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Character Discussion Thread

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God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Are you asserting that your empirical evidence is indicative of what a person is or is not capable of predicting? I guessed most of the characters myself aside from Greninja and Lucina (whom I thought was more likely than Chrom). Albeit, I changed my speculation on multiple occasions before each and every reveal and I did not start until after E3 2013. But it is certainly possible.
The fact remains that this was before any changes could be made. Before any leaks could influence anyone. Before we had much if any information at all about Pokemon X&Y and Super Mario 3D World. This was on the same time-frame as the start of Gematsu. So yes, I am asserting that.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Yeah people laughed at me for thinking Chrom wasn't very likely.
That's pretty much what happened to everyone who so much as questioned Chrom's likeliness. Most people were so sure that Chrom was a shoo-in that they neglected to give proper consideration to every possibility, dismissing them entirely due to completely arbitrary reasons.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Really now, you predicted all of that? See, that's something special to me right there.

I run a forum game called Smash Bingo, you see. Everyone gave their predictions before E3 2013, and we've been keeping track ever since. The highest score anyone has gotten thus far are several people at 8 characters, @ New_Dumal New_Dumal having 9. This is with Lucario and Ike on many of these mind you, as I thought both had strong chances of not returning prior to E3 2013 and listed them as feasible squares. Documented thoughts of what these people thought were characters to appear before even seeing anyone revealed.

Across those with the most filled boards, the only characters to be on most of these boards were Mega Man, Little Mac, Palutena, Mii, Pac-Man, and Shulk. Of all our newcomers, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina, an X&Y Pokemon, Robin, and Lucina were all frequently missing on peoples' boards, and yet you claim to have gotten the commonly guessed characters plus all the misses above save Wii Fit Trainer? Pardon me if I'm going to call hindsight-bias on that. These characters were not as easy to guess as you think, so no, Gematsu is anything but another speculation list amongst all the Toads and Ghirahims you saw all the time.
My point was that anyone can make a list of characters and call it a leak. Most of it's characters were highly predicted by the community at large.

And yes, I did actually. Keep in mind that I only joined this site in January 2014 (after Rosalina's reveal).

I didn't predict Villager specifically, but I always thought we'd get some sort of Animal Crossing rep. Nintendo seemed to really have been pushing the franchise since Wild World, and I thought they'd have to make a Smash character for the series eventually, especially after the series being strongly represented in Brawl. I did not know about that interview with Sakurai until after Villager was revealed, so it meant nothing to my opinions on an AC rep prior to Villager's reveal.

Rosalina is my favourite Nintendo character, so I've wanted her since the Brawl days, and as such, she was on my mind for Smash 4 the whole time. And when she was revealed for 3D World, and the Mario Galaxy stage revealed (the planet you fight on is specifically her original home), followed by a tease by Sakurai, the month leading up to her reveal was basically an increasing sense of "OH CRAP SHE MIGHT ACTUALLY BE IN SMASH YET" for me. There was also that one rumour from the Brawl days that stated that she may have been an Assist Trophy in Brawl's development, but was replaced by Gardevoir, that was always on my mind. I figured they must have cut her as an Assist for a reason.

I started predicting a Pokémon from X & Y after the release of said game, and how successful it was (something Nintendo could easily predict given the franchise's history in combination with the success of the 3DS). That, and the fact that they seemed to be promoting a lot of recent games on the site, like Uprising, Awakening, and Wind Waker HD. Having a Pokémon from X & Y seemed like a no-brainer to me. I had no idea what Pokémon it could be since I don't follow Pokémon as much and haven't played X & Y, so that's why I never would guess Greninja specifically (much like a certain leak :troll:).

As for Robin and Lucina, from what I had played of the FE:A demo, they, along with Chrom, seemed important. I also frequently saw all three names brought up in discussions. That in combination with FE:A's success, had me thinking getting none of these three was impossible. I leaned more towards Chrom, but didn't discount the other two at all. I thought Robin or Lucina would appear alongside Chrom as their own character. Fact remains though, I heavily thought of all 3 FE:A's major contenders.

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Guys I will be playing Smash on Twitch, but you won't be able to see the screen. The best I can do is webcam me while I'm playing and I'll be answering any questions that I can.

The main characters I will be trying out are the following: (You can probably guess them by now):

:4palutena::4robinf::4lucina::4pikachu::4myfriends::4charizard::4bowser::4yoshi:Bowser Jr., Duck Hunt Dog, :drmario:,:falco:, :wolf:? , :mewtwomelee:?, :gw:,:popo:?
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
The fact remains that this was before any changes could be made. Before any leaks could influence anyone. Before we had much if any information at all about Pokemon X&Y and Super Mario 3D World. This was on the same time-frame as the start of Gematsu. So yes, I am asserting that.
To be fair, that is my point. Speculation is not, "submit your guesses and wait to see whether or not you are correct a year later." You have to change your perspective constantly based on the notion that relevant information that was not available at the start has become available. If you are insinuating that Gematsu was accurate beyond a reasonable doubt, I have to agree with that sentiment given the circumstances. But that does not materially alter that others were able to discern most of the characters on the roster.
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Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2014
Manhattan Clock Tower
Switch FC
@DustyPumpkin Before I didn't realize that you could get Rhythm Heaven music without the SFX. So I was inspired to check some of it out, and...

WOW. Rhythm Heaven music is RAD.
I wish Chorus Kids were revealed already so I could've heard this in a trailer:
Or this:

Wow, that settles it. I full on support Chorus Kids now.
@Louie G...come back to us...:urg:
I've never played Rhythm Heaven before, but I would like to some time and the music is really epic to be honest. :awesome:
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Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
I'm the one who has more confirmed spaces in Smash Bingo , 9.
But , while I still don't believe Gematsu leak totally, I'm here to defend him today.

Yeah, I'm with 9 confirmed characters, but counting Lucario and Ike.
And I take a very safe approach, beting in both of the most possible characters from the franchises.

In Mario, I put Bowser.Jr , Paper Mario AND Rosalina in my board. Because someway I though one of them would happen.
In the Animal Crossing scenario I bet in Villager AND Tom Nook. Villager makes me win 1 spot.
I went this way, to make the most newcomers possible.
If a franchise would probably get a newcomer, I bet them all.

Okay, I spotted right , until now : Mii, Lucario, Palutena, Ike, Shulk, Rosalina, Bowser Jr(from the leaked video), Megaman, Villager and Pac-man.

But I had 25 spots to try. I was wrong with Ghirahim, with Tom Nook, with Chrom, with Krystal...
So Sal had a source. I believe he had a source at the beginning and leaked his first 6 characters.
The last ones he tried to predict.But this is just me.
Maybe he really only miss Lucina and view Chrom in the video ? I believe not, and never liked the "pokemon X/y" thing, but is not relevant anymore. I just want K.Rool because I like him, and he would make me win the Smash Bingo!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 14, 2013
I would say Gematsu got some paper in which was written "FE: Awakening Protagonist", which he took as Chrom (while it was Robin actually). The same goes to Pokémon from X/Y which would explain why he didn't give us a name.
It's silly to think a leak has to be 100% correct to be true. There was an X/Y leak which said there would be Pokémon named Espurr and Meowstick, gave the names from the starters among other information, while giving info which wasn't in the final game. It was still a true leak


Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
I would say Gematsu got some paper in which was written "FE: Awakening Protagonist", which he took as Chrom (while it was Robin actually). The same goes to Pokémon from X/Y which would explain why he didn't give us a name.
It's silly to think a leak has to be 100% correct to be true. There was an X/Y leak which said there would be Pokémon named Espurr and Meowstick, gave the names from the starters among other information, while giving info which wasn't in the final game. It was still a true leak
By this logic, we would have to give all the previous leak a second chance


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
So, once the game does finally launch, what characters do we want to play the most?

Personally, I'm gonna pick up Pit straight away. He seems to be easy to get to grips with and works well with my playing style, so it's a natural choice for me. I'll spend a lot of time and effort getting good as himself and Palutena; more so learning how to play as the latter, as her fighting style is something new and interesting to me. It's gonna be fun, though - learning how to play your most beloved characters, veterans and newcomers alike, is half the fun of Smash!

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
So, once the game does finally launch, what characters do we want to play the most?

Personally, I'm gonna pick up Pit straight away. He seems to be easy to get to grips with and works well with my playing style, so it's a natural choice for me. I'll spend a lot of time and effort getting good as himself and Palutena; more so learning how to play as the latter, as her fighting style is something new and interesting to me. It's gonna be fun, though - learning how to play your most beloved characters, veterans and newcomers alike, is half the fun of Smash!
Palutena, Robin, and Pikachu will probably be my main 3.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2014
Cerulean Cave
So, once the game does finally launch, what characters do we want to play the most?

Personally, I'm gonna pick up Pit straight away. He seems to be easy to get to grips with and works well with my playing style, so it's a natural choice for me. I'll spend a lot of time and effort getting good as himself and Palutena; more so learning how to play as the latter, as her fighting style is something new and interesting to me. It's gonna be fun, though - learning how to play your most beloved characters, veterans and newcomers alike, is half the fun of Smash!
Charizard, Greninja, Lucina, and New!Bowser


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
So, once the game does finally launch, what characters do we want to play the most?

Personally, I'm gonna pick up Pit straight away. He seems to be easy to get to grips with and works well with my playing style, so it's a natural choice for me. I'll spend a lot of time and effort getting good as himself and Palutena; more so learning how to play as the latter, as her fighting style is something new and interesting to me. It's gonna be fun, though - learning how to play your most beloved characters, veterans and newcomers alike, is half the fun of Smash!
I feel like this is the casual way of asking who our mains are.
But it is the same regardless.

After the reaction I had to Lucina and Robin's trailer, it would be a travesty if I didn't play both quite a lot.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2014
So, once the game does finally launch, what characters do we want to play the most?

Personally, I'm gonna pick up Pit straight away. He seems to be easy to get to grips with and works well with my playing style, so it's a natural choice for me. I'll spend a lot of time and effort getting good as himself and Palutena; more so learning how to play as the latter, as her fighting style is something new and interesting to me. It's gonna be fun, though - learning how to play your most beloved characters, veterans and newcomers alike, is half the fun of Smash!
Palutena, Zelda, and hopefully Dixie.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
So, once the game does finally launch, what characters do we want to play the most?
Besides Lucario, Falcon & Yoshi have been around with all of us for a long time. I love all the changes & balancing distributed throughout the characters, & I'm ecstatic to try these 4 specifically.;)
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True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Besides Lucario, Falcon & Yoshi have been around with all of us for a long time. I love all the changes & balancing distributed throughout the characters, & I'm ecstatic to try these 4 specifically.;)
Don't you mean eggstatic? :3

mark welford

Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Decatur, IL
I just can't stop thinking about that palette swap that is supposed to look like wolf if that is all that remains( I hope not!) that is more of a insult and spit in the face than anything else dark pit and lucina went from a palette swap/alternate costume to a full character yet wolf is demoted from a character to a palette swap I just want to cry so badly but I am holding it in and I said it before I will say it again if something is not the way I like I will not get it I apologize for being very picky and particular but that is just the way I am.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
And the gematsu leak doesn't have them?
Aside from an outdated bit of Chrom and nothing to have ever said when Rosalina would be shown, the leak doesn't have errors anywhere near that of... Well, most leaks, I guess. At least in terms of "leaks that don't stay forever in limbo for not being confirmable nor deniable", anyway.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
What I believe to be the final roster if there is actually a few more characters. (took roster from neogaf btw)

6 Wii U Timed Exclusive (3ds DLC) (This is really the only thing I can think of that WILL sell wii u systems, unless nintendo's marketing team is a bunch of dummies then this will probably happen, this way the rosters are TECHNICALLY the same)

Ridley (Sakurai has kept him hidden way too long something has to be up unless sakurai is severely clueless)
Dixie (Dk deserves a newcomer and she is in DKTF and was supposed to be in brawl)
Impa (Zelda will most likely get another rep, also the trophy theory still seems plausible to me)
Lucas (Sakurai may not want to hurt his fans.)
Snake (Sakurai may not want to hurt his fans.)
(Unique Newcomer or King K Rool Possibly. (or maybe Krystal but doubtful)

This is my final prediction roster.

(Imo any future DLC will come in 6 characters to fit the roster layout.
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
I just can't stop thinking about that palette swap that is supposed to look like wolf if that is all that remains( I hope not!) that is more of a insult and spit in the face than anything else dark pit and lucina went from a palette swap/alternate costume to a full character yet wolf is demoted from a character to a palette swap I just want to cry so badly but I am holding it in and I said it before I will say it again if something is not the way I like I will not get it I apologize for being very picky and particular but that is just the way I am.
See the thing is, I would assume he would pull an Alph if he really is an Alt. Wolf doesn't even wear Purple.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
So we're about to get the final roster in a few days, how hyped are you people?
My expectations are rock bottom. Only an Evil Dark Toon Doctor Mario or Chorus Kids reveal could kill this meager amount of hype I have.

Just in case people missed this "leak", still don't know what to think about it.
It's real.
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Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
So, once the game does finally launch, what characters do we want to play the most?

Personally, I'm gonna pick up Pit straight away. He seems to be easy to get to grips with and works well with my playing style, so it's a natural choice for me. I'll spend a lot of time and effort getting good as himself and Palutena; more so learning how to play as the latter, as her fighting style is something new and interesting to me. It's gonna be fun, though - learning how to play your most beloved characters, veterans and newcomers alike, is half the fun of Smash!
I'm probably going to play as: :4bowser::4falcon::4charizard::4dedede::4diddy::4dk::4fox::4greninja::4kirby::4myfriends::4littlemac::4link::4lucario::4lucina::4luigi::4mario::4marth::4megaman::4megaman::4metaknight::4mii::4olimar::4palutena::4pacman::4peach::4pikachu::4pit::4robinf::rosalina::4samus::4sheik::4shulk::4sonic::4tlink::4villager::4wiifit::4yoshi::4zelda::4zss:

In all honesty, I'll probably be checking out my older mains:

Then I'll check out the characters I'm really interested in playing:


So we're about to get the final roster in a few days, how hyped are you people?

Like most people in this thread, I'm pretty dehyped at the moment if this is our final roster. But all signs point to the fact that it isn't, so I have to stay optimistic.
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