Everyone there was a lot better than I had expected. Keep it up everyone.
Gibby, I'm really not mad. Like, I don't know how to say this other than ' I won't say good game but I'll say good job' lol. I was more pissed at Bob coming in and using a previous endevior to bias his opinion, that being him being pissed that he lost to me at FC and was still sore. It just didn't occur to me until later when I heard him talk to you about it that his intentions were malicious towards me because of that.
Once again, thank you runners and everyone involved, especially the uber cool parents who let us abuse their downstairs and freezing cold garage. I'd even say that if you did it again to take a dollar out of all singles entries for venue fees. I'm sure no one would mind, especially since you guys are such great hosts.
Fun playing with you all.