What patterns (other than Chrom) are you referring to?
- A lot of people's case for Ghirahim is the surplus of Skyward sword stuff already represented. Look how much good that did for Midna in Brawl. Also the "Direct, Trophy Quiz" theory.
- Waddle Dee has actual merits and reasoning for him, but a lot of people think "Sakurai bias" really amounts to another Kirby character.
- Dark Pit is skating around on the "prominently featured in a video" theory. He's a palette swap at best. Or at least only deserves to be such.
- and the TypeTrio thing is Smashboards groupthink. Ivysaur or bust. We've been given no tangible evidence from Sakurai himself to believe these characters are as "guaranteed" as some people think. This doesn't apply to characters like Ridley, Shulk or K. Rool that have non "well this happened before, so it'll happen again" speculation in their arguments.
My post about replying your quote being, "a spot =/= the only spot" wasn't speculation. Ultimately our post points go down to both offsetting each other anyway.
I can agree with you that my support for Sceptile wasn't as demanding before Greninja's trailer. But for me, it has to go deeper than that because of Ivysaur, Squirtle, Purin, & Mewtwo all MIA. In my subjective opinion, A Grass type or just Ivysaur's support, was the same if not ever more higher than Greninja's trailer because of finally getting that Grass type appreciation in Brawl, do I support the idea of a Grass type to return to Sm4sh. Sceptile is a great Grass Pkmn candidate for that support is all, & when mostly Sceptile is shouted out for the Grass possibility, it means his popularity among the other Grass Starters shows he's got something worth having for Smash Bros.
I'd like to fix your quote to this, sry but ty:

Gonna throw a speculation to mix in with yours:
Sakurai was recommended, or rather decided upon Greninja with all of the references, facts, & characteristics about him, developing him before X & Y, & showing him early now after the release of X & Y. The promotion lasts longer for X & Y continuing the marketing. ORAS in the makings being before X & Y's development (because it takes a long time to reboot a remake of the games) didn't get the early chance to show off said-Sceptile this year because it was be too early for the marketing towards ORAS this year, keeping him more hush-hush, holding onto him waiting until the time is right to show-case him around the same time ORAS is near it's open date of selling in retail. The closer said-Sceptile would be revealed to ORAS's date, the more booming popularity Sceptile would gain being marketed in Sm4sh & ORAS together.
I wish we were both Sakurai. Thanks for Posting
Mewtwo, Jigglypuff, Squirtle and Ivysaur outrank Sceptile because they were a REALITY at one point. Sceptile has never been anything more than HOPE. You can put a tangible value on those four, not an accurate one mind you, but they've got something to go on. You can't do more than speculate on Sceptile.
Your points about the Pokemon company's recommendations to Sakurai are all very likely, but they're still speculation. Same goes for ORAS. Who's to say they told him ANYTHING about these new games? He might have been able to infer they were coming eventually, but what all they entailed were none of his business. Who's to say he even gave a damn about the ORAS games anyway? Your thoughts on them wanting to use Sceptile to promote them, though they make sense, are still speculation. I mean, perhaps there's a FE game in the works that features Roy, do we need him back to promote said future game?
My point is, if ORAS is what makes Sceptile so much more likely, then we're getting Blaziken instead. I mean, the Pokemon Company couldn't wait for ORAS to show him to us in Mega form, he's clearly their pic for a 3rd generation rep. If it comes down to the PC making business decisions, that's it. If it comes down to Sakurai choosing who he wants... there'll be no 3rd Gen Pokemon. Hold out hope for Zoroark.
Why thank you, Dean. I enjoy your work as well. Let's get some pie sometime.