If we are talking about trophies specifically from Echoes then I want to see Alm, Celica (obviously), Gray, Tobin, Kliff, Faye, Clive, Delthea, Zeke, Mycen, Mae, Boey, Genny, Saber, Valbar, the Whitewing sisters, Deen, Sonya, Mila and maybe even Rudolf, Berkut, Jedah, and Duma for villians. Though really I don't expect all of them and wouldn't be surprised if we only got 8-10 of them with only showing the two main characters, the ram villagers and the Mae/Boey duo plus one villain (probably either Berkut or Duma).
Plus if we were to talk about Fire Emblem trophies in general I want to see more Fire Emblem games represented via trophies instead of them only choosing from one/two games per smash iteration since I felt Fire Emblem always had a small number of trophies to collect and represent their series even if they only include Lords/plot important characters because I would like to see Caeda (the Whitewings and Camus/Zeke could fit here too) from Marth's games, Hector/Eliwood from Blazing Sword, Eirika/Ephraim from Sacred Stones and all of Fates royals as collectible trophies in Smash Ultimate. Though really I'm keeping my expectations low and I'm only expecting new trophies from at least Fates and Echoes.