Munich is not small town in which everybody knows everyone. It is a large city, and even if it houses less smashers than any other US city of comparable size, if there are minorities in this scene, they are as much a minority as anywhere else. Being the one outcast in ten already sucks, and it's not like you got an easier time in that case.
Being a minority is a case of proportions, and those matter, not absolute numbers. And, for example, being part of the black population in Germany, certainly allows for comparisons to anywhere in the US. It's probably even worse, as you are not part of a 40.000.000 people minority in 320.000.000, but only one of ~500.000 in 80.000.000. One could argue that in here, you are even more of a minority. In total numbers as in ratio, you are even more outnumbered. Munich is only a slice of Germany, but it is legit to take it as an example for the situation in the rest of the country.
I like how you try to make a point on Germany being a smaller country than a single state of the US with California as an example, comparing the total space they both occupy, completely neglecting the fact that Germany has more than twice the population of California. But I guess having more land mass that is not as densely populated is relevant to making a point in demographics.