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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
As a person who originated from Youtube Smash Speculation, I still have no idea how I was lucky enough to be in the small smart group from the very start, and always argued towards Ridley not being too big, but with that said, I'm glad I did. No telling what would have happened if I was part of Shokio's group of too bigots.
Yeah. You, me, Hotfeet, LordJackal, TrailMixBlazer, Narutendo, RavenKingSage, TaleoftheToaster, Stelios, Mr.Game&Pichu, GOLD3N LOTUS, even Yosef...

I wish more of those guys were here. Maybe I should invite 'em.
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
The thing that I think causes this "Too big" talk the most is that overall, people just aren't used to seeing Ridley said size. Thanks to the expanding Mario Bros franchise, we've seen the giant Bowser be all over the place, and we've come to accept the fact that he can be small thanks to many years being given to let us feel this way. However, if we were to get a smaller Ridley, it'd probably be thought of as odd for a bit, but after a bit of time we'd come to accept it. Hell, I'm sure before K.Rool was made playable in Sluggers and Barrel Blast that he was deemed too large as well, but we were given a chance to adapt to change and we did nicely. The only problem is that Metroid doesn't have any opportunity to give us this chance since it's a franchise that has almost no spin-offs, aside from Metroid Prime Pinball (Which I got LAUGHED AT for even mentioning) where Ridley's smaller than usual.

People just need to be optimistic and give the idea a chance...
I notice Shokio does tend to laugh at that whole Pinball argument, and of course argues that he can use the Mario spin offs for justification as well.

There is reasoning behind this line of thought, but there are some key issues. The main issue with his spin-offs arguments, and the entirety of the "Bowser has been that size before" argument, is that he is those sizes almost entirely when playable. Heck, look at this latest video, and the game he shows the most to justify Bowser's size? Super Mario RPG. Where he's playable. And here's the thing; he HAS to be shrunk down to be playable. We can't have a giant Bowser racing on the same track as normal sized Mario and friends, or fighting alongside him in an RPG (and... apparently being stored in Mario's pockets most of the time...). He has to be small for those specific roles, but when he isn't forced to be, he's quite consistently larger than Mario. So the spin offs, therefore, cannot justify Bowser's size in Smash. But they can justify the resizing of him for spin offs. In actuality, this argument does not work against Ridley; it supports him. Pinball can also be inserted into this argument, because even though the concept is kind of stupid (actually, Shokio throws around the concept of "stupid" like a valid argument...), it shows Ridley resized for the purpose of a spin off. Much like Smash.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I second this, Makoto Nanaya is awesome! Although her drive attack, power bar on certain attacks and overall punching style could be drawn to be a contrast to Little Mac.
I haven't played too much BB, mostly because it hurts my hands to use the 3DS that intensely, but she's one of the character types I'd like to see in Smash. I wanted a Carl + Nirvana as well, and we seem to have gotten one of those with Rosalina + Luma. Lambda's playstyle would be cool to see in Smash, but I don't see anyone being able to pull that off from the Nintendo universe.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
I haven't played too much BB, mostly because it hurts my hands to use the 3DS that intensely, but she's one of the character types I'd like to see in Smash. I wanted a Carl + Nirvana as well, and we seem to have gotten one of those with Rosalina + Luma. Lambda's playstyle would be cool to see in Smash, but I don't see anyone being able to pull that off from the Nintendo universe.
I do remember designing a character about two months back that worked like Nu-13...but I can't remember who it was sadly...I'm not even sure what gender the character was.

But yes, both Makoto and Little Mac share a Dashing power punch, a counter, a dash attack and an uppercut, although I don't recall Little Mac ever punching anyone clean through the moon. :p

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Yeah. You, me, Hotfeet, LordJackal, TrailMixBlazer, Narutendo, RavenKingSage, TaleoftheToaster, Stelios, Mr.Game&Pichu, GOLD3N LOTUS, even Yosef...

I wish more of those guys were here. Maybe I should invite 'em.
It'd be nice to see all of them, and Raven, Golden, and Olekid are already here, but I don't think too many of them do much Smash speculation anymore.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I don't recall Little Mac ever punching anyone clean through the moon. :p
He punched DK through the moon, that's why we have a user called Moon Monkey. :troll:

I really have no idea what you guys are talking about since Smash is the only fighting game I play...


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
He punched DK through the moon, that's why we have a user called Moon Monkey. :troll:

I really have no idea what you guys are talking about since Smash is the only fighting game I play...
It's understandable, I play a ton of fighting games myself although Smash is my favorite next to Darkstalkers. But anyways, we're talking about Blazblue, basically the sister series to Guilty Gear. Also, quick question to other Blazblue fans...who in the Nintendo universe could encompass THIS guy:

Bet you thought my main would be someone like Makoto or Litchi eh? Nope, this is my Blazblue Main...and his theme is kickass. :p


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Really, most detractors are contradictory.

Some say Ridley is too big. If they support K.Rool, who is literally twice the size of Donkey Kong, they are a hypocrite.

Take Shokio for example. Claims that Dragons have to be big, and that Bowser can be small because...he's a turtle? WHAT?! What a terrible argument. Anybody who takes that seriously is just not thinking clearly. How about Game of Thrones? There's a tiny dragon in there. It's small because it's a baby? Doesn't matter. It's a dragon, and it isn't big.

If it was a general understanding that all dragons needed to be big at all times, then why are Charizard, Salamence, Dragonite...etc..., hardly that large compared to the human characters?

Sheesh. Some Smash fans are idiots. If you're going to make an argument, actually make sense while doing so.
I think part of it is they didn't want those characters in the first place.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I think part of it is they didn't want those characters in the first place.
Well, when it comes to Ridley haters, it's kind of hard to say what they think of him. Most of them usually brush off any defense of Ridley with Lols or LMAOs, but there are a few that give a bit more reasonable answers. A bit. I do see some say that they actually love Ridley but think that having him playable would be an injustice to the character, mostly because he would be shrunk down. They would rather have the character as a boss to preserve his character. But then there are others that hate him as a character because he's "too big."

Ironically, Shokio does actually acknowledge Ridley as the best Metroid representative.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
The first thing I thought of was Marth.

They share the same English voice actor, like what the hell.
Spike Spencer voiced Marth in the anime? Well I learned something today. :p (He's a pretty good VA, good at playing psychopaths)

The first thing I thought of was No Face.

Not sure who could work like him since I don't know what he does, but I feel like one of the bad guys from Kirby maybe. :troll:
Well taken right from Blazblue Wiki:

"Stepping into the Boundary has transformed Arakune into a black, amorphous creature. Added with his erratic nature makes him a difficult opponent to overcome. He is able to dive into the ground as a puddle and sink into the ground to avoid attacks and render himself invisible to enemy detection until he is struck. His gooey body encompasses a horde of poisonous insects that swarm around his opponents. His body also contains a bundle of bones which he can shapeshift for a variety of melee attacks or shape it into a cannon that can fire a concentrated beam of dark energy.

Arakune's Drive is Crimson, which allows him to Curse his opponents by striking them with either a vapor he fumes out or by calling minions. In Calamity Trigger, he only needed to strike his opponent once, but in Continuum Shift and Chronophantasma, he has to fill up the gauge in order for it to work. Once fully Cursed, Arakune can summon a legion of small vermin-based creatures to swarm his opponents from all sides, making him nigh-untouchable in the hands of a proficient player"

Arakune is a character that, as an Arakune main, literally destroys when put in the right hands, and is a character to piss off more people than a Cloyster with Shell Smash. :p
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I'll never, ever understand why it's "in-character" or "doing justice to the character" for Smash Boss Ridley to sit in place like a great purple Sandbag, only occasionally stretching his wings out and going on the attack (compare that to his constant mobility within his Metroid fights), or for Potential Stage Hazard Ridley to pop up on the Pyrosphere, perform a few dinky scratches and tail swipes, then fly away potentially before making a single goddamn kill.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
"Stepping into the Boundary has transformed Arakune into a black, amorphous creature. Added with his erratic nature makes him a difficult opponent to overcome. He is able to dive into the ground as a puddle and sink into the ground to avoid attacks and render himself invisible to enemy detection until he is struck. His gooey body encompasses a horde of poisonous insects that swarm around his opponents. His body also contains a bundle of bones which he can shapeshift for a variety of melee attacks or shape it into a cannon that can fire a concentrated beam of dark energy.

Arakune's Drive is Crimson, which allows him to Curse his opponents by striking them with either a vapor he fumes out or by calling minions. In Calamity Trigger, he only needed to strike his opponent once, but in Continuum Shift and Chronophantasma, he has to fill up the gauge in order for it to work. Once fully Cursed, Arakune can summon a legion of small vermin-based creatures to swarm his opponents from all sides, making him nigh-untouchable in the hands of a proficient player"

Arakune is a character that, as an Arakune main, literally destroys when put in the right hands, and is a character to piss off more people than a Cloyster with Shell Smash. :p
Yeah, sounds like the basic Kirby final boss to me. Well, except for the swarming creatures part.

Deleted member

He is passing his evil power and hate to a different person, Gannon's power reflects demises power but is only a potion of demises almighty form. They definitely different, Zelda and hylia are different as well, one being a goddess and one being a human with godlike power.
....they are incarnations.
You do understand what reincarnation is, right?

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I'll never, ever understand why it's "in-character" or "doing justice to the character" for Smash Boss Ridley to sit in place like a great purple Sandbag, only occasionally stretching his wings out and going on the attack (compare that to his constant mobility within his Metroid fights), or for Potential Stage Hazard Ridley to pop up on the Pyrosphere, perform a few dinky scratches and tail swipes, then fly away potentially before making a single goddamn kill.
Well, he would be big.

...I don't get it either.


The Radiant Hero
Jun 20, 2007
Just gonna throw this out there....

I think that Miis are the most likely newcomer to be shown at E3. They fit the bill for the "customizable character" that you make on the 3DS that you bring over to the Wii U. I don't see it very likely that with as many characters as will probably be in this game, that they'd make each of them customizable. Mii makes the most sense. This would be one of the biggest design announcements for the Smash Bros. series that we've seen since the Subspace Emissary was announced for Brawl.. and an obvious E3 announcement. If what they're planning for customizations is cool enough, it will appeal to a large, more mainstream crowd than the likes of say, Ridley or Mewtwo who cater to a certain audience.
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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I'll never, ever understand why it's "in-character" or "doing justice to the character" for Smash Boss Ridley to sit in place like a great purple Sandbag, only occasionally stretching his wings out and going on the attack (compare that to his constant mobility within his Metroid fights), or for Potential Stage Hazard Ridley to pop up on the Pyrosphere, perform a few dinky scratches and tail swipes, then fly away potentially before making a single goddamn kill.
Because shut up.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
If you had to choose a new series character other than Shulk or Isaac, (Examples: Saki, Ray, Sukapon) Who is your favourite, who is the most likely, and who is the most unique?
After Shulk and Isaac, I'd say my favorite is Ray AND I'd say he's the most unique. Most likely? ...Lip, maybe?

Or Takamaru, if he counts. If he does, he'd be my answer for all three.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
If you had to choose a new series character other than Shulk or Isaac, (Examples: Saki, Ray, Sukapon) Who is your favourite, who is the most likely, and who is the most unique?
I already chose Lip over Shulk, though I do have both on my roster. I just really want Lip to be playable. Come on Sakurai.

Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
If you had to choose a new series character other than Shulk or Isaac, (Examples: Saki, Ray, Sukapon) Who is your favourite, who is the most likely, and who is the most unique?
Ray would definitely be my favorite, and Takamaru's the most likely imo.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
If Rosalina was the only newcomer from a veteran franchise, who would you want to be newcomers so you won't be disappointed for the lack of Ridley/KRool/Waluigi/Palutena/Dixie/etc?

Mine would be Takamaru, Duck Hunt Dog, Wonder Red, Chibi Robo, Dillon, Shulk, Isaac, Saki, Mii, Andy/Sami and Lip.
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Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
I'll never, ever understand why it's "in-character" or "doing justice to the character" for Smash Boss Ridley to sit in place like a great purple Sandbag, only occasionally stretching his wings out and going on the attack (compare that to his constant mobility within his Metroid fights), or for Potential Stage Hazard Ridley to pop up on the Pyrosphere, perform a few dinky scratches and tail swipes, then fly away potentially before making a single goddamn kill.
You had me at great purple Sandbag with wings!

But seriously, it would be incredibly OP and hard for the casuals that play the game to have a constantly-moving boss. Think of the people who play as Mario, and just stand still while tapping B every few seconds, hoping that the fireball hits something. Then they say that their favorite character to play as is "Fire Mario."

Seriously, one of my little brother's friends (7 years old) said that he had Brawl, and his favorite character was "Fire Mario."
That's not all. When my brother was playing Ocarina of Time, this kid asks, "Why is Zelda playing that flute?" I was facepalming, and so was my brother.

So, yeah, you have these type of people playing Smash Bros., which is why you can't have a hard boss that requires skill to defeat.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
You had me at great purple Sandbag with wings!

But seriously, it would be incredibly OP and hard for the casuals that play the game to have a constantly-moving boss. Think of the people who play as Mario, and just stand still while tapping B every few seconds, hoping that the fireball hits something. Then they say that their favorite character to play as is "Fire Mario."

Seriously, one of my little brother's friends (7 years old) said that he had Brawl, and his favorite character was "Fire Mario."
That's not all. When my brother was playing Ocarina of Time, this kid asks, "Why is Zelda playing that flute?" I was facepalming, and so was my brother.

So, yeah, you have these type of people playing Smash Bros., which is why you can't have a hard boss that requires skill to defeat.
I understand. Doesn't make it any less demeaning for Ridley to be the one who has to sit through that sort of lousy portrayal...twice.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
If Rosalina was the only newcomer from a veteran franchise
Right here would be "Hah, thanks but no thanks".

New franchises getting representation are great and all, but I like things that I like. The entire roster doesn't need to be nobodies that got in "just cause unique". Uniqueness is overrated. While it's certainly an interesting and important factor, RosaLuma being "unique" doesn't make me any more interested in her as a character.

I am, of course biased, because I believe that if Sakurai isn't smart enough to put Ridley and K. Rool in, he doesn't deserve my money.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
But seriously, it would be incredibly OP and hard for the casuals that play the game to have a constantly-moving boss. Think of the people who play as Mario, and just stand still while tapping B every few seconds, hoping that the fireball hits something. Then they say that their favorite character to play as is "Fire Mario."

Seriously, one of my little brother's friends (7 years old) said that he had Brawl, and his favorite character was "Fire Mario."
That's not all. When my brother was playing Ocarina of Time, this kid asks, "Why is Zelda playing that flute?" I was facepalming, and so was my brother.

So, yeah, you have these type of people playing Smash Bros., which is why you can't have a hard boss that requires skill to defeat.
I think you're underestimating the typical casual, as mentioned with the games above all of them have their fair share of difficult bosses and yet none of them deter that crowd from playing them. On top of that, Brawl already has its share of bosses that can be irritating on hard difficulties (ex. Giant Diddy Kong) anyway so Ridley moving around a bit and maybe getting off a fireball or two wouldn't be that much of a difficulty spike by comparison.
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Man Li Gi

Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2013
Right here would be "Hah, thanks but no thanks".

New franchises getting representation are great and all, but I like things that I like. The entire roster doesn't need to be nobodies that got in "just cause unique". Uniqueness is overrated. While it's certainly an interesting and important factor, RosaLuma being "unique" doesn't make me any more interested in her as a character.

I am, of course biased, because I believe that if Sakurai isn't smart enough to put Ridley and K. Rool in, he doesn't deserve my money.
Are we playing the same game?
Smash in itself is a representative game meant to include many franchises and bring light to old, or dying franchises while also showcasing the popular ones. Do you think without Smash people would know about the Mother series, Ice Climbers, Balloon Fighter, Takamaru, Sukapon, G&W, Pit;etc. Smash NEEDS to have new franchises to join the ring.
If Nintendo could get the rights to these guys

my life would be complete. Jack moreover has a better chance as Nintendo may buy Platinum.

Don't know why there is so much hate on Shokio here. I mean the man made a convincing argument why Ridley can't get in: he is too big. I mean it is not like there is any technology or any scaling methods to make characters become smaller than how they are in their respective games.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
. I mean the man made a convincing argument why Ridley can't get in: he is too big.
It was nice knowing you dude.

That opinion isn't very popular around here mainly because its faulty.

Just giving you a warning, you might be looking at rough times ahead.

Unless of course, you're joking in which case, lol
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Don't know why there is so much hate on Shokio here. I mean the man made a convincing argument why Ridley can't get in: he is too big. I mean it is not like there is any technology or any scaling methods to make characters become smaller than how they are in their respective games.
There is, it's called the scaling tool and an imagination. :p
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