Does anyone else feel as though Diddy + Dixie is an inevitability?
It's something Sakurai wanted to do, but didn't have time/resources to. Now he's got just that, and all the reason in the world to bring Dixie into Smash. That, and his preference to unique characters this time around may prevent him from adding Dixie alone, who would likely be a semi-clone at best.
I theorize that people only want Diddy alone because that's the way we got him the first time; if the events had occurred in the opposite order, I feel like people would be demanding that Diddy stay paired with Dixie. I'm more than apt to be wrong, of course. Not trying to force words into anyones' mouths or opinions into their heads.
I could go on and on about reasons that I don't want it to happen.
I believe that Diddy is good enough to be his own character. I grew up with Diddy as him being his own entity and not being just a part of a pair and blablablah.
And one of those reasons I'm so against the idea goes along with your theory.
But, in the end, it doesn't really matter. It's something that I don't want to accept as a possibility, but have to for the sake of it being a likely one.
I find it rather sad though. Sakurai has expressed interest in making past fans happy by trying his best to not cut characters.
One could interpret a new Diddy-Dixie duo as Diddy being "cut." Though it'd be more like, if you'd excuse my fuzzy logic, he would be and he wouldn't be at the same time.
Diddy would get cut in the sense that his playstyle would have to be changed drastically changed to accommodate his new pair situation. No doubt some of his moves would have to be changed. Basically, the point here is that the
current Diddy would get "cut."
Now, of course, Diddy the character is still their. In that way, I couldn't complain that he was "cut" in the sense that a character as important as Diddy was not included because, of course, he's still
I'd love to continue thinking that "Sakurai knows best," and that he knows that people have grown accustomed to a character's playstyle. I mean, surely he realizes that if he goes through with it that he'd be altering Diddy to such an extent would be as if the Diddy we have now is being cut, right?
Well, I'd like to think that. I'd really like to think that. But I'm not going to claim to know how he thinks. All I know is that he went along with his original plan he'd, in my eyes, be going against what he said wanting to satisfy fans of existing characters.
Though, I'd still like remain in my "deluded," as some may possibly call it, world where it's more likely that Diddy will stay solo. At least I could remain a little happier until the hypothetical reveal were happen.
Ugh, this is such a depressing subject for me. More depressing than Toad.