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Character Discussion Thread

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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
If Mewtwo, Ridley, and K. Rool are playable DLC, then why the hell would you be mad? They are playable at the least.
I wouldn't be mad. I'm pretty much satisfied with the roster.

I do agree with your type of reasoning, but DLC has a way of making people mad. I personally love DLC because to me, it just means more content I can enjoy and throw money at. I would be fine with any DLC characters.

mark welford

Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Decatur, IL
my order of cartoony and serious-ish characters

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Mii Fighters<----Place them however you want
Toon Link
King Dedede
Little Mac
Wii fit trainer
Captain Falcon
Zero Suit Samus

I will update my listings when Characters are revealed

Now I want see who you guys find cartoony and serious looking!
Aug 5, 2014
I have always enjoyed cartoony characters more than anime serious-ish characters
I think having a nice balance is fine.
my order of cartoony and serious-ish characters

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Mii Fighters<----Place them however you want
Toon Link
King Dedede
Little Mac
Wii fit trainer
Captain Falcon
Zero Suit Samus

I will update my listings when Characters are revealed

Now I want see who you guys find cartoony and serious looking!
Well I can't argue with that. Everything fits the way I would put it. Perhaps having Pit and Palutena in different groups is kinda weird, but other than that...

Also... too many realistic characters? Most of them are cartoony or cartoony-ish.
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Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
I think a ORAS pokemon is basically a gurantee for character dlc if it happens. the question is which one. its between sceptile and blaziken really.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
If Mewtwo, Ridley, and K. Rool are playable DLC, then why the hell would you be mad? They are playable at the least.
OMG BluePikmin said "hell" confirmed. Game's rated E+10 for profanity

It wouldn't surprise me if that happens. The problem is many Smash Bros fans are craving for Mewtwo, K Rool, and Ridley to make the roster instead of DLC or hell would've been unleashed.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I've brought it up before, though no one took it very seriously.

The best-case scenario involving Pokemon is one in which Sceptile and Blaziken are confirmed, and Squirtle, Ivysaur, Mewtwo and Jigglypuff return.

This way we have 2 of each Starter, and every basic Type is filled out.
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
I've brought it up before, though no one took it very seriously.

The best-case scenario involving Pokemon is one in which Sceptile and Blaziken are confirmed, and Squirtle, Ivysaur, Mewtwo and Jigglypuff return.

This way we have 2 of each Starter, and every basic Type is filled out.
Ten Pokémon Reps...wow. Super Pokémon Bros. confirmed.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
I've brought it up before, though no one took it very seriously.

The best-case scenario involving Pokemon is one in which Sceptile and Blaziken are confirmed, and Squirtle, Ivysaur, Mewtwo and Jigglypuff return.

This way we have 2 of each Starter, and every basic Type is filled out.
Having 10 Pokémon reps would REALLY be overrepresenting the series. I'm hoping for Mewtwo and Jiggs to return myself, and I'll be ok if Sceptile gets confirmed for dlc, but any more than 7 seems to be pushing it.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
This is how i see pokemon dlc going. assuming both jigglypuff and mewtwo are in the normal game.
1:Sceptile/blaziken confirmed for DLC.
2:Ivysaur and squirtle confirmed for pokemon DLC
3:ivysaur squirtle and sceptile/blaziken confirmed.
4: sceptile blaziken ivysaur and squirtle confirmed for dlc.(very unlikely)


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
If they have dlc I think it's going to be free. (That's just the way I think they would do it) I doubt ridley is dlc though.

Deleted member

Blaziken, a Falcon clone? Lol.
If anything, Blaziken would be a Shotoclone.
Aug 5, 2014
I honestly think that DLC that affects gameplay directly (e.g. characters, stages, items, etc.) should be free, while purely aesthetic stuff (e.g. skins, alternate costumes) could be paid.

That way the online community won't be split and nobody will have any advantage over another.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
Lets be honest here. Blaziken and sceptile are both really cool options for ORAS dlc. i do think atleast one will be DLC.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
So, since I don't have that much time today (I just want to play TTYD :) ), I guess I may get a chance here.

I talked a bit about a theory I had for Paper Mario being teased. The thing is I realised that if it was indeed the truth, it would would imply much more. The problem is that it's either the best case possible or it sounds too good to be true. So far, I didn't found any holes, but since I think this theory would be dangerous with what it would imply, I'm seeking to have solid counterarguments. I just want to know if it's solid because I don't talk about it that much.

I did asked the same thing on his support thread, but I just want to accelerate the process as it seems to be a little slow these days. Basically, it's very recommended to read if you're neutral or want him, but sceptical towards the chances. I want that when you read, you would have the intent of breaking the theory. I'm just becoming obsessed and I just want to be sure if it makes sense or not because right now, it's kinda getting on my nerves.

So, here's a copy paste of what I said in the support thread (it includes sanctuary guardians btw).

[collapse=My Paper Mario theory]


So, I will just regroup some facts that I will use for reference:
  • Getting a stage from this series was unexpected and even the time of the reveal wasn't. It's because it never got further than trophies which is the lowest level of repping.
  • The date is EXACTLY a week after TTYD 10th anniversary in Japan. I want to put the attention on the 10th because those are the most significant.
  • On the first picture, we see a location from Sticker Star which is considered to be the least appreciated game and even the most hated. It's very important to note that the stage is on 3DS.
  • The first caption has 2 sentences, but the first is the only one interesting as the second is only info about the stage.
  • The second picture is a location from TTYD and it's the same 3DS stage as the first one.
  • The second caption is mostly info about the stage, but it's worth mentioning that he mentioned the full name of TTYD in the caption.
  • As of this post, it's been 2 weeks without any news on the series since that reveal.
  • When the POTD was released, I watched a lot of reactions in this thread and I can summarize it by saying that a lot of people had the feeling that Sakurai was playing with their emotions by hinting at Paper Mario to be playable and getting a stage in the first place.
  • The first picture had a little complain about being from Sticker star, but it overall was positive.
  • The second picture got a lot of intense reactions and basically, full of hype.
  • The same day, the most used counterargument against Paper Mario was "the stage is a mario stage and so, doesn't hint at Paper Mario being playable".
  • In the long run, it created some speculation material.
  • As a reminder, the series is mostly known to have been memorable on the first 3 games and all of them were release on home consoles while the remaining, Sticker Star, is the only one released on handheld.
  • The general opinion says that TTYD is the most appreciated game in the series followed closely by PM64 and a little far behind by SPM while Sticker star is really far behind it.
  • Pokemon league and Prism Tower comes from the same game even tough they are on different versions.
  • Sakurai has been known to tease before with several cases and some are still under speculation.
  • Every newcomer trailer showcased WiiU stages only except the Pac Man one which is the only trailer to have showed a 3ds stage (but it could have been explained with the s flag being the tease so there was no need to reveal a stage before since it would be a dead giveaway).
Those facts are really important to be considered from now on. I will from now on assume that you know about them and not fully reexplain them, but may add details if needed.

Let's start by the trigger: the first caption.

The first sentence is "For the first time ever in the Super Smash Bros series, here's a Paper Mario stage!".

The trigger would be "here's a Paper Mario stage!". "Paper Mario" was mandatory to be mentioned for the character or series. He couldn't have possibly avoided to mention this so, it didn't name him. Because of how it talks about the stage being identified by this mention, it clearly is because he used this as a series context. The problem is the perspective since it's double meaning. He could have talked about the stage origins generally (in which case it means nothing significant for him and doesn't suggest any teases) or, he could have talked about a smash specific context as if the series was a smash one (in which case, he's playable with his series being a whole entity and would suggest teasing).

The statement is really unclear and there's no way to tell a verdict, but the words he said just before are fishy.

He combined "For the first time ever", an introduction to capt interest, with "in the Super Smash Bros series", a previously and obviously implied fact. It's already known by everyone that any reveals in POTD has to do with the smash series so there's no reasons to mention it. It's only valid because of the hype statement just before since he wants to put a big emphasis on the next statement which is the reveals. He wanted to give the impression that it was really big and he really wants that we would be aware of seeing such an info for the first time ever. It's worth to mention that the same wording was used when he showed the 3ds menu for the first time 4 days before the reveal.

It sounds like he's hyping too much a stage for this occasion. It;s subjective, but it might be because there's more and we should be excited to stay tuned to hear more. This would imply a tease to get people excited along with the double meaning and unusually qick way to reveal the stage. "here's a Paper Mario stage!" is not something I call clear, but more ambiguous and too short as if he doesn't want to tell everything. Those observations combined would be a starting point for a tease that would just follow what Sakurai did for other teases.

In fact, it's exactly what happened when it got revealed. Most people implied it was just repping the Mario series, but this can't be proven so it's technically false to be sure. Supporters like myself on the other hand found some circumstances that leads more towards the opposite interpretation if you consider them and analyse the situation. This of course did created speculations for the last 2 weeks (even though it wasn't a popular topic, it spread enough to have more people being aware of it). This would be what a tease should do in the end along with making a specific group of people (in his case, Paper Mario fans) react. It's exactly what it did when people claimed that Sakurai "played with emotions".

That's the tease itself, but now, there's circumstances that makes the smash specific context more likely. If it was only for the first picture, it would be very different as those circumstances wouldn't be there. The second picture had the purpose of being the hidden key to solve this tease like the references in the boxing ring was for Little Mac case.

The biggest changes the second picture made was a TTYD stage, but on 3ds even if TTYD was released on home console. It doesn't mean it can't be on WiiU as Pokemon x/y got one stage for each version so it could happen again here. Even if it's a generic stage, it won't obsolete ideas like the theater because this one would be added for another purpose. It also doesn't mean it's unlikely because of the reputation of the series.

And that's why it's likely to get a WiiU stage due to this picture. By repping TTYD on 3ds, it shows that Sakurai had the intention of repping broader than just Sticker Star which is the only game released on handheld. By putting a TTYD segment on 3ds, it makes not seeing a WiiU one very unlikely. The series is reputed to be memorable on their consoles games and since Sakurai is open to rep this series in a broad way, it wouldn't "feel natural" to not have any console stage depicting any console games. Even tough it's subjective, with how much detailed this game is, I don't think this would be ignored for design consistency. Having 2 stages already make Paper Mario likely to be playable since I don't see a stage for each version and not him being playable as "consistent". But in this case, why Sakurai didn't revealed the most anticipated stage version before?

It could have been like what happened to Greninja where the stage revealed for the teasing was a 3ds one and the one revealed for trailer setup was a WiiU one. It would make a perfect trailer setup as we only see WiiU stage in those so using the 3ds stage as teasing and hiding the WiiU one was the logical choice for setting up the tease. I personally don't see any reasons to hide what would be the most anticipated stage of the 2 while revealing the least anticipated one (it wasn't even that much expected to get a 3ds stage and most hoped for a WiiU one). That's why I think he hide the stage for trailer setup suggesting the tease theory.

This logic would never be possible without the second picture as the first shows only the only handheld game. The first picture in itself could as well be a rainbow road case where it would only rep the most recent handheld installment and so, any WiiU stage wouldn't be a necessity.

But if I look at how this picture came, it suggests that it was made to be a hidden key to solve the tease. The reveal was exactly a week after the 10th anniversary of the most appreciated game of the series, the same game mentioned while Sticker Star wasn't and finally, the only game to have elements from it on the picture. And of course, it was made to be a huge reaction on the fans. Those observations happening all at the same time is too convenient to be a coincidence considering it was the key to the tease. So, the picture reveal itself was made to be analysed to get the tease.

If I go back to the tease trigger, the most likely interpretation based on those circumstances is that he was referencing the stage as a smash specific context.

This means that the Paper Mario series would be a separate entity, being the series of Paper Mario as playable character, would have 2 stages (one for each version) as rep and would have several music as rep (only 2 on 3ds and several on WiiU).

2 weeks after, we still didn't receive any further info related to the Paper Mario series in smash in any repping department. This seems like enough wait for a reveal in the next direct along with the stage since those would need to be revealed before release...


Do you have anything to say that doesn't seem right?


Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
Swampert would be cool too....
Yeah swamperts pretty awesome. Though between GF basically having a shrine for blaziken and sceptiles popularity swampert seems like the least likely for dlc. I can definetly see him working well in smash though!


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
So, since I don't have that much time today (I just want to play TTYD :) ), I guess I may get a chance here.

I talked a bit about a theory I had for Paper Mario being teased. The thing is I realised that if it was indeed the truth, it would would imply much more. The problem is that it's either the best case possible or it sounds too good to be true. So far, I didn't found any holes, but since I think this theory would be dangerous with what it would imply, I'm seeking to have solid counterarguments. I just want to know if it's solid because I don't talk about it that much.

I did asked the same thing on his support thread, but I just want to accelerate the process as it seems to be a little slow these days. Basically, it's very recommended to read if you're neutral or want him, but sceptical towards the chances. I want that when you read, you would have the intent of breaking the theory. I'm just becoming obsessed and I just want to be sure if it makes sense or not because right now, it's kinda getting on my nerves.

So, here's a copy paste of what I said in the support thread (it includes sanctuary guardians btw).

[collapse=My Paper Mario theory]


So, I will just regroup some facts that I will use for reference:
  • Getting a stage from this series was unexpected and even the time of the reveal wasn't. It's because it never got further than trophies which is the lowest level of repping.
  • The date is EXACTLY a week after TTYD 10th anniversary in Japan. I want to put the attention on the 10th because those are the most significant.
  • On the first picture, we see a location from Sticker Star which is considered to be the least appreciated game and even the most hated. It's very important to note that the stage is on 3DS.
  • The first caption has 2 sentences, but the first is the only one interesting as the second is only info about the stage.
  • The second picture is a location from TTYD and it's the same 3DS stage as the first one.
  • The second caption is mostly info about the stage, but it's worth mentioning that he mentioned the full name of TTYD in the caption.
  • As of this post, it's been 2 weeks without any news on the series since that reveal.
  • When the POTD was released, I watched a lot of reactions in this thread and I can summarize it by saying that a lot of people had the feeling that Sakurai was playing with their emotions by hinting at Paper Mario to be playable and getting a stage in the first place.
  • The first picture had a little complain about being from Sticker star, but it overall was positive.
  • The second picture got a lot of intense reactions and basically, full of hype.
  • The same day, the most used counterargument against Paper Mario was "the stage is a mario stage and so, doesn't hint at Paper Mario being playable".
  • In the long run, it created some speculation material.
  • As a reminder, the series is mostly known to have been memorable on the first 3 games and all of them were release on home consoles while the remaining, Sticker Star, is the only one released on handheld.
  • The general opinion says that TTYD is the most appreciated game in the series followed closely by PM64 and a little far behind by SPM while Sticker star is really far behind it.
  • Pokemon league and Prism Tower comes from the same game even tough they are on different versions.
  • Sakurai has been known to tease before with several cases and some are still under speculation.
  • Every newcomer trailer showcased WiiU stages only except the Pac Man one which is the only trailer to have showed a 3ds stage (but it could have been explained with the s flag being the tease so there was no need to reveal a stage before since it would be a dead giveaway).
Those facts are really important to be considered from now on. I will from now on assume that you know about them and not fully reexplain them, but may add details if needed.

Let's start by the trigger: the first caption.

The first sentence is "For the first time ever in the Super Smash Bros series, here's a Paper Mario stage!".

The trigger would be "here's a Paper Mario stage!". "Paper Mario" was mandatory to be mentioned for the character or series. He couldn't have possibly avoided to mention this so, it didn't name him. Because of how it talks about the stage being identified by this mention, it clearly is because he used this as a series context. The problem is the perspective since it's double meaning. He could have talked about the stage origins generally (in which case it means nothing significant for him and doesn't suggest any teases) or, he could have talked about a smash specific context as if the series was a smash one (in which case, he's playable with his series being a whole entity and would suggest teasing).

The statement is really unclear and there's no way to tell a verdict, but the words he said just before are fishy.

He combined "For the first time ever", an introduction to capt interest, with "in the Super Smash Bros series", a previously and obviously implied fact. It's already known by everyone that any reveals in POTD has to do with the smash series so there's no reasons to mention it. It's only valid because of the hype statement just before since he wants to put a big emphasis on the next statement which is the reveals. He wanted to give the impression that it was really big and he really wants that we would be aware of seeing such an info for the first time ever. It's worth to mention that the same wording was used when he showed the 3ds menu for the first time 4 days before the reveal.

It sounds like he's hyping too much a stage for this occasion. It;s subjective, but it might be because there's more and we should be excited to stay tuned to hear more. This would imply a tease to get people excited along with the double meaning and unusually qick way to reveal the stage. "here's a Paper Mario stage!" is not something I call clear, but more ambiguous and too short as if he doesn't want to tell everything. Those observations combined would be a starting point for a tease that would just follow what Sakurai did for other teases.

In fact, it's exactly what happened when it got revealed. Most people implied it was just repping the Mario series, but this can't be proven so it's technically false to be sure. Supporters like myself on the other hand found some circumstances that leads more towards the opposite interpretation if you consider them and analyse the situation. This of course did created speculations for the last 2 weeks (even though it wasn't a popular topic, it spread enough to have more people being aware of it). This would be what a tease should do in the end along with making a specific group of people (in his case, Paper Mario fans) react. It's exactly what it did when people claimed that Sakurai "played with emotions".

That's the tease itself, but now, there's circumstances that makes the smash specific context more likely. If it was only for the first picture, it would be very different as those circumstances wouldn't be there. The second picture had the purpose of being the hidden key to solve this tease like the references in the boxing ring was for Little Mac case.

The biggest changes the second picture made was a TTYD stage, but on 3ds even if TTYD was released on home console. It doesn't mean it can't be on WiiU as Pokemon x/y got one stage for each version so it could happen again here. Even if it's a generic stage, it won't obsolete ideas like the theater because this one would be added for another purpose. It also doesn't mean it's unlikely because of the reputation of the series.

And that's why it's likely to get a WiiU stage due to this picture. By repping TTYD on 3ds, it shows that Sakurai had the intention of repping broader than just Sticker Star which is the only game released on handheld. By putting a TTYD segment on 3ds, it makes not seeing a WiiU one very unlikely. The series is reputed to be memorable on their consoles games and since Sakurai is open to rep this series in a broad way, it wouldn't "feel natural" to not have any console stage depicting any console games. Even tough it's subjective, with how much detailed this game is, I don't think this would be ignored for design consistency. Having 2 stages already make Paper Mario likely to be playable since I don't see a stage for each version and not him being playable as "consistent". But in this case, why Sakurai didn't revealed the most anticipated stage version before?

It could have been like what happened to Greninja where the stage revealed for the teasing was a 3ds one and the one revealed for trailer setup was a WiiU one. It would make a perfect trailer setup as we only see WiiU stage in those so using the 3ds stage as teasing and hiding the WiiU one was the logical choice for setting up the tease. I personally don't see any reasons to hide what would be the most anticipated stage of the 2 while revealing the least anticipated one (it wasn't even that much expected to get a 3ds stage and most hoped for a WiiU one). That's why I think he hide the stage for trailer setup suggesting the tease theory.

This logic would never be possible without the second picture as the first shows only the only handheld game. The first picture in itself could as well be a rainbow road case where it would only rep the most recent handheld installment and so, any WiiU stage wouldn't be a necessity.

But if I look at how this picture came, it suggests that it was made to be a hidden key to solve the tease. The reveal was exactly a week after the 10th anniversary of the most appreciated game of the series, the same game mentioned while Sticker Star wasn't and finally, the only game to have elements from it on the picture. And of course, it was made to be a huge reaction on the fans. Those observations happening all at the same time is too convenient to be a coincidence considering it was the key to the tease. So, the picture reveal itself was made to be analysed to get the tease.

If I go back to the tease trigger, the most likely interpretation based on those circumstances is that he was referencing the stage as a smash specific context.

This means that the Paper Mario series would be a separate entity, being the series of Paper Mario as playable character, would have 2 stages (one for each version) as rep and would have several music as rep (only 2 on 3ds and several on WiiU).

2 weeks after, we still didn't receive any further info related to the Paper Mario series in smash in any repping department. This seems like enough wait for a reveal in the next direct along with the stage since those would need to be revealed before release...


Do you have anything to say that doesn't seem right?

I should play Paper Mario. I think it's time.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
The only free DLC I can see happening is Ice Climbers, the other DLC characters will probably be paid because Nintendo wanting to make money.​
Seriously, Nintendo's not just going to give out free DLC unless they're getting something out of it (or potentially if the character was cut due to technical limitations). They're a business, not a charity.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
I think the only DLC we would ever get is cut characters. I don't think anyone is getting cut from Brawl, except MAYBE Snake, and I couldn't see him coming back as DLC. I would be pretty thrilled to see a Melee pack, though. Other than that, I don't support DLC charaters even remotely.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2014
I think for the time being, we can only assume that Captain Toad will be a deadlock for character DLC. A Japanese caption involving a sleeping Captain Toad had him thinking to himself, "I wish I could join the battle...someday...." Now, why would they do this? I think that if anything, he is being teased for DLC.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
I still very much believe that, were DLC to ever happen, Mewtwo would be the best choice to advertise it to get the most $$$$$$ and start the train going. I think many would pay money for Mewtwo.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2014
I still very much believe that, were DLC to ever happen, Mewtwo would be the best choice to advertise it to get the most $$$$$$ and start the train going. I think many would pay money for Mewtwo.
Of course, that would be assuming that Mewtwo doesn't make it into the final game to begin with.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
I shamelessly really hope Inklings get Roy'd into this game. Mostly because they'd have an insanely unique moveset. If they had that two pool mechanic Vaporeon had in Super Smash Land along with a way to smoothly switch forms (not transformation but more like Pacman turning classic in his dash) I would play the hell out of that character.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Blaziken, a Falcon clone? Lol.
If anything, Blaziken would be a Shotoclone.

So, since I don't have that much time today (I just want to play TTYD :) ), I guess I may get a chance here.

I talked a bit about a theory I had for Paper Mario being teased. The thing is I realised that if it was indeed the truth, it would would imply much more. The problem is that it's either the best case possible or it sounds too good to be true. So far, I didn't found any holes, but since I think this theory would be dangerous with what it would imply, I'm seeking to have solid counterarguments. I just want to know if it's solid because I don't talk about it that much.

I did asked the same thing on his support thread, but I just want to accelerate the process as it seems to be a little slow these days. Basically, it's very recommended to read if you're neutral or want him, but sceptical towards the chances. I want that when you read, you would have the intent of breaking the theory. I'm just becoming obsessed and I just want to be sure if it makes sense or not because right now, it's kinda getting on my nerves.

So, here's a copy paste of what I said in the support thread (it includes sanctuary guardians btw).

[collapse=My Paper Mario theory]


So, I will just regroup some facts that I will use for reference:
  • Getting a stage from this series was unexpected and even the time of the reveal wasn't. It's because it never got further than trophies which is the lowest level of repping.
  • The date is EXACTLY a week after TTYD 10th anniversary in Japan. I want to put the attention on the 10th because those are the most significant.
  • On the first picture, we see a location from Sticker Star which is considered to be the least appreciated game and even the most hated. It's very important to note that the stage is on 3DS.
  • The first caption has 2 sentences, but the first is the only one interesting as the second is only info about the stage.
  • The second picture is a location from TTYD and it's the same 3DS stage as the first one.
  • The second caption is mostly info about the stage, but it's worth mentioning that he mentioned the full name of TTYD in the caption.
  • As of this post, it's been 2 weeks without any news on the series since that reveal.
  • When the POTD was released, I watched a lot of reactions in this thread and I can summarize it by saying that a lot of people had the feeling that Sakurai was playing with their emotions by hinting at Paper Mario to be playable and getting a stage in the first place.
  • The first picture had a little complain about being from Sticker star, but it overall was positive.
  • The second picture got a lot of intense reactions and basically, full of hype.
  • The same day, the most used counterargument against Paper Mario was "the stage is a mario stage and so, doesn't hint at Paper Mario being playable".
  • In the long run, it created some speculation material.
  • As a reminder, the series is mostly known to have been memorable on the first 3 games and all of them were release on home consoles while the remaining, Sticker Star, is the only one released on handheld.
  • The general opinion says that TTYD is the most appreciated game in the series followed closely by PM64 and a little far behind by SPM while Sticker star is really far behind it.
  • Pokemon league and Prism Tower comes from the same game even tough they are on different versions.
  • Sakurai has been known to tease before with several cases and some are still under speculation.
  • Every newcomer trailer showcased WiiU stages only except the Pac Man one which is the only trailer to have showed a 3ds stage (but it could have been explained with the s flag being the tease so there was no need to reveal a stage before since it would be a dead giveaway).
Those facts are really important to be considered from now on. I will from now on assume that you know about them and not fully reexplain them, but may add details if needed.

Let's start by the trigger: the first caption.

The first sentence is "For the first time ever in the Super Smash Bros series, here's a Paper Mario stage!".

The trigger would be "here's a Paper Mario stage!". "Paper Mario" was mandatory to be mentioned for the character or series. He couldn't have possibly avoided to mention this so, it didn't name him. Because of how it talks about the stage being identified by this mention, it clearly is because he used this as a series context. The problem is the perspective since it's double meaning. He could have talked about the stage origins generally (in which case it means nothing significant for him and doesn't suggest any teases) or, he could have talked about a smash specific context as if the series was a smash one (in which case, he's playable with his series being a whole entity and would suggest teasing).

The statement is really unclear and there's no way to tell a verdict, but the words he said just before are fishy.

He combined "For the first time ever", an introduction to capt interest, with "in the Super Smash Bros series", a previously and obviously implied fact. It's already known by everyone that any reveals in POTD has to do with the smash series so there's no reasons to mention it. It's only valid because of the hype statement just before since he wants to put a big emphasis on the next statement which is the reveals. He wanted to give the impression that it was really big and he really wants that we would be aware of seeing such an info for the first time ever. It's worth to mention that the same wording was used when he showed the 3ds menu for the first time 4 days before the reveal.

It sounds like he's hyping too much a stage for this occasion. It;s subjective, but it might be because there's more and we should be excited to stay tuned to hear more. This would imply a tease to get people excited along with the double meaning and unusually qick way to reveal the stage. "here's a Paper Mario stage!" is not something I call clear, but more ambiguous and too short as if he doesn't want to tell everything. Those observations combined would be a starting point for a tease that would just follow what Sakurai did for other teases.

In fact, it's exactly what happened when it got revealed. Most people implied it was just repping the Mario series, but this can't be proven so it's technically false to be sure. Supporters like myself on the other hand found some circumstances that leads more towards the opposite interpretation if you consider them and analyse the situation. This of course did created speculations for the last 2 weeks (even though it wasn't a popular topic, it spread enough to have more people being aware of it). This would be what a tease should do in the end along with making a specific group of people (in his case, Paper Mario fans) react. It's exactly what it did when people claimed that Sakurai "played with emotions".

That's the tease itself, but now, there's circumstances that makes the smash specific context more likely. If it was only for the first picture, it would be very different as those circumstances wouldn't be there. The second picture had the purpose of being the hidden key to solve this tease like the references in the boxing ring was for Little Mac case.

The biggest changes the second picture made was a TTYD stage, but on 3ds even if TTYD was released on home console. It doesn't mean it can't be on WiiU as Pokemon x/y got one stage for each version so it could happen again here. Even if it's a generic stage, it won't obsolete ideas like the theater because this one would be added for another purpose. It also doesn't mean it's unlikely because of the reputation of the series.

And that's why it's likely to get a WiiU stage due to this picture. By repping TTYD on 3ds, it shows that Sakurai had the intention of repping broader than just Sticker Star which is the only game released on handheld. By putting a TTYD segment on 3ds, it makes not seeing a WiiU one very unlikely. The series is reputed to be memorable on their consoles games and since Sakurai is open to rep this series in a broad way, it wouldn't "feel natural" to not have any console stage depicting any console games. Even tough it's subjective, with how much detailed this game is, I don't think this would be ignored for design consistency. Having 2 stages already make Paper Mario likely to be playable since I don't see a stage for each version and not him being playable as "consistent". But in this case, why Sakurai didn't revealed the most anticipated stage version before?

It could have been like what happened to Greninja where the stage revealed for the teasing was a 3ds one and the one revealed for trailer setup was a WiiU one. It would make a perfect trailer setup as we only see WiiU stage in those so using the 3ds stage as teasing and hiding the WiiU one was the logical choice for setting up the tease. I personally don't see any reasons to hide what would be the most anticipated stage of the 2 while revealing the least anticipated one (it wasn't even that much expected to get a 3ds stage and most hoped for a WiiU one). That's why I think he hide the stage for trailer setup suggesting the tease theory.

This logic would never be possible without the second picture as the first shows only the only handheld game. The first picture in itself could as well be a rainbow road case where it would only rep the most recent handheld installment and so, any WiiU stage wouldn't be a necessity.

But if I look at how this picture came, it suggests that it was made to be a hidden key to solve the tease. The reveal was exactly a week after the 10th anniversary of the most appreciated game of the series, the same game mentioned while Sticker Star wasn't and finally, the only game to have elements from it on the picture. And of course, it was made to be a huge reaction on the fans. Those observations happening all at the same time is too convenient to be a coincidence considering it was the key to the tease. So, the picture reveal itself was made to be analysed to get the tease.

If I go back to the tease trigger, the most likely interpretation based on those circumstances is that he was referencing the stage as a smash specific context.

This means that the Paper Mario series would be a separate entity, being the series of Paper Mario as playable character, would have 2 stages (one for each version) as rep and would have several music as rep (only 2 on 3ds and several on WiiU).

2 weeks after, we still didn't receive any further info related to the Paper Mario series in smash in any repping department. This seems like enough wait for a reveal in the next direct along with the stage since those would need to be revealed before release...


Do you have anything to say that doesn't seem right?
Interesting theory. That said, I'm sure that Paper Mario will get a greater role in this game than in the previous ones, but what specifically, I don't know.

Although that said, the fact there are still characters whose role has yet to be confirmed in Smash, despite having their involvement teased in one form or another (like K. Rool) or otherwise being notable enough that the fact they haven't been seen yet is strange. There is also the fact we haven't had any character reveal for about a month since the last newcomer trailer. All of these things makes me anxious for another Smash Direct.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
To add in my two-cents on Wario:
I'm fairly certain we are not gong to get a warioware character this game. Arguing it deserves one... well, what does that mean?

I do think,however, we will get a character for it next game, and that character will be Waluigi. It seems clear Sakurai wants to add him, just not as a Mario character. He made a point to showcase Waluigi as a character people wanted, to add that statement into his AT reveal, to give Waluigi some plush love in the Direct-trailer...

I personally believe that Waluigi would have bee the best character to be added alongside Wario (strange to have Wario from his own series, then his side kick in the Mario games); for just a general aesthetic balance, it is urksome.
Yet, Sakurai introduce us to Waluigi as a Warioware character in this direct, and I believe this is to lubricate us to the idea that Waluigi is going to be a character soon enough. He wants to join the battle, and we want him to join the battle. All that is left is a little time.

If we have new characters as DLC (non vets/ characters who were scrapped for time), Captain Toad and Inklings are going to be the first two. These are characters that Nintendo has every promotional reason to want to include.
We saw Nintendo Promote Splatoon at E3 as its answer to an innovative first person shooters. I doubt it will be a one-off game, rather than a series. Adding it to smash will be a real way to ensure it will be a success.
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Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
To add in my two-cents on Wario:
I'm fairly certain we are not gong to get a warioware character this game. Arguing it deserves one... well, what does that mean?

I do think,however, we will get a character for it next game, and that character will be Waluigi. It seems clear Sakurai wants to add him, just not as a Mario character. He made a point to showcase Waluigi as a character people wanted, to add that statement into his AT reveal, to give Waluigi some plush love in the Direct-trailer...

I personally believe that Waluigi would have bee the best character to be added alongside Wario (strange to have Wario from his own series, then his side kick in the Mario games); for just a general aesthetic balance, it is urksome.
Yet, Sakurai introduce us to Waluigi as a Warioware character in this direct, and I believe this is to lubricate us to the idea that Waluigi is going to be a character soon enough. He wants to join the battle, and we want him to join the battle. All that is left is a little time.

If we have new characters as DLC (non vets/ characters who were scrapped for time), Captain Toad and Inklings are going to be the first two. These are characters that Nintendo has every promotional reason to want to include.
We saw Nintendo Promote Splatoon at E3 as its answer to an innovative first person shooters. I doubt it will be a one-off game, rather than a series. Adding it to smash will be a real way to ensure it will be a success.
I sort of doubt we'll be getting a second Wario character. Like the Yoshi series, there's not really a good choice for a second character. One could argue a character, like Young Cricket or 9-Volt, but with so many characters, how could you pick one? Popularity is how Pokemon does it. But the most popular Wario Ware character, Ashley, is already a confirmed assist trophy. I think if Wario was going to get another rep, it would've been her and since we're not getting her, i don't think we're getting anyone. But that's my opinion.

As far as Splatoon, i really hope it does turn into a franchise- the game looks like a BLAST and i personally can't wait to buy and play the game until the disk melts.

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
I wouldn't bet on a WarioWare character in this installment of Smash, at least initially.

However, if DLC is a real thing, then I have faith in the inclusion of Kat and Ana.
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