a blue bandana. He's important, yes, but in terms of overall appearance Galacta Knight would be more unique than Bandana Dee would be. Plus Galacta Knight would at least be another villain for the roster (and the first Kirby villain on a Smash roster, since Dedede hardly counts as any sort of villain). Bandana Dee is basically just a Waddle Dee with a spear and a bandana. Maybe he could be a DLC fighter, but Galacta Knight would be of higher priority to me than Bandana Dee because Galacta Knight is overall more unique than Dee is.

As important as Bandana Dee is, I think Galacta Knight would be more visually distinct and interesting; so I'd rather him out of the two.
so galacta wins on being visually distinct? ooookay. well that makes no sense but whatever.

and looking at galacta knights battle in TTDL he very clearly slashes with his lance as if it was a sword. so there goes that argument

also generic "muh villains"


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I really love this video

You have confused me again. Exactly why? did you have to post that wonder red moveset? if i Ever finish mine it's guaranteed to pale in comparison :(
Thorough, succinct points with rational observation and just a hint of sarcasm.

What's not to love~? :3
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Thorough, succinct points with rational observation and just a hint of sarcasm.

What's not to love~? :3
my strange desire to have Viridi in Smash. People hate KI right?

okay originally i was gonna make a joke about nintendo hating Kid icarus and there being no KI U 2. but it hit me that Kid Icarus Uprising for Wii U could be a thing

U= uprising. Kid Icarus U. It's a conspiracy I tell you!
im not crazy

and trust me if you saw me rant about one or two charactrs I would go from snarky to rude real fast. A few passing remarks have gotten me branded as a Geno hater and I haven't even gotten started. That's something to not love.

also I haven't voted for Tiki and dont plan to. something you certainly dont love.

this post got really weird really fast.
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I don't understand the support behind Shovel Knight and Shantae
Shovel Knight: A fad because someone drew a really good Smash-inspired drawing of him
Shantae: Because WayForward is pushing for it.

Either way is likely not happening.
If I had to bet on either one getting in though, I would honestly guess Shantae.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
my strange desire to have Viridi in Smash. People hate KI right?

okay originally i was gonna make a joke about nintendo hating Kid icarus and there being no KI U 2. but it hit me that Kid Icarus Uprising for Wii U could be a thing

U= uprising. Kid Icarus U. It's a conspiracy I tell you!
im not crazy

and trust me if you saw me rant about one or two charactrs I would go from snarky to rude real fast. A few passing remarks have gotten me branded as a Geno hater and I haven't even gotten started. That's something to not love.

also I haven't voted for Tiki and dont plan to. something you certainly dont love.

this post got really weird really fast.
Nah, I'd rather you vote for characters you actually like rather than being pressured to vote for the sake of it. I don't mind if you don't want to vote for Tiki. :3

I don't understand the support behind Shovel Knight and Shantae
They're popular indie characters with strong ties to Nintendo, great designs, immense moveset potential and stellar games.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I don't understand the support behind Shovel Knight and Shantae
Shovel Knight and Shantae were part of a trio of characters that are basically a retro revival as I have dubbed it.
(Mighty No. 9 is the other)

basically attempting to get that old nostalgia feel from games like mega man castlevania etc. Oh, not in that way?

A bit of bandwagoning, reddit's questionable tastes, and the fact there games are well beloved and hyped. But they have almost no chance. Especially shovel knight who isn't nintendo exclusive or even been released in Japan. (shantae isnt nintendo exclusive either but to my knowledge its just PC.)

I really need to play both titles :/
@ ZeldaMaster ZeldaMaster
Do the research before you speak. :p
ehh? he doesnt get why indie titles are so hyped for especially one hitting the top of a poll. An entirely logical conclusion and one I have also come to.
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Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
Banjo Kazooie, Shantae, and Mighty No 9 are some of the stupidest character choices for various reasons. Shovel Knight is the only one that kind of makes sense, kind of....


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
Their parent companies have jumped on to the bandwagon, basically. Free publicity for them, while it encourages the fans.

Yeah, I guess so. I just feel like sometimes all this support for third parties are ruining what Smash Bros is, a NIntendo all star fighting game. Mega Man, Sonic, and Pac Man make sense. They are juggernauts. Shantae, Shovel Knight, Snake, and Banjo Kazooie do NOT have that same sort of special recognition and legacy.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Banjo Kazooie, Shantae, and Mighty No 9 are some of the stupidest character choices for various reasons. Shovel Knight is the only one that kind of makes sense, kind of....
Banjo and Kazooie are some of the worst?

What are you smoking? They were more important to Nintendo than PAC-MAN ever was.
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Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
Banjo Kazooie is a Microsoft franchise. Who cares if Phil Spencer sent out a simple tweet? Do you know how much trouble it would be to get an IP from Nintendo's competition into Smash? That would be counter productive. They'd basically be giving Microsft free publicity, so when Rare finally makes a Banjo Kazooie game, every body will support the XBox One. That's why Banjo Kazooie is a stupid character choice, not because the characters themselves are stupid, but because it literally would not mae sense for them to appear in Smash
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Banjo Kazooie, Shantae, and Mighty No 9 are some of the stupidest character choices for various reasons. Shovel Knight is the only one that kind of makes sense, kind of....
Shovel knight actually makes less sense than shantae on the grounds of not having a japanese release. I dont see a japanese company using a character not in Japan.
Beck (M#9) has very little support and shouldn't because :4megaman:

shantae is mostly from wayforward asking Nintendo and general support

banjo, while absolutely famous in his age is owned by a competitor. People are just overreacting about Xbox saying banjo being playable would be cool. It doesn't help he is dead. It isn't happening.

Also this is a nintendo site so logically people have played a nintendo game of Banjo's caliber.

Shantae is probably the most likely of those although that's .1% instead of .099%

here we go again.

Banjo Kazooie is Microsoft franchise. Who cares if Phil Spencer sent out a simple tweet? Do you know how much trouble it would be to get an IP from Nintendo's competition into Smash? That would be counter productive. They'd basically be giving Microsft free publicity, so when Rare finally makes a Banjo Kazooie game, every body will support the XBox One. That's why Banjo Kazooie is a stupid character choice, not because the characters themselves are stupid, but because it literally would not mae sense for them to appear in Smash
I agree with this whole-heartedly.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Yeah, I guess so. I just feel like sometimes all this support for third parties are ruining what Smash Bros is, a NIntendo all star fighting game. Mega Man, Sonic, and Pac Man make sense. They are juggernauts. Shantae, Shovel Knight, Snake, and Banjo Kazooie do NOT have that same sort of special recognition and legacy.
I'll plau Devil's Advocate on a few
Shantae: A character who has appeared almost exclusively on Nintendo who is owned by a company that loves Nintendo and prioritizes them from what I've seen
Shovel Knight: Shovel Knight is basically THE Indie character
Snake: Veteran
Banjo: Banjo debuted on a Nintendo system and only his good games where on there other than ports


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
I've always found the combination of "Nintendo Purism" and Smash Bros to be stupidly hilarious.

Who cares if the character is owned by someone else? If they have strong ties to Nintendo, are important characters, and their owners want to work with Nintendo to include them, what exactly is the problem? Yeah, Nintendo might not want to make a deal with them, but we don't know that, yet people are whining that the very idea of these characters is blasphemy. Are you that uncomfortable with other companies that you can't stand them "tainting" Nintendo franchises? :p


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I was supporting Shantae and Shovel Knight before it was cool.

Hey! No fair! I didn't even know about it before it was cool! :p
I've always found the combination of "Nintendo Purism" and Smash Bros to be stupidly hilarious.

Who cares if the character is owned by someone else? If they have strong ties to Nintendo, are important characters, and their owners want to work with Nintendo to include them, what exactly is the problem? Yeah, Nintendo might not want to make a deal with them, but we don't know that, yet people are whining that the very idea of these characters is blasphemy. Are you that uncomfortable with other companies that you can't stand them "tainting" Nintendo franchises? :p
Yeah. It's kinda sad that the only argument against Banjo and Kazooie is "cause Microsoft".
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I've always found the combination of "Nintendo Purism" and Smash Bros to be stupidly hilarious.

Who cares if the character is owned by someone else? If they have strong ties to Nintendo, are important characters, and their owners want to work with Nintendo to include them, what exactly is the problem? Yeah, Nintendo might not want to make a deal with them, but we don't know that, yet people are whining that the very idea of these characters is blasphemy. Are you that uncomfortable with other companies that you can't stand them "tainting" Nintendo franchises? :p
avi bias
because apparently having other unique or important characters makes the other character less important. obviously :rolleyes:

my sig bias

Yeah. It's kinda sad that the only argument against Banjo and Kazooie is "cause Microsoft".
and being a dead franchise.
also some people aren't anti banjo, but just certain he has no chance.

EDIT: RIP saki thread. you lasted not very long. But what you call justice has been served.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
The only third party I would like to see is Professor Layton. But I think Shantae is cool too. Even though I have yet to play her latest game....
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
And Midna falls as well. Shaqasaur just dunked some playas. did I just say playas?

I actually liked midna :(
I still think deconfirmed characters should be allowed to have threads but fighting is futile

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
RIP in peace, AT character support threads.

Good thing Ray Mk III is no longer an AT, I can still publicly support him and the Custom Robos.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Every time I think of Layton I think Capcom. Then I think he is fighting Phoenix as a second capcom rep (the only way I accept the word rep).

I guess Layton is more "logical" than I thought.

then I get sad Viewtiful Joe is behind all of them as a Capcom rep.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Why can't the discussion thread be open?
I mean, it's not that hard to just keep them open, right?

When fans do not care about whether the characters is an AT, and they're not being a problem, it's not a problem that they are an AT right.

The thread at worst would be a Social of their origin game or a ode to the characters.
A home where the fans can spread the love for either next game. Or bear with me:

For this game.
I mean, there was Mewtwo being a trophy and he's there. I sound delusional, I know, but there's already a model for these characters, so they even could have MORE chance.

With the ballot fight going full force, shouldn't the AT characters have their time in the spotlight too?
Have people discover the wonderful world of insert character here?

I know Ridley thread is a whole different can of worms, but the other threads do not have a bad history where the mods would be happy to close it.


Bandanna Dee would be really great with all these spear move, being the small version of King "Bully" DeDeDe, poking characters who dare to get in his range.

And Spear Copter.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
wow guys give me more than 2 minutes before :4greninja:ing me. Stupid Ryuga avi.
but yeah that's jiggly's idea although maybe not the best execytion and basically every ridley fan has that idea. (i hate it personally as I think he should have a decent ground game but oh well)

you know I really cant think of any other character that would fit that bill that isnt a pokemon. . .


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
Okay, I think I've managed to make things more fair between sites in my survey. I just added up the percentages from each site so far, that way no one community gets more say just because more people responded. If that's a horrible way to go about this, I'm open to other suggestions.

Anyway, here's the top 25:
  • King K. Rool
  • Isaac
  • Wolf
  • Ridley
  • Snake
  • Inkling
  • Shovel Knight
  • Dixie Kong
  • Ice Climbers
  • Rayman
  • Banjo and Kazooie
  • Bayonetta
  • Paper Mario
  • Bandana Dee
  • Waluigi
  • Wonder-Red
  • Captain Toad
  • Roy
  • Geno
  • Bomberman
  • Impa
  • Krystal
  • Daisy
  • Sceptile
  • Chorus Men
And percentages, if you're curious.
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