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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
WFT is Left Field, as stated. But we can get more than one leftie, eh?
Miis can cover the whole field, as I said.
It's that customizable usable Miis are specifically the most left field possible.
Cat and Dog Miis, I wouldn't be too angry with.
Can we have more than one leftie? Yes... it is possible. It's happened before...

Melee had Zelda/Sheik, Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, Marth (at least to fans outside of Japan), and Roy (at least to Fire Emblem fans in Japan at the time).

Brawl had Snake (he was unexpected but he made Sonic expected), Zero Suit Samus (instead of Ridley), Pokemon Trainer, and R.O.B.

SSB4 so far has Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and Rosalina.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
[citation needed]

Also for staying on topic, how popular is Lip? Would she ever make it?
She's about on par as monsieur Takamaru. Somewhat known in the states, but mostly stuck to being in Japan. Where Taka has seen appearances outside Japan. In other words, a decent shot.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York

Full credit to Moon Monkey for the whole thing, I just tweaked the gold colour a bit.

And glad that this roster is at least completely satisfying for someone. Only two responses so far, but certainly more well received than previously.
I would suggest adding Shulk instead of Saki based on Xenoblade starting to be a big deal and such. But Saki is fine.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
What are the chances that we get a Fire Emblem rep not from Awakening?
Given that Waifu Emblem seems to be not only the most popular game in the series, but the one that saved it, I would say the chances are extremely low. The rep will likely be Chrom in the end.
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
I hope Ike is cut and replaced with one of the FE's in my sig, but we'll probably get Robin, Chrom or Marth - grill edition
I want Ike and Micaiah, and Micaiah can't be in before Ike because of his importance in both games. I really want FE to get 4 reps (because Awakening will probably get one, but I want 2 PoR/ RD ones) , but I don't think we will have what we had with Kirby, and get 2 new reps for one series.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
What are the chances that we get a Fire Emblem rep not from Awakening?
If we're getting a FE newcomer, I think it's safe to say it's inevitably going to be from Awakening, it's too popular, praised and marketable to do otherwise. Only other choice I see is bringing back veteran Roy due to the sheer demand from the Japanese fans.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Has X been confirmed to be a Xenoblade sequel?
No, but I don't think X not being a Xenoblade sequel makes Shulk being in Smash any less likely.
I don't know, I stopped caring after getting hate for wanting Lyn. :joyful:
You got hate for wanting Lyn? I guess I should never say I would want Eirika to be the new FE rep. Ops, I just said it.
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Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
This is the first roster in a while I've had an actual opinion on, and if you don't mind I'd like to throw my two cents in on the matter. First: Epic choice in music, very nice. If only this would play on the character selection screen! *laughs*
I'd like to take a moment to thank you for the feedback. There are definitely a few points on my prediction roster where I wasn't certain, and you've definitely contributed to my thought process. I think I'll respond to your critique section by section.

First of all your cuts; I think Wolf and Falco are fairly interchangeable, we'll get one and not the other. I think from a design perspective Wolf's Brawl moveset was more interesting and unique, and so I'd prefer him over Falco. That being said, it's such a small point that it barely warrants writing down. I agree with Lucas, and I'm sorely tempted to cut Snake out. 2/35 characters were 3rd party in Brawl; assuming this is a reasonable percentage I would argue at absolute most 3/45 seems reasonable. So either Pac-Man or Snake should go. Again I have no strong feelings on either.

R.O.B. is not a character I can see being cut for a variety of reasons; first of all he has his moment in Nintendo history, and secondly he is the closest we will get to a character from Smash given his massive importance in SSE. I've always considered him essentially a unique character in that story, as he's the only one with a truly invented personality. I'm very tempted to say you should include him.
As I mentioned before, R.O.B. was supposed to land on my roster; I think he's likely for many of the points you've touched on. When I realized I overshot my bounds, it all came down to making a choice between R.O.B. and Snake--who is more likely? At the time I though Snake, but in the few hours since I made the decision, my opinions have begun to change. I'm not going to be so hasty as to cut Snake for R.O.B. right now, but I'll definitely debate this point in my mind for a few days. Don't be surprised to see Snake off and R.O.B. on my next roster.

Now for newcomers:
I have no real stake in the argument between Dixie and K. Rool, I prefer K. Rool but some illogical gut feeling tells me we'll get Dixie. Either way, I mentally treat them as equivalent, and I think it'll just come down to who Sakurai feels would be better in the game.

Ridley is, for me, impossible to say. He was the only truly glaring omission from Brawl and people have been essentially asking for him since pre-Melee. I'd like to see him in, but I have this sneaking suspicion it won't happen. That being said I'd leave him; he's off and on in my rosters as well.

As a fellow believer of the Palutena leak and someone who hasn't played Kid Icarus enough to care or do more research on it (I don't like Pit in Brawl) I just shrug and assume she's in. She looks fun and Staff/Shield is a cool combo.

I view Mii as an inevitable character. The boards here are against them because the concept of a Mii was never really meant for them to begin with. They were a huge hit with the casual crowd and a lot of people still view Miis as an integral part of Nintendo's platforms. I think Sakurai knows this and must have made some sort of plan for them.
We pretty much agree with all four characters I quoted here. I constantly flip-flop between K. Rool and Dixie being likely; I'm just on a K. Rool high now after seeing Tropical Freeze pass without Dixie. Ridley is 50/50 at this point, which are actually great enough odds to make my roster pretty much every time. Miis will never leave my roster again, nor will Palutena.

Waddle Dee is a character I have a huge amount of mixed feelings on. Frankly speaking, I like Kirby as a franchise but have never liked playing Kirby characters in Brawl; they are too floaty to me. So understand I am slightly biased. That being said, I do not think a fourth Kirby rep is likely. Sakurai has been known to avoid over-representing his own series in the past; I sincerely believe he put both Meta Knight and King D3 in Brawl because he thinks D3 > MK but the fan demand for Meta Knight made him feel he had to include Meta Knight. I like him as a character, don't get me wrong, but I don't think he's more likely than a decent set of characters on the roster. In particular, it feels odd to remove Lucas, the main protagonist of 1/3 of his series, to add Waddle Dee, very much a side character for almost all of his series. Also, a spear user is thematically interesting, but a character who's somewhat fast and uses disjointed hitboxes with a sweet spot to hit their opponents at some range has been done before.

Chibi Robo is one I don't understand because I don't know enough about the franchise. I do believe that we will have a surprise character, but whether or not they should be included would, for me, be entirely based on how "unique" the character could be said. Again, I must proclaim ignorance in how they might function. Would they truly be unique? If not then I would argue against them.
Waddle Dee is one who I see in the same boat as Ridley. They've shown something that's directly related to him (Dedede/Pyrosphere), yet they've left a hole where the character should be. Now, this is different from when Toad was revealed alongside Peach; I think that may hint that the outcome will be different. I don't think he's as likely as Ridley, mostly for the reason that he never had such support, but his current situation makes me think that I should keep him on the roster for the time-being. He also fulfills the role of being one of the only non-humanoids on my roster. I don't particularly feel a new Kirby character or Waddle Dee himself is necessary, and I'm pretty indifferent to the idea, but I still think he's worth predicting.

Chibi Robo is a character I'm not sure I fully understand, either, but from what I do know is that he could indeed be unique; as a matter of fact, it's the reason I picked him. The premise of the game is going around and doing simple household tasks, but you always have to look at your battery level; you must make sure to recharge before you run out. I'm not sure how this could translate to Smash, but I feel it does offer more to go with than some of the other people in his league, such as Ray or Saki. Factor in that they just made a download game for him, and he seems to have a decent enough shot. Also, like I said, I just have a hunch there.

OK, I should get this out of the way now. I've only ever played two fire emblem games, the DS remake of the first and the newest, Fire Emblem Awakening. I didn't really particularly enjoy the DS one I played, but I really enjoyed Fire Emblem Awakening. I, and I suspect many others who picked up Fire Emblem Awakening as their first FE game, will be very confused and disappointed if we did not get some sort of representation. I honestly think people who don't think Chrom will be in are kidding themselves; he's one of the most popular lords ever in the franchise. Will Ike get cut for him? No idea. But I really think Chrom will be in. I'm fairly open to the premise of Chrom + Lucina or Chrom + Robin because teaming up was such a huge deal in that game but Chrom will be playable in some form.

Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer Robin myself as I think Smash needs more spellcasters and Robin has a cool design and personality. My preferences unfortunately do not match well with reality and Chrom seems an inevitability to me. Insanely popular, well designed, and the lord to more or less save his franchise. He is one of the few characters that would legitimately shock me if he was not in the game in some form. (Aside: I'm personally hoping from Chrom + Lucina, as Lucina is so badass.)

Please note I'm not advocating for Ike to be cut; he occupies a really nice design space and a lot of my friends would be really sad to see him go. I think they are the three we will get.
Although I have had Robin on my prediction rosters in the past, I think it's time to get serious; the only one I can truly predict to be in the game is Chrom. I do feel what you're saying about including an Awakening character--why, I've been in debates before saying that one of them is at least as likely than Ike or Roy. I mostly fell back on Ike when I realized I was predicting a lot of newcomers and making a lot of cuts. If I didn't consider it to be a cop-out, I'd just put a slot of "Chrom or Ike" in my roster, because they're both very close in my eyes. Needless to say, this is one roster spot that I could very well be wrong with.

I do think I will change this to Chrom when I make my edits, though. You raise a good point, one I myself have raised before: Awakening has really expanded the demographic. That is probably enough to justify adding a character.
I'll look at pokemon next: I agree that we're not getting that set but predicting the set we do get is going to be a lot harder. Mewtwo seems safe, but I'm very unsure about Pokemon Trainer. To my knowledge he has a very small Smash fanbase and two of his pokemon, Squirtle and Ivysaur, are not really *that* iconic in the grand scheme of things. That being said, I'll be shocked if Charizard is cut. So I guess I would advocate Charizard as a solo character with a retooled moveset to reflect the fact he's no longer 1/3 a character. Is that the only shock up? No idea. I have this weird feeling Jiggs will get cut in favor of some new fairy type (Sylveon or Gardevoir) but I'm *really* hoping that isn't the case. I could also see us randomly getting Blaziken or Victini or some foolishness like that. I'll pay lip service to Zoroark, but I really can't see it for some reason.

I really think we'll see a retro character. Don't ask me which as I'm hilariously biased; if I was given the ability to insert any one character, my runner up would be Mach Rider. (My first pick would be Skull Kid T_T). Takamaru and Lip seem likely candidates for this role as well. I don't see the others outside of Duck Hunt Dog as a joke, and even then he'd be better as an assist trophy.

Shulk, Isaac, and co are cool characters I would like to see and I could see one of them making it in, but you've sort of run out of room at this point so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
I definitely did consider the Charizard and a newcomer bit, but I just couldn't figure out who the newcomer would be if that were the case. Victini, Zoroark, and Meowth were options I briefly considered, but I just couldn't say any of them were enough to get rid of the trainer. I think I'll just sit on my Pokemon predictions for now; if we do get a changeup, there's just no way I could actually predict what it could end up being.

I really think I should put a Retro in, but I'm just not sure how I'd make room. Bandana Dee or Chibi Robo would probably get the axe for it, and I'm not sure I'd be willing to do that. A Retro is something I have to think about a bit more. Finally, as to Isaac/Shulk, I just don't have the room, but I can see situations where they could get in; Shulk in particular has been on my prediction rosters in the past.

At the end of the day I really like your roster, despite the above. If it were to be the final roster in game I'd be more or less content, barring a lack of FE Awakening rep and retro.
Based on your feedback, I think my next roster edit will exclude Snake and Ike in favor of R.O.B. and Chrom. I acknowledge that there may be a problem with the Pokemon section, but I just can't think of any other likelier scenario. Finally, I am considering a Retro, but I'm not sure as to how I'd go about fitting it into my roster. Once again, thank you for the feedback.
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
No, but I don't think X not being a Xenoblade sequel makes Shulk being in Smash any less likely.

You got hate for wanting Lyn? I guess I should never say I would want Eirika to be the new FE rep. Ops, I just said it.
I'd be fine with Lyn, Eirika, Female Robin, any of them even though I want Micaiah the most. I just don't want Chrom, I really wish the awesome FE chicks finally got repped. It's sad that Ilyana, Elincia, and Mia all don't have chances though. :(


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
[citation needed]

Also for staying on topic, how popular is Lip? Would she ever make it?
Citation. Kirby is male, or an it. but he is certainly not a female.

She's somewhat popular, She'd make it if sakurai felt she was unique and stuff. However I think she might be overlooked for someone else.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
It's time for a snazzy new roster with a snazzy new look! Introducing 8.0! :shades:


Size - Since Brawl had 18 newcomers, I felt 45 was too little, so I went for 16. It's still less, but there certainly won't be as many newcomers this time.

Dixie Kong - I would argue Dixie is the most deserving Donkey Kong newcomer. She's a very important protagonist and very often appears alongside Donkey & Diddy. I don't think Sakurai is going to add King K. Rool if Dixie is not in first. Not to mention she is a semi-clone which would leave room for more characters.

Toon Zelda/Tetra - If you want to pretend it's just Tetra by herself, please go ahead. I certainly think that's a possibility too. I added this character because Tetra is very popular, deserving, recurring, relevant, and plays an important role. I think she is the best choice for a Zelda newcomer (Though Vaati is a very good choice too). While I partly added her to have 5 Zelda slots, I still think Tetra is deserving enough to be in regardless of that.

Ridley - Popular and iconic Nintendo villain. He's highly requested, unique, and overdue.

Samurai Goroh - He is a moderately popular Nintendo villain from a very classic Nintendo franchise. He's incredibly important to F-Zero which is an underrepped franchise and practically the only one that hasn't gotten it's sidekick/rival character. Considering most franchises have gotten the characters they need, there is certainly room for him this time around. Sakurai does care about representation. He stated that Zero Suit Samus was added partly because he wanted a second Metroid character. New installments usually feature additions to franchises that haven't gotten any since their debut too. So given Samurai Goroh's importance and F-Zero being a franchise that deserves a second character, I think this character is highly likely.

Palutena - She's a popular contender that Sakurai seems to have a thing for, giving her a lot of spotlight and Brawl. He's also giving Kid Icarus more spotlight in the new Smash now that it has become a rebooted franchise.

Robin - Being from Awakening actually has nothing to do with why I have Robin. I know Sakurai doesn't just blindly add "teh must recent Fire Emblem lord". I have Robin because the Avatar/Tactician is likely going to become a thing in future Fire Emblem games from now on. He's also the most unique Fire Emblem nominee as well as a different unit which brings variety.

Mach Rider - Sakurai says he wants to bring back more older characters. So I figure if there is going to be two then one should be international. And with Balloon Fighter out of the way, none would be more recognized and deserving than Mach Rider. I have doubts about him due to his major similarities to Captain Falcon, but there could always be exceptions to characters like that in special cases. Sakurai also said he likes the idea of Mach Rider.

Takamaru - He's basically a shoe-in imo. Being a popular, iconic, and deserving retro game on the famicom, with several references throughout history including in international games.

Tabuu - I think Tabuu might get in as a unique surprise character and that Sakurai will add a Smash Original character to the roster this time.

I'm seriously considering maybe adding Pac-Man btw. But, do tell me what you think. :)
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Delicious Tears

Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2013
Delicious Land
If someone from Awakening must be in the game, it's Cervantes! His final smash would be him unleashing a huge form of energy power coming from his beard, and it covers the entire screen.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Based on your feedback, I think my next roster edit will exclude Snake and Ike in favor of R.O.B. and Chrom. I acknowledge that there may be a problem with the Pokemon section, but I just can't think of any other likelier scenario. Finally, I am considering a Retro, but I'm not sure as to how I'd go about fitting it into my roster. Once again, thank you for the feedback.
Pokemon is a complete mess right now. I personally believe the trainer will stay unless cuts have to be implemented, but he's not at the top of the chopping block. As for a Retro, I honestly do not know. I agree on the whole BWD and Ridley thing though: They haven't said anything regarding them, and if they don't, both stay on my roster.
-I'm putting up my roster soon, but be warned, it has cuts.

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
It's time for a snazzy new roster with a snazzy new look! Introducing 8.0! :shades:


Dixie Kong
- I would argue Dixie is the most deserving Donkey Kong newcomer. She's a very important protagonist and very often appears alongside Donkey & Diddy. I don't think Sakurai is going to add King K. Rool if Dixie is not in first. Not to mention she is a semi-clone which would leave room for more characters.
Toon Zelda/Tetra - If you want to pretend it's just Tetra by herself, please go ahead. I certainly think that's a possibility too. I added this character because Tetra is very popular, deserving, recurring, relevant, and plays an important role. I think she is the best choice for a Zelda newcomer (Though Vaati is a very good choice too). While I partly added her to have 5 Zelda slots, I still think Tetra is deserving enough to be in regardless of that.

Ridley - Popular and iconic Nintendo villain. He's highly requested, unique, and overdue.
Samurai Goroh - He is a moderately popular Nintendo villain from a very classic Nintendo franchise. He's incredibly important to F-Zero which is an underrepped franchise and practically the only one that hasn't gotten it's sidekick/rival character. Considering most franchises have gotten the characters they need, there is certainly room for him this time around. Sakurai does care about representation. He stated that Zero Suit Samus was added partly because he wanted a second Metroid character. New installments usually feature additions to franchises that haven't gotten any since their debut too. So given Samurai Goroh's importance and F-Zero being a franchise that deserves a second character, I think this character is highly likely.

Palutena - She's a popular contender that Sakurai seems to have a thing for, giving her a lot of spotlight and Brawl. He's also giving Kid Icarus more spotlight in the new Smash now that it has become a rebooted franchise.
Robin - Being from Awakening actually has nothing to do with why I have Robin. I know Sakurai doesn't just blindly add "teh must recent Fire Emblem lord". I have Robin because the Avatar/Tactician is likely going to become a thing in future Fire Emblem games from now on. He's also the most unique Fire Emblem nominee as well as a different unit which brings variety.
Mach Rider - Sakurai says he wants to bring back more older characters. So I figure if there is going to be two then one should be international. And with Balloon Fighter out of the way, none would be more recognized and deserving than Mach Rider. I have doubts about him due to his major similarities to Captain Falcon, but there could always be exceptions to characters like that in special cases. Sakurai also said he likes the idea of Mach Rider.

Takamaru - He's basically a shoe-in imo. Being a popular, iconic, and deserving retro game on the famicom, with several references throughout history including in international games.

Tabuu - I think Tabuu might get in as a unique surprise character and that Sakurai will add a Smash Original character to the roster this time.

I'm seriously considering maybe adding Pac-Man btw. But, do tell me what you think. :)

It's not that I don't see most of this happening, it's just I really hope that doesn't happen, I don't find guys like Ridley, Tabuu, Mach Rider, T. Zelda, Goroh and Dixi making it a very fun to play roster, but that's my personal opinion. I don't think we will see all of those guys, maybe one or two.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
It's not that I don't see most of this happening, it's just I really hope that doesn't happen, I don't find guys like Ridley, Tabuu, Mach Rider, T. Zelda, Goroh and Dixi making it a very fun to play roster, but that's my personal opinion. I don't think we will see all of those guys, maybe one or two.
Without semi-clones, we are not going to have as many characters.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
It's time for a snazzy new roster with a snazzy new look! Introducing 8.0! :shades:
I really like this one; I think it's your best roster yet. My only personal gripe is with Smash original characters, but if ANYONE had that position, Tabuu's not bad. He'd be my choice. Of course then, if you do toy with adding Pac-man, I'd replace Tabuu (unless you just flat-out add Pac-man, which you do have room for.)


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
The land of Yuri
Citation. Kirby is male, or an it. but he is certainly not a female.

She's somewhat popular, She'd make it if sakurai felt she was unique and stuff. However I think she might be overlooked for someone else.
Citation not vaild, wiki can be edited by anyone, the wiki I linked had an interview stating, let me call it what I want yo.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I really like this one; I think it's your best roster yet. My only personal gripe is with Smash original characters, but if ANYONE had that position, Tabuu's not bad. He'd be my choice. Of course then, if you do toy with adding Pac-man, I'd replace Tabuu (unless you just flat-out add Pac-man, which you do have room for.)
with 16 newcomers I can't just flat out add Pac-Man. I would replace Tabuu. Thanks for the positive feedback btw :)


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Lol, Waifu Emblem.

Smashboards has an undying hatred for FE Awakening.
I don't hate the game, but it is quite clear that its popularity come from the waifu/husbando aspect of it. It is the Persona of the FE series.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Citation not vaild, wiki can be edited by anyone, the wiki I linked had an interview stating, let me call it what I want yo.
You can look up the info, i'm just too lazy to do it. those are credible last time i checked. how kirby got his name and all that, its legit.

Kirby's not a girl, if anything its an IT. but most people refer to it as MALE. (not a female) this is coming from someone who is a kirby fan since he was 5-6.

Fine, call him what you want, doesn't mean its correct, yo.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I've only played PoR and RD, but I plan on playing it later this year to see if I find Chrom likeable at all.
Oh trust me, you won't care much for Chrom if you play it. The game is amazing - you should play it for that reason.

It's not that I don't see most of this happening, it's just I really hope that doesn't happen, I don't find guys like Ridley, Tabuu, Mach Rider, T. Zelda, Goroh and Dixi making it a very fun to play roster, but that's my personal opinion. I don't think we will see all of those guys, maybe one or two.
"It's not that I find it unlikely, it's that your roster just sucks!"


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
It's time for a snazzy new roster with a snazzy new look! Introducing 8.0! :shades:


Size - Since Brawl had 18 newcomers, I felt 45 was too little, so I went for 16. It's still less, but there certainly won't be as many newcomers this time.

Dixie Kong - I would argue Dixie is the most deserving Donkey Kong newcomer. She's a very important protagonist and very often appears alongside Donkey & Diddy. I don't think Sakurai is going to add King K. Rool if Dixie is not in first. Not to mention she is a semi-clone which would leave room for more characters.

Toon Zelda/Tetra - If you want to pretend it's just Tetra by herself, please go ahead. I certainly think that's a possibility too. I added this character because Tetra is very popular, deserving, recurring, relevant, and plays an important role. I think she is the best choice for a Zelda newcomer (Though Vaati is a very good choice too). While I partly added her to have 5 Zelda slots, I still think Tetra is deserving enough to be in regardless of that.

Ridley - Popular and iconic Nintendo villain. He's highly requested, unique, and overdue.

Samurai Goroh - He is a moderately popular Nintendo villain from a very classic Nintendo franchise. He's incredibly important to F-Zero which is an underrepped franchise and practically the only one that hasn't gotten it's sidekick/rival character. Considering most franchises have gotten the characters they need, there is certainly room for him this time around. Sakurai does care about representation. He stated that Zero Suit Samus was added partly because he wanted a second Metroid character. New installments usually feature additions to franchises that haven't gotten any since their debut too. So given Samurai Goroh's importance and F-Zero being a franchise that deserves a second character, I think this character is highly likely.

Palutena - She's a popular contender that Sakurai seems to have a thing for, giving her a lot of spotlight and Brawl. He's also giving Kid Icarus more spotlight in the new Smash now that it has become a rebooted franchise.

Robin - Being from Awakening actually has nothing to do with why I have Robin. I know Sakurai doesn't just blindly add "teh must recent Fire Emblem lord". I have Robin because the Avatar/Tactician is likely going to become a thing in future Fire Emblem games from now on. He's also the most unique Fire Emblem nominee as well as a different unit which brings variety.

Mach Rider - Sakurai says he wants to bring back more older characters. So I figure if there is going to be two then one should be international. And with Balloon Fighter out of the way, none would be more recognized and deserving than Mach Rider. I have doubts about him due to his major similarities to Captain Falcon, but there could always be exceptions to characters like that in special cases. Sakurai also said he likes the idea of Mach Rider.

Takamaru - He's basically a shoe-in imo. Being a popular, iconic, and deserving retro game on the famicom, with several references throughout history including in international games.

Tabuu - I think Tabuu might get in as a unique surprise character and that Sakurai will add a Smash Original character to the roster this time.

I'm seriously considering maybe adding Pac-Man btw. But, do tell me what you think. :)
Great roster, except for Tabuu. Seriously, lets just try to forget that thing exist.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
It's time for a snazzy new roster with a snazzy new look! Introducing 8.0! :shades:


Dixie Kong
- I would argue Dixie is the most deserving Donkey Kong newcomer. She's a very important protagonist and very often appears alongside Donkey & Diddy. I don't think Sakurai is going to add King K. Rool if Dixie is not in first. Not to mention she is a semi-clone which would leave room for more characters.
Hmm.. personally, I disagree about K. Rool not making it in over Dixie. Considering his importance due to his legacy as the signature DK villain, plus his uniqueness, I can definetly see Sakurai preferring K. Rool over Dixie. However, I still think it is likely we could get both.

Toon Zelda/Tetra - If you want to pretend it's just Tetra by herself, please go ahead. I certainly think that's a possibility too. I added this character because Tetra is very popular, deserving, recurring, relevant, and plays an important role. I think she is the best choice for a Zelda newcomer (Though Vaati is a very good choice too). While I partly added her to have 5 Zelda slots, I still think Tetra is deserving enough to be in regardless of that.
Interesting and understandable prediction choice. Got nothing else to say.

Samurai Goroh - He is a moderately popular Nintendo villain from a very classic Nintendo franchise. He's incredibly important to F-Zero which is an underrepped franchise and practically the only one that hasn't gotten it's sidekick/rival character. Considering most franchises have gotten the characters they need, there is certainly room for him this time around. Sakurai does care about representation. He stated that Zero Suit Samus was added partly because he wanted a second Metroid character. New installments usually feature additions to franchises that haven't gotten any since their debut too. So given Samurai Goroh's importance and F-Zero being a franchise that deserves a second character, I think this character is highly likely.
Another interesting choice. No complaints

Robin - Being from Awakening actually has nothing to do with why I have Robin. I know Sakurai doesn't just blindly add "teh must recent Fire Emblem lord". I have Robin because the Avatar/Tactician is likely going to become a thing in future Fire Emblem games from now on. He's also the most unique Fire Emblem nominee as well as a different unit which brings variety.
I do feel he is a likely character

Mach Rider - Sakurai says he wants to bring back more older characters. So I figure if there is going to be two then one should be international. And with Balloon Fighter out of the way, none would be more recognized and deserving than Mach Rider. I have doubts about him due to his major similarities to Captain Falcon, but there could always be exceptions to characters like that in special cases. Sakurai also said he likes the idea of Mach Rider.

Takamaru - He's basically a shoe-in imo. Being a popular, iconic, and deserving retro game on the famicom, with several references throughout history including in international games.
Agreed with Takamaru's likelihood. Sakurai did say that he wanted to revive old franchises and considering that Takamaru has gotten pretty prominent appearances, he is definetly believeable.

As for Mach Rider... eh *shrugs*

Tabuu - I think Tabuu might get in as a unique surprise character and that Sakurai will add a Smash Original character to the roster this time.
I doubt him or the prospect of any Smash original character as a newcomer in this game.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
If we're getting a FE newcomer, I think it's safe to say it's inevitably going to be from Awakening, it's too popular, praised and marketable to do otherwise. Only other choice I see is bringing back veteran Roy due to the sheer demand from the Japanese fans.
So basically unless they go with Robin and emphasis his ability to use magic with tomes, we're screwed.
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