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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Sales keep getting brought up in debates because they play a role in whole gets choosen. Sales are the main reason Duck Hunt was made playable and why they decided to include the character from "the very beginning of the project", however if the Duck Hunt character had no potential for a good moveset they probably wouldn't have gone through with adding him. The idea of a trio is what made the concept of the character work for Sakurai. So if a franchise has great sales and a character that would have a workable and interesting moveset, that character probably would have a better chance than one from a franchise with not so great sales.
This is very important to consider.

Yes, of COURSE people's primary reasoning for characters is wanting to play as them. But to say sales DON'T play a factor is a bad argument. Does anyone HONESTLY believe Wii Fit Trainer would've gotten in the game if sales weren't a factor? Wii Fit Trainer doesn't even have that original of a moveset, its just a variety of yoga poses for pretty much everything.

Say two characters with an almost identical gameplay gimmick could be considered from two separate franchises. Which would be more likely to get into Smash? The more popular character from the more popular franchise. If the franchises aren't too far apart in popularity, they might consider the character that's more popular or more requested, otherwise it would come down to personal preference.

Obscure characters are all fine and dandy, but the odds of getting them are slim-to-none.

Also, Abraham Lincoln is a historical figure. I know people like the idea of him, but honestly, there's probably next-to-no chance of him being playable. Henry Fleming is the more viable candidate. (Plus, Lincoln doesn't fight outside of A.B.E. anyway, though A.B.E. could be a Final Smash.)

Anyway, I pick characters that I like. However, characters who are obscure, even if they are ones that I like and can provide a good gameplay mechanic, I don't bother bringing them up (or rarely do so) if there's almost no chance of them getting in. I'd gladly request my favorite game character, but a one-off Zelda character unlikely to appear in future games is really kind of pointless to bring up (though at least she's got a trophy in-game :D).

Otherwise, my most wanted characters are K. Rool, Isaac, Dixie Kong, and Lip. Even Lip is obscure, but she was the main character of the original Panel de Pon and is the most recognized character from that game, and her wand is already an item. So there is that. If I went by gameplay exclusively I'd replace Dixie with Ridley, only because there's no guarantee Sakurai sees Dixie as a fully original character since in the classics, she does largely play similar to Diddy, just a bit slower and with a ponytail whirl.

K. Rool uses all kinds of gizmos as gadgets. He'd be a great trap-based character, there's few of them as is, and K. Rool's got the Blunderbuss with tons of potential for that alone. Isaac also has Psynergy, especially earth Psynergy, as there's almost no earth-based attacks at all. A new nature-based character would be nice; Lip could do that, but there's a couple of GS attacks as well. Plus a proper puzzle game representative to attack with Blocks, that's a good gimmick and style for Lip to use.

But the other argument is that you combine both sales and potential. There's numerous potential for additional DK characters, and its a popular franchise. Of course sales are going to come into play. Pikmin, for example, is decently popular, but I find it difficult to figure out a good secondary character from that franchise.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
What do you guys think about having two Rhythm Heaven characters in the next game? It may seem weird, but I think the series deserves it; I mean the Earthbound series got two characters when the entire series (including Mother 1+2 on GBA) made only HALF off the sales of Rhythm Heaven (DS) ALONE, all 3 Kid Icarus games combined also sold less than Rhythm Heaven (DS) alone, yet their series has 3 characters. The Rhythm Heaven games are all about having tons of different and vibrant characters anyway. If the (at the time) Japanese exclusive Fire Emblem series could be introduced to the Smash Bros. series with 2 characters I don't see why Rhythm Heaven can't. Of course if the series didn't have two characters worth adding I wouldn't be suggesting this, but it does. A lot people seem to have a hard time deciding on who should get in over the other when it comes between Chorus Kids and Karate Joe, why not both? They both have their own merits, would have distinct movesets from each other, and both of them together would represent their series way better than just one on their own. Let's also not forget that there is evidence that a Rhythm Heaven character was planned for this Smash game and that the RH series is getting a new game, which features both Chorus Kids and Karate Joe.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
What do you guys think about having two Rhythm Heaven characters in the next game? It may seem weird, but I think the series deserves it; I mean the Earthbound series got two characters when the entire series (including Mother 1+2 on GBA) made only HALF off the sales of Rhythm Heaven (DS) ALONE, all 3 Kid Icarus games combined also sold less than Rhythm Heaven (DS) alone, yet their series has 3 characters. The Rhythm Heaven games are all about having tons of different and vibrant characters anyway. If the (at the time) Japanese exclusive Fire Emblem series could be introduced to the Smash Bros. series with 2 characters I don't see why Rhythm Heaven can't. Of course if the series didn't have two characters worth adding I wouldn't be suggesting this, but it does. A lot people seem to have a hard time deciding on who should get in over the other when it comes between Chorus Kids and Karate Joe, why not both? They both have their own merits, would have distinct movesets from each other, and both of them together would represent their series way better than just one on their own. Let's also not forget that there is evidence that a Rhythm Heaven character was planned for this Smash game and that the RH series is getting a new game, which features both Chorus Kids and Karate Joe.
The only time a newly added franchise ever went from 0 to 2 characters is Fire Emblem, and that only happened because they added a clone character. So no, I don't really see it happening.

Deleted member

I feel we'd be lucky to get even one RH character at this point, sad as it is...
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Oh we have to deal with Rhythym Heaven to before we get a new Donkey Kong or Zelda character?

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Oh we have to deal with Rhythym Heaven to before we get a new Donkey Kong or Zelda character?

All characters confirmed to replace DK reps. No matter how different they are :rolleyes:

I still think LoZ would be fine with a slightly declones toon link and ganondorf
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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
All characters confirmed to replace DK reps. No matter how different they are :rolleyes:
And so, it was on that day that every competitive player cheered that diddy kong was gone. And then cried because so was Donkey Kong. :happysheep:
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Oh we have to deal with Rhythym Heaven to before we get a new Donkey Kong or Zelda character?

I don't see a problem with a Rhythm Heaven character. No one is arguing that Rhythm Heaven must get in over DK or Zelda.

As for Zelda... I'm holding out to see what Zelda Wii U brings to the table before immediately jumping on the bandwagon for any specific characters. I'm not dead-set on Impa because she's inconsistent and has never shown an official defined style other than being vaguely "ninja-esque." And although her Hyrule Warriors fighting style is good for Hyrule Warriors, its not canon to the games and isn't that interesting for Smash Bros. (Well, her default "Giant Blade" moveset. The Naginata would be amazing.)

All characters confirmed to replace DK reps. No matter how different they are :rolleyes:

I still think LoZ would be fine with a slightly declones toon link and ganondorf
I don't see the need to declone Toon Link. Ganondorf, yes, 100%.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I'll take pretty much any character, so long as the single-digit number of outstanding all-stars take priority. With Rhythm Heaven in particular, it feels premature to jump from maybe considering Wrestler as an option, to loving everything about the Chorus Men because of a leak, to wanting two "reps" just because, all over the course of a year. Let's sit back and see what ideas stand the test of time, then work with those once the next game rolls around.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Impa's weird to me because she looks drastically different in each game she appears in unlike the other recurring Zelda characters. I like the idea of Tetra, but who knows if we'll ever see her again. I want Toon Zelda, since a kid Zelda is a very recurring thing in Zelda like a kid Link is, plus she's just so cute, and Nintendo likes to use her for advertising sometimes. Tingle's too much of a pimp, it would be incredibly inappropriate to have him in as a playable character.


Not the Break Man
Mar 8, 2014
The "Skilled" Halidom
I don't see a problem with a Rhythm Heaven character. No one is arguing that Rhythm Heaven must get in over DK or Zelda.

As for Zelda... I'm holding out to see what Zelda Wii U brings to the table before immediately jumping on the bandwagon for any specific characters. I'm not dead-set on Impa because she's inconsistent and has never shown an official defined style other than being vaguely "ninja-esque." And although her Hyrule Warriors fighting style is good for Hyrule Warriors, its not canon to the games and isn't that interesting for Smash Bros. (Well, her default "Giant Blade" moveset. The Naginata would be amazing.)

I don't see the need to declone Toon Link. Ganondorf, yes, 100%.
Meh, Toon Link would be fine if you just gave him Hurricane Slash or Deku Leaf as his up B and changed one random other special move.

As far as Zelda goes, my money goes to Impa, and tbh she deserves it most, but not only would I prefer Tetra/Vaati, any samurai/ninja-esque character besides Takamaru is off-putting to me for not being Takamaru.

(Did I mention I want Takamaru in a Smash game and what would essentially be Nazo no Murasame Jo: Uprising to happen?)


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Impa's weird to me because she looks drastically different in each game she appears in unlike the other recurring Zelda characters. I like the idea of Tetra, but who knows if we'll ever see her again. I want Toon Zelda, since a kid Zelda is a very recurring thing in Zelda like a kid Link is, plus she's just so cute, and Nintendo likes to use her for advertising sometimes. Tingle's too much of a pimp, it would be incredibly inappropriate to have him in as a playable character.
I disagree that she looks "drastically" different in "each" game. There's only one game where she looks so incredibly "drastically" different. Impa has two defined designs; old Impa and young Impa. Young Impa is the commonly referenced one, and is the more popular one. Old Impa is the most recurring one. These two designs vary slightly from game-to-game, but they're not so drastic that you can't tell the difference. They're not any different from Link and Zelda, and Link and Zelda also have Old and Young versions as well.

Then there's her one-off Oracle of Seasons design. This one looks completely different, but its only appeared once. Young Impa has appeared in 3 games (only 2 if you discount Hyrule Warriors) and Old Impa has appeared in about 6 games story-wise (only 3 physically in-game).

Young Impa is the one that would obviously be playable. The problem is, again, lack of an established original moveset in-franchise. Plus Zelda's Sheik design kinda already represents the Sheikah and the ninja style of fighting, so unless Impa gets an established original moveset, its hard to justify her in addition to Sheik personally. I'm ok with Impa becoming a reskin of Sheik and becoming the "default" in future games (with Sheik still an option), but without her getting an established original moveset, again, I find it hard to justify her inclusion.

At the same time, Impa is the only other character who comes close at this point in time, unless Nintendo starts making more recurring Zelda characters who appear across different games. I'd say this is definitely the reason why we did not get a new Zelda character in this game. Unless either Impa gets an established moveset in Zelda U, or they bring back other major characters ("major" referring to Zelda characters major in one or two games, not recurring minor characters), I don't see a Zelda character as DLC.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Series do absolutely have reps- the entire proportion of the roster is important.
This is obviously the reason that Pokemon are cut with no intention of returning- unless you actually think that Sakurai planned on Having Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Lucario, Mewtwo, Squirtle, Charizard, Ivysaur, and Greninja all in this Smash.

It's not extremely clear cut- but there are obviously some generalities that cannot be ignored.
I mean, how much of an inspired moveset is Toon Link? Is he in because he is a unique take on Link, or because Sakurai thinks that such a divisive character needed more representation (and thus, the series needed another character, but likely didn't think other Zelda characters carried enough Gravitas to compare to the Triforce holders)? I'll give you a hint- he speaks o it (not the part in parentheticals). Any character COULD have a clone- Link is no more deserving by move set to have been given one. He was given one because his franchise, and particularly a specific part therein, needed representation.

It is also important to note that franchise representation overall should be looked at, and it makes a lot of sense. What is the cast of characters from Mario? Does this portray a good sample size of what Mario games are about? How do they look as a whole, together? This is why we got Robin- it "completed the Essence of Fire Emblem." It's not as if other characters from other games couldn't work like Robin does- hell, half of "how a character works" is in not based on the idea of the moveset, but the mechanics of it.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Series do absolutely have reps- the entire proportion of the roster is important.
This is obviously the reason that Pokemon are cut with no intention of returning- unless you actually think that Sakurai planned on Having Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Lucario, Mewtwo, Squirtle, Charizard, Ivysaur, and Greninja all in this Smash.

It's not extremely clear cut- but there are obviously some generalities that cannot be ignored.
I mean, how much of an inspired moveset is Toon Link? Is he in because he is a unique take on Link, or because Sakurai thinks that such a divisive character needed more representation (and thus, the series needed another character, but likely didn't think other Zelda characters carried enough Gravitas to compare to the Triforce holders)? I'll give you a hint- he speaks o it (not the part in parentheticals). Any character COULD have a clone- Link is no more deserving by move set to have been given one. He was given one because his franchise, and particularly a specific part therein, needed representation.

It is also important to note that franchise representation overall should be looked at, and it makes a lot of sense. What is the cast of characters from Mario? Does this portray a good sample size of what Mario games are about? How do they look as a whole, together? This is why we got Robin- it "completed the Essence of Fire Emblem." It's not as if other characters from other games couldn't work like Robin does- hell, half of "how a character works" is in not based on the idea of the moveset, but the mechanics of it.
Agreed. Series representation does play an important role. As far as I'm aware, Toon Link was included because Sakurai felt that he "needed" to be included.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I disagree that she looks "drastically" different in "each" game. There's only one game where she looks so incredibly "drastically" different. Impa has two defined designs; old Impa and young Impa. Young Impa is the commonly referenced one, and is the more popular one. Old Impa is the most recurring one. These two designs vary slightly from game-to-game, but they're not so drastic that you can't tell the difference. They're not any different from Link and Zelda, and Link and Zelda also have Old and Young versions as well.

Then there's her one-off Oracle of Seasons design. This one looks completely different, but its only appeared once. Young Impa has appeared in 3 games (only 2 if you discount Hyrule Warriors) and Old Impa has appeared in about 6 games story-wise (only 3 physically in-game).

Young Impa is the one that would obviously be playable. The problem is, again, lack of an established original moveset in-franchise. Plus Zelda's Sheik design kinda already represents the Sheikah and the ninja style of fighting, so unless Impa gets an established original moveset, its hard to justify her in addition to Sheik personally. I'm ok with Impa becoming a reskin of Sheik and becoming the "default" in future games (with Sheik still an option), but without her getting an established original moveset, again, I find it hard to justify her inclusion.

At the same time, Impa is the only other character who comes close at this point in time, unless Nintendo starts making more recurring Zelda characters who appear across different games. I'd say this is definitely the reason why we did not get a new Zelda character in this game. Unless either Impa gets an established moveset in Zelda U, or they bring back other major characters ("major" referring to Zelda characters major in one or two games, not recurring minor characters), I don't see a Zelda character as DLC.
I honestly don't see that much of a resemblance between the two young Impa's from OoT and SS other than red eyes (which Shiekahs tend to have) pointy ears (which a lot of Zelda characters have) and a somewhat similar hair style. Maybe saying they look drastically different is pushing it, but they still don't look that similar. I don't mention HW Impa because see was basically made to look like a mix between the other two young Impas. What was the 3rd game old Impa was physically in? She was in Skyward Sword and a Link Between Worlds, what was the 3rd? From what I recall old Impa was only in those two games and the instruction manuals for the first two Zelda games, so 4 appearances.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Impa's weird to me because she looks drastically different in each game she appears in unlike the other recurring Zelda characters. I like the idea of Tetra, but who knows if we'll ever see her again. I want Toon Zelda, since a kid Zelda is a very recurring thing in Zelda like a kid Link is, plus she's just so cute, and Nintendo likes to use her for advertising sometimes. Tingle's too much of a pimp, it would be incredibly inappropriate to have him in as a playable character.
Sir, I am offended that you think such lowly of everyone's favourite pedophile.



Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I honestly don't see that much of a resemblance between the two young Impa's from OoT and SS other than red eyes (which Shiekahs tend to have) pointy ears (which a lot of Zelda characters have) and a somewhat similar hair style. Maybe saying they look drastically different is pushing it, but they still don't look that similar. I don't mention HW Impa because see was basically made to look like a mix between the other two young Impas. What was the 3rd game old Impa was physically in? She was in Skyward Sword and a Link Between Worlds, what was the 3rd? From what I recall old Impa was only in those two games and the instruction manuals for the first two Zelda games, so 4 appearances.
You're right, I did make a mistake. I thought she was in LTTP. Twilight Princess stretches it slightly, but Impaz is basically Impa with one letter difference.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
And here I want characters because I just like them....
Pretty much.

That's why I stopped caring about petty arguments surrounding characters (muh sales, muh representation, muh Sakurai bias, muh clones, muh deserving). If I like certain characters, I support their inclusion and, if in the game, play as them and appreciate their presence in the roster. I don't let other people's opinions sway me so easily.

That's why my most used characters are what they are. Because I like those characters and play as them.

I support veteran characters as DLC because I liked playing as some of the cut characters, such as Wolf, Lucas and Snake. I don't expect them all to return, but I'll vouch for their inclusion anyway.

Robin's reveal was great hype for me. Since I played FEA, I had increasingly wanted to play as the Avatar character in Smash. When he made it in, I couldn't be happier and was among the first characters I've tried when I got Smash 3DS.

Same for Dark Pit. I don't care if he's a nearly identical clone of Pit, because I like the character and have fun playing the game as him. That is all that matters to me: having fun and playing as the characters I like in a huge crossover title.

Bowser Jr. was a pretty cool addition too, with Clown Car shenanigans and he's loads of fun to play as. Mewtwo returning as DLC is also great news as he was my most played character in Melee.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Meh, Toon Link would be fine if you just gave him Hurricane Slash or Deku Leaf as his up B and changed one random other special move.

As far as Zelda goes, my money goes to Impa, and tbh she deserves it most, but not only would I prefer Tetra/Vaati, any samurai/ninja-esque character besides Takamaru is off-putting to me for not being Takamaru.

(Did I mention I want Takamaru in a Smash game and what would essentially be Nazo no Murasame Jo: Uprising to happen?)
I'm afraid the only shot he's got is a new game and the chances of that happening is minuscule to nonexistent. Though it could happen if Kamiya has some spare time to work on it if he doesn't have any more original ideas or isn't obligated to work on a new Bayonetta title.

While many may say Retro Studios would be an alternative, but I for one think it's a terrible idea. For starters, they already owe us a Metroid game and a third DKC title since both are the games they truly want. So I guarantee you that there will be controversy from the DK and Metroid fans if they were to work on a Murasame Uprising before what they really want. Secondly, there's the fact that it's solely a Western developer and they would need to incorporate as many Japanese cultural references as possible to capture the spirit of the game.

Deleted member

Who guess you could be the next WFT, as to know the new expected-by-one-in-the-world character but who has at least some form of relevance from the game/franchise they come from in terms of sales or part of Nintendo's history (and not especially retro like R.O.B.) and who could bring an exclusive fighting style ?

To me, it would either Dr. Kawashima, a Virtual Boy rep (like Teleroboxer), or even an Hanafuda rep.

...Well, we already have WFT and Miis, so its pretty difficult to dig.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
Who guess you could be the next WFT, as to know the new expected-by-one-in-the-world character but who has at least some form of relevance from the game/franchise they come from in terms of sales or part of Nintendo's history (and not especially retro like R.O.B.) and who could bring an exclusive fighting style ?

To me, it would either Dr. Kawashima, a Virtual Boy rep (like Teleroboxer), or even an Hanafuda rep.

...Well, we already have WFT and Miis, so its pretty difficult to dig.
Next Wii Fit Trainer. Hmm....

How about Monita from NintendoLand?


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Who guess you could be the next WFT, as to know the new expected-by-one-in-the-world character but who has at least some form of relevance from the game/franchise they come from in terms of sales or part of Nintendo's history (and not especially retro like R.O.B.) and who could bring an exclusive fighting style ?

To me, it would either Dr. Kawashima, a Virtual Boy rep (like Teleroboxer), or even an Hanafuda rep.

...Well, we already have WFT and Miis, so its pretty difficult to dig.
Tingle. Don't deny it. :troll:



Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I'm afraid the only shot he's got is a new game and the chances of that happening is minuscule to nonexistent. Though it could happen if Kamiya has some spare time to work on it if he doesn't have any more original ideas or isn't obligated to work on a new Bayonetta title.

While many may say Retro Studios would be an alternative, but I for one think it's a terrible idea. For starters, they already owe us a Metroid game and a third DKC title since both are the games they truly want. So I guarantee you that there will be controversy from the DK and Metroid fans if they were to work on a Murasame Uprising before what they really want. Secondly, there's the fact that it's solely a Western developer and they would need to incorporate as many Japanese cultural references as possible to capture the spirit of the game.
Japanese cultural references? Please tell, what cultural references exist in SSB4, why do they make the game better and why couldn't a Western company integrate them? It's not as though Sakurai doesn't pull a little from Western themes when he chooses to do so, like with Little Mac. I see more Japanese design influences vs. content choices, which is definitely something I'd like to see done away with (such as mediocre online because it's more traditional in Japan to play among a close-knit group of friends than online).

Also, Retro is now large enough to work on multiple projects at once, so they might not be preoccupied for as long as you'd think (and why would they choose to revamp Murasame Castle again?)

EDIT: He wasn't talking about Smash.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Murasame Castle doesn't seem to be the type of thing Retro would be working on. And while they could, but I would bet they wouldn't pull it off as effectively as another studio who has closer ties to Japanese culture.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I see more Japanese design influences vs. content choices, which is definitely something I'd like to see done away with (such as mediocre online because it's more traditional in Japan to play among a close-knit group of friends than online).
I have no idea what you mean here. Mediocre online? It seems fine to me and quite par for the course on the kind of online present across most Nintendo games.

Japanese do give a little emphasis on playing together offline not because it's related to their culture (seriously, it's not.) but because it's more densely populated than the US. Online games are a huge thing there, by the way. Why do think MMORPGs are so popular there?

Also, Retro is now large enough to work on multiple projects at once, so they might not be preoccupied for as long as you'd think (and why would they choose to revamp Murasame Castle again?)
Because there is potential in it? Now why did Sakurai revive Kid Icarus again?



Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Because he didn't want to make it a Star Fox game.
No, its really more because he felt that the gameplay style they created wouldn't work well enough for Star Fox. At least that's what I heard, anyway.

I'm afraid the only shot he's got is a new game and the chances of that happening is minuscule to nonexistent. Though it could happen if Kamiya has some spare time to work on it if he doesn't have any more original ideas or isn't obligated to work on a new Bayonetta title.

While many may say Retro Studios would be an alternative, but I for one think it's a terrible idea. For starters, they already owe us a Metroid game and a third DKC title since both are the games they truly want. So I guarantee you that there will be controversy from the DK and Metroid fans if they were to work on a Murasame Uprising before what they really want. Secondly, there's the fact that it's solely a Western developer and they would need to incorporate as many Japanese cultural references as possible to capture the spirit of the game.
I don't see what's wrong with Retro deciding to do something new. Retro doesn't owe anyone anything. And honestly, I don't think they're going to do another Metroid game anytime soon. I think right now they're working on a new project, then they'll probably do DKCR3 to finish the new trilogy and maybe lay the groundwork for another developer to pick up the reins. As for what comes after I don't know.

I have no idea what you mean here. Mediocre online? It seems fine to me and quite par for the course on the kind of online present across most Nintendo games.

Japanese do give a little emphasis on playing together offline not because it's related to their culture (seriously, it's not.) but because it's more densely populated than the US. Online games are a huge thing there, by the way. Why do think MMORPGs are so popular there?

Because there is potential in it? Now why did Sakurai revive Kid Icarus again?

There's nothing really of note I can think of that Retro would have any reason of reviving specifically Mysterious Murasame Castle. Granted, I've brought up a weird suggestion myself in the past that's incredibly unlikely, but at least Michael Kelbaugh did do a bit of work on the original Golden Sun. :p


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I have no idea what you mean here. Mediocre online? It seems fine to me and quite par for the course on the kind of online present across most Nintendo games.

Japanese do give a little emphasis on playing together offline not because it's related to their culture (seriously, it's not.) but because it's more densely populated than the US. Online games are a huge thing there, by the way. Why do think MMORPGs are so popular there?

Because there is potential in it? Now why did Sakurai revive Kid Icarus again?

It's not exclusive to Smash, but from what I can glean from online articles and interviews, in Japan, most gamers will go visit their family or friend's houses if they want to play a multiplayer game like Smash or Mario Kart (or the multiplayer modes of games like NSMB), rather than play them online. It's naturally more feasible to do, considering the size disparity between Japan and the U. S. But it's not an optimal mindset when it comes to developing a quality global online system.

I ask about Murasame Castle in particular because I see no demand for it outside of Takamaru fans on Smash sites. It's also an example of people wanting Retro to become a receptacle for old franchises instead of following their creative impulses (which is one reason why TF got so much hate...Returns was "supposed to be" a one-off throwback instead of a legit return of the series).


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I ask about Murasame Castle in particular because I see no demand for it outside of Takamaru fans on Smash sites. It's also an example of people wanting Retro to become a receptacle for old franchises instead of following their creative impulses (which is one reason why TF got so much hate...Returns was "supposed to be" a one-off throwback instead of a legit return of the series).
Well, you wouldn't really expect someone who's not a Takamaru fan to ask for a Murasame Castle remake anyway. I get that the demand and the game that will come out of it is going to be for a niche audience.

That said, I didn't realise people were specifically asking for Retro Studios to do it. Then again, they are named Retro studios, heh. :p I'd say it's probably because of the fantastic work they've done with DK and Metroid. Who does't want some of that love?

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Regardless of want I do think it is interesting that takamaru showed up in nintendo land, got a vc release, and then wound up an assist trophy. Maybe it's nothing, but a revival isnt too out of the question, regardless of who does it.
When was the last time Retro made a Metroid game, really? All I've seen from them since DKCR is just Dankey Kang gaem after Dankey Kang gaem. :p
havent they only made two (which were amazing)? That would mean they have made more metroid games anyway. . .
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
When was the last time Retro made a Metroid game, really? All I've seen from them since DKCR is just Dankey Kang gaem after Dankey Kang gaem. :p
What Donkey Kong games? All they've done since Returns is TF. That's it. And as I've heard, their current project probably isn't Metroid or DKC.

Well, you wouldn't really expect someone who's not a Takamaru fan to ask for a Murasame Castle remake anyway. I get that the demand and the game that will come out of it is going to be for a niche audience.

That said, I didn't realise people were specifically asking for Retro Studios to do it. Then again, they are named Retro studios, heh. :p I'd say it's probably because of the fantastic work they've done with DK and Metroid. Who does't want some of that love?

Well, someone above mentioned Retro. Oh, @ Yomi's Biggest Fan Yomi's Biggest Fan said that many people suggested Retro. Yeah, I'm not sure whose suggested that. I've heard that people on DK Vine were talking about Retro possibly doing Ice Climbers (Snomads), but not Mysterious Murasame Castle.

I've also brought up the possibility of maybe Retro doing the next Golden Sun instead of Camelot, and Camelot does a 3D DK game on handheld. Both of which are probably not likely to happen. Although, again, Michael Kelbaugh did work on the original Golden Sun, and Camelot expressed interest in a sequel to DK64.
Feb 14, 2015
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
havent they only made two (which were amazing)? That would mean they have made more metroid games anyway. . .
What Donkey Kong games? All they've done since Returns is TF. That's it. And as I've heard, their current project probably isn't Metroid or DKC.
I was counting DKC3D in the pile since it's a new game in construction, so yeah, we've had 3 DKC games and 3 Metroid games.

And I'm not denouncing their quality, just that I don't want Metroid to end up like Kid Icarus where we end up waiting 10+ years between games. :p

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Impa's weird to me because she looks drastically different in each game she appears in unlike the other recurring Zelda characters. I like the idea of Tetra, but who knows if we'll ever see her again. I want Toon Zelda, since a kid Zelda is a very recurring thing in Zelda like a kid Link is, plus she's just so cute, and Nintendo likes to use her for advertising sometimes. Tingle's too much of a pimp, it would be incredibly inappropriate to have him in as a playable character.
That's why HW Impa is a mix of OoT and SS Impa, the most important versions of her. I see little inconsistancy as her most influential roles where always as a ninja warrior. She also appears as an old woman often, but they worked with that perfectly in SS.

As it stands now, she is easily the best choice.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I was counting DKC3D in the pile since it's a new game in construction, so yeah, we've had 3 DKC games and 3 Metroid games.

And I'm not denouncing their quality, just that I don't want Metroid to end up like Kid Icarus where we end up waiting 10+ years between games. :p
Monster Games did Returns 3D.
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