This strikes tears to me eyes every time :'(

Anyway No hate here Folks.
But I now love both of these two

~Don't know if it's that back-air of Falco's
Fox and Falco have shot up their on my main list they can't pass the top 5 though but Fox sits at a steady 6

Now if it's just me trying to fill the void.
It makes perfect sense seeing how I now main these guys


I miss the 3 play-styles oh so much.
I am not here to complain though just give my two-sense.
I see these two coming back sometime soon the out-cry for them is ridiculous.
But honestly........ I'm losing hope everyday for these two
And I am a guy who wants the entire cast back this smash.... yes even

It' not me being butt-hurt or anything it's just, whenever I get Rekt playing as my Smash 4 main

I have no other choice to turn to, other than my wild-card being

(seriously get that little devil in motion and he kicks major butt)
I need at least these two back in this iteration of Smash
Need my destroyers of souls to return to me once more :')