Well, I, uh. . .
I wasn't aware I'd touched such a sore spot.
Really, no character should be cut like that.
I just don't know how much of a hand Snake could potentially have in future game ratings (which I know is going to get me criticized since of course that isn't a factor), and speaking strictly about non-Smash character relationships, Simon has an edge. They're pretty close in terms of Smash reasonability because Snake's still a veteran, but if there had to be just one. . .
If that's in bad taste, then I am
REALLY sorry.
If it makes you feel any better, I still put Snake well ahead of Bomberman.
. . .which is only going to make someone else upset, I'm sure.
Yeah, I just keep digging this hole deeper.
I just wondered why Simon wasn't getting attention. . .this explains partially why, but it doesn't explain why Bomberman is so far ahead of him.
Oh gosh, I never do stop sticking my foot in my mouth.