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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
I wonder if a lot of people take the opportunity to infer predictions from reveal dates. I think it was pretty obvious that we were getting a fifth Mario character because Sakurai revealed all the veterans like immediately and I think it's obvious now that Diddy & Dixie duo isn't happening since they weren't revealed in the Tropical Freeze newcomer trailer.

Now I'm wondering if maybe Toon Link is a lot higher priority this time because maybe Sakurai is planning on adding Tetra to the roster.

Tetra is one of my most wanted newcomers so I sure hope so


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
My main problem with the idea of Magnus as a playable character is that he's sort of taking the niche Ike has.

But other choices like Viridi, Medusa, and Palutena feel more distinctive, though my personal pick will still be Palutena.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
No Magnus or Dark Pit, but I wouldn't mind Hades, Medusa, or Palutena. What can Hades do though? Medusa and Palutena have a good amount to work with, but I've never looked into Hades. He should probably play as a heavy Captain Falcon.
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Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I also made an alt of my last roster which featured Pac-Man who I've been considering as character who Sakurai might change his mind and add since I infered from an interview that he was open to third-parties, but had not chose any besides Mega Man yet. I still have doubts about him though because he keeps reiterating how much of a "special case" Mega Man was. I think Pac-Man is a 50/50 chance and I take back my constant ranting about him not being capable of a move set. He could easily implement a good recovery special and the ghosts as part of his move set.

I posted it to IGN because I didn't want to get the same comments of the same roster here. Here's the interview I read by the way. I can't say for sure if the man is lying. But, I believe him: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06...ters-receive-no-priority-for-super-smash-bros

But, in the mean time I made a starter roster.
View attachment 8735

List of unlockables:

  • Rosalina & Luma
  • Wii Fit Trainer
  • Mega Man
  • Samurai Goroh
  • Takamaru
  • Tetra
  • Dixie Kong
  • Ridley
  • Mewtwo
  • Ike
  • Lucas
  • Tabuu
  • The rest of the Veterans
Having a new F-Zero character along with Mach Rider kind of bugs me since F-Zero is a spiritual successor of Mach it seems like a bit much to add both. I also dislike the idea of Smash original character's, but you seemed to have made up you're mind on him. I also find Robin unlikely since he's not nearly as recognizable as other FE characters, and adding a avatar character when the world he's from is filled with unique characters seems odd to me. I certainly wouldn't mind his inclusion, but I just don't think it will happen (coming from someone who used to have Robin on his roster.) Also I think it has too many newcomers since Sakurai stated that there wouldn't be as many newcomers as previous games.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
My main problem with the idea of Magnus as a playable character is that he's sort of taking the niche Ike has.

But other choices like Viridi, Medusa, and Palutena feel more distinctive, though my personal pick will still be Palutena.
That's what people always say about Magnus, and I can't deny it. The game has so many cool supernatural characters to add, who are also probably more important plot-wise, that Magnus looks pretty...not necessarily "dull" by comparison, but like, "why would he be the one picked?"

What I do like about Magnus is that I think his demeanor, drive, and fighting style is perfect for SSB, even if it looks "Ike-ish." The game's lore describes his as the strongest human, so I myself would love to see him up against Link and Ike. But Palutena is ultimately my pick as well. Took me a long time to reach that conclusion, though.

No Magnus or Dark Pit, but I wouldn't mind Hades, Medusa, or Palutena. What can Hades do though? Medusa and Palutena have a good amount to work with, but I've never looked into Hades. He should probably play as a heavy Captain Falcon.
Hades has about as much to work with as Medusa does, in my opinion. If you do take a look into him, like the boss battles against him, it's not difficult to find moveset inspiration.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Having a new F-Zero character along with Mach Rider kind of bugs me since F-Zero is a spiritual successor of Mach it seems like a bit much to add both. I also dislike the idea of Smash original character's, but you seemed to have made up you're mind on him. I also find Robin unlikely since he's not nearly as recognizable as other FE characters, and adding a avatar character when the world he's from is filled with unique characters seems odd to me. I certainly wouldn't mind his inclusion, but I just don't think it will happen (coming from someone who used to have Robin on his roster.) Also I think it has too many newcomers since Sakurai stated that there wouldn't be as many newcomers as previous games.
How is a different unit in Fire Emblem not unique? Just because somebody is customizable doesn't mean they aren't unique. That's pretty bias. I think it's important to have a different unit and what is most likely going to become a staple in future Fire Emblem games. I don't see why Robin isn't unique. He's the most unique Fire Emblem character available.

And if you don't have Toon Zelda it's 3 less newcomers than Brawl. And I too have some doubts about Mach Rider being so similar, but he's the best retro I could find besides Lip who is technically Japan Only. It's important to have 2 retros because Sakurai is trying to revive more older characters. I figure at least one should be originally international.

I used to have a 48 character roster, but I went with 50 since it's still less newcomers than Brawl and it doesn't hurt to have a roster that would most likely be the same as the outcome minus two characters.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Now that I look at it,I think Mac's side special (jumping left/right then punching downwards) may have the same consequence as Fox,Ike,etc. side special ; You can't recover if you do it in the air.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Now that I look at it,I think Mac's side special (jumping left/right then punching downwards) may have the same consequence as Fox,Ike,etc. side special ; You can't recover if you do it in the air.
So it'd probably be a bad idea to use in the air considering he's a bad air fighter to begin with.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
So it'd probably be a bad idea to use in the air considering he's a bad air fighter to begin with.
That's true. I wouldn't risk trying to pin an opponent away from a platform. Funny coincidence,Sakurai confirms a character more suited to air fighting,then announces one suited to fighting on land.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
Obviously there will be three kid icarus representatives. Magnus, Pyrhon, and Cragalance.



Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I'd be down with that fix, I was mostly joking about none of those three having a chance, cragalanche I felt illustrated that perfectly. I'd actually like Phosphera, being Viridi's answer to Palutena's Pit, I feel she was under represented.

Well, not the Waluigi fix, though him cameo'ing in Kid Icarus would be hilarious.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
How is a different unit in Fire Emblem not unique? Just because somebody is customizable doesn't mean they aren't unique. That's pretty bias. And if you don't have Toon Zelda it's 3 less newcomers than Brawl. And I too have some doubts about Mach Rider being so similar, but he's the best retro I could find besides Lip who is technically Japan Only.

I used to have a 48 character roster, but I went with 50 since it's still less newcomers than Brawl and it doesn't hurt to a roster that would most likely be the same as the outcome minus two characters.
By not unique I mean he's not a set in stone character like everyone else in his game. When people think of Fire Emblem characters they're going to think of Marth, Ike, Chrom, etc. not that avatar character you play as in a few games. That's why characters like Marth and Ike are going to appear in Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem, and why the avatar character most likely won't. He could have a unique moveset, I just think he'll be left out because he's not prominent to Nintendo overall, especially amongst the other potential FE characters. A second retro isn't necessary, and I'm thinking Little Mac might count as retro because of all the arcade references in his moveset, trailer, and artwork, but Mach Rider is a good choice despite that. Also when he said that there wouldn't be as many newcomers as previous games, I think he included Melee in that, which if you count Sheik had 14 newcomers.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
By not unique I mean he's not a set in stone character like everyone else in his game. When people think of Fire Emblem characters they're going to think of Marth, Ike, Chrom, etc. not that avatar character you play as in a few games. That's why characters like Marth and Ike are going to appear in Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem, and why the avatar character most likely won't. He could have a unique moveset, I just think he'll be left out because he's not prominent to Nintendo overall, especially amongst the other potential FE characters. A second retro isn't necessary, and I'm thinking Little Mac might count as retro because of all the arcade references in his moveset, trailer, and artwork, but Mach Rider is a good choice despite that. Also when he said that there wouldn't be as many newcomers as previous games, I think he included Melee in that, which if you count Sheik had 14 newcomers.
In regards to the idea that Robin is not "set-in-stone," I would argue that Robin is much more set-in-stone than the other avatar based characters we've seen so far; he already has a preset personality, backstory, and abilities. Because of that, I think of him as more of a customizable character than a true avatar. With a character like the Villager, that really is just meant to be a way to put yourself into the game; the character itself has no personality outside of what you give it through your actions and imagination. Robin, on the other hand, is not designed in a way that allows you to put yourself in his place. He has way too much of his own personality and prominence within the story for him to be an empty shell to put yourself in. So I think that gives him an edge as a character choice.

Also, I find it a little odd that you brush off Robin as "that avatar character you play as in a few games," when Chrom has only appeared in one. The avatar/tactician concept is one that has appeared in multiple Fire Emblem games, and while the way it's implemented changes from appearance to appearance, and while it may not be the face of the series (similar to the Pokemon Trainer), it still represents an integral part of the Fire Emblem series that, I think, deserves some recognition in Smash.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
By not unique I mean he's not a set in stone character like everyone else in his game. When people think of Fire Emblem characters they're going to think of Marth, Ike, Chrom, etc. not that avatar character you play as in a few games. That's why characters like Marth and Ike are going to appear in Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem, and why the avatar character most likely won't.
I do agree that Robin not being entirely a set in stone character is somewhat a downside to having him, but he's still pretty set in stone and I still think Sakurai is going to look past this for the reasons I previously stated. Which is his uniqueness and importance in future Fire Emblem games. To be honest I really don't think it will matter.

Not to mention this adds a female Fire Emblem character as well as potential for many costumes. So if anything his multiple designs are a GOOD thing.

A second retro isn't necessary
That's your personal opinion, but Sakurai seems to think otherwise. And I want to go with what Sakurai thinks or most likely thinks.

and I'm thinking Little Mac might count as retro because of all the arcade references in his moveset, trailer, and artwork
That's an awful reason. Sakurai does that kind of stuff with several characters in the other games. This does not make Little Mac a retro anymore than the other non retro characters.

You also seem to be forgetting all the references to his recent installment.

Also when he said that there wouldn't be as many newcomers as previous games, I think he included Melee in that, which if you count Sheik had 14 newcomers.
I thought he said "last time"



He said "Set in stone character"
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
By not unique I mean he's not a set in stone character like everyone else in his game. When people think of Fire Emblem characters they're going to think of Marth, Ike, Chrom, etc. not that avatar character you play as in a few games. That's why characters like Marth and Ike are going to appear in Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem, and why the avatar character most likely won't. He could have a unique moveset, I just think he'll be left out because he's not prominent to Nintendo overall, especially amongst the other potential FE characters. A second retro isn't necessary, and I'm thinking Little Mac might count as retro because of all the arcade references in his moveset, trailer, and artwork, but Mach Rider is a good choice despite that. Also when he said that there wouldn't be as many newcomers as previous games, I think he included Melee in that, which if you count Sheik had 14 newcomers.
I disagree, Robin is probably the most personified avatar in recent memory. The only aspects that make Robin seem like an avatar in the first place (from what I know) is his/her appearance and that it's entirely from Robin's perspective

Robin has his/her own personality. So honestly Robin is one of the, if not the, most "set in stone" avatar characters out there [At least when it comes to Nintendo IPs anyways].
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
In regards to the idea that Robin is not "set-in-stone," I would argue that Robin is much more set-in-stone than the other avatar based characters we've seen so far; he already has a preset personality, backstory, and abilities. Because of that, I think of him as more of a customizable character than a true avatar. With a character like the Villager, that really is just meant to be a way to put yourself into the game; the character itself has no personality outside of what you give it through your actions and imagination. Robin, on the other hand, is not designed in a way that allows you to put yourself in his place. He has way too much of his own personality and prominence within the story for him to be an empty shell to put yourself in. So I think that gives him an edge as a character choice.

Also, I find it a little odd that you brush off Robin as "that avatar character you play as in a few games," when Chrom has only appeared in one. The avatar/tactician concept is one that has appeared in multiple Fire Emblem games, and while the way it's implemented changes from appearance to appearance, and while it may not be the face of the series (similar to the Pokemon Trainer), it still represents an integral part of the Fire Emblem series that, I think, deserves some recognition in Smash.
You sir, deserve a clap. :)


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Am I the only person who actually likes Zant more than Ghira-*shot*

In the end, both of them just turned out to be pawns being used by Ganondorf, or err, the OG Demise in Debbie's case.

Of course obviously my favorite Zelda villain is Ganondorf himself, I'd have to pick Skull Kid + Majora combo for my favorite minor villain though.

Any thoughts as to why most think another Zelda character has to be a villain? Most people cry Ghirahim or Vaati, and Skull Kid had quite the following before. Not that I'd want a Toon Zelda or Tetra (please no), but I'm not really keen on another villain either. That's why the Happy Mask Salesman Tingle really fits the job for me.
I don't think that. I just think that the next Zelda character should be someone really popular. I.E. not Tingle.
I support Midna too.

To be honest, I found Zant more interesting. While Zant was a pawn of Ganondorf, he had his own agenda and ambitions. Ghirahim's sole existence was to revive Demise.
That's what makes Ghirahim great though. He doesn't have a deep story, he's just a really unique bad guy.
It's makes it easier to use him again. Honestly, it would be great if he became the next Tingle.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I don't think that. I just think that the next Zelda character should be someone really popular. I.E. not Tingle.
I support Midna too.

That's what makes Ghirahim great though. He doesn't have a deep story, he's just a really unique bad guy.
It's makes it easier to use him again. Honestly, it would be great if he became the next Tingle.
Isn't Tingle really popular though, in Japan? Obviously a different type of popularity is ascribed to him in the West (notoriety). However, I would argue that he is a popular character. I am not necessarily sure how he stacks against other "popular" Legend of Zelda characters though. One would assume that he is intrinsically more popular as he is more prevalent, but I could be wrong.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
I remember hearing that even in Japan tingle really isn't too popular.

Wonder why...

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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I suppose having Ghirahim act as "Captain Ginyu" to Ganondorf's Frieza could make him more important to the series as a whole. But that would only be the case if he'd kept showing up. In a Link Bewteen Worlds, they pretty much swapped their Flamboyant Villain for another in the form of Yuga. Seemed like they wanted to have lighting strike twice.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I remember hearing that even in Japan tingle really isn't too popular.

Wonder why...

Yes, but comparatively. It is difficult to fathom that he isn't the more popular candidate that is actually feasible. I mean, I am sure characters like Malon or Sariah are actually above Tingle in popularity, but out of the arbitrary "likely" candidates (without resorting to clones or replacements) he is obviously the most popular character. That was all I was getting at... I got the joke, I just felt like elaborating.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Isn't Tingle really popular though, in Japan? Obviously a different type of popularity is ascribed to him in the West (notoriety). However, I would argue that he is a popular character. I am not necessarily sure how he stacks against other "popular" Legend of Zelda characters though. One would assume that he is intrinsically more popular as he is more prevalent, but I could be wrong.
Tingle isn't much better off in Japan either, though.
The only reason he has any notability there is because he's made up of many Japanese character tropes that are popular. Though I don't think modest recognition on one territory and renowned hatred on the other is popularity I'm referring to.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Tingle isn't much better off in Japan either, though.
The only reason he has any notability there is because he's made up of many Japanese character tropes that are popular. Though I don't think modest recognition on one territory and renowned hatred on the other is popularity I'm referring to.
Obviously it is difficult to discern popularity, but again, I am quite confident that the more prevalent and prominent character has the larger fan-base than... say Ghirahim. Toon Zelda and Impa may be more popular, but again, that is resorting to clones or replacements (unless he construes an entirely unique move-set for some reason, it doesn't seem likely, but it is entirely possible). The only other "real" contenders are Vaati and Ghirahim. Ghirahim is the overt popular choice... so it comes down to those two characters (in my mind). If we are judging by popularity, I have a feeling Tingle is the more popular candidate.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Obviously it is difficult to discern popularity, but again, I am quite confident that the more prevalent and prominent character has the larger fan-base than... say Ghirahim. Toon Zelda and Impa may be more popular, but again, that is resorting to clones or replacements (unless he construes an entirely unique move-set for some reason, it doesn't seem likely, but it is entirely possible). The only other "real" contenders are Vaati and Ghirahim. Ghirahim is the overt popular choice... so it comes down to those two characters (in my mind). If we are judging by popularity, I have a feeling Tingle is the more popular candidate.
I have no idea what you are saying. All I'm getting is that Tingle is the most popular Zelda newcomer, which is incredibly false.
I'm not in the mood for digging up polls though.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
Obviously it is difficult to discern popularity, but again, I am quite confident that the more prevalent and prominent character has the larger fan-base than... say Ghirahim. Toon Zelda and Impa may be more popular, but again, that is resorting to clones or replacements (unless he construes an entirely unique move-set for some reason, it doesn't seem likely, but it is entirely possible). The only other "real" contenders are Vaati and Ghirahim. Ghirahim is the overt popular choice... so it comes down to those two characters (in my mind). If we are judging by popularity, I have a feeling Tingle is the more popular candidate.
I disagree with this I think Ghirahim is more popular then Tingle could ever hope to be and Vaati is not as likely as people here make him out to be he didn't even get acknowledged in Brawl so I don't think Sakurai is to fond of him


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I have no idea what you are saying. All I'm getting is that Tingle is the most popular Zelda newcomer, which is incredibly false.
I'm not in the mood for digging up polls though.
Yes, that is precisely what I am insinuating. That is, of course, if we are not counting Toon Zelda or Impa (as they allude to the notion of redundant clones or replacements unless they are dealt with carefully). The only other viable Legend of Zelda candidates (not necessarily feasible, but commonly speculated) are Tingle, Vaati and Ghirahim. Ghirahim was a one-shot character to one of the worst selling Zelda console games. Tingle, while retaining overt Smash relevance, is the more prominent and prevalent character. Logically, he has the larger fan-base. That isn't necessarily the equivalent of popularity, but that is entirely irrelevant. I don't necessarily know why members of Smashboards believe polls to be definitive evidence, care to elaborate?


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Yes, that is precisely what I am insinuating. That is, of course, if we are not counting Toon Zelda or Impa (as they allude to the notion of redundant clones or replacements unless they are dealt with carefully). The only other viable Legend of Zelda candidates (not necessarily feasible, but commonly speculated) are Tingle, Vaati and Ghirahim. Ghirahim was a one-shot character to one of the worst selling Zelda console games. Tingle, while retaining overt Smash relevance, is the more prominent and prevalent character. Logically, he has the larger fan-base. That isn't necessarily the equivalent of popularity, but that is entirely irrelevant. I don't necessarily know why members of Smashboards believe polls to be definitive evidence, care to elaborate?
I'm sorry, but I'm never believing that because you used sales and recurring roles as evidence for popularity.
Slippy Toad has appeared in every Star Fox game. Do people want him? Sure. Do many, many more want Krystal, who's only been in 3 games? Of course.

Skywasrd Sword sold poorly and was the weakest received Zelda, yet Ghirahim became the most popular candidate.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
Yes, that is precisely what I am insinuating. That is, of course, if we are not counting Toon Zelda or Impa (as they allude to the notion of redundant clones or replacements unless they are dealt with carefully). The only other viable Legend of Zelda candidates (not necessarily feasible, but commonly speculated) are Tingle, Vaati and Ghirahim. Ghirahim was a one-shot character to one of the worst selling Zelda console games. Tingle, while retaining overt Smash relevance, is the more prominent and prevalent character. Logically, he has the larger fan-base. That isn't necessarily the equivalent of popularity, but that is entirely irrelevant. I don't necessarily know why members of Smashboards believe polls to be definitive evidence, care to elaborate?
Hmmm now I'm understanding your point and I don't really understand that either just because a character is popularly requested doesn't necessary mean they will be picked for example Toad and Bowser Jr. were the popular Mario picks but yet they were passed in favor of Rosalina


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I'm sorry, but I'm never believing that because you used sales and recurring roles as evidence for popularity.
Slippy Toad has appeared in every Star Fox game. Do people want him? Sure. Do many, many more want Krystal, who's only been in 3 games? Of course.

Skywasrd Sword sold poorly and was the weakest received Zelda, yet Ghirahim became the most popular candidate.
I was specifically alluding to the characters perceived prominence. Tingle has been a reoccurring character for over a decade (if I recall correctly) and Ghirahim is a secondary character in the most recent Legend of Zelda game (which didn't perform adequately). So, if I am correct in my assumption, you are not going to take my perspective into account because I used objective fact to support my argument? This, my friend, is what I like to refer to as confirmation bias. You are blatantly disregarding arguments because you do not personally see the value in said arguments. Tingle's prominence and prevalence are much more overt than Ghirahim's, so his fan-base is going to be inherently larger. I am sorry if you don't agree.

The point is, Ghirahim has had much less exposure (as he was only in one game, as he was only in one of the worst selling games) and Tingle has had much more exposure. Therefore, it is logical to assert that Tingle's fan-base is larger. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt and asserted that that doesn't necessarily correlate to popularity. However, if you are going to blatantly dismiss something I bring to the table because it refutes your point, I have nothing further to say (as it is utterly impossible for you to actually comprehend where I am coming from).

That being said, if you found that poll that you have to prove that Ghirahim has somehow amassed a larger fan-base than Tingle, I would be willing to take a look at it. Albeit, it wouldn't really convince me unless there were millions of votes from the majority of the community.
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