The Demon King
Kid Icarus was lucky to have 3 characters. It was meant to have just 2, just like DK and Star Fox.It's just disappointing that for a series that has had one game in 25 years with no real information on anything more in future has more reps then one of Nintendo's more beloved series (DK *and* Star Fox) that's had a game on almost every console and handheld to date.
It was also lucky to have easily ported data from KIU on the 3DS version.
This is utter ignorance. Complete, utter, disgusting ignorance.The "extra/bonus" quote from Sakurai is nonsense. Firstly these characters started out as Skins so they weren't intended to be their own character however with the resources Sakurai had and the limited time prior to launch he needed to pad out the roster a bit since they didn't get to complete everyone they actually wanted to. This happens every Smash game. Real characters that werent ready or finished got pushed back to DLC while Dr Mario and friends got elevated up because it was quick and easy.
Development has a LIMITED TIME. There's a DEADLINE to meet. Sakurai has stated multiple times that characters are dropped mid-development because of said time limits. They can't afford to delay a game just for one character because "oh, there are whiny fans that will *****". Game development is expensive and uncertain. Sometimes, hard and unpleasant decisions have to be made. This is reality.
Have you ever sit in front of a computer programming software? Do you have any experience on that area? I have and I know what I'm talking about. I can look at the clone characters and say "this likely didn't take too much time to develop and mostly consisted on altering existing data". And I can say that a character like Olimar or Rosalina had more investment put into them.
It's much easier, much faster, more time-efficient and cost-efficient to simply alter alts to make them clones than it is to program a character whose moves are unique, as is the case of Wolf for the most part and overall 52 non-clone characters currently in the Smash 4 roster.
Sakurai has gone on record to say, if the 3 clones in Smash 4 had to take a lot of manpower, they wouldn't have been added in the first place. It was those 3 clones or 3 less characters in the roster. Take your pick.
And if you don't believe me, here are the words from the man himself in regards to the subject.
Sakurai said:There are three clones on the roster. Initially they were created as alternates, but during development they started to develop their own individual traits related to balancing, so we ended up making them different characters in order to separate their records. However, it was of the utmost importance that the workload on the project was not increased. They wouldn’t make it in if balancing had to be done from the start, so they were balanced relative to their original.
Lucina is Marth but with different properties on her sword. Dark Pit is nearly identical to Pit, but his side-B and Final Smash are different, so they ended up becoming separate character records. If Doctor Mario was the exact same as Mario, it would probably upset fans of the old Doctor Mario, so we included customs that can be used to make him more like he was in the past, if you would like.
Source: said:Normally, each fighter battles a variety of other characters, and we use these results as feedback for how to continue balancing a character. However, adding even one more extra fighter increases the number of battles that must be done against the entire cast, and it increases the amount of playtesting necessary by a lot. By balancing the clones to have almost the same strength as the original character, we’re reducing the workload necessary.
It is not a matter of "importance" or "insulting fans" or whatever nonsense ignorant fanboys spout. It's about efficiency and viability in regards to what can be made in a tight development schedule.These characters are apparently important enough to have their own slots but not important enough for any effort to be put in for them to have any actual differences beyond minor and trivial ones is an insult to fans of these characters and everyone else.
I'm not in the mood to argue about this since it's beating a dead horse. Have a nice day.