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Character Discussion Thread

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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I mainly don't wnat Mii because that means everyone is going to gravitate towards picking the character online in order to shove their namefagging and LE REDDIT XD humor down our throat like with Mario Kart.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I mainly don't wnat Mii because that means everyone is going to gravitate towards picking the character online in order to shove their name***ging and LE REDDIT XD humor down our throat like with Mario Kart.
Maybe if that was such a concern Miis could be banned for online play. Limit them to just matches with others on the same console so they aren't ridiculously spammed. That would solve a great deal of the issues people have with Miis.
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I mainly don't wnat Mii because that means everyone is going to gravitate towards picking the character online in order to shove their name***ging and LE REDDIT XD humor down our throat like with Mario Kart.
Not for reddit humor, but Mario Kart is the reason I like the Mii.

I was sad Dry Bones wasn't playable in Mario Kart 7. So I made a mii that looks like him. Came out alright. Maybe it'll even convince Nintendo to finally actually update the Mii Creator software.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Mii has a lot of items to swing around identically to how Game & Watch and Villager swing around items. They're sports items! Peach's F-Smash on 24 different inputs is so unique, y'all!
It's really a shame that that's a likely possibility. A sports based moveset I mean. (Regardless of whether it's customizable or not.) There's much more Miis could do, but, unfortunately, they're most known for playing sports, so that would probably be a big part, if not all of their moveset. It really is a shame because, given their associations and all of their appearances, as I said, there's a lot they could do.
It doesn't completely turn me off of the idea of Miis, but it makes me not want them as much as I could. Hopefully, if they are included, someone on the development team will realize that sports don't exactly make for an exciting moveset. Miis need something that only Miis would be able too pull off right.

Ooh, "Magic" could be their neutral special, and it changes depending on the color of the Mii's shirt.
I had an idea involving "Magic" as their neutral special. But instead of being based on color, it would just pick from a set of five possible powers that would then last for a certain amount of time, with each power being based on a particular kind of magic. Think Game & Watch's side-B, but with longer lasting affects. I thought that would be better in order to disallow one color from potentially having the best or worst ability.
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Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York

So this is the second roster I've made, with a few different features from it's predecessor. I wanted to make this one a tad bit more realistic, more based on my concept of this term.

First off, I removed Knuckle Joe, Kat and Ana, and Dixie. Knuckle Joe and Kat and Ana were obvious, but I removed Dixie because it seems more likely that we will only be getting one DK character this time around, and I felt that the King himself was a bit more necessary to include. Not to diminish Dixie in any way, but the most iconic villain vs. the second side-kick, the choice is all yours.

I also included Shulk, and The Mii in this roster. I felt that Shulk was deserving of a spot since his series is starting to become a powerful addition to Nintendo's lineup, especially with the new title being released in time. After doing a bit of research, I realized that the Mii seems like an inevitable part of the next installment. All signs seem to be pointing to our avatars being in the Frey; let's just hope we don't see too many Will Smiths, Chuck Norrises, or Adolf Hitlers on the WI-FI at all. (Although, that also seems likely.)

I also left Pokemon Trainer in his original Kanto form. X and Y made the Gen 1 starters relevant again, so I see no reason to alter his character in any way.

Yes, I support 4 Star Fox reps, and Krystal was the ideal choice to include. I feel that if we are going to get another character from their series, she is the only character who could bring a unique move-set to the table from her franchise.

Fire Emblem.

Takamaru seems to be the most requested, and likely, Retro out there. The only two I considered other than him were, Lip, and Mach Rider. While I do think they both have a shot, the retro spot belongs to our invisible Samurai!

That's about it. So in that regard, I'd love to get feedback from this forum on my roster! Also, since most of you will probably see this in the morning, Good Morning! I Hope your cereal is fresh and your milk is two weeks before the expiration date. :D


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
View attachment 8667

So this is the second roster I've made, with a few different features from it's predecessor. I wanted to make this one a tad bit more realistic, more based on my concept of this term.

First off, I removed Knuckle Joe, Kat and Ana, and Dixie. Knuckle Joe and Kat and Ana were obvious, but I removed Dixie because it seems more likely that we will only be getting one DK character this time around, and I felt that the King himself was a bit more necessary to include. Not to diminish Dixie in any way, but the most iconic villain vs. the second side-kick, the choice is all yours.

I also included Shulk, and The Mii in this roster. I felt that Shulk was deserving of a spot since his series is starting to become a powerful addition to Nintendo's lineup, especially with the new title being released in time. After doing a bit of research, I realized that the Mii seems like an inevitable part of the next installment. All signs seem to be pointing to our avatars being in the Frey; let's just hope we don't see too many Will Smiths, Chuck Norrises, or Adolf Hitlers on the WI-FI at all. (Although, that also seems likely.)

I also left Pokemon Trainer in his original Kanto form. X and Y made the Gen 1 starters relevant again, so I see no reason to alter his character in any way.

Yes, I support 4 Star Fox reps, and Krystal was the ideal choice to include. I feel that if we are going to get another character from their series, she is the only character who could bring a unique move-set to the table from her franchise.

Fire Emblem.

Takamaru seems to be the most requested, and likely, Retro out there. The only two I considered other than him were, Lip, and Mach Rider. While I do think they both have a shot, the retro spot belongs to our invisible Samurai!

That's about it. So in that regard, I'd love to get feedback from this forum on my roster! Also, since most of you will probably see this in the morning, Good Morning! I Hope your cereal is fresh and your milk is two weeks before the expiration date. :D
Well, you don't have Like, but it's okay because Ghirahim.

Edit: I swear to god, autocorrect
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I was torn on Ike, but I just think he'll be getting the Roy treatment. But maybe, I don't fully dount his chances. After all, nobody was fully cut. Yet...
There is no "Roy treatment," Ike did not replace Roy, they were both planned to be alongside each other and Marth in Brawl, but Roy was ultimately scrapped due to time constraints caused by Sonic taking priority late in development. Sonic is already in the game this time, and thus won't cause a similar situation.

To further this, Sakurai said that no cuts have been made a while back, so everyone should be returning unless something does come up, which shouldn't happen. This also means that Snake is returning, as Sakurai has to go through the licensing and such to acquire him due to his third party status, and if he said that no one is getting cut, which includes Snake, that means that he had already gone through the licensing prior to that statement, so Snake can't be cut now.
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Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
There is no "Roy treatment," Ike did not replace Roy, they were both planned to be alongside each other and Marth in Brawl, but Roy was ultimately scrapped due to time constraints caused by Sonic taking priority late in development. Sonic is already in the game this time, and thus won't cause a similar situation.

To further this, Sakurai said that no cuts have been made a while back, so everyone should be returning unless something does come up, which shouldn't happen. This also means that Snake is returning, as Sakurai has to go through the licensing and such to acquire him due to his third party status, and if he said that no one is getting cut, which includes Snake, that means that he had already gone through the licensing prior to that statement, so Snake can't be cut now.
Looks like i'll be editing my roster again. Although, I will leave Chrom as a placeholder until we find out more about FE reps. Not sure if I should cut Pac-Man for Snake, or have both?


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Looks like i'll be editing my roster again. Although, I will leave Chrom as a placeholder until we find out more about FE reps. Not sure if I should cut Pac-Man for Snake, or have both?
I would personally leave Pac-Man in, there's no reason we can't have four third party characters. There's no need for a random slot, so just take it out and insert Snake above the other third parties. I'd recommend replacing the Miis with Ike as well, but it's up to you who to replace, as long as he's back in it.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I know many don't remember a time when 'magazines' existed, but it did. And Nintendo had an awesome one.

It feels like about two or three years ago Nintendo Power sent out it's final issue.

But the magazine's importance to Nintendo at the time was huge. I was trying to think if it would be fitting for an assist trophy tributing this magazine.

My point is I want a Nester assist trophy. Preferably only in red and black colors to honor his only video game outing was on virtual boy.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I know many don't remember a time when 'magazines' existed, but it did. And Nintendo had an awesome one.

It feels like about two or three years ago Nintendo Power sent out it's final issue.

But the magazine's importance to Nintendo at the time was huge. I was trying to think if it would be fitting for an assist trophy tributing this magazine.

My point is I want a Nester assist trophy. Preferably only in red and black colors to honor his only video game outing was on virtual boy.
If someone doesn't know what a magazine is, they should be slapped.

Regardless, Nintendo Power was published by Nintendo of America, who have no bearing on the development of Smash, so this is nothing but a pipe dream.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
If someone doesn't know what a magazine is, they should be slapped.

Regardless, Nintendo Power was published by Nintendo of America, who have no bearing on the development of Smash, so this is nothing but a pipe dream.
Isn't Samus only in the game cause Metroid's popular outside of Japan? They can talk to Sega for a character but can't even call their own company's office in America? It is a pipe dream that I will gladly have.

And props to you Superbrawler for keeping your issues! I miss their comics. The last one I remember was the Metroid one. But the Star Fox, Mario, Zelda, and Battletoads ones were all awesome.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Isn't Samus only in the game cause Metroid's popular outside of Japan? They can talk to Sega for a character but can't even call their own company's office in America? It is a pipe dream that I will gladly have.
How on earth is Samus only in because of popularity outside of Japan?

Anyway... It isn't a matter of "calling up NoA," they just don't care about that stuff, I really doubt anyone from Nintendo in Japan even knows Nester anymore.

You've got to remember that there's a big cultural barrier alongside the oceanic barrier, they've kept stuff from coming over here because they thought it wouldn't sell, and they let NoA do their own thing because they know what appeals to us. Conversely, nothing NoA comes up with is brought over to Japan because no one over there cares about it, so while it's easy to communicate between themselves, Sakurai won't just call up Reggie to ask about a character no one in Japan knows.
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Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Ok, let me rephrase this. Ike returning is more likely then Krystal being added. I also think Ike would be higher priority than Chrom, since he is more important, popular, iconic, reappearing, makes more of a contrast from Marth being a slow heavy hitter, and was already in Brawl.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I think they're both equally likely.
I think both are equally unlikely. I kid, FE getting three reps is very likely to happen.

I just hope Star Fox doesn't get more, not before second reps for Metroid and F-Zero at least.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Isn't Samus only in the game cause Metroid's popular outside of Japan?
By the time of Smash 64 Metroid was still more popular in Japan than in America. Japan's interest in Metroid died with Prime and Fusion, and America's current big interest in the franchise was born from Prime.
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Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2014
I wasn't referring to critical (or popular) acclaim; I'm not sure if one could even assess how much of a factor pure acclaim is for Smash consideration. I'd imagine that sales figures would be a more useful approach, since it consists of hard data (and is one possible measure of popularity).

The Zelda franchise is spread out between console and handhelds, but the console Zeldas are the one-two punch of the franchise, especially since we only get 1-2 per console generation. Consider, for instance, that thus far, we have a Skyloft stage for Wii U, but an OOT3D stage for the 3DS (though this isn't to say that the 3DS will not feature a second Zelda stage from another handheld-exclusive title, including one wherein Vaati starred).

I do see the viability of Vaati, especially with the strong arguments presented in his favour. For me, Ghirahim is a personal bonus, and I'd be just as pleased to see Vaati, especially since I'm not all too familiar with him. At the moment,
I'm just saying we can't completely ignore the handhelds.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
A 4th Star Fox char is likely, if sakurai keeps the trend: New Smash, Star Fox newcomer.
In my opnion the next newcomer that will be showed will be a Kid Icarus one since a Newcomer needs a stage to be showed and past few weeks a Kid Icarus stage was displayed.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
A 4th Star Fox char is likely, if sakurai keeps the trend: New Smash, Star Fox newcomer.
In my opnion the next newcomer that will be showed will be a Kid Icarus one since a Newcomer needs a stage to be showed and past few weeks a Kid Icarus stage was displayed.
A Metroid stage (Pyrosphere) was also displayed. Like, 6 months ago. I really doubt it is Samus' home stage. There is also Arena Ferox (from Waifu Emblem), the Find Mii stage and Wuhu Island, so the next newcomer could be from Metroid (Ridley hopefully), from Waifu Emblem (Chrom? Robin hopefully), the Mii or Palutena. Or none of these characters.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
A Metroid stage (Pyrosphere) was also displayed. Like, 6 months ago. I really doubt it is Samus' home stage. There is also Arena Ferox (from Waifu Emblem), the Find Mii stage and Wuhu Island, so the next newcomer could be from Metroid (Ridley hopefully), from Waifu Emblem (Chrom? Robin hopefully), the Mii or Palutena. Or none of these characters.
Yes but if Ridley is in he gonna be show on E3, to make a huge hype wave near the launch. There is also a possibility for Fire Emblem, but Sakurai only show on the trailers gameplay of the Wii U Version. There is also the possibility that Pilot Wings stage is for Mii char but in my opnion if Mii is there (which I don´t think so) he gonna be show together an another popular char to avoid backslash. (Similiar the WFTrainer)
In the end that is why I think that a Kid Icarus newcomer have the higher chance.

Malcolm Belmont

Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2014
King Joffery
Yes but if Ridley is in he gonna be show on E3, to make a huge hype wave near the launch. There is also a possibility for Fire Emblem, but Sakurai only show on the trailers gameplay of the Wii U Version. There is also the possibility that Pilot Wings stage is for Mii char but in my opnion if Mii is there (which I don´t think so) he gonna be show together an another popular char to avoid backslash. (Similiar the WFTrainer)
In the end that is why I think that a Kid Icarus newcomer have the higher chance.
My guess is like previous E3 they are going to reveal three newcomers at E3..Ridley, Pac-Man and Mii maybe..


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
A Metroid stage (Pyrosphere) was also displayed. Like, 6 months ago. I really doubt it is Samus' home stage. There is also Arena Ferox (from Waifu Emblem), the Find Mii stage and Wuhu Island, so the next newcomer could be from Metroid (Ridley hopefully), from Waifu Emblem (Chrom? Robin hopefully), the Mii or Palutena. Or none of these characters.
Why waifu Emblem? Why?

There's a Skyward Sword stage too...

Also, why waifu Emblem??
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