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Catherine Mafia Game Over! Lolilovesrain wins in Queenmaker!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Re-reading uguu will give me a freaking headache.

Dark Horse said:
Would look at ori upon zenscum
1. Do you believe Murderbush
2. What is your read on Ori now after Zen's flip
3. Who are your top lynches today

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
#210, 213

BadClover, why were you pushing a claim off Zen once he got heat? Did you think Zen's attitude might have been related to his claim or something? Why was his claim so important?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I want Ryker to talk about Summoner, actually. I'd like to talk about Summoner in general. I still think he's town and he left me a good vibe earlier on in the game.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If we're going that route i'd like a massclaim order and getting people to agree on it, you sound like you're itching to say something.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm not going to guess your speculation, I have my own read on Summoner and if someone brings something worth looking into then it could change.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
If we're going that route i'd like a massclaim order and getting people to agree on it, you sound like you're itching to say something.
I'm asking you a simple yes or no question. And a second question, do you agree that J writes his PMs in a way that lends itself to claims? For example, my miller PM from RE4.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If you want an honest answer, Yes. Yeah, but do you think J has learned better since then?

I asked Ryker specifically but I haven't seen many people drop a read on Summoner in general so it'd be nice to know what other people are thinking.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I read Dark Horse a bit, I understand where Murderbush is coming from but don't understand how that is specifically a scum-tell on his part or puts him more priority over others.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
If you want an honest answer, Yes.
Why do you think so?
Soup said:
Yeah, but do you think J has learned better since then?
I haven't been in a J game since, have you?

Soup said:
I asked Ryker specifically but I haven't seen many people drop a read on Summoner in general so it'd be nice to know what other people are thinking.
But why, when you think he's town and haven't asked the question to specific non-Ryker people? I'm asking what your intent is.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
It kinda pertains to my role here, though i'm hesitant.

Yeah, I was in his Newbie.

I like getting a feel for others and how they read people, I use information to my advantage and play off how genuine a player might be with their reads, while I still hold firm to my Summoner read at the moment, it is nice to know what other people are thinking because of the point I made, and if they post something worth looking into.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Vote Count 2-2

1. LoliH.Riddle {0}
2. Uguu {0}
3. Murderbush {0}
4. BadClover {1 -
} SummonerAU
5. Ori_Bro {0}
6. SummonerAU {0}
7. Soup {0}
8. Dark Horse {1 -
} Murderbush
9. Nabe {0)

Not Voting {7 -
- LoliH.Riddle, Uguu, BadClover, Ori_Bro, Soup, Dark Horse, Nabe

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
My Role PM was heavily relied on Flavor to make it up, though I was just a Vanilla. This is kind of the same position here.


Smash Rookie
Jul 18, 2012
My bad at the murderbush slot, I only recognise Ryker's name in it so I keep calling the slot Ryker. Moving on...

Does BadClover asking why we should trust the murderbush claim not strike you as scummy?

Let me lay this down in case you need it. Murderbush has not named any scum, all he has said is that their are two scum on the wagon. He then made a push that used reasons that were not connected to his roleclaim at all. Basically he's made a push for a lynch that he didn't need to claim for while giving reasons for who he thinks is one of those scum members. Basically, he hasn't made any pushes 'asking us to trust him' and his claim basically boils down to him saying he's town and that he things there are 2 scum between these 5 people. (I won't explain how this would impact how scum would NK if Ryker were scum)

There's nothing to 'trust' about murderbush besides normal lynch pushes. The only reason I can see for asking "why should we trust you" is to bring doubt onto the additional information he's given about the number of scum on the wagon. Which I can only see you doing if you don't want that info taken into consideration. Should have done this in my last post, I blame posting while in the middle of an assignment Vote: BadClover

like there's no reason to suggest that Ryker shouldn't be trusted, but that isn't the same as saying he should be trusted if you understand the distinction I'm trying to make. whatever I'm going to bed
I don't like Ryker. Whether town or not, he's on the top of many Dgame lists and that makes me suspicious of him more than other people. Call me paranoid but I don't like to trust one person fully.

That's what I assumed he was claiming to be annoying.

Raz has not posted in the thread since I posted the Unvote/Vote post. He was offline for the entirety of the Zen lynch unless he logged in that morning before the day ended. Regardless, he didn't disagree with me.

Town Zen never holds himself accountable for anything, but neither does scum Zen. If town Zen wants to play that game with me, he can continue to die until it stops. I did think he would flip scum and my thought process is in the thread already.

Our role PM does not specifically justify being a Census Taker unless you count something along the lines of "you keep your compsure, regardless of the situation" as justification. Aside from that, it basically tells us that after saying we are one of the protagonist's best friends and that we have some skeletons in our own closet. Then it launches into our ability and win con. All of that is paraphrased.

The character has been Raz's avatar this game. I have not played the game.

Clover, the question isn't why you should trust me, it is what is the problem you have with the information I've put forward..
Big problem I have with the info. It's not that I don't think that's it's true, it's that you've now given Scum three free NK's.
Look at it like this. Granted you've narrowed down the suspects, but now all scum has to do is be the most town out of us. I would have much rather you have kept the info to yourself for at least another Day. It would have allowed for them to have killed off one of the suspects. Right now if I were scum I'd be ****ing happy.

I'm not.

#210, 213

BadClover, why were you pushing a claim off Zen once he got heat? Did you think Zen's attitude might have been related to his claim or something? Why was his claim so important?
It wasn't the claim that I had cared about, it was the fact that he was just blowing it off. Hell he could have claimed scum and I still would have taken my vote off of him because it would have shown that he was open to reasonable questioning. He was being very unwilling with the questioning process.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
[quote="BadClover]Granted you've narrowed down the suspects, but now all scum has to do is be the most town out of us. [/quote]

Why wouldn't scum be doing that anyway? Do you disagree with idea of there being scum in that group?

Anyway, I was a bit unsure on BadClover yesterday, but his posts about Murderbush's claim + how he wanted zen to claim but didn't like it when ryker claimed (he's mentioned why this was the case before) were grimy for sure. Murderbush's claim should only be distrusted if you didn't think there were scum on the wagon (since if you think there's scum there, it shouldn't be affecting how you'd play anyway).

My bad if you asked me something and I haven't responded, gotta leave for uni.

@DH, there were definitely some people who were at least hesitant for a hammer (ori and soup come to mind).
@Nabe: Yeah, I'm mostly just annoyed that the last 120 posts of d1 happened while I was sleeping.
wrt Dark Horse, Murderbush has some points and I also think that he was weird around the way he posted about hammering twice. (I know that you'd stated that you wouldn't hammer without mentioning it, doesn't mean I like it)

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
The Rules said:
7.) You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.).
BadClover has broken Rule 7 and thus results in a modkill. Flip in coming shortly.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
@DH, there were definitely some people who were at least hesitant for a hammer (ori and soup come to mind).
My mistake on the wording. I felt as though macman was the only who seemed to be really holding out on the QL. I felt as though soup was also advocating a QL (even right after he hammered, iirc he said that it was okay)

I also think that he was weird around the way he posted about hammering twice. (I know that you'd stated that you wouldn't hammer without mentioning it, doesn't mean I like it)
I posted twice because it seemed as though everyone ingore what I had origionally said, and was more oncerned with macman not hammering.

1. Do you believe Murderbush
2. What is your read on Ori now after Zen's flip
3. Who are your top lynches today
1. To put it simply, it's ****ing ryker. He's not going to withdraw the claim, regardless of whether he's lying or not. It could be either.
2. I still dislike Ori, as, though ori mentioned that he had a townread on zen, an never seeming to, well, act on it.
3. In addition to ori, badclover, though badclover's modkill will settle that


Jul 17, 2012
I was going to post aboUt my thoUghts on BadClover becaUse I didn't like his playstyle wrt Unvoting UgUU dUe to not wanting the day to end so early bUt then keeping his vote on Zen when it was clear that he woUld be lynched the same day that he didn't want to end early. It probably doesn't matter now thoUgh.

@Ori : I know yoU had a town read on Zen. Did yoU have a town read on Macman as well? If so, do they help to confirm other reads yoU may have?

Also, Darkhorse: Macman was not the only one who did not want to lynch Zen. Ori had stated he thoUght zen to be town and althoUgh BadClover had voted Zen he stated that he didn't believe there shoUld be a hammer jUst yet.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Also, Darkhorse: Macman was not the only one who did not want to lynch Zen. Ori had stated he thoUght zen to be town and althoUgh BadClover had voted Zen he stated that he didn't believe there shoUld be a hammer jUst yet.
Haven't I already addressed ori? He had a town read on zen, but was pretty passive when it came to the lynch. Badclover had said something like "If they want to hammer, it's their choice." macman was the only one that was really holding out on lynching zen


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
I'll be reading through shortly. I'll answer all questions soon, I saw a few people ask me some.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
@Ori : I know yoU had a town read on Zen. Did yoU have a town read on Macman as well? If so, do they help to confirm other reads yoU may have?
I didn't really get a vibe off of Macman, he was there and contributed a little like almost everyone. As for reads right now, I'm a little dry.

DH's QL on Zen kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. I'll be looking back more to see if anything strikes me as bad soon. Other than that its a toss up for me. I'm going to go look back at D1 and see what I can find.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'll do flavor later.

Anna (BadClover), Town Vanilla, has been modkilled!

Night 2 begins!

Deadline is set for August 2nd, 2012

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

So after that little dilemma that had to be taken up by the upper hands of this game, we can finally get back to the real thing about this game. As you have realized by now, there is no escpaing this certain nightmare and even the most gentle of lambs can be a victim to the crime.

The local happy go lucky boy was the next to go. He was always a bright and cheery guy who was looking for a girl to call his own and treat her right. I have no idea why I decided to drag him into all of this, but it made sense at the time. However, it seems his power would not come of use to anyone in this game because although he had the faith for true love, others may not. He would try though.

Until the evil forces amongst you players decided his time is up.

"Mr. Tobi died this morning" said Lindsay and Martha said in a monotone voice.

Tobias "Tobi" Nebbins (Nabe), Town Faith Healer has been killed!

That makes four little sheep dead. Seems the slaughter may never stop. Good or Bad?

Vote Count 3-1

1. LoliH.Riddle {0}
2. Uguu {0}
3. Murderbush {0}
4. Ori_bro {0}
5. SummonerAU {0}
6. Soup {0}
7. Dark Horse {0}

Not Voting {7 -
- LoliH.Riddle, Uguu, Murderbush, Ori_Bro, SummonerAU, Soup, Dark Horse

Day 3 Begins!

Deadline is set for 8/10/2012 at Midnight CMT


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
ugh, badclover not being scum sucks.

this game sucks.

everything sucks.

especially Xonar
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