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Character Discussion Thread

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The only two other DLC characters I'd like to see are Lucas and Wolf. Their absence are my only gripe with the roster. It feels a bit unfair that their series got characters cut without any replacement, so they kind of left a hole on the roster. Plus, I liked using them in Brawl. I preferred Lucas over Ness and Wolf was a pretty cool character I liked to play as.

Overall, the roster is pretty great. If I said I was disappointed, I would be lying. Three of my most wanted characters (:150::4robinm::4darkpit:) made in. I can't complain at all.

Bowser Jr. was a character I wanted back in Brawl and while I didn't support his inclusion this time and stopped caring about him, due to his moveset being so creative, I ended up being very happy with his inclusion. Bonus points for the Koopaling alts, as I've always liked the 7 little fellas.

I had expected Squirtle, Ivysaur and Snake to be cut, so I'm not bothered by their exclusion. The first two, I feel they got the axe as soon as transforming characters were disconfirmed. I feel they were only playable in Brawl for the Pokémon Trainer mechanic and that was pretty much what got them in, whereas standalone Charizard works well, given his popularity. Snake had third-party issues, so I though him along with Sonic would be cut. Sonic returned though, but I was still half-right.

The Ice Climbers' exclusion is a bit sad, especially considering they had been in two Smash Bros. games in a row already, but the motives for their exclusion are, in my opinion, completely understandable. I wouldn't trade the 3DS version for them, to be honest. There had been a few rumors and such about difficulties in implementing them on the 3DS version, so when the full roster was revealed, I wasn't that surprised by their absence, but I admit I always had some hope about their return. I got over their exclusion rather quickly.

The absence of Wolf and Lucas caught me completely off-guard as I was almost sure they would be back. I didn't see their exclusion coming at all and still haven't gotten completely over their exclusion, so I will keep hoping for their release as DLC, if content after Mewtwo is announced.
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
"All characters are created equal.

But some are more equal than others."

Although I do actually think every character is equally valid in their own way. I wouldn't cut any characters, had I the option, and indeed would try my utmost to bring back every character in some way, shape or form.

However - and this is the clincher - there are going to have to be sacrifices and concessions. I've already detailed it in the "If you were in charge of a new Smash Bros. roster" thread, so I'll just detail in brief how I'd handle it in this hypothetical roster-making scenario:

Chrom is a playable character with his own moveset. His alts are the Lords from the Fire Emblem series, as with Bowser Jr and the Koopalings, and they would include Roy and Lucina

Pichu returns as an alt of Pikachu

Young Link returns as an alt of Toon Link

Daisy appears as an alt of Peach

Dr Luigi appears as an alt of Dr Mario

Birdo appears as an alt of Yoshi (because I like Birdo)

Waluigi appears as an alt of Wario (I don't know how or why either but just roll with it okay?)

Hilda appears an an alt of Zelda

Ninten appears as an alt of Ness

Blood Falcon appears as Captain Falcon

Alph remains an alt of Olimar, Brittany and Charlie appear as alts as well, Olimar's moveset is expanded to include winged and rock pikmin, Louie is a semi-clone who fights with dweevil

Ice Climbers return

Pokémon Trainer returns, alternatively Squirtle and Ivysaur return, alternatively Blastoise and Venusaur replace them, alternatively a new grass-type Pokémon appears to complete the starter triangle

Snake returns

All clone characters, including Ganondorf and Toon Link, are revised with new specials and new customs to distinguish them even further

It's not perfect by any means, but this is how I'd attempt to appease all fans of all characters. It's about as realistic as I can be whilst still going a bit wild for the sake of hypothetical roster creation. Arguably there's too much here and I'd be trying too hard to please too many people, but I don't think having too many alts would do to hurt the roster at all. I like to please people and I'm sure this would make somebody happy somewhere~!
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
This came up on GameFAQs as well. A user was making a "If I made Smash. . ." topic, and listed Jigglypuff as a cut. He got completely raked over the coals for it. It got me thinking. . .

What are the odds that, if Jigglypuff were actually cut from a Smash game, people would tie themselves into a bloody pretzel trying to defend why it's okay that she's gone? "No one cared about her anyway" or "Too many Gen One Reps," "She's irrelevant," or "She sucked in Brawl anyway."
You mean people haven't already made those type of argument already?!:confused:

Then again, what does it matter at this point considering Jigglypuff is already in Smash 4... which of course is awesome, no matter how many salty people ends up constantly mad that she's taking a slot from a "better" and a more "deserving" Pokemon in every single game!

Gotta admit that it was pretty fun seeing a character like Zoroark, who was touted as a more likely character to be in Smash 4 as a playable character than Jigglypuff by someone, end up as a Pokeball Pokemon whilst the ever-great Diva of the Air graces the scene once again. I was hoping she would come back, and so she did - and to boot, 100% more cuter.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
This came up on GameFAQs as well. A user was making a "If I made Smash. . ." topic, and listed Jigglypuff as a cut. He got completely raked over the coals for it. It got me thinking. . .

What are the odds that, if Jigglypuff were actually cut from a Smash game, people would tie themselves into a bloody pretzel trying to defend why it's okay that she's gone? "No one cared about her anyway" or "Too many Gen One Reps," "She's irrelevant," or "She sucked in Brawl anyway."

In a similar vein, if a guy were to propose cutting the Ice Climbers prior to SSB4, he'd get completely chewed out for daring to cut "such a unique veteran."

It's like 1984-levels of rewriting history, just because people have to pretend that every Smash roster is just peachy, and that quantity is somehow the same thing as quality.
I think Melee newcomers had the same issues as SSB4 newcomers but worse... we got Japan-only characters (at least we now get international characters who are more popular in Japan OR in the West), we got retro characters who were very obscure (at least we now get retro characters who were actually popular and well-known), we got new characters riding on the coattails of Ocarina of Time and the Pokemon movies (kinda like Fire Emblem Awakening and Kid Icarus Uprising).

:bowsermelee::peachmelee: = popular and iconic Nintendo characters since 1985
:drmario: = obscure alternate version of Mario from a NES puzzle game
:zeldamelee: = popular and iconic Nintendo character since 1986
:ganondorfmelee::sheikmelee: = too new; debuted in Ocarina of Time in 1998
:younglinkmelee: = too new; debuted in Ocarina of Time and starred in Majora's Mask in 2000
:falcomelee: = obscure character from a niche series; Star Fox in 1993 and Star Fox 64 in 1997
:mewtwomelee: = popular and iconic Pokemon thanks to its Legendary status and the first Pokemon movie in 1999
:pichumelee: = too new; promotes Gold & Silver and had a short film in the Entei movie in 2001
:marthmelee: = popular and iconic Nintendo character in Japan since 1990; unknown character in the West
:roymelee: = unknown character in both Japan and the West
:icsmelee: = obscure retro character (R.O.B., Little Mac, Pit, and Duck Hunt are probably more popular and well-known)
:gawmelee: = obscure retro character that people might have recognized if they played Game & Watch Gallery games

Personally, I would rank the newcomers like this: Smash 64 > Brawl > SSB4 > Melee


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I think it will be difficult to top Brawl when it comes to newcomers.

Pretty much all of the biggest Nintendo stars are already in the series with little to no prospect to being cut.

You could make a Smash with this roster to a new generation of casual Nintendo players and the game would sell a lot anyway:

Why yes, it's a 26-character roster (28, if you count the 3 Mii Fighters) with a ton of cuts and a lot less series represented, but those are pretty much the characters that would already sell millions of copies worldwide. And yes, I did cut up half the Smash 4 roster.

Obviously, such a decision would spark immense outrage from the older fans of the Smash series.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Speaking on a purely personal level, my favorite games by way of newcomers only would be Brawl > Smash 4 = 64 > Melee

Melee would have been bumped up for me had Ganondorf not been a clone, but it's ancient history now...

Smash 4 would get an infinite edge over any Smash game ever if Rayman shows up as DLC.
Unless by some miracle M$ goes out of console making next generation and we get Banjo back for the next Smash.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Frankly I thought the Brawl newcomers were pretty weak since a large chunk of them were plagued with questionable design choices, which gave me an impression that they felt like prototypes of the finished product. The only exceptions I felt were Diddy and Snake. At least it had fanservice to it so I'll give them that at least. The newcomers in Melee were pretty garbage to be frank. I actually think the newcomers introduced in the Wii U/3DS games to be an improvement since they're designed better and actually had a sense of complexity to them.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Yes, part of the reason people are let down with SSB4 newcomers is because it is difficult to top Brawl newcomers.

I wonder how the SSB5 newcomers (and overall final roster) will be received... probably more straw grasping, salty tears, bloody buttholes just like what's happened after Melee, Brawl, and SSB4 came out... it's a Smash tradition. :troll:

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Yes, part of the reason people are let down with SSB4 newcomers is because it is difficult to top Brawl newcomers.

I wonder how the SSB5 newcomers (and overall final roster) will be received... probably more straw grasping, salty tears, bloody buttholes just like what's happened after Melee, Brawl, and SSB4 came out... it's a Smash tradition. :troll:
At this point in time, I think it's safe to say that Mass Disappointment is by far the most Inevitable™ end result of Smash 5 speculation!:troll:
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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Yes, part of the reason people are let down with SSB4 newcomers is because it is difficult to top Brawl newcomers.
Pretty much all the series in Smash got newcomers.

There were newcomers for the following series:
- Mario (if you count Diddy Kong and Wario as part of this thanks to spin-offs like Mario Kart)
- Donkey Kong (Diddy Kong)
- Wario (Wario)
- The Legend of Zelda (Toon Link)
- Metroid (Zero Suit Samus)
- Kirby (King Dedede, Meta Knight)
- Star Fox (Wolf)
- Pokémon (Pokémon Trainer, Lucario)
- EarthBound (Lucas)
- Fire Emblem (Ike)
- New series: Kid Icarus (Pit), Pikmin (Olimar), Robot Series (R.O.B.)
- Third party guests (Snake, Sonic)

The only significant backslash was Mewtwo's exclusion, really.

Comparing with Smash 4:
- Mario (Rosalina & Luma, Bowser Jr.)
- Pokémon (Greninja)
- Fire Emblem (Robin, Lucina)
- Kid Icarus (Palutena, Dark Pit)
- New series: Animal Crossing (Villager), Wii Fit (Wii Fit Trainer), Punch-Out!! (Little Mac), Duck Hunt (Duck Hunt Duo), Xenoblade (Shulk)
- Third party guests (Mega Man, Pac-Man)

Cut characters include Lucas, Wolf, Ice Climbers and Snake, who all had bigger fanbases than the Melee cuts except Mewtwo, who returns as DLC. As a result, some series decrease in number of characters, pretty much a first for the Smash series if you count Wario and Diddy Kong as Mario characters.

I can see why the newcomers didn't have as much of an impact as Brawl's. How the whole thing turned out can feel bittersweet for a lot of people, myself included.

I wonder how the SSB5 newcomers (and overall final roster) will be received... probably more straw grasping, salty tears, bloody buttholes just like what's happened after Melee, Brawl, and SSB4 came out... it's a Smash tradition. :troll:
You know the drill. :evil::smirk:
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I can only hope that people don't use popular as a significant factor for a newcomer to be in.
I'm sure we all learned the lesson by now, SSB5 speculation is going to be less tense for sure.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I can only hope that people don't use popular as a significant factor for a newcomer to be in.
I'm sure we all learned the lesson by now, SSB5 speculation is going to be less tense for sure.
No, I think it will be either way more or way less of a factor next time.
Also depends one whether Sakurai is director again. He's made it clear he wants anyone who complains about the roster to disappear from the Earth so I think his next Smash will be mostly the same as Smash 4.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've been wondering about how likely you guys think it'll be for the transformation gimmick to return next Smash. (I'm also working on a hypothical Smash 5 roster too, since I'm bored.)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The only characters right now I can possibly see being released as DLC besides Mewtwo are:
- Wolf (thanks to Star Fox U)
- Captain Toad (Captain Toad's game could give Sakurai some inspiration... And a Mario character would definitely sell well)
- Dixie Kong (DKC Tropical Freeze, the fact the roster was decided on May 2012 could have made her a lower priority considering Tropical Freeze probably would have been on early production stages)
- Lucas (perhaps if a Mother 3 VC release is considered, Ness probably got more priority thanks to EarthBound's worldwide VC release, so more players would be familiar with Ness)

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I can only hope that people don't use popular as a significant factor for a newcomer to be in.
I'm sure we all learned the lesson by now, SSB5 speculation is going to be less tense for sure.
I also hope that by the time we learn of Young Link's inevitable exclusion that people don't use advertisement as a factor to argue for characters that obviously have no chance.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
Pretty much all the series in Smash got newcomers.

There were newcomers for the following series:
- Mario (if you count Diddy Kong and Wario as part of this thanks to spin-offs like Mario Kart)
- Donkey Kong (Diddy Kong)
- Wario (Wario)
- The Legend of Zelda (Toon Link)
- Metroid (Zero Suit Samus)
- Kirby (King Dedede, Meta Knight)
- Star Fox (Wolf)
- Pokémon (Pokémon Trainer, Lucario)
- EarthBound (Lucas)
- Fire Emblem (Ike)
- New series: Kid Icarus (Pit), Pikmin (Olimar), Robot Series (R.O.B.)
- Third party guests (Snake, Sonic)

The only significant backslash was Mewtwo's exclusion, really.

Comparing with Smash 4:
- Mario (Rosalina & Luma, Bowser Jr.)
- Pokémon (Greninja)
- Fire Emblem (Robin, Lucina)
- Kid Icarus (Palutena, Dark Pit)
- New series: Animal Crossing (Villager), Wii Fit (Wii Fit Trainer), Punch-Out!! (Little Mac), Duck Hunt (Duck Hunt Duo), Xenoblade (Shulk)
- Third party guests (Mega Man, Pac-Man)

Cut characters include Lucas, Wolf, Ice Climbers and Snake, who all had bigger fanbases than the Melee cuts except Mewtwo, who returns as DLC. As a result, some series decrease in number of characters, pretty much a first for the Smash series if you count Wario and Diddy Kong as Mario characters.

I can see why the newcomers didn't have as much of an impact as Brawl's. How the whole thing turned out can feel bittersweet for a lot of people, myself included.

You know the drill. :evil::smirk:
You forgot 2/3 Pokemon Trainer. DukeNapoleon would be all over you for that. Though I do see where you're coming from: I would be hyped for a lot more Brawl newcomers than these current newcomers. And five (six if you count Squirtle and Ivysaur separate) completely unique characters cut? I personally foresaw three falling given legal issues, transformations being cut, and 3DS limitations. Of the last two, Lucas I suppose came from a small series, and would be lower priority and less recognizable than Wolf, but I still hoped. Wolf was the one I cannot see why besides time constraints.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've been wondering about how likely you guys think it'll be for the transformation gimmick to return next Smash. (I'm also working on a hypothical Smash 5 roster too, since I'm bored.)
I'd say next to none. They've already removed the feature and have little to gain from adding it back.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've been wondering about how likely you guys think it'll be for the transformation gimmick to return next Smash. (I'm also working on a hypothical Smash 5 roster too, since I'm bored.)
I can see it happening at least for the newcomers, veterans will likely never change.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Which he does, but we've gone through the same arguments all over again, just let it be of my opinion because I'm not changing my stance no matter how many times you pressure me.
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Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
If? This implies Young Link has a chance of being in Smash 4 as DLC.:laugh:
:4darkpit::4larry::4roy::4wendy::4iggy::4morton::4lemmy::4ludwig::4drmario::4lucina::4robinf::rosalina::4duckhunt:? Heck, even :4tlink: and :4lucario:? Impossible my-

If there is one reason which I'm consistently hearing about Smash 4 speculation going wrong (and it making some sense despite not being a part of it myself), it is saying that chances are nonexistent. Except for most 3rd party characters. These characters plainly demonstrate that the impossible/improbable might just happen, especially with Sakurai. Very important life lesson.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I guess people want more characters from franchises that already had playable characters more than characters from franchises that didn't have a playable character?

It really gets me, you know? I mean, people are always complaining about how Smash doesn't give enough attention to newer franchises... Pikmin was the only new franchise in Brawl that came out AFTER Smash 64 came out... but in SSB4, we gained four new franchises that came out AFTER Smash 64 came out - Animal Crossing (after Smash 64), Wii Sports (after Melee), Wii Fit (after Melee), Xenoblade Chronicles (after Brawl).

I will not be surprised if we got more newer franchises that came out AFTER Brawl came out (Pushmo, Find Mii) and AFTER SSB4 came out (Splatoon) in SSB5.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
I guess people want more characters from franchises that already had playable characters more than characters from franchises that didn't have a playable character?

It really gets me, you know? I mean, people are always complaining about how Smash doesn't give enough attention to newer franchises... Pikmin was the only new franchise in Brawl that came out AFTER Smash 64 came out... but in SSB4, we gained four new franchises that came out AFTER Smash 64 came out - Animal Crossing (after Smash 64), Wii Sports (after Melee), Wii Fit (after Melee), Xenoblade Chronicles (after Brawl).

I will not be surprised if we got more newer franchises that came out AFTER Brawl came out (Pushmo, Find Mii) and AFTER SSB4 came out (Splatoon) in SSB5.
That is likely because none of the new franchises I know of are big multi-million dollar franchises that everyone and their mother knows about. While I fully support new small franchises getting reps in Smash, I cannot think of which ones specifically for the most part. Advance Wars, Golden Sun, and Splatoon are the only 'major' ones I can think of off the top of my head that I know of. The ones in Smash, however like Zelda and Donkey Kong don't have as many characters as fans think they deserve, or like StarFox and Earthbound, lost characters in the transition, or like Pokemon, very popular choices and a lot of source material to choose from.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
This can be applied to Nintendo characters, too, not just third-party characters. Let's say... if we did get literally all the playable characters from all Smash games to date, what's the benefit of adding one more? what's the benefit of NOT adding one more? what's the benefit of subtracting one? what's the benefit of substituting a character? what's the benefit of executing that decision on a certain character?

To give you the big picture, I have all the groups below so you can decide for yourself the pros and cons for adding, not adding, subtracting, and substituting a certain character.
It is an issue, but if we are to assume they'll make a new Smash Brothers game, they will add more characters. Then, two issues come up
1)There isn't a third party character that is any more wanted that another Nintendo character
2)Adding more third party characters means more content you have to add (i.e. Adding a new Mario character won't necessarily the number of Mario stages, Mario music, and Mario trophies).

In fairness, adding a character from a new series would do the same thing, but there are less hoops to jump through as Nintendo owns that character and the people who have directed that character work for Nintendo rather than another company. So even then, it is easier to add a Nintendo character. Not to mention this game as seen as Nintendo characters fighting it out.

The issue is it's going to be harder and harder to add third party characters when there benefit is less and less. The next game will have at least 55 different characters and there will likely be cuts to justify more new characters while still completing the game on time. Cutting third party characters relieves a lot of resources.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
That is likely because none of the new franchises I know of are big multi-million dollar franchises that everyone and their mother knows about. While I fully support new small franchises getting reps in Smash, I cannot think of which ones specifically for the most part. Advance Wars, Golden Sun, and Splatoon are the only 'major' ones I can think of off the top of my head that I know of. The ones in Smash, however like Zelda and Donkey Kong don't have as many characters as fans think they deserve, or like StarFox and Earthbound, lost characters in the transition, or like Pokemon, very popular choices and a lot of source material to choose from.
And yet, Animal Crossing sold millions, Wii Sports sold millions, and Wii Fit sold millions. Xenoblade sold enough to justify a 3DS remake and a Wii U sequel. Pikmin also sold enough to warrant two sequels.

I, too, agree that Advance Wars and Golden Sun should have playable characters... same with Puzzle League (Lip) and Legendary Starfy since they did have several games. It is just that both Golden Sun and Starfy DS games bombed... and Advance Wars haven't had a new game since 2008... and Nintendo is always keeping Lip out from international versions of Puzzle League games.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
And yet, Animal Crossing sold millions, Wii Sports sold millions, and Wii Fit sold millions. Xenoblade sold enough to justify a 3DS remake and a Wii U sequel. Pikmin also sold enough to warrant two sequels.

I, too, agree that Advance Wars and Golden Sun should have playable characters... same with Puzzle League (Lip) and Legendary Starfy since they did have several games. It is just that both Golden Sun and Starfy DS games bombed... and Advance Wars haven't had a new game since 2008... and Nintendo is always keeping Lip out from international versions of Puzzle League games.
By 'new' I meant new series that started after Brawl, my bad for not clarifying. And despite a remake and sequel, Xenoblade didn't break 1 million according to vgchartz.com, but not sure how reliable it is. But the first two Golden Sun games did rather well.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
This came up on GameFAQs as well. A user was making a "If I made Smash. . ." topic, and listed Jigglypuff as a cut. He got completely raked over the coals for it. It got me thinking. . .

What are the odds that, if Jigglypuff were actually cut from a Smash game, people would tie themselves into a bloody pretzel trying to defend why it's okay that she's gone? "No one cared about her anyway" or "Too many Gen One Reps," "She's irrelevant," or "She sucked in Brawl anyway."

In a similar vein, if a guy were to propose cutting the Ice Climbers prior to SSB4, he'd get completely chewed out for daring to cut "such a unique veteran."

It's like 1984-levels of rewriting history, just because people have to pretend that every Smash roster is just peachy, and that quantity is somehow the same thing as quality.
I do think and have many times expressed Jigglypuff should be one of the most likely to be cut.
This does not mean I don't like her playstyle, I just find her IP incredibly unnecessary, and clouding the most competitive and dynamic franchise, which is Pokemon. As I explained above, the poorest representation of franchise, next to Donkey Kong, to me, is Pokemon, not in quantity, but in quality. The representatives for Pokemon are no summation of a greater whole, and are exceptionally haphazard. We got stuck with an individual Charizard, we bore the loss of Pokemon Trainer and the essence of the game, we are tied to a gen 6 character just because its new, and thanks to the original game, Jigglypuff, a fantastic moveset for the game, is clotting the up the line of quality Pokemon identities.
A new player to a series, coming to smash bros, would have a better concept of any other series represented, than they do Pokemon.

Pokémon Trainer returns, alternatively Squirtle and Ivysaur return, alternatively Blastoise and Venusaur replace them, alternatively a new grass-type Pokémon appears to complete the starter triangle
This greatly disturbs me. In part because I don't understand the alternating thing you are suggesting, I guess that sometimes it would be Squirtle, Sometimes Blastoise, but the fact that I believe you mean a fire starter to complete the triangle, to randomly come it, does not sit well. Those two are tied together with Charizard, it would be odd to have them and some other Gen's fire. Unless they were just any starters anytime. I'd prefer a different summoning mechanism, my favorite involving summoning Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Eevee, and Pichu.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
The only new series that started after Brawl I am personally rooting for are Pushmo and Find Mii. I always liked the idea of Mallo as a sumo wrestler who can move blocks around (stage control) and Wandering Heroes as a new breed of custom fighters (different moves based on shirt color instead of fighter type).

Plus it would be nice to get some eShop and StreetPass reps. :awesome:


Wandering Heroes (cats, dogs, rabbits)



Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
IMO, the Pokemon Trainer is represented with the playable Pokemon's entrance animation.
They have trainers, except for Lucario.

The Pokemon Trainer was an incredibly weird idea at least for me, and it was one of the most obvious cuts.
I even remember one of BluePikmin11's game threads, a prediction game. I won some points for predicting Solo Charizard :awesome:
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I always wanted a Pokemon character as an Assist Trophy. Hey! Maybe Pokemon Trainer Red and Team Rocket from Pokemon Yellow can be Assist Trophies! :awesome:


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
The only new series that started after Brawl I am personally rooting for are Pushmo and Find Mii. I always liked the idea of Mallo as a sumo wrestler who can move blocks around (stage control) and Wandering Heroes as a new breed of custom fighters (different moves based on shirt color instead of fighter type).

Plus it would be nice to get some eShop and StreetPass reps. :awesome:


Wandering Heroes (cats, dogs, rabbits)

I was VERY much a proponent of a create-a-character mode named Mii's.
The fact that they took the dev time of three characters is what I find absurd. With how much customization is in the game already, and that they clearly even share a single space already, leads me to think it was handled exceptionally poorly. The custom characters should have just been made from combining any other characters moves, which in this case, is about 150 move choices per special direction, with maybe three different bases to work off of for the non special attacks.
Everything about how the Miis are handled is disturbing and not fun to me. I have enough other characters to play as, and they don't feel special. Sure, add more downloadable options, to be able to make them look more unique- but please, no more wasted time on another full character as a fighting option, give it to a powerhouse IP. The effort put into the Miis was poorly managed for how they are utilized and organized in the game.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
IMO, the Pokemon Trainer is represented with the playable Pokemon's entrance animation.
They have trainers, except for Lucario.

The Pokemon Trainer was an incredibly weird idea at least for me, and it was one of the most obvious cuts.
I even remember one of BluePikmin11's game threads, a prediction game. I won some points for predicting Solo Charizard :awesome:
I always wanted a Pokemon character as an Assist Trophy. Hey! Maybe Pokemon Trainer Red and Team Rocket from Pokemon Yellow can be Assist Trophies! :awesome:
I've wanted something else to be seen for Pokemon.
Legitimately, the only new thing we have seen for Pokemon since the FIRST GAME has been the Trainer, and he was cut.
We have Pokeballs, no other items, two stages (a version of a transforming theme, and a gimmicky location based stage... hoorah to neither. We get this in every game, at least in Melee we had Pokefloats, which showed the essence of Pokemon in just HOW MANY Pokemon their are, and the idea of travel from one destination to the next in a constant effort to become the best)
...and then we have basic Pokemon, the most unique of which being one who has an aura mechanic. That's it. It in no way showcases any of the diversity presented in the multiple fields of media, video game genres, or even the different characters. Nothing about it really feels like it has to be "pokemon" as much as that it could be any other fighter from any series, reskinned. There is NONE of the essence of the series in the characters. It's atrocious and completely overlooked.

At least if we get trainer back, I'd love to have him with the ability to 'catch' people, since that is, ya know, a huge aspect of what he does.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I was VERY much a proponent of a create-a-character mode named Mii's.
The fact that they took the dev time of three characters is what I find absurd. With how much customization is in the game already, and that they clearly even share a single space already, leads me to think it was handled exceptionally poorly. The custom characters should have just been made from combining any other characters moves, which in this case, is about 150 move choices per special direction, with maybe three different bases to work off of for the non special attacks.
Everything about how the Miis are handled is disturbing and not fun to me. I have enough other characters to play as, and they don't feel special. Sure, add more downloadable options, to be able to make them look more unique- but please, no more wasted time on another full character as a fighting option, give it to a powerhouse IP. The effort put into the Miis was poorly managed for how they are utilized and organized in the game.
Whatever you had in mind for the Miis would not be feasible IMO.

How would Mii swallow characters and turn them into eggs? How would Mii inhale characters and copy their B moves? How would Mii summon a Luma or a Wild Gunman? How would Mii roll like Jigglypuff? How would Mii eat a dot chain? They make no sense.

There is a reason Sakurai made standard fighter archetypes with Miis... brawlers, swordfighters, gunners (aka projectile users)... instead of mixing and matching special moves from all other characters.

Also, the Miis are a powerhouse IP.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
IMO, the Pokemon Trainer is represented with the playable Pokemon's entrance animation.
They have trainers, except for Lucario.

The Pokemon Trainer was an incredibly weird idea at least for me, and it was one of the most obvious cuts.
I even remember one of BluePikmin11's game threads, a prediction game. I won some points for predicting Solo Charizard :awesome:
Yeah, I was actually pretty surprised transformations were gone and that you were one of the only actually got solo Charizard right.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
This greatly disturbs me. In part because I don't understand the alternating thing you are suggesting, I guess that sometimes it would be Squirtle, Sometimes Blastoise, but the fact that I believe you mean a fire starter to complete the triangle, to randomly come it, does not sit well. Those two are tied together with Charizard, it would be odd to have them and some other Gen's fire. Unless they were just any starters anytime. I'd prefer a different summoning mechanism, my favorite involving summoning Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Eevee, and Pichu.
I don't think you read that right.

I believe Wintropy is simply proposing several different possibilities for that hypothetical roster:

1.) Pokemon Trainer returns

2.) Squirtle and Ivysaur return solo

3.) Blastoise and Venusaur are added as new characters as successors to Squirtle and Ivysaur

4.) An entirely new Grass-type is added to complete the triangle between it, Charizard, and Greninja.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Errr... I don't really want Blastoise and Venusaur. I don't really want the Pokemon roster to be nothing but fully evolved Pokemon except for Pikachu and Jigglypuff.
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