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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Smash 64 started with 8 characters. Melee started with 14 characters. Brawl started with 21 characters. That's why I think SSB4 might start with 30 characters.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2013
Why does it matter?
Warning Received
Not sure what you mean by two reveals since all I see on the website is Diddy Kong.
Little Mac. He is not a Donkey Kong character but has a "relationship" with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong being the final boss in Punch-Out!! Wii. He was revealed in the japanese release date of Tropical Freeze.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Little Mac. He is not a Donkey Kong character but has a "relationship" with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong being the final boss in Punch-Out!! Wii. He was revealed in the japanese release date of Tropical Freeze.
I doubt Tropical Freeze had any effect on Little Mac being revealed in this month's Nintendo Direct. If anything, it was Punch Out's 30th year anniversary which was the reason for Little Mac's reveal.

Deleted member

I got it!

Diddy/Dixie can still be a thing....
.....as Diddy's new Final Smash. :troll:

Deleted member

If that's the worst idea you've seen on Smashboards, you haven't seen that many ideas. :rolleyes:

It's not like it was meant to be good anyway. Unlike half of those horrible ideas people made here.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2013
Smash 64 started with 8 characters. Melee started with 14 characters. Brawl started with 21 characters. That's why I think SSB4 might start with 30 characters.
  • Smash 64 : 8 starters - 12 - 66% starters
  • Smash Melee : 14 starters - 25 total (26 with Sheik) - 56% starters
  • Smash Brawl : 21 starters - 35 total (39 with Sheik, ZSS, PT) - 60% starters
  • Smash 4 : 24 starters (?)

Please tell me if I'm wrong. In my opinion, we'll have about 27-28 starters (I'm not implying that all the revealed characters are starters).
If these 28 characters represents 60% of the total roster (in average), that mean we'll have a 46-47 characters roster.

I'm aware that these these numbers are speculations, but it's still interesting.
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Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Little Mac. He is not a Donkey Kong character but has a "relationship" with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong being the final boss in Punch-Out!! Wii. He was revealed in the japanese release date of Tropical Freeze.
At the risk of getting a warning myself...Can any mods explain why this post got a warning? Preferably the mod who gave the warning.


I still stand by my idea of Dixie being paired up with Kiddy.

I'm okay with it because Dixie hasn't already been in Smash as a standalone character, and it would bring more uniqueness than Dixie by herself, along with partially revisting Sakurai's Diddy/Dixie idea for Brawl.


I think a 40-50% starter roster is nice. I just want some room for newcomers who are unlockable. In Brawl, most unlockables (other than the 3rd parties) were veterans. The only newcomers were R.O.B, Toon Link, and Wolf.



Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
That idea is just hilarious!:laugh:

Speaking of characters, I have a feeling we may see a character disconfirmation next week.
Why a disconfirmation? What are you expecting?

Like Corn x Luciel duo for Awakening. :troll:
Yeah I liked that idea for five minutes than realized Lucina is better.

At the risk of getting a warning myself...Can any mods explain why this post got a warning? Preferably the mod who gave the warnin.
I still stand by my idea of Dixie being paired up with Kiddy.
I'm okay with it because Dixie hasn't already been in Smash as a standalone character, and it would bring more uniqueness than Dixie by herself, along with partially revisting Sakurai's Diddy/Dixie idea for Brawl.
I think a 40-50% starter roster is nice. I just want some room for newcomers who are unlockable. In Brawl, most unlockables (other than the 3rd parties) were veterans. The only newcomers were R.O.B, Toon Link, and Wolf.
Sonic, Snake, and Lucario were unlockable.
I don't think Kiddy's quite prominent or popular enough for that.
Also, that post might have been edited since that warning was given.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
We haven't had a deconfirmation in a while... last one was Mother Brain but most of us weren't clamoring for her to get in anyway. Let's deconfirm Krystal... I want to see the Internet explode just like what happened with Ashley. :troll:


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2013
Why does it matter?
We haven't had a deconfirmation in a while... last one was Mother Brain but most of us weren't clamoring for her to get in anyway. Let's deconfirm Krystal... I want to see the Internet explode just like what happened with Ashley. :troll:
And in the next day, Slippy is confirmed as an original character, completely different from Fox. Only problem is that he is always riding his green Landmaster. :troll:


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
We haven't had a returning AT revealed in a while...

The only ones I see likely to cause rage and sadness upon reveal are Isaac, Saki, Lyn, Waluigi, and to a lesser extent Goroh. Maybe Tingle.
But at the very least like... three of them will be deconfirmed at some point. Potentially all of them.

I personally can't see any remaining ATs becoming playable except maybe Isaac, who hardly has great chances. I think Tingle's case would be a lot stronger if he wasn't disliked by much of the world, so much so Japan and Nintendo have even acknowledged it. Japan. I know Sakurai does what he wants for the most part, and if he wants Tingle playable Nintendo isn't going to stop him, but tbh I see him being on the same page as Nintendo on this one. Though Tingle does have enough in his favour to merit playability.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
We haven't had a returning AT revealed in a while...
The only ones I see likely to cause rage and sadness upon reveal are Isaac, Saki, Lyn, Waluigi, and to a lesser extent Goroh. Maybe Tingle.
But at the very least like... three of them will be deconfirmed at some point. Potentially all of them.
I personally can't see any remaining ATs becoming playable except maybe Isaac, who hardly has great chances. I think Tingle's case would be a lot stronger if he wasn't disliked by much of the world, so much so Japan has even acknowledged it. Japan. I know Sakurai does what he wants for the most part, but tbh I see him being on the same page as Nintendo on this one. Though Tingle does have enough in his favour to merit playability.
I don't hate him in context to Zelda unless it's Wind Waker.
But I don't want him playable as a representative of Zelda. He's too...Japanese? Well, that sounds racist, but I'm sure you can figure out what I meant.
If he gets in, it better be for his own series. At which point, he is a Japanese-exclusive with little recognition outside Japan.
I win?


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
I don't hate him in context to Zelda unless it's Wind Waker.
But I don't want him playable as a representative of Zelda. He's too...Japanese? Well, that sounds racist, but I'm sure you can figure out what I meant.
If he gets in, it better be for his own series. At which point, he is a Japanese-exclusive with little recognition outside Japan.
I win?



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Maybe Waluigi might be confirmed as an Assist Trophy again when Mario Golf 3DS comes out.

I don't have much hope for Lyn, Isaac, Saki, Samurai Goroh, and even Tingle either. Little Mac was the only one who received All-Star treatment from Nintendo when Punch-Out!! for the Wii was announced. I didn't see much fanfare for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor... even The Legendary Starfy for the DS didn't get much fanfare either and Starfy was deconfirmed last Christmas.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I don't hate him in context to Zelda unless it's Wind Waker.
But I don't want him playable as a representative of Zelda. He's too...Japanese? Well, that sounds racist, but I'm sure you can figure out what I meant.
If he gets in, it better be for his own series. At which point, he is a Japanese-exclusive with little recognition outside Japan.
I win?
It's not one or the other, he could be included under the umbrella of either the Zelda series as a whole or his own, but it's not like Sakurai is going to ignore his appearances and material in the other. He's always going to be a worldwide character, even if some of his appearances have been Japan-only. Btw to my knowledge at least one of his own titles has released outside Japan. Just not in NA.

And he's no more Japanese than Japan-only characters, which we've gotten in the past. He's certainly less Japanese than Takamaru. Even if he is quite "Japanese"... this is a Japanese game, and Japan prioritizes themselves highest.

I'm not trying to advocate for him, because I don't want him either, but it's not like Sakurai is only going to look at his appearances in main Zelda titles or only his own titles, drawing from both would make the best possible representation of Tingle, which, if Sakurai were inclined to include him, is what he'd do.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
At the risk of getting a warning myself...Can any mods explain why this post got a warning? Preferably the mod who gave the warning.
Probably because it has "spoilers " for Punch-Out Wii.

We haven't had a returning AT revealed in a while...

The only ones I see likely to cause rage and sadness upon reveal are Isaac, Saki, Lyn, Waluigi, and to a lesser extent Goroh. Maybe Tingle.
But at the very least like... three of them will be deconfirmed at some point. Potentially all of them.

I personally can't see any remaining ATs becoming playable except maybe Isaac, who hardly has great chances. I think Tingle's case would be a lot stronger if he wasn't disliked by much of the world, so much so Japan and Nintendo have even acknowledged it. Japan. I know Sakurai does what he wants for the most part, but tbh I see him being on the same page as Nintendo on this one. Though Tingle does have enough in his favour to merit playability.
I think the only Brawl ATs becoming playable characters are Tingle, Goroh, and Isaac in that order, with Tingle being most-likely in my opinion.

The reason I put Isaac in last is because I feel that we already have enough new franchises represented though playable characters. We have Animal Crossing, Wii Fit, and now Punch-Out. It would seem like too much to have another new series (that isn't retro) to be represented.

As for Goroh, I don't feel his chances are that high, but they aren't very low either. If F-Zero gets a newcomer, Goroh is one of the most logical choices. But the question is whether it will get a newcomer or not. Just like Metroid, F-Zero has been in Smash since the beginning, and hasn't received a newcomer. But unlike Metroid, F-Zero has been dormant, and hasn't had a new game in a long time, while Metroid is still popular.

And while you said Tingle doesn't have a lot going for him, the only thing I see going AGAINST him is the popularity issue.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Yes, if we do get an F-Zero newcomer, Goroh is the top candidate. Getting another F-Zero character is the difficultly though. The series has never been one of utmost popularity, and neither have its supporting characters. Considering the franchise has done nothing since before Brawl (other than the Nintendo Land reference I suppose), and wasn't huge then anyway, mixed with the lack of popularity and demand for any second F-Zero character, I really don't see getting Goroh... unless maybe he's like a semi-clone or something, which seems pretty unlikely.

And I didn't say Tingle doesn't have a lot going for him, (I said he has enough in his favour to merit playability) I just said his case would be much stronger without all the detractors (to the point Nintendo has excluded him from games) and I think that's a big part of why he'll be kept out.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
It's not one or the other, he could be included under the umbrella of either the Zelda series as a whole or his own, but it's not like Sakurai is going to ignore his appearances and material in the other. He's always going to be a worldwide character, even if some of his appearances have been Japan-only. Btw to my knowledge at least one of his own titles has released outside Japan. Just not in NA.

And he's no more Japanese than Japan-only characters, which we've gotten in the past. He's certainly less Japanese than Takamaru. Even if he is quite "Japanese"... this is a Japanese game, and Japan prioritizes themselves highest.

I'm not trying to advocate for him, because I don't want him either, but it's not like Sakurai is only going to look at his appearances in main Zelda titles or only his own titles, drawing from both would make the best possible representation of Tingle, which, if Sakurai were inclined to include him, is what he'd do.
Well, I was mostly joking. But if he does get in, it should be his own series.
If he is still an AT, I thinking being themed after his own series is better.
No WW Tingle nonsense.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
My opinion on Tingle is pretty simple. If he was included, would he fit in with the triforce characters? Not really. He sells you maps at ridiculous prices, which compared to the triforce of wisdom courage and power is somewhat... pathetic. The spot would be given to someone a little more important to the overall story of the games, even if its a one off character like Ghirahim, or dare I say it, Impa.

Also, the argument that he could represent his own series is pretty out there. Sakurai usually refers to the main line of games for new additions. If spinoff games were indeed taken into consideration, we would at the very least see Waluigi playable. Granted, he isnt the star of the spinoffs, but they are the whole reason Waluigi even exists in the first place. Until that happens, I dont think he has a very good chance.
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
My opinion on Tingle is pretty simple. If he was included, would he fit in with the triforce characters? Not really. He sells you maps at ridiculous prices, which compared to the triforce of wisdom courage and power is somewhat... pathetic. The spot would be someone a little more important to the overall story of the games, even if its a one off character like Ghirahim, or dare I say it, Impa.

Also, the argument that he could represent his own series is pretty out there. Sakurai usually refers to the main line of games for new additions. If spinoff games were indeed taken into consideration, we would at the very least see Waluigi playable. Granted, he isnt the star of the spinoffs, but they are the whole reason Waluigi even exists in the first place. Until that happens, I dont think he has a very good chance.
I think all the insignificant, quirky characters should be ATs instead of playable. If Tingle or Waluigi was playable, I might be mad, but everytime their AT shows up (esp. Waluigi) it is hilarious and fun.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
I think all the insignificant, quirky characters should be ATs instead of playable. If Tingle or Waluigi was playable, I might be mad, but everytime their AT shows up (esp. Waluigi) it is hilarious and fun.
Exactly. ATs are kind of charming in that way. Thr best ATs are the quirky, hilarious ones and the WTF ones. Resetti, as annoying as he is, is pretty hilarious when he pops out and everyone goes "oh great, this is gonna suck." I LOL every time.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux

Updated my roster with Diddy's... really off looking render. He certainly isn't the best looking character we've gotten so far.

I also just picked up Tropical Freeze, just starting on the first level now. There doesn't seem to be an option to turn off DK's grunting noises when he jumps, hopefully that won't turn really annoying real quick. :urg: First DK game I've played since DKC3, so this'll be a real nostalgia blast.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Well, I was mostly joking. But if he does get in, it should be his own series.
If he is still an AT, I thinking being themed after his own series is better.
No WW Tingle nonsense.
I doubt the AT's effect will be changed much. They might add some new random effect, maybe replace one of the old ones, but seems unnecessary to have him revamped really.

My opinion on Tingle is pretty simple. If he was included, would he fit in with the triforce characters? Not really. He sells you maps at ridiculous prices, which compared to the triforce of wisdom courage and power is somewhat... pathetic. The spot would be given to someone a little more important to the overall story of the games, even if its a one off character like Ghirahim, or dare I say it, Impa.
Didn't stop a character like Jigglypuff from being included in the same league as Mewtwo, Lucario, and Charizard.

Also, the argument that he could represent his own series is pretty out there. Sakurai usually refers to the main line of games for new additions. If spinoff games were indeed taken into consideration, we would at the very least see Waluigi playable. Granted, he isnt the star of the spinoffs, but they are the whole reason Waluigi even exists in the first place. Until that happens, I dont think he has a very good chance.
Like you said, Waluigi isn't the star of the spin-offs, and that's a big part. His role is really no bigger than any other character in them. Not only is Tingle the star of multiple games, but he also has notable roles in the main series titles. Sakurai draws from spin-offs, sure, but his focus has typically been the main titles first. In a series like Zelda, where there is pretty much a static cast with supporting one-shot characters, a recurring role is pretty important, let alone one that has garnered a subseries. As far as Mario goes... there are just so many supporting characters that show up often, it's probably going to take more than just supporting spin-off appearances to leave an impact as big as some of the others, such as those who show up in both main titles and supporting ones like Rosalina.

Really if Tingle appears in Hyrule Warriors he'd be equivalent to characters like Yoshi and Wario who appear in main titles, spin-offs, and their own subseries (not that it would effect SSB4 at this point).


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train

Updated my roster with Diddy's... really off looking render. He certainly isn't the best looking character we've gotten so far.

I also just picked up Tropical Freeze, just starting on the first level now. There doesn't seem to be an option to turn off DK's grunting noises when he jumps, hopefully that won't turn really annoying real quick. :urg: First DK game I've played since DKC3, so this'll be a real nostalgia blast.
UGH, everytime I try to post a roster, someone posts another or starts a flame war. GAH!

This is the same as before, right? If so, pretty good. I see you're avoiding arguments by selecting no Zelda newcomers and choosing Chrom by default. Any other issue I have is just bias, so I can't complain.
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Maybe Waluigi might be confirmed as an Assist Trophy again when Mario Golf 3DS comes out.

I don't have much hope for Lyn, Isaac, Saki, Samurai Goroh, and even Tingle either. Little Mac was the only one who received All-Star treatment from Nintendo when Punch-Out!! for the Wii was announced. I didn't see much fanfare for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor... even The Legendary Starfy for the DS didn't get much fanfare either and Starfy was deconfirmed last Christmas.
Does this count?
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