Smash Journeyman
Why thank you :3...o.o... Thany, you never stop to amase me... In every meaning of the word.
Yesterday 02:21 AM
Totally. Though, I find all of Brawl's Non-Ike Sword sounds are...bland.Though the day when we have less terrible Marth sounds and the far more devastating sounds of Roy's old Forward Smash... shall be a day I weep with joy.
Just a "Bzzvnt" that...Like, ALOT of other moves have. Also, how the visual effect
of being hit with a sword has that purple, curvy wave thing? Heck, PEACH has effects
like that...Her dash attack, for instance... ;_;
To be frank...People don't possess the level of interest in Roy that I do, that's a>.< Besides that, it's not like we haven't already cracked how to replace sounds in this game, so how come Roy has been forgotten like this? The thread was nearly dead up until just recently.
reason sadly...
Plus, I mean, they purposely made Marth better than him preformance-wise in
Melee, and even in his own game he's held back by a literal end-game promotion
(Assuming you didn't snag all the divine weapons along the way, but even then that's
...All of 3 extra chapters...)
And ,God..."True" hardcore FE fans love to bash the poor little guy and praise
Leaf(FE 5) like he's God...Ick... ;_; Or maybe it's FE 4 Leaf they're praising., THAT Leaf
is a demon after he gains some levels >:3 8
Also complaining about the removal of skills in the GBA games starting with FE6...
Then again, maybe these people just don't have alot of time...(Hackers, I mean.
The Roy-bashers never sleep and have less of a life than ~I~ do, apparently...)
...Or possible laziness...Many many sides to this story... *shrug*
True, but given how low the growth rates are in FE6, I wouldn't worry(Plus, I blow allRoy's stats cap at 25!? They cap at 20 at the previous rank.. that's got to be the worst Class Up for any Fire Emblem character.
my funds these days on stat-up items in the secret shop in chapter 21 to buff Roy
and let him rip loose on the final chapter solo...Well, I bring Lalum and she holds more
weapons, too :3)
Also, even top tier characters like Dieck(Deke...Rhymes with Zeke and doesn't look like
a more offensive nickname for "Richard"?) and Rutger(Rutoga...Yuck...) I find are
still kinda bad. Nobody has terribly grand growths in FE6.
(Excluding Rutger's supports that let him EXCEED 100% CRITICAL! O.O')
Mmm...Yum~ ;3... Least he gets all the ladies.
Although I take my username from his Blue-haired, genki girl option, I still like to
pair him up with Lalum, personally. I'm a red-head fiend ;3
Sword of Seals actually used to heal?
Yup! Heals 30 HP when used as an item :3
...But that takes a use out of it...And with only 20 uses total... ;_;
...Oy, Marth's Falchion never runs out, and Ike doesn't even NEED Ragnell until
the higher levels of difficulty in FE 9 or 10 and ITs unbreakable...
...AND gives +3 defense when the man's a tank in both games... ;_;
Why not cut our poor red-haired woobie-pimp Lord some slack? <:3
-- I'm guessing you want something like this for his taunt, Thany?
Actually, that works awesomely well :D
Just altering it a bit so he doesn't sheathe it at the beginning or end of the taunt,
and BOOM. Done~ :3
...But making him, perhaps, hold it in his right hand the whole time, or simply keeping
both hands together throughout seems easier to animate.
Makes for a nice, iconic, "throw-back" taunt like Mario's "game over" taunt from Donkey Kong :D
To those making size mods...
Marth and Roy are actually almost the same height in Melee.
If they both stand up as straight as can be, Roy's only shorter than
Marth by about 1/4 of Marth's head.
...Roy has HUMONGOUS hands and feet compared to his feminine
counterpart, too, but Marth has slightly thicker, less noodly arms.
Pop in Melee and check if you'd like. ;P