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Character Discussion Thread

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I'm gonna follow up what others are saying, and remind you all that some of the stuff on here at the moment is similar to the prerequisites of what caused the closure of the Roster Prediction Discussion Thread. Whether somebody else likes a character you like or not shouldn't matter or lead to insults being thrown around.

Warnings/Infractions will be handed out if it continues. Carry on in a civil manner please.
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Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
So hey, here's a thought:

During the Developer Direct, they very much went out of their way to showcase Bowser's new upright stance. What do you guys think? Was this just for kicks, or was this because maybe perhaps Bowser Jr is in the game and maybe Bowser's new stance was created so that he wouldn't be so easily confused with Bowser Jr, especially if Bowser was hit with a Poison Mushroom making him roughly Bowser Jr's size.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
That's a mismatch if I can put my two cents in here. People don't say that Krystal is most iconic with the staff because it's her first game. They say that because it was her most unique role before becoming nothing more than the new member of Star Fox.

Listen, I think Krystal is lame, and I don't think she's getting in Smash Bros., but the difference here is that Banjo made a name for himself in his own series rather than Diddy Kong Racing. Krystal is known for her appearances in Star Fox, but the most popular appearance is Adventures.

All I have to say with Krystal, is that if she ISN'T going to use her staff, then she simply isn't going to get in to Smash Bros. Period. There is no excuse for Star Fox to have 3 semi clones of the same character. That's overkill and improper for a series the size of Star Fox.

Yeah, I'm biased, but I actually used to support Krystal. Now I don't.

EDIT: Also, another Pokemon Trainer is basically not going to happen. I can almost guarantee that.
What happened to your Krystal support, your krazoa spirit died :sadeyes:

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
I'm not surprised that actual undeniable evidence is being dismissed by bias based on no evidence. Guess there's no point trying to convince people otherwise. I'm not saying you can't have faith that a character won't be a clone, and I'm sure exceptions CAN happen. But, at least base it on SOMETHING if you're gonna argue to the death about it, people. Especially when you're proposing that something that's never happened is going to happen.
In the end, Saturn, it's based off a man's decision. If he includes her and makes her unique, then good. If he doesn't, then oh well. Only time will tell what will happen to her. Can't we just wait and see? At this point, it really seems like you're trying REALLY hard to prove your credibility. I'm not denying or dismissing that you use facts and real knowledge, I respect it, but despite what you say, someone will counter, and it won't cease until we learn what the outcome is. I think we should all just wait and find out. If more debate on this topic arises, then fine, but no matter how hard we all argue, certain parties will only be justified when they learn the truth.

I hope you understand that I am not trying to offend you, nor claim that you are false, because this communtity isn't right or wrong on various topics. There isn't a known solution.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Let's talk about gen 3 Pokemon Trainer as a second Trainer.
View attachment 8913
This one in case you're wondering which. Could it happen on a 45 slot roster? Mudkip, Grovyle, and Blaziken?

@Rebellious Treecko: That's right...what if all your dreams came true? ^
Yeah, I really don't see a Hoenn trainer getting in. There was certainly a lot of speculation that it would happen before 6th gen was announced, but since then... Hoenn hasn't really received any notable attention. Not to mention, adding ANOTHER trainer on top of the one we already have would be a massive amount of characters to create. There are already plenty of people who think the trainer we already have will be cut in favor of Charizard alone, so I see no reason why they would ever add a second trainer, much less one from a rather insignificant generation at this point.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
So hey, here's a thought:

During the Developer Direct, they very much went out of their way to showcase Bowser's new upright stance. What do you guys think? Was this just for kicks, or was this because maybe perhaps Bowser Jr is in the game and maybe Bowser's new stance was created so that he wouldn't be so easily confused with Bowser Jr, especially if Bowser was hit with a Poison Mushroom making him roughly Bowser Jr's size.
I can almost guarantee you that Mario will not get ANOTHER newcomer. Bowser getting changed was because he was crap in both games he showed up in, and he needed to be redone. Not some ploy for Bowser Jr. to get in.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
In the end, Saturn, it's based off a man's decision. If he includes her and makes her unique, then good. If he doesn't, then oh well. Only time will tell what will happen to her. Can't we just wait and see? At this point, it really seems like you're trying REALLY hard to prove your credibility. I'm not denying or dismissing that you use facts and real knowledge, I respect it, but despite what you say, someone will counter, and it won't cease until we learn what the outcome is. I think we should all just wait and find out. If more debate on this topic arises, then fine, but no matter how hard we all argue, certain parties will only be justified when they learn the truth.

I hope you understand that I am not trying to offend you, nor claim that you are false, because this communtity isn't right or wrong on various topics. There isn't a known solution.
Great work.

Does anyone hear anything I say about Lucina?


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
Why waste a slot on another trainer who uses the same grass/water/fire gimmick? Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard are all we need.

I want a lady trainer with a bite:


Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
What happened to your Krystal support, your krazoa spirit died :sadeyes:
I lost a lot of interest in her. She just doesn't interest me, and I have a problem with series getting too many characters. I feel like Star Fox is certainly not big enough for another character. Series balance is a thing you know.
Any Impa debates took place in my absence?
Nope. She's not really a hot topic.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Krystal being mostly associated as a Star Fox pilot, hah, what a blatant lie/opinion. :p

I think Ridley should be a biiiit taller than that, Angelglory's comparison is a good example of how the sizes between said characters should work:

View attachment 8909
If only I could play around with the Other M Ridley model...

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Mudkip, Grovyle and Blaziken isn't a terrible idea. It's not very good, or likely, but certainly not a bad choice to want.

Still think Kanto is the best anyway.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Bowser getting changed was because he was crap in both games he showed up in, and he needed to be redone.
Well, at least this gives us hope for Ganondorf. It would be a load of it if Bowser got changes and Ganondorf stayed not only a clone, but worst in the game.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Why waste a slot on another trainer who uses the same grass/water/fire gimmick? Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard are all we need.

I want a lady trainer with a bite:

View attachment 8914
Zoroark and Houndoom are two of my favorite pokemon and the Female Rocket Grunts of both the 3rd and 4th Gen's hotness puts Sapphire's to shame. :p I support this. :3

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Is anybody optimistic about possibly getting something good tomorrow? Diddy? A nice looking HD stage perhaps?

On a side note, I may change my profile picture to a different Booker I found. You'll all have to give feedback considering everybody gets upset when I get rid of Booker.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
And Krystal is most associated with her appearance as a Star Fox Pilot.
She can be both. Smash is full of composite characters. Pilots aren't restricted from using staffs. Combat-wise, which is the focus of Smash, she's most associated with her staff.

I see no reason for him to add Krystal, and his only plausible reason for making her unique is the sole reason that she would be excessive if she wasn't. Not a plausible reason for Sakurai to literally change his own views on what characters should share moves with others.
I didn't ask if you saw reason for Sakurai to add Krystal, nor did I touch on her chances. I said if he did.
And no, that isn't the sole reason for making her unique. How about the fact that she has potential none of the other SF characters have and potential none of the existing characters in general have? That's what Sakurai looks for, according to him.

Kind of like he passed up on Luigi using a poltergust for the entirety of his move set, yes. And also yes, because it's not associated with her enough for it to be every single move. One move, yes. An entire move set no.
Comparing an existing character added as originally a clone is not the same as a character added with the initial intent to be unique. And the staff is associated with Krystal more than any other method of grounded combat. I assume you're suggesting she use... what? The Assault weapons? Those, first off, are also only in one game. Second, the other characters use them, that makes them less associated solely with Krystal. Sure, Fox uses the staff, but it's Krystal's staff. You're saying she should limit the thing she's closest associated with from one game, and the rest of her moveset be comprised of things from... solely another game that is associated with every character, and capable of use by every character. That doesn't make a lot of sense. Sakurai looks for individuality when making movesets... not something three characters and two semi-clones who people want to see be diversified could already do.

And not closely associated with her enough? Because it's from one game? Sheik was from one game and became HER OWN CHARACTER as part of Zelda. Never mind that Zelda herself only took from one game.

There's a limit you know. Like the point where a character's uniqueness takes away from their character.
You're suggesting Krystal use material from her games that the other SF characters also use in the games. It could work, but limiting the staff to one move while focusing on standard SF attacks any of them would be capable of? That's uniqueness taking away from the character. If the staff takes up the majority of the moveset, unless we get another staff wielder who uses it in the same way as Krystal, that's adding to the uniqueness of the character. You're pretty much saying giving Krystal moves shared between all the SF characters in their games makes her more unique.

But, I reckon you're under the impression that if one thing in Smash doesn't necessarily make sense in it's own right that Sakurai has complete disregard for his views on how things should be in other areas.
Sakurai adds two kinds of characters: original ones and ones based off existing ones. In this conversation we're assuming Krystal would be an original one. When adding original characters, Sakurai looks for what sets them apart, and highlights that. What sets Krystal apart is her staff.

This is my absolute favorite counter argument. Because everybody uses it and each person who does seems to have complete disregard for past Smash history.
If you didn't split up my posts into partial sentences you'd see we're talking about the hypothetical situation in which she's original Noah, not cloned.

I wish I could say this without sounding arrogant. But, I'm the only one to realize a lot of things. And so are many people. Such as I am practically the only person to realize a pattern in semi-clone characters at all. But, I suppose if I was the guy who predicted Wii Fit Trainer, I'd be less credible being the only one. I don't see how being the only one makes me less credible given a majority of Smash fans convince themselves a lot of bull **** things. That's something we can all agree with.
I don't recall you ever being the only one to "realize" something before it happened, and if you'd like to prove otherwise, I'm more than willing to listen. Maybe you think you're the only one who comes up with stuff simply because you don't realize you share the general opinion, such as when you claimed Sakurai followed your prediction for Little Mac's moveset, which was pretty much the general prediction for Mac's moveset. What is this pattern?

If you don't see how you being the only one claiming something doesn't exactly make it credible... I honestly have nothing to say.

Yes. Are you implying this changes anything?
Not if you're going to assume your single opinion is more valid than that of the majority, no.

Geno is just as important as he was pre-brawl. Your point?
Well that's good to know, considering we were talking about the importance of a character who would get in solely due to popularity should he ever be included.

Name one thing she did besides get kidnapped and gave Fox her weapon. As apposed to actually aiding Fox directly and even taking on her own independent adventure in Assault and Command which are two games more people have actually played.
She received a huge amount of attention compared to any character who wasn't Fox, including the other Star Fox members, which is not the case in later titles. It's not the actions of the role nearly as much as the importance and attention given to it that defines its size, and hers was second to Fox.

And maybe check your numbers again, Adventures was the best selling of the three.

You know I really don't need any more of a basis to say Krystal won't be given her staff other than that Sakurai wants most similar characters to share moves with the characters they share moves with so long as they are able to. Because I have 9 characters to base this off of, where as you have 0 characters who's move sets rely ENTIRELY on one ability or element with no association with their rebooted/modern character/franchise scheme.
You're under the assumption Krystal can't both primarily use her staff and share moves with Fox? Ofc she could. The staff has a shield which could be used as a reflector, the staff can propel her upwards. Also, I hope these 9 characters don't involve cloned or semi-cloned ones, because we're not talking about clones here. Just because the staff is her main weapon doesn't mean nothing from Assault would be included, like I said, Smash has composite characters. The thing is though... she only demonstrates non-vehicular combat in two games... and you want to relegate one of them, the one she demonstrates individuality and unique potential solely to a single move and have the majority of her moveset comprised of things Sakurai could just further luigify one of the two semi-clones with. In no way is that close to what Sakurai does with original characters. He doesn't focus on what makes them similar, he focuses on what makes them different, even if there is a shared move here or there - which usually only happens when there is a lack of material to draw from or characters share the same integral and iconic moves, which Krystal doesn't.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Is anybody optimistic about possibly getting something good tomorrow? Diddy? A nice looking HD stage perhaps?

On a side note, I may change my profile picture to a different Booker I found. You'll all have to give feedback considering everybody gets upset when I get rid of Booker.
I myself am almost expecting Diddy tomorrow. I realize that US release dates aren't typically used to reveal characters, but seeing as how they kind of missed the Japanese release date due to the Direct (I have to wonder whether that was intended or not...), I think now would be an optimal time to reveal Diddy. In a best case scenario, we'd also get a nice new Donkey Kong stage to go with him, but it's probably not best to get hopes too high.

Though if Diddy isn't revealed tomorrow, I would probably take that to mean that they either really don't care about American release dates, or they might be doing something big with Diddy...


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Is anybody optimistic about possibly getting something good tomorrow? Diddy? A nice looking HD stage perhaps?

On a side note, I may change my profile picture to a different Booker I found. You'll all have to give feedback considering everybody gets upset when I get rid of Booker.
No comment. Off topic.
That Booker makes you look intimidating but I could live something different, just like I live through Louie G not being a cross-dressing Luigi or SaturnGamer not being Saturn.

And I am not getting hopeful for him. It could happen, though. If it's just Diddy, DiddyDixie is dead.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Is anybody optimistic about possibly getting something good tomorrow? Diddy? A nice looking HD stage perhaps?

On a side note, I may change my profile picture to a different Booker I found. You'll all have to give feedback considering everybody gets upset when I get rid of Booker.
Well Booker is always awesome...except when he's needlessly killed off during Lost at Sea. :p

Also, to answer your question, I think it'll just be Diddy, but knowing Sakurai he could very well reveal Game & Watch for all we know. :p


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Is anybody optimistic about possibly getting something good tomorrow? Diddy? A nice looking HD stage perhaps?

On a side note, I may change my profile picture to a different Booker I found. You'll all have to give feedback considering everybody gets upset when I get rid of Booker.
You changing your avatar is me not being Naoto. It destroys natural order. Though I believe it will be good.
EDIT: Hell yeah, that's pretty good.
As for reveals, I'm thinking a reveal of some sort. Stage, AT, character, item, just something!
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
So hey, here's a thought:

During the Developer Direct, they very much went out of their way to showcase Bowser's new upright stance. What do you guys think? Was this just for kicks, or was this because maybe perhaps Bowser Jr is in the game and maybe Bowser's new stance was created so that he wouldn't be so easily confused with Bowser Jr, especially if Bowser was hit with a Poison Mushroom making him roughly Bowser Jr's size.
What if I told you that was Bowser before Bowser Jr. because his son might have injured his back :troll:
Also, to answer your question, I think it'll just be Diddy, but knowing Sakurai he could very well reveal Game & Watch for all we know. :p
There's a full roster of possibilities. It will most likely be Diddy,I give 55% The rest can have whatever percentage is left.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
So the general consensus is that it's Diddy or nothing special. I'd have to agree.

Though I could really go for a stage. Like a real pretty one.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
She can be both. Smash is full of composite characters. Pilots aren't restricted from using staffs. Combat-wise, which is the focus of Smash, she's most associated with her staff.

I didn't ask if you saw reason for Sakurai to add Krystal, nor did I touch on her chances. I said if he did.
And no, that isn't the sole reason for making her unique. How about the fact that she has potential none of the other SF characters have and potential none of the existing characters in general have? That's what Sakurai looks for, according to him.

Comparing an existing character added as originally a clone is not the same as a character added with the initial intent to be unique. And the staff is associated with Krystal more than any other method of grounded combat. I assume you're suggesting she use... what? The Assault weapons? Those, first off, are also only in one game. Second, the other characters use them, that makes them less associated solely with Krystal. Sure, Fox uses the staff, but it's Krystal's staff. You're saying she should limit the thing she's closest associated with from one game, and the rest of her moveset be comprised of things from... solely another game that is associated with every character, and capable of use by every character. That doesn't make a lot of sense. Sakurai looks for individuality when making movesets... not something three characters and two semi-clones who people want to see be diversified could already do.

And not closely associated with her enough? Because it's from one game? Sheik was from one game and became HER OWN CHARACTER as part of Zelda. Never mind that Zelda herself only took from one game.

You're suggesting Krystal use material from her games that the other SF characters also use in the games. It could work, but limiting the staff to one move while focusing on standard SF attacks any of them would be capable of? That's uniqueness taking away from the character. If the staff takes up the majority of the moveset, unless we get another staff wielder who uses it in the same way as Krystal, that's adding to the uniqueness of the character. You're pretty much saying giving Krystal moves shared between all the SF characters in their games makes her more unique.

Sakurai adds two kinds of characters: original ones and ones based off existing ones. In this conversation we're assuming Krystal would be an original one. When adding original characters, Sakurai looks for what sets them apart, and highlights that. What sets Krystal apart is her staff.

If you didn't split up my posts into partial sentences you'd see we're talking about the hypothetical situation in which she's original Noah, not cloned.

I don't recall you ever being the only one to "realize" something before it happened, and if you'd like to prove otherwise, I'm more than willing to listen. Maybe you think you're the only one who comes up with stuff simply because you don't realize you share the general opinion, such as when you claimed Sakurai followed your prediction for Little Mac's moveset, which was pretty much the general prediction for Mac's moveset. What is this pattern?

If you don't see how you being the only one claiming something doesn't exactly make it credible... I honestly have nothing to say.

Not if you're going to assume your single opinion is more valid than that of the majority, no.

Well that's good to know, considering we were talking about the importance of a character who would get in solely due to popularity should he ever be included.

She received a huge amount of attention compared to any character who wasn't Fox, including the other Star Fox members, which is not the case in later titles. It's not the actions of the role nearly as much as the importance and attention given to it that defines its size, and hers was second to Fox.

Any maybe check your numbers again, Adventures was the best selling of the three.

You're under the assumption Krystal can't both primarily use her staff and share moves with Fox? Ofc she could. The staff has a shield which could be used as a reflector, the staff can propel her upwards. Also, I hope these 9 characters don't involve cloned or semi-cloned ones, because we're not talking about clones here. Just because the staff is her main weapon doesn't mean nothing from Assault would be included, like I said, Smash has composite characters. The thing is though... she only demonstrates non-vehicular combat in two games... and you want to relegate one of them, the one she demonstrates individuality and unique potential solely to a single move and have the majority of her moveset comprised of things Sakurai could just further luigify one of the two semi-clones with. In no way is close to what Sakurai does with original characters. He doesn't focus on what makes them similar, he focuses on what makes them different, even if there is a shared move here or there - which usually only happens when there is a lack of material to draw from or characters share the same integral and iconic moves, which Krystal doesn't.
Much words. Many confuse. Sustenance for Saturn.

You changing your avatar is me not being Naoto. It destroys natural order. Though I believe it will be good.
EDIT: Hell yeah, that's pretty good.
As for reveals, I'm thinking a reveal of some sort. Stage, AT, character, item, just something!
You should change to Lucina :)

I do expect something tomorrow.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Is anybody optimistic about possibly getting something good tomorrow? Diddy? A nice looking HD stage perhaps?
I'm feeling Diddy tomorrow. Though a random Sheik reveal would be oh so gloriously ironic.
On a side note, I may change my profile picture to a different Booker I found. You'll all have to give feedback considering everybody gets upset when I get rid of Booker.
Never! You should always stay as the exact same avatar lest you ruin my perfect image of you!!! :troll:

Why not make a composite image of Booker with Shulk's hair? Everyone would love that. :laugh:

Speaking of avatar changes, Hotfeet dat Geecku.:awesome: I should change mine maybe. I feel as though I should consult with a mod on one of the ones I wanted to use though.

In regards to Pokemon, I'm on the side of Brawl's Pokemon + Mewtwo. Don't care for any others. Unless Goodra.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Actually, I'm all for a disconfirmation, as long as it isn't Shulk or Ridley in some form besides playable.

As a matter of fact, everytime I've said this in the past, the next day something got revealed. This is also applicable to me ripping on Shokio about the size argument, only for it to be shattered by Sakurai the very next day.

Comments on my new pic? Should I change it back? (I wish it could be bigger. I hate when it's gets shrunk)...(don't you dare make that dirty!)


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Eighth Gym Leader in Gen I? Looks a tad generic? Reminds me of a generic Bond Villain? Leader of Team Rocket?
I was thinking of MGS for a second. Thanks. I never thought about Giovanni before. ORIGINAL.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Xenoblade Chronicles stage confirmed.
Oh god...if that happened...

First off, I would be stiff for days if it were the Bionis Leg or Eryth Sea :troll:

Second, while stages don't necessarily confirm a character, I can't help but feel that Shulk would be all but confirmed. I mean come on!


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
DiddyDixie is dead.
SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, and you're to blame. DARLIN', You Give Love A Bad Name.

I'd rather have Giovanni.
There are already enough dudes with Italian sounding names in this game. Thursday Night. Ladies get in for free.

So the general consensus is that it's Diddy or nothing special. I'd have to agree.

Though I could really go for a stage. Like a real pretty one.
Rad new Booker sir.

And as, you know, kinda boring this week has been, Diddy would be a good change of pace. But I agree with you, pretty stage. Pretty Palutena stage possibly.


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
Is anybody optimistic about possibly getting something good tomorrow? Diddy? A nice looking HD stage perhaps?

On a side note, I may change my profile picture to a different Booker I found. You'll all have to give feedback considering everybody gets upset when I get rid of Booker.

There are actually a number of things going on tomorrow. Tropical Freeze's release in NA being one of them.

It's also the anniversary of the Japanese release of Star Fox SNES, AND it's also the anniversary of the Japanese release of the original Famicom Legend of Zelda. We could get any number of things. Diddy Kong being the most expected, a Donkey Kong stage, a Zelda stage, a Star Fox stage, Ganon, Falco... or something completely unrelated. Sky's the limit.
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