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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
What Scoliosis was saying was they were not popular choices for SMASH. (Although I disagree with Robin)

Popular Characters =/= Popular Character Choices

And Lucina was at first planned as a Marth alt, and was most likely (assuming) created as an individual slot at the last minute. So trying to use that to counter his claim is quite faulty.
just because she was a very late addition dosent means sakurai would literally change his criteria for just her.lucina was probably the least popular out of the 3 in regards to smash speculation

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Sakurai probably intuitively knew that Greninja was gonna be popular.

Pokemon X was my first Pokemon game and before I even played it I saw the three evolved starters and thought he looked the coolest.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Greninja was in Smash before he was in Pokemon, so that falls flat too.

Sure, sales are nice. But that alone won't get anybody in.

Sakurai isn't going to just add people. He's not just going to add something like Tingle and Beetle because that simply wouldn't make any sense. He DOES like to keep them real to themselves you know.
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Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I though Yuga was a Rule 63 ganondorf when the first Link between worlds started showing him/her/istilldon'tknow off.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Sakurai probably intuitively knew that Greninja was gonna be popular.

Pokemon X was my first Pokemon game and before I even played it I saw the three evolved starters and thought he looked the coolest.
I am fairly certain that everyone felt that way to be honest, no one cared about Frokie... that was until Frogadier was revealed. However, that was not yet the extent of the water starter's popularity. Greninja's reveal was unlike any other reveal I have seen regarding Pokemon. It was not even a competition. Suffice it to say, everyone chose Froakie and everyone expected that everyone would choose Frokie once Frogadier was way cooler than those "other" starters.

It is not relevant though, once you are in Smash, you automatically gain the coveted "popularity" as Greninja has had a second-wind after the April Direct.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
just because she was a very late addition dosent means sakurai would literally change his criteria for just her.lucina was probably the least popular out of the 3 in regards to smash speculation
Actually, despite being viewed and dismissed as impossible due to Chrom's apparent likelihood of getting in, she was a popular character choice for Smash. So many people just thought she couldn't because they expected Chrom.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2014
The Tardis
Yuga's fighting style and personality would not fit in Ganondorfs moveset, I think. Also assuming 'dorf uses his Twilight Princess model again, Yuga will be too small and need some armour to bulk him up.

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Greninja was in Smash begore he was in Pokemon, so that falls flat too.

Sure, sales are nice. But that alone won't get anybody in.

Sakurai isn't going to just add people. He's not just going to add something like Tingle and Beetle because that simply wouldn't make any sense. He DOES like to keep them real to themselves you know.
Hey, Wii Fit sold well.

Popularity, importance, prominence, prevalence...it all plays in to how they're selected, there is no one rule governing who gets selected and who doesn't.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Greninja was in Smash begore he was in Pokemon, so that falls flat too.

Sure, sales are nice. But that alone won't get anybody in.

Sakurai isn't going to just add people. He's not just going to add something like Tingle and Beetle because that simply wouldn't make any sense. He DOES like to keep them real to themselves you know.
Sometimes; keeping the character "real to themselves" means that he must sacrifice unique game-play elements. We will probably never see a rage based tag-team character mechanic in Smash, unfortunately. Hence, why I lost hope for "move-set potential" as everyone has it, it just depends on the creative director to creatively direct.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
Let's take a step back and think like Sakurai for a second.
He likes to tease and he likes to troll.
He wanted to add more females since Brawl, now he gets a real chance to do so.
He has stated simply adding characters to the roster won't do.

His usual selections are based on:
1. Popularity
2. Unique moveset potential
3. Retro revivals.

Based on this criteria alone the Trophy Theory can be correct... however: What if the trophies were put there only to hint at Palutena? The instant I saw Pseudo-Palutena I knew Palutena was in the game because there would be no reason to tease us like that. Just show the trophy and get it over with.

If the Trophy Theory is true, then that leaves us with limited options regarding both LoZ and Metroid.

Metroid should get Ridley, based on criteria 1 and 2.

Zelda could get any of these characters with these criteria:
Impa 1
Girahim 1,2
Vaati 2
Yuga 2
Pig Ganon 2,3

Out of these characters which ones are female?

Impa, yuga and Girahim.

Girahim confirmed:troll:

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
No they aren't. They are separate files. Pikmin are in Olimar's file. But Pikmin don't separate attacks. The most complex thing they do is try to get back to Olimar and pick up items.
The individual Pikmin models are still inside a single .pac file though, so it's not like with Zelda and Sheik, where their models are in different .pac files.

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Yeah I'm placing my proverbial money on Ghirahim. Impa has nothing, they would probably have to derive her moveset from Hyrule Warriors if they put her in, and that's a non-canon spinoff.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Yeah I'm placing my proverbial money on Ghirahim. Impa has nothing, they would probably have to derive her moveset from Hyrule Warriors if they put her in, and that's a non-canon spinoff.
Yeah I'm placing my proverbial money on Chrom. Lucina has nothing, they would probably have to derive her moveset from Marth if they put her in, and that's a non-canon interpretation.

Just saying; Impa can be a Sheik and Greninja clone... at the same time! :troll:

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Yeah I'm placing my proverbial money on Chrom. Lucina has nothing, they would probably have to derive her moveset from Marth if they put her in, and that's a non-canon interpretation.

Just saying; Impa can be a Sheik and Greninja clone... at the same time! :troll:
Dawww but what about uniqueness man, I thought that was the number one priority, what the heck, oh my god i have to rethink my lyfe


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
Let's take a step back and think like Sakurai for a second.
He likes to tease and he likes to troll.
He wanted to add more females since Brawl, now he gets a real chance to do so.
He has stated simply adding characters to the roster won't do.

His usual selections are based on:
1. Popularity
2. Unique moveset potential
3. Retro revivals.

Based on this criteria alone the Trophy Theory can be correct... however: What if the trophies were put there only to hint at Palutena? The instant I saw Pseudo-Palutena I knew Palutena was in the game because there would be no reason to tease us like that. Just show the trophy and get it over with.

If the Trophy Theory is true, then that leaves us with limited options regarding both LoZ and Metroid.

Metroid should get Ridley, based on criteria 1 and 2.

Zelda could get any of these characters with these criteria:
Impa 1
Girahim 1,2
Vaati 2
Yuga 2
Pig Ganon 2,3

Out of these characters which ones are female?

Impa, yuga and Girahim.

Girahim confirmed:troll:

There are a few problems with this post. I won't comment on the yuga and ghirahim being female point, since that is obviously just a joke - one in poor taste, but a joke nontheless. However, popularity and unique moveset potential are highly subjective, and you seem to be implying that Vaati, Yuga and Pig Ganon are not popular. I'm sure a lot of people here would love to correct you on that.
Besides, you missed one criteria: How iconic the character is. If we're going off moveset potential and popularity alone, then surely Agitha would be a highly regarded candidate for a LoZ newcomer. But she isn't. Because she's not iconic. On top of that, she misses out on Smash because Hyrule Warriors was developed after Sm4sh started to be developed. In addition, the trophy theory cannot simply have only been teasing Palutena because we got both Lucina and Robin from the same game that Tiki and the song Id: Purpose was in.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
wow what a funny joke
get it because these people have feminine traits
that means they're girls
i'm so clever
I was just afraid that if I confirmed Pig Ganon I would have to find my mirror shield to deal with all the flames.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
Yeah I'm placing my proverbial money on Chrom. Lucina has nothing, they would probably have to derive her moveset from Marth if they put her in, and that's a non-canon interpretation.

Just saying; Impa can be a Sheik and Greninja clone... at the same time! :troll:
she does have water powers in hyrule warriors:troll:


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
No need to reinvent the wheel. Just adjust the hitboxes on one of Impa's tilts and you've got a character that merits her own spot.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008

There are a few problems with this post. I won't comment on the yuga and ghirahim being female point, since that is obviously just a joke - one in poor taste, but a joke nontheless. However, popularity and unique moveset potential are highly subjective, and you seem to be implying that Vaati, Yuga and Pig Ganon are not popular. I'm sure a lot of people here would love to correct you on that.
Besides, you missed one criteria: How iconic the character is. If we're going off moveset potential and popularity alone, then surely Agitha would be a highly regarded candidate for a LoZ newcomer. But she isn't. Because she's not iconic. On top of that, she misses out on Smash because Hyrule Warriors was developed after Sm4sh started to be developed. In addition, the trophy theory cannot simply have only been teasing Palutena because we got both Lucina and Robin from the same game that Tiki and the song Id: Purpose was in.
I wish Phoenix Wright could be in. *sigh*
Don't remind me....

Well If we go with Iconic as criteria 4 and adjust the characters, let's take another look:

1. Popularity
2. Unique movest potential
3. Retro revival
4. Starpower

Vaati 1,2
Yuga 1,2
Pig Ganon 1,2,3,4
Girahim 1,2
Impa 1,4

Females get one extra point, but it won't matter anymore...
Pig Ganon Confirmed?!

that question mark does not imply it's just an alt


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Can I say something and give you my thoughts for a minute?
I think a lot of people are missing an important key to speculating the chances of a newcomer. People seem to be juggling around popularity, sales, importance and relevancy to the games that a certain character were in in order to justify whether or not said character will make the roster. Think back for a second to the previous rosters we've had in Smash, along with the newcomers that have been confirmed thus far. I've noticed that every single character that has been playable in Smash all have something in common. They're all able to perfectly represent their franchise as a whole. If you think about it like that, then you should notice that is indeed the case. This applies to the newcomers we've seen so far in Smash 4. It's like all the characters have been tailor picked to best represent their franchise. It boggles my mind when people think that an extremely out of left field character will make it in. Sure there have been out of left field characters in Smash before like Rob and Game & Watch, but they were able to perfectly represent what they needed to. There's a reason why Tingle, Skull Kid, Midna, and Zant have never made it in as playable status. They can't represent the Zelda franchise as a whole and tell you what it's about. This is the exact reason why I firmly believe that Ghirahim doesn't stand much of a chance, despite popularity and recency. Just look at the Brawl roster: Pokemon Trainer, Diddy Kong, Wolf, King Dedede and Meta Knight. All were able to represent the franchise as a whole that they were being added to. All of the newcomers we've seen so far in Smash 4: Little Mac, Villager, Palutena, Greninja, and even Rosalina are perfectly suited to represent the franchise they come from. I think people aren't really contemplating this too often when talking about potential newcomers. Just sit back for a second and ask yourself this when ascertaining how likely a newcomer is to being added in Smash 4, "Can this character perfectly represent which franchise they come from?"

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Good thought @ Scamper52596 Scamper52596 , Sakurai said that Robin encapsulated the spirit of Fire Emblem well. It's not just popularity/relevance/promince/etc., it's how well they rep the franchise.

I still have a hard time seeing how Greninja reps the Pokemon franchise well, given the Pikachu and Charizard are both starters, but I guess maybe he shows how the starters change each game? Idk.

Also this applies to everything non-playable-character-related too. Proper representation is probably why Waluigi isn't playable, Ridley might be a boss, etc.
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Good thought @ Scamper52596 Scamper52596 , Sakurai said that Robin encapsulated the spirit of Fire Emblem well. It's not just popularity/relevance/promince/etc., it's how well they rep the franchise.

I still have a hard time seeing how Greninja reps the Pokemon franchise well, given the Pikachu and Charizard are both starters, but I guess maybe he shows how the starters change each game? Idk.
Well, the fact that he was a starter in the most recent game is a plus. I think the best way to represent a franchise like Pokemon is to add a newer character that's popular while keeping the more well known characters that are also popular, such as Pikachu and Charizard. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that how Lucario got in Brawl? He was a newer Pokemon too right?

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Yeah he was a newer Pokemon at the time. Diamond and Pearl were ginormous back then, I remember everyone (not everyone) was playing it and Lucario was apparently pretty huge as well. He was also on the TV show and the movies as well.

Going back to Greninja, Ash in the TV show currently has a Froakie, so that may also play into why he got in. Pokemon is a huge franchise not limited to just games. I mean, other franchises have had shows and movies but for Pokemon those things are ongoing and are still prominent today.
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Smash Champion
Apr 15, 2014
the attic I call Magicant
My pre SSB4 info roster, I still think that some characters like Paper Mario, Roy, Isaac, K.Rool, and Bandana Dee still have a chance. So disappointed that Goroh is an assist trophy AGAIN, but we always have Black Shadow for our 2nd F-Zero rep needs. Muddy Mole, well....
This is kind of outdated.....


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Does the character add anything new to the game?
Does it add anything new that makes sense for the character to do?

That's all that really matters.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
've noticed that every single character that has been playable in Smash all have something in common. They're all able to perfectly represent their franchise as a whole. If you think about it like that, then you should notice that is indeed the case. This applies to the newcomers we've seen so far in Smash 4. It's like all the characters have been tailor picked to best represent their franchise.
Good sir, thank you for being the one to say this. This is something I was discussing recently with a friend offline. When we look at the other 2 Gematsu characters (not talking about the leak itself and blablabla, just the characters), we have Shulk and Chorus Boys... though a number of people are switching to Marshal.

Shulk: While most people's first impression of him is "Oh he's a standard JRPG protagonist." ... And that's the point. Xenoblade Chronicles was a JRPG that many people fell in love with, to the point that people fought so hard for the westernization to actually work (unlike Mother 3 for example). This game has a place in Nintendo's history based on the work done for the westernization, has popularity, sells, etc. All of which are points for the GAME to be represented. Who is the best face to represent a JRPG that some dub "the rebirth of quality" for the genre? The somewhat-generic protagonist with a jack-of-all-trades move set that can be implemented around.

Chorus Men/Marshall: A rhythm-based collection of mini games madeby the quirky staff of WarioWare with 3 fairly well selling games, only 1 being japan-locked? Not the wildest suggestion for a Smash character. Who would represent this very simplistic, light-hearted, enjoyable (although sometimes hair-pullingly difficult) game? A simple hand-drawn character that looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy that either has 2 smaller sidekicks who act IN HARMONY as you have to in the games, or one by himself with just a weird and quirky moveset that somehow just works (IE: :gw:).

This is why I find it more and more difficult to come up with newcomers for the pre-existing Smash-represented series... because they (the veterans) really encompass what MAKES those series what they are already. The only real one that comes to mind is Bandanna Dee from Kirby because he is becoming more and more of the "Luigi" than the "Toad" of his series, as in being that side-protagonist that is just kinda tacked onto a story, is fairly comical, and gets a major fanbase.
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Smash Ace
May 18, 2014
Can I say something and give you my thoughts for a minute?
I think a lot of people are missing an important key to speculating the chances of a newcomer. People seem to be juggling around popularity, sales, importance and relevancy to the games that a certain character were in in order to justify whether or not said character will make the roster. Think back for a second to the previous rosters we've had in Smash, along with the newcomers that have been confirmed thus far. I've noticed that every single character that has been playable in Smash all have something in common. They're all able to perfectly represent their franchise as a whole. If you think about it like that, then you should notice that is indeed the case. This applies to the newcomers we've seen so far in Smash 4. It's like all the characters have been tailor picked to best represent their franchise. It boggles my mind when people think that an extremely out of left field character will make it in. Sure there have been out of left field characters in Smash before like Rob and Game & Watch, but they were able to perfectly represent what they needed to. There's a reason why Tingle, Skull Kid, Midna, and Zant have never made it in as playable status. They can't represent the Zelda franchise as a whole and tell you what it's about. This is the exact reason why I firmly believe that Ghirahim doesn't stand much of a chance, despite popularity and recency. Just look at the Brawl roster: Pokemon Trainer, Diddy Kong, Wolf, King Dedede and Meta Knight. All were able to represent the franchise as a whole that they were being added to. All of the newcomers we've seen so far in Smash 4: Little Mac, Villager, Palutena, Greninja, and even Rosalina are perfectly suited to represent the franchise they come from. I think people aren't really contemplating this too often when talking about potential newcomers. Just sit back for a second and ask yourself this when ascertaining how likely a newcomer is to being added in Smash 4, "Can this character perfectly represent which franchise they come from?"
Well, while I see your point so far, I think a few Sheik fans may want to have a few words with you:p. Granted, I do keep my options open, but if one takes into consideration the trophy quiz theory, the likely scenario for a new Zelda rep would be someone from Skyward Sword. And from that, there are only really two options that are realistic: Ghirahim, and Impa; the problem with the latter is that she could just as easily turn up as an alternate skin for Sheik. Even though Ghirahim's only appeared in one core Zelda title so far, the fact that he is single-handedly responsible for the entire Zelda timeline as we know it makes him very significant, and if he is added, I wouldn't doubt that he could represent the Zelda franchise well and what it is about. He is essentially the originator of that entire legend in of itself.

Even as a one-shot, I wouldn't put it past Sakurai to include him as a playable character. He may not, but at the very least, predicting Ghirahim isn't as outlandish as it may appear. I've seen plenty of hints pertaining to who the remaining roster may consist of. This is why I am sticking to my guns in believing that we'll get a playable 8-Bit Mario based on his Super Mario Bros. look as a new joke retro character and possible sixth rep in the Mario series.

Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Not to mention, in the Zelda series there other villains besides the reincarnations of Demise's wrath. Ghirahim perfectly captures that aspect of the series, as he is not only that but like @ E epicgordan said, he is responsible for the Zelda timeline as we know it.
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Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
as for the reprensents series perfectly point that you said might work againshgt ridley i think it would HELP him. samus reprensents one side the loner protagionsit fighting eneimies after eniemies. ridley reprensents the constant horde ands the bosses that metroid is known for.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Warning Received
Well, while I see your point so far, I think a few Sheik fans may want to have a few words with you:p. Granted, I do keep my options open, but if one takes into consideration the trophy quiz theory, the likely scenario for a new Zelda rep would be someone from Skyward Sword. And from that, there are only really two options that are realistic: Ghirahim, and Impa; the problem with the latter is that she could just as easily turn up as an alternate skin for Sheik. Even though Ghirahim's only appeared in one core Zelda title so far, the fact that he is single-handedly responsible for the entire Zelda timeline as we know it makes him very significant, and if he is added, I wouldn't doubt that he could represent the Zelda franchise well and what it is about. He is essentially the originator of that entire legend in of itself.

Even as a one-shot, I wouldn't put it past Sakurai to include him as a playable character. He may not, but at the very least, predicting Ghirahim isn't as outlandish as it may appear. I've seen plenty of hints pertaining to who the remaining roster may consist of. This is why I am sticking to my guns in believing that we'll get a playable 8-Bit Mario based on his Super Mario Bros. look as a new joke retro character and possible sixth rep in the Mario series.
I have put some thought into Sheik as well before making my statement. Sheik was basically really lucky. I believe that the only reason she was added was because Sakurai thought it would be cool to give Zelda a transformation gimmick. Also the fact that there were only two 3D Zelda games out at the time Melee was being created. Possibly one if it was being developed before Majora's Mask. The Zelda series was still very unexplored when it came to being in 3D. How was Sakurai to know that they wouldn't keep using Sheik throughout the series after it switched into 3D. For all he knew, Sheik could have been a staple. By the time Twilight Princess came out, we had our answer as to how the Zelda series was going to work from there on out. That's probably another reason why Twilight Princess characters weren't added. He wasn't going to cut Sheik though. She became too much of a fan favorite. At the same time, Zelda has had a few alter egos in her games. Adding an alter ego of the title character of the franchise could be considered a good way to represent it. That's a reason why I believe Tetra could be a good choice when it comes to representing Zelda. A couple more things is that Sheik was from Ocarina of Time, one of the most critically acclaimed video games of all time. I'm pretty sure Nintendo is proud of that, and it alone could warrant Sheik's inclusion. Sheik has also been in a couple remakes of said game. Sheik definitely holds enough merits to represent the Zelda franchise than one might initially think.

I've also noticed that you bring up the Trophy Quiz a lot in these debates. I'm not going to tell you not to trust it, but I will tell you that I don't think it means anything. I never have. I believe it's completely baseless. I think it was just a way to hint at Palutena because we all knew she was going to be in the game anyway, and nothing more. That's just my opinion though.

as for the reprensents series perfectly point that you said might work againshgt ridley i think it would HELP him. samus reprensents one side the loner protagionsit fighting eneimies after eniemies. ridley reprensents the constant horde ands the bosses that metroid is known for.
I agree. If there is another character that could possibly represent the Metroid franchise, I think Ridley is the only one.

Not to mention, in the Zelda series there other villains besides the reincarnations of Demise's wrath. Ghirahim perfectly captures that aspect of the series, as he is not only that but like @ E epicgordan said, he is responsible for the Zelda timeline as we know it.
I made a humorous comment regarding that not too long ago. I basically said that I don't believe Sakurai thinks that much into it when picking out a newcomer. If you want to see my original comment, I believe it's somewhere on page 1,079.
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Nat Perry

Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2014
Ridley is hard to discuss from an argumentative standpoint. From a standpoint of inferring from things we've already seen, it's easy to conclude that Ridley is probably going to be a boss, as indicated by Sakurai strongly hinting at that notion in the Direct.

But honestly, I don't know exactly why Ridley should or should not be playable, or which role would be best for him to take in the game. I'm leaning towards him being a boss, not just because of evidence but because I think that role best fits him. I just know these things:

1. Ridley has always been a boss in the Metroid series.
2. Ridley has always been a boss/hazard outside the Metroid series when he's not just an SSBM trophy (Nintendoland, Brawl, Dead or Alive).
3. Save for his size in NES Metroid, which is due to Samus' short firing range, he has always been large. Changing sizes, but always large, and several times larger than Samus.
4. Even though he's small in comparison to other Metroid bosses like Kraid or Phantoon, he is still large.
5. His gargantuan size is not his most important characteristic but it is a consistent one. He has been able to intimidate Samus, as well as harm her and grab her as if she was an action figure in comparison to him. No doubt size could be partly attributed to his ability to do that.
6. Ridley has consistently been able to come back from the dead in some form, to Samus' surprise.

I mean, these are just facts. I really don't think it'd be best for him to be playable. You could say that Ganondorf has always been a big bad boss that's has been able to constantly come back from the dead. But think about it. In Metroid, it's just yourself, and maybe sometimes some outside help (i.e. GF, 07th Platoon, The Baby, etc.) but you're really out by yourself and for yourself. In Zelda, it's you (Link) and a whole slew of characters actively willing to help you out (Fairies, Zelda, Midna, Fi, various townsfolk, etc.). You're on an adventure, and you can be separated from other friends at home and other places, but you're never alone. Samus is alone. She's got Anthony and the GF, the latter of which she cannot wholly trust anymore due to the events in Other M and Fusion. Every other personal friend/helper of hers is dead. Not only is she alone, but she has an enemy (Ridley) that keeps coming back from the dead to kill her.

I don't really know. It just doesn't seem right for Ridley to be playable, although I could be wrong. I could try to elaborate more but it isn't really worth it, haha. We'll just have to see what happens in the upcoming months!
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