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Character Discussion Thread

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Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Clones/semi-clones newcomers are something that I always felt was likely.
Yeah, I feel people are dismissing this because of Sakurai's statements on the game, with trying to add more unique characters to the roster. Now, almost all the newcomer all the newcomers shown have been completely unique, so I feel people could be overspeculating that Lucina would be the "only one"
I feel like Lucina is going to be the only "pure" clone. We may get some more semi-clones, though. We already have Toon Link, and some of the returning veterans may still be semi-clones. I feel like Sakurai is trying to add more variety to the game and, according to him, he added Lucina as a last resource because they had to cut one character unexpectedly and he had to cover that slot with someone, so adding her as a clone wasn't planned at first.
He never mentioned that he cut a character, it could be implied, but it never was fully stated. So far he already shown lots of variety to game. Even, if that above statement were true, it would further go with my point as clone characters are way easier to develop than a unique character, so we should expect 1-6 clone newcomers in this game, with the first being Lucina.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2014
Hey people!
This is my first post. I follow this thread for a longer time and want now to represent my roster.

This is a roster, which doesn't want to be very likely, it is a roster which represent my preference.
So what do you think about it?

Blue = confirmed
Red = certain
Yellow = wishes

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Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Hey people!
This is my first post. I follow this thread for a longer time and want now to represent my roster.

This is a roster, which doesn't want to be very likely, it is a roster which represent my preference.
So what do you think about it?

Blue = confirmed
Red = certain
Yellow = wishes

I see Paper Mario, Ridley, King K. Rool, Mewtwo, R.O.B., Krystal, and Bomberman on your wish side. I give this a yes.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
Hey people!
This is my first post. I follow this thread for a longer time and want now to represent my roster.

This is a roster, which doesn't want to be very likely, it is a roster which represent my preference.
So what do you think about it?

Blue = confirmed
Red = certain
Yellow = wishes

Bomberman and Layton I highly doubt, way too many third party characters.
Prince Fluff? Eh, I kinda doubt, but it's possible.
Who the heck is Marina?
The other wishes I'm pretty sure will be in though.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2014
Marina is from a game, which is one of my favorite childhood games and very unknown ;)
And I never saw prince fluff in this thread. Is he unpopular?



Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Marina is from a game, which is one of my favorite childhood games and very unknown ;)
And I never saw prince fluff in this thread. Is he unpopular?

Prince Fluff isn't too popular. Mostly due to the high amount of competition. Well, that's just my guess but welcome to the Boards.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2014
Thank you, it is very interesting to read here leaks, analysis and theory of coming chars!

I think he would be a nice addition to the game, because his artstyle is very special and he could have very unique moves.
But I know that he and Marina are very unlikely, but thank Sakurai, unknown chars have a little chance. Look on Ice Climbers ;)
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
I'd have Shulk, Ness, and Lucas. Most veterans would be back. If Wario loses his bike, I would drop him as a main forever and never look back. I could care less about King K. Rool, Marshal, and Waddle Dee, but I don't hate them. In fact, I've come to dislike Waddle Dee a lot less as time has gone on. While the lack of Mewtwo is kind of annoying, I never really used him, so I'd get over it. In terms of balance, Ness being reverted back to Melee would make him worse than he was in Brawl. Jigglypuff would be good again so that's welcome, but Ice Climbers being able to wobble would make them stupidly good again. Wolf and R.O.B. didn't need to be changed so I'm fine with them being the same. Having not played any Zelda that has Ganondorf in it, I wouldn't really mind that he's still a semi-clone, especially because he'd still have the Flame Choke and Sparta Kick.

So overall, I'd be happy. I'd get the one newcomer I actually want (Shulk) I'd get all the Brawl vets I care about. There are some questionable balance changes (if Shoulder Charge does in fact replace the Bike, you'd have killed one of Wario's best moves) regarding Wario, Ice Climbers, and Ness, but overall seems pretty solid.

I would like to point out that Lucas's neutral special in Project M is not called PK Charge. It is called Offense Up, based on the support PSI of the same name.
Honestly, I just completely forgot the original move's name for Lucas because it's been 7+ years since I've played Mother in any capacity, thanks. I had no idea how good Ness is from game to game, so I basically tossed that out there because most characters had changes that many people disliked in Brawl (then again I'm a JigglyDorf player and both of them were made pretty abysmal). I for one love Falcondorf (and since he's Sakurai's main) I don't see him going anywhere from the base moveset. I'm a bit suprised how many people disliked the Shoulder Bash over the Bike because I felt it was one of the many great changes for Wario in P:M. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.

I namely did this as an experiment to see how people would feel about my roster if I swapped a semi-likely character I liked for one that the majority seemed more in favor of. Not exactly to my surprise, it almost all boiled down to "NoRidleyGoHome."

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
Hey people!
This is my first post. I follow this thread for a longer time and want now to represent my roster.

This is a roster, which doesn't want to be very likely, it is a roster which represent my preference.
So what do you think about it?

Blue = confirmed
Red = certain
Yellow = wishes

Welcome to the boards, my friend!

I really like what you did with this roster and how you tried to mix your wishes with what's expected. There are a few things I'd critique, but it's a wish roster, so I shouldn't try to crush your spirit :p


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
...You're going to have to explain your logic here, because I don't understand how Palutena having a move Isaac could have had confirms him. It appears to be the same logic people have that suggest Bayonetta is practically confirmed because Samus has a similar aesthetic with her rocket heels.

I also wouldn't say Palutena has Zelda's Up Special (More like Mewtwo's), Ness's Neutral Special (Functions very differently when you watch the video), Fox's Up Special (Can't aim in eight directions), and Peach's floating (She actually descends while it is in use, and it's part of her up special) but think what you want I guess.
Hmmm... there is a video?
Yeah, I feel people are dismissing this because of Sakurai's statements on the game, with trying to add more unique characters to the roster. Now, almost all the newcomer all the newcomers shown have been completely unique, so I feel people could be overspeculating that Lucina would be the "only one"

He never mentioned that he cut a character, it could be implied, but it never was fully stated. So far he already shown lots of variety to game. Even, if that above statement were true, it would further go with my point as clone characters are way easier to develop than a unique character, so we should expect 1-6 clone newcomers in this game, with the first being Lucina.
He has mentioned in the past that he prefers to add fully original characters, and is not always as happy adding clones. The fact that we have pretty much always been told we got clones as filler characters due to time seems to indicate to me they are not going to be very involved in this game. However, the huge span of 1-6 newcoming clones is already true, we have one, so of course we can get up to five more.

Marina is from a game, which is one of my favorite childhood games and very unknown ;)
And I never saw prince fluff in this thread. Is he unpopular?

I'd never seen anyone else who wanted Marina!!!!!! This game was a big part of my youth, it was insane. The female factor could have helped...
but it is third party.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Hmmm... there is a video?

He has mentioned in the past that he prefers to add fully original characters, and is not always as happy adding clones. The fact that we have pretty much always been told we got clones as filler characters due to time seems to indicate to me they are not going to be very involved in this game. However, the huge span of 1-6 newcoming clones is already true, we have one, so of course we can get up to five more.
...Yeah. The video is her reveal trailer where it showed off all 12 specials, her Final Smash, 3 Directional Smashes, N-Air, Dash, and I believe F and B throws alongside her taunts.

Deleted member

Honestly, I just completely forgot the original move's name for Lucas because it's been 7+ years since I've played Mother in any capacity, thanks. I had no idea how good Ness is from game to game, so I basically tossed that out there because most characters had changes that many people disliked in Brawl (then again I'm a JigglyDorf player and both of them were made pretty abysmal). I for one love Falcondorf (and since he's Sakurai's main) I don't see him going anywhere from the base moveset. I'm a bit suprised how many people disliked the Shoulder Bash over the Bike because I felt it was one of the many great changes for Wario in P:M. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.

I namely did this as an experiment to see how people would feel about my roster if I swapped a semi-likely character I liked for one that the majority seemed more in favor of. Not exactly to my surprise, it almost all boiled down to "NoRidleyGoHome."
The Shoulder Bash isn't a bad move, it works great for Wario's playstyle in Project M. The issue I (and others) have with it is that it replaced one of Wario's best moves in Brawl, which is arguably one of the most unique (not to mention hilarious) moves in the series. The bike probably wouldn't be as good in a Melee environment, but as a Brawl Wario main, it made me a little sad.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Marina in Smash is one of my pipe-dreamiest pipe dreams. Shame about that third-party business.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Hey people!
This is my first post. I follow this thread for a longer time and want now to represent my roster.

This is a roster, which doesn't want to be very likely, it is a roster which represent my preference.
So what do you think about it?

Blue = confirmed
Red = certain
Yellow = wishes

Needs more Vaati and Snake. :awesome:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2013
If I could only have one more newcomer, it'd be Isaac, hands down.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Oh wait you meant most likely?
It's obviously Dark Pit of course! :teeth:
More evidence that he is in than Shulk (Literally no visual evidence of Xenoblade content to call him the most likely.)
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2013
But is he the most probable to you?
That is what I am asking.
Oops, sorry, I read too fast. Although... I dunno. Shulk leaps to mind, but that's almost entirely because of Gematsu. Honestly, if I had to say who's most likely in (without Gematsu influencing my decision)... I'd have to say Ridley. There's too much intrigue surrounding him, and we know for sure he's in the game in one capacity or another. So, yeah, Ridley. (but I'd take Isaac over him so fast, his disproportionately enormous pterodactyl head would be spinning like a top)

EDIT: Actually, Dark Pit is in the same scenario. We know he's in there somewhere, but whether or not he's got his own CSS slot is still in question. And yes, I would love for Isaac to get in and take out both birdies with one stone (See what I did thar?).
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Deleted member

Dark Pit is already confirmed as a stage hazard, guys.
It's not confirmed, just very likely given the evidence we have. No need to jump to conclusions for the sake of speculation. I still think it's possible for him to be playable, but not obvious either way.
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