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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Why are all of you putting Lip on these rosters.

And Pac-Man.
Because "Pac-Man is inevitable due to the Leaky 3" BS that everyone spouts. Which is the same reason for bloody Miis. Though personally, I do want to see Pac.

Lip is a just personal choice and just a guess.
I'd like to compliment you on your perfect roster, and idea for Mii's.
You have no idea how depressing it is that the only thing it took to make my roster "perfect" was to add Miis. That's literally the only difference between this roster and my last one. Adding Miis feels more like a downgrade to me.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I would put Pac-Man on a roster too, if I included another 3rd party character other than Megaman/Sonic/Snake. It doesn't have to do with that E3 leak either. He's pretty iconic as far as video game characters go, and he has a decent connection to Nintendo. I can understand not seeing much in his moveset potential though. He is a yellow circle that eats stuff. But, looking a little deeper into his history, you can find enough stuff to make a decent moveset with. But I'm just one dude, so what do I know? Meh.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Does that mean you hate Wario and Waluigi?
To go into a little more detail, something falls into my criteria of a Dark character under the general guidelines that they are:

a.) A dark palette swap of a pre-existing character with evil motives.
b.) Literally have the name "Dark (Pre-existing character)"

And sometimes, the role given to each character of this type makes a difference on how much I dislike them; it depends on how much I believe they are taking away from other prospects. I don't mind Dark Link too much because it's such a minor character, even if it's recurring; they've never tried to make it more than a cool boss.

Dark Samus isn't bad considering what it's used for plot-wise, but I think you could have taken the idea behind the character's creation and made a cooler original character. I'd like to think of Samus and Dark Samus as something akin to Spider-man and Venom, but if they had made a stronger physical/behavioral difference like that, I think it would have been a stronger character. Call it "Phazon Prime" or something like that.

Dark Pit is kinda meh. He wound up being a pretty cool character (with a pretty cool theme song,) but I still found him unnecessary, and taking away from a character like Magnus, who is kind of an opposite of Pit without being literal Dark Pit. It'd be like Blood Falcon having a larger role than Samurai Goroh; I do consider Blood Falcon to be a "Dark Character," but he doesn't overshadow other characters (...probably since they're all just racers anyway).

So, on my criteria and who fits the bill, I would say that initially anyway, Shadow the Hedgehog was a "Dark Character" to Sonic. Dark palette swap with evil intentions, and his "rival" status, I believe, took away from Knuckles, a classic Sonic rival with opposite traits. They wound up taking a different path with Shadow later down the road, so I'm fine with him now.

As for Wario and Waluigi, I never would have considered the two "Dark Characters." Neither are dark palette swaps of the characters they are based off of, they aren't simply Mario and Luigi with "evil motives," and their names aren't literally "Dark Mario" and "Dark Luigi." Effort went into each of these aspects. Instead of being dark palette swaps, their designs up-play the features of the characters their based on to terrifying degrees; while Mario is round and Luigi is tall, Wario is fat and stubby and Waluigi is pencil-thin and lanky. While Mario's moustache is wavy and Luigi's is straight, Wario's is jagged and Waluigi's is pointy. Plus they have original coloring schemes. Rather than having purely evil motives, the motives of Wario are simply drastic and opposite in comparison to that of Mario; while Mario fights and adventures for selfless causes, Wario fights and adventures for incredibly greedy causes. And their names are thoughtful puns, word play. Wario and Waluigi are clever characters.

My criteria and thoughts on this are totally subjective to my own judgment, but they are what they are.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2013
Here are 3 of my rosters! First up,

Super Smash Toad
Where you can play as all of your favourite generic inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom!

Next up,

Super Bash Sisters

Only females

Finally, my actual roster:

As for the undecided ones:

I am willing to explain all of my choices.

Deleted member

I like how much detail you put into that, pizzadudemanguy.

I was going to point out the whole "there names aren't literally 'Dark Mario and Dark Luigi'" thing, but then I saw the "their names are thoughtful puns", so you already knew about what I was going to tell you. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Here are 3 of my rosters! First up,

Super Smash Toad
Where you can play as all of your favourite generic inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom!

Next up,

Super Bash Sisters

Only females

Finally, my actual roster:

As for the undecided ones:

I am willing to explain all of my choices.
Super Smash Toads
You forgot Sesmitoad.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
What Mario character do you think is going to get in?

I would throw that out and give DK two.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2013
Warning Received
Ooh boy, 59 character roster? A little on the high side for SSB4 in terms of likelihood, in my opinion.
Yeah, well, I couldn't decide which more to cut. I mean, I guess the extra mario rep, but.........I dunno. I have no excuse.

Super Smash Toads
You forgot Sesmitoad.
I don't have an icon of it in my roster.

Waluigi is not a Wario character and has not appeared in any of Wario's games.
I know. I still count him though, like many people count Birdo as a Yoshi character.
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Yeah, well, I couldn't decide which more to cut. I mean, I guess the extra mario rep, but.........I dunno. I have no excuse.
I would say no more than 50, so here'd be the easy solution: cut all of your undecideds. There's 9 of them.

Actually...I gotta know, is this a "prediction roster" or a "dream roster" (or a mix)?
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Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
What do people think of Shrek being in? Miiverse is never shutting up about him.

Shrek this. Shrek love. Stop Shrek. Blahblahshrek! ShrekityShrekityShrek!

I actually miss the requests for Steve and Goku.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
What do people think of Shrek being in? Miiverse is never shutting up about him.

Shrek this. Shrek love. Stop Shrek. Blahblahshrek! ShrekityShrekityShrek!

I actually miss the requests for Steve and Goku.
Shrek is a movie character... like Goku I do not see the point. I don't have any problem with them as characters in their respective medias, but when a character's origin is outside of gaming that's where I definitely draw the line. Shrek is a really weird one to me and I don't even know why he comes up. I mean I kind of get Goku requests, an popular character from a popular and long time action anime and he was in that Jump ultimate stars game. Shrek though is a character from a fairy tale parody movie series, I don't get it.

Deleted member

What do people think of Shrek being in? Miiverse is never shutting up about him.

Shrek this. Shrek love. Stop Shrek. Blahblahshrek! ShrekityShrekityShrek!

I actually miss the requests for Steve and Goku.
They're probably trolling (Then again, there are a few legit requests) but if it takes one character to stop me from buying the game, it would be him.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2013
Switch FC
4549 - 7836 - 2775
I Figure I see everyone everywhere else making one, so I figure, I'll make one too.
Anyway, I made this roster in the hopes they manage to bring everyone from Brawl back in Smash.4, so it contains the entire Brawl Cast, with a series of new characters, and one returning character.

Returning Character(s)
Mewtwo: I am adding him too this list due too the fact that, well, everyone seems to want him back. And even though I my self never used the character, I would like for Mewtwo to return for the sake of making the fans of the character happy. Not a personal add for my self, but for the sake of those who do want him.

New Character(s)
Villager: already confirmed
Wii Fit Trainer: already confirmed
Mega Man: already confirmed
Rosalina (+ Luma): already confirmed
Little Mac: already confirmed

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ = Personal Wants

Dixie Kong: I'll be honest when I say I am NOT a fan of the "Blond Haired in Pink" archetype when it comes to female characters. I absolutely detest and loath it, to the point I usually hate female characters on the spot if they fit this archetype, since its been done so many ****ing times. However, I can't hate Dixie for being in this archetype, for the same reason I cant hate Peach for being in it, or Maria (Castlevania) for being in it. They actually manage to pull it off in a way that's not annoying, and are actually fairly cute. That said I am not the bigest fan of the DK Games, my favorite was the 64 version, and that game didn't even have Dixie in it. I want her in, mostly for the same reasons I want Mewtwo in, for the sake of making her fans happy.

Ray: I'll be honest when I say I have no idea who he is, how he will play, or if he would fit. But I will say he was one of my favorite Assist Trophies in Brawl, and would love to see him get the Little Mac treatment of being upgraded from Assist to Player. Not to mention robots are cool, I love robots. If I could, I'd probably put a Transformer on this list, buuuuut that is as likely as Mario or Link being in a game on a PS4/Xbone game. Hes here cus I <3 Robots.

Vaati: Again, as with Ray, I never played any of the games hes from. However I like to think hes a strong contender because I think we need more than one Toon Zelda Character rep. Toon Link being the only Legend of Zelda character to use that art style makes him stick out, and then him being a clone makes it only worse. So I feel a second Toon Representative is necessary, but rather than bringing in a Toon version of a pre-existing character that's already in Smash (Toon Zelda/Toon Sheik-Tetra, or Toon Ganondorf) why not someone who can be considered somewhat iconic, while still being something new too the table? Vaat would be a wonderful Toon character addition, while still bringing something new, as well as adding a new playable villain too the Smash Bros. series.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Palutena: I'll be honest, I did not care much for Palutena, not until the Palutena Leaks were shown online. After I saw the images I went to do some research on her, because she seemed interesting. Thats when I fell in love with her character. I found the Palutenas Revolting Dinner short, and couldn't stop grinning like an idiot. I fell in love with her personality, and hope she gets in based on that. She's become one of the top 3 I want added.

Hades: I can see him getting in soly because of the "This Game Needs More Villains" issue, that, and I think he looks pretty interesting. I've never played the KI games so I don't know much about him, but more villains never hurt anyone, right? That and with him and Palutena possibly being added, it follows the pattern of the LoZ Characters: Hero, Partner, Villain.

Ridley: I want Ridley in for the same reason I want Mewtwo in, to appease his fan base, and that he actually seems like he would be an interesting add too the game. And hes a dinosaur, people like dinosaurs, and hes purple, I like purple. xD That's ... really all I have to say on him, sorry.

Krystal: She seems like a logical choice too me. She adds new female character too the cast, which never hurts to have more of. She has a chance to bring a poll-arm fighter too the series, which will help to distinguish her from the rest of the SF characters. I dunno, I just like her, and would like to see her in, though shes not one of my personal wants.

Lyn: I do not want Chrom, at all. Take note, I've never played an FE game, but from what I've been told and read, Chrom is a descendant of Marth, and even use the same sword as he does. That just screams clone too me. If he gets in I feel he would bring nothing new too the series, at all. At least with Lyn, we have a chance at adding someone new with a new fighting style. Based on her Assist Trophy attack, she uses the quick-draw fighting style with her Katana. You know, always keeping it sheathed, and pulling it out with powerful attacks. I would love to see her fighting with beating people over the head with her sheathed sword, and only pulling it out with her special attacks, smash attacks, and Final Smash. and Like Little Mac, and Ray mentioned before, I feel she deserves to be upgraded from Assist to Player.

Shulk: I've never played Xenoblade, but I intend too when I can find it. That said, based on his design alone, I'd like to see him get in. xD And that's really my only reasons for wanting him in, lame, i know, and for that I Apologize.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Takamaru: I f***ing love this character. I was introduced too him via the Wii version of Samurai Warriors 3. I love his design, his fighting style, his abilities in SW3. And then, after reading up more on him, I came to love the abilities he had in his own game that weren't in SW3. I also love his personality, as portrayed in SW3; a noble warrior who puts the lives of others before him self, as well as respecting anyone who protects those who can not protect them selves. I want to pick up and play as him in SW3 as I type this.

Mii + Pac-Man: I am adding them too the list mainly because of the pre-E3 2013 leak that announced them, along side Mac, Mega, Villager, and WFT. So far 4 of the 6 that were named have gotten in, and these two are, in my eyes, a shoe-in, and that their announcement is only a matter of time. I don't care much for Pac-Man, I didn't grow up playing his games, but with Namco helping with the development of Smash.4, it does increase his chances, if only by a bit. However I am fond of the idea of Mii's getting in. If only because I'd imagine they would register WiiU/3DS owners personal Mii for the appearance of the Mii in the game, and I would love that.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Bayonetta: I know she has very little chance, like, zero to nothing. But I can't help but still want her in. I loved the first game and am soooo excited for the second one, Bayo2 and Smash.4 were my main reasons for getting a Wii U in the first place. I can't help but love everything about her; her personality, her abilities, her design just ... her everything! She screams fabulousety too the N'th Degree. I mean with Bayo 2 being Wii U exclusive due too nintendo funding, the fact that Hideki wants to make a Spin off Bayo title for the 3DS, and the talks of possibly bringing the first game to the Wii U, the Bayonetta series has a bright future with Nintendo. And I would love to see that be represented with her getting into Smash as a 3rd Party Rep for Platinum Games.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Going back to the Mii discussion on the last page, I did bring up this interview with Iwata a few months back on how Nintendo handles Miis. It turns out that Nintendo does have rules regulating what can and cannot happen to Miis in games

Link: http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/wii/wiiparty/0/1

Apparently this is why these "Mii rules" exist.

Mii characters are a representation of the player. It's important to pay strict attention not to do anything that would make the players feel uncomfortable, so there are rules about the usage of Mii characters.
Do you guys think that these Mii rules change Mii's chances of being a fighter?

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Do you guys think that these Mii rules change Mii's chances of being a fighter?
Smash Bros is about as violent as Wii Party (multiple dangerous activities) and Wii Sports (Boxing and Swordplay).

I think Smash is okay.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2013
Switch FC
4549 - 7836 - 2775
Well most people who use Mii's on Miiverse have to follow certain rules, or their Mii is rejected, right? I imagine that user accounts that have had their Mii's rejected from Miiverse, due to one thing or another, what ever code that is used to reject the Mii from appearing on Miiverse will also prevent the Mii's appearance in the game.

That is if Mii's do use a players registered Mii for its design in Smash.4.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
On Miiverse, I only see Shadow. . . And I want to blow my brains out. :facepalm:


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Does anyone think Porky Minch could work as a playable character?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2013
Does anyone remember Sakurai's poll for brawl ?

Cheer Squad (Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!)
Kalas (Batten Kaitos)
Megaman (Megaman)
Claus (MOTHER 3)
King K. Rool (DK Country)
King Dedede (Kirby) - CONFIRMED!
Geno (Super Mario Bros. RPG)
Professor Kawashima (Brain Age)
Sigurd (Fire Emblem)
Black Shadow (F-Zero)
Dragon Chan (Super Punch-Out!!!)
G-Red (Gotchaforce)
Hammer Bros. (Super Mario Bros.) - AT!
Oguma (Fire Emblem)
Captain Olimar (Pikmin) - CONFIRMED!
Lip (Panel de Pon)
Ike (Fire Emblem) - CONFIRMED!
Black Knight (Fire Emblem)
Toad (Super Mario Bros. 2) - Peach B move
Lolo and Lala (Kirby)
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Ray 01 (Custom Robo) - AT!
Princess Katia (Lost Kingdom)
Sukapon (Joy Mecha Fight)
Colonel Volgin (Metal Gear Solid 3)
Lupus (Jet Force Gemini)
Ganondorf/Ganon (Legend of Zelda) - CONFIRMED!
Link (Wind Waker) - Toon Link CONFIRMED!
Ninten (MOTHER)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Ridley (Metroid) - BOSS!
Takamaru (Nazo no Murasamejou)
Little Mac (Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!!) - AT!
Diddy & Dixie Kong (DK Country) [Ice Climber-type is sugested] - Diddy confirmed solo
Jeff (Earthbound)
Donbe (Shin Oni ga Shima)
Power Pro (Jikkyo Power Pro Baseball)
Chibi Robo (Chibi Robo)
Tetra (Wind Waker)
Harry (Teleroboxer)
James Bond (Goldeneye)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) - In BG of Smashville stage
Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong Country) - CONFIRMED!
Mia (Fire Emblem)
Krystal (Star Fox)
Peppy (Star Fox)
Slippy (Star Fox)
Wolf (Star Fox) - CONFIRMED!
Petey Piranha (Mario Sunshine) - BOSS!
Link's Uncle (A Link to the Past)
Dr. Wright (Sim City) - AT!
Thomas (Kung-Fu)
Infantry (Famicom Wars) - AT!
Blue Virus (Dr. Mario)
Isaac (Golden Sun) - AT!
Urban Champion guys
Nabaru (Fire Emblem)
Magnus (Ogre Battle)
Furil (Panel de Pon 2)
Palutenia (Kid Icarus) - in Pit's Final Smash.
Medusa (Kid Icarus)
Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus)
Felix (Golden Sun)
Chain Chomp (Mario)
Koopa Troopa (Mario) - ENEMY!
Muddy (Mole Mania)
Famicom Detective Club characters
Banker (Mario Paint)
Marx (Kirby Superstar)
Vivian (Paper Mario)
Hero/Heroine (Magical Vacation)
Gardevoir (Pokemon) - POKEBALL!
Soren (Fire Emblem)
Jill (Drill Dozer) - AT!
Demille (Tomato Adventure)
Tomato Robot Attack?
Human (Animal Crossing) - in BG of Smashville stage
Mallow (Super Mario RPG)
Master Hand (Super Smash Bros.)
Crazy Hand (SSBM)
Weavel (Metroid Prime: Hunters)
Sylux (Metroid Prime: Hunters)
Noxus (Metroid Prime: Hunters)
Steven Stone (Pokemon)
Sheeda (Fire Emblem 1)
Maji/Saji [identical twins] (Fire Emblem 1)
Jeigan (Fire Emblem 1)
Paula (Earthbound)
Poo (Earthbound)
Kumatora (Mother 3)

When you look at that list, Sakurai really considers the demands. It's just impossible to please everyone.
Is there another poll like that for SSB4 ?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Because "Pac-Man is inevitable due to the Leaky 3" BS that everyone spouts. Which is the same reason for bloody Miis. Though personally, I do want to see Pac.

Lip is a just personal choice and just a guess.
Are you dummies still believing that? It was proven false like 3 days after it came out.
(Not calling you a dummy Naux)


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2013
Why does it matter?
I think Pacman is going to be in, not because of the leak, but because he is obviously the next in line for new third-party.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I think Pacman is going to be in, not because of the leak, but because he is obviously the next in line for new third-party.
That doesn't mean anything because third party characters don't work by the same rules as Nintendo characters. Here is what Sakurai said on the subject.
Smash Bros. can still be considered as an all-star collection of Nintendo characters. Just like with Mega Man or any other third-party character, it would have to be a very special situation

In other words, he's not going to add a guest character just cause. There is going to have to be more of a reason. Both Sonic and Megaman were highly requested characters and were more wanted than most Nintendo characters. Pac-Man isn't close. In the west, he's very low and in Japan, he's not even a consideration (they want characters from the Tales series). There is also the fact a lot of people don't like him.

Here is a reason why people don't like him. From GaameFAQ, thread titled "What's with all the hate on Pac-Man"
Or old enough to realize his modern 3D form is nothing but an obvious Capitalization on an iconic character's success, despite his iconic status being tied to his retro appeal and original game and not to him as a unique character.

TC, people don't hate PacMan. They hate the idea of him in Smash Bros.

It'd be as if Nintendo tried to Capitalize on Mr. G&W in modern games. His moves taken not from his old games, but simply random abilities that don't make much sense that just happen to be very similar to other popular games at the time. So, if such games were made and he were somehow stylized to be more modern and trendy, with 3D affects.... Then him and his games would be abominations. They would not be true to his original form, as is the Smash Bros version which takes his imagery and moves directly from his original games.
And while Mr. G&W is really cool in Smash Bros, as one of those interesting gimmicky characters... His appeal outside of Smash and his own retro games is non-existent. It would never work.

Now working in the other direction, let's say these Mr. G&W games came before Melee, and his inclusion in Melee was instead based on these abominable, horrible games and his trendy, cliche, and disfigured modern 3D incarnation.... Not just that, but let's say Nintendo never even owned this character, but instead a third-party owned him.

Would anyone EVER want him in Smash like that? The answer is an obvious 'No'.

This is the reason no one wants Pac-Man in Smash Bros.
1. His 3D form is a "trendy" abomination on the original character.
2. He has completely lost his iconic status.
3. He is not well designed in 3D form.
4. His games generally sucked horribly, and we also designed mostly for children, with basically no real backstory or anything at all.
5. He has no real moveset potential besides moves stolen from other platform game characters which never really even seemed to fit him in the first place.

People don't hate PacMan..... They hate what he has BECOME.
People think Pac-Man is going to be in because they don't understand third party characters. There doesn't have to be any of them. But there are some, like Sonic and Megaman, that people really like. Pac-Man is not one of them.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Going back to the Mii discussion on the last page, I did bring up this interview with Iwata a few months back on how Nintendo handles Miis. It turns out that Nintendo does have rules regulating what can and cannot happen to Miis in games
Link: http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/wii/wiiparty/0/1
Apparently this is why these "Mii rules" exist.
Do you guys think that these Mii rules change Mii's chances of being a fighter?

It doesn't change their chances if they never had a huge one.

Everything about that quote seems to point against including them, to me.
Why are people so adamant about having your own face in Smash Bros?

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
@ JamesDNaux JamesDNaux Well you did the right thing in regards to their inclusion. They're limited to certain moves, only one can be customizable, and they're offline (If I read that right; correct me if i'm wrong.)

In regards to your roster, I like where you placed each character select box, but I think they'll keep it at the bottom. As for your characters, you have Mewtwo, Ridley, and my most wanted newcomer, Krystal! In that regard, I am a very happy camper :)
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Here are 3 of my rosters! First up,

Super Smash Toad
Where you can play as all of your favourite generic inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom!

Next up,

Super Bash Sisters

Only females

Finally, my actual roster:

As for the undecided ones:

I am willing to explain all of my choices.
Bubbles is genderless.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
Its funny how people think Pacman would have a bland moveset. Some thought the same with Little Mac. Look how that ended up.

Regardless, if Pacman would be included, he would certainly be unique and interesting. That seems to be what Sakurai is going for this time around and he wouldn't include someone just for the sake of including then.
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