You changed your definition. You can't say that white-knighting is sticking up for girls in an attempt to get laid and then turn around and say it's that "People are eager to save the girls from all this attention, neglecting the fact that attention is nothing that you can cleanse from humanity."
No I did not. White-knighting is a lot of things in general, but it can easily be substituted the following way and still have the same meaning and logic:
"People are eager to save the girls from all this attention, (neglecting the fact that attention is nothing you can cleanse from humanity) in an attempt to get laid."
People are eager to save the girls from all this attention, neglecting the fact that attention is nothing you can cleanse from humanity = sticking up for girls only to get laid = white-knighting
"Last are the critical comments. Accusations of fishing for attention and the like. Well guess what, that's called being disliked by people. Being disliked often comes from lack of knowledge and prejudices. Clear that up or eat it up, there will always be someone around who hates you for some bull**** reason."
This is the part that I think Sehnsucht talks about that I agree the most with: why do we just have to accept ****ty behavior?
We don't accept any of the jokes at M2K or Zero's expense, so why is it also okay for people to similarly mistreat women? I just think it's something we don't have to settle for. I don't know why it's so crazy to just be decent to people, or to expect that of others.
We don't? I think the case with M2K was more like that he became so god damn good at the game, that he gathered a following regardless of him being the odd one. He wanted to proof to everyone that he is the best and impressed people. That's how he got out of it. There was no global movement that held virtual signs up. "Free M2K". "People with aspergers are equal!" "Do not give more attention than to anyone else."
Zero seems to be just not giving a **** about his haters. It's the best thing to do. As I've said, there will always be someone who does not like your nose, especially in the age of the internet.
Girls that have to deal with unwanted negative feedback on their gender will also have to find a solution that works for them. They can go the Zero route and not give a ****, convince people with real skill that they are indeed not only there for attention, or do it like MilkTea does to some extent, just talk to people about how this feels and make them comprehend.
Neither of those actions requires an army of male equalitists jumping to their aid, yet all of them get the result. Acceptance.
The little rest that will always hate on somebody will never be gotten rid of. DEAL. WITH. IT.
But even assuming that we do perfectly condemn those sorts of actions (which we don't), that doesn't make tokenizing people any better. To give a personal example, I don't drink. I nevertheless go to parties at my university at least semi-frequently. I always regret it, though, because half of the people there can't find anything better to talk about than the fact that I'm not drinking. It's ****ing exhausting. I feel like I'm wearing a "teetotaler" sign around my neck the whole time. I obviously can't be sure, but I imagine this is often what it can feel like to be a woman in the gaming sphere. You have to deal with droves of people whose superficial interactions with you make you feel like you don't belong or like people see "girl" before they see "person." Why do people always try to point out the uncommon ground before the common?
I would like to point you in the direction of my previous post. You actively chose to go somewhere you know you'll gonna stick out - accept that you will stick out. For God's sake, that cannot be so hard. And here's a bummer - I did not drink alcohol until I reached the age of 20, but I visited parties beforehand. I know how this feels. And it's actually not too bad. You can actually still have a great time and socialize normally with all the people. But the more drunk they get, the more you'll stick out to them. And drunk people always speak out of their heart or are completely out of their mind, so you just gotta expect to be treated accordingly.
If you are that passive-aggressive type of non-drinker though, well maybe you should not visit parties then. Nobody likes people that shove their superior way of life into their faces. Some non-drinkers do not even realize they do this, nevertheless, it's annoying.
So back to the girls again. With all my love to humor, I do not think that the average Smasher behaves like a drunk person. Maybe things are so much different overseas, but in here gamers in general are rather humble, shy, and maybe super awkward around people who do not share the same interests. But they just aren't the material to harass or hit on girls, or make them feel uncomfortable (given the fact the girls are nerdy as well. Should they be not, well, don't hang around nerds). If people looking at you creeps you out, you have a serious problem with your self confidence. It's not like Smashers look at girls like the KKK onto a man of color in their midst - with 100% of their eyes directly pointed at them, filled with disgust and hatred. Yeah, more or less heads will turn into your direction, some might even stare. But 99% will be very modest*. The world will not end. As I've said, this kind of attention is the one that a lot of people get in various situations.
And again, Twewy said it a number of posts ago, but all I'm really saying in all these posts is what he said, which is to just treat women the same as you treat men in the gaming context. It's really not hard. I feel like we've been going back and forth about it, and all it comes down to is that some of you think it's too small of a problem to care about, and some of us don't. And I just think this thread wouldn't exist if it were.
In the gaming context, are girls really not treated as equals? Do people forfeit stocks? Play less serious? Taunt all game? All because they're matched up against a girl?**
Everything that is not IN the game, that is directly linked to your body, can't be treated as if you were a male. Because you aren't. What is this absolute gender equality you always talk about anyway? Do you want to create an army of obidient men that will try not to look at their female opponents because that might upset them, even though it is in humanity's nature to look at odd things***? Will we stop using pronouns that are gender-sensitive?
Edit: You also mentioned a couple posts ago something that I forgot to touch on. And that is that women are the only group anyone sticks up for. First of all, I would say that's what's happening in this thread because that's what the OP is about. Second of all, it's just not true. It's the most prominent in gaming because I think women catch the most flack, but there's also still a good deal of racism to deal with. Particularly on the internet. It's less of a problem in person, though, because no one's going to be dumb enough to make racist jokes IRL in this day and age. Meanwhile, it's still largely acceptable to creep on women at your local Smash scene. I think that's why you see more folks talking about it.
I used a rethorical device called 'generalization'. I said 'only' to stress to margin by which this is the predominant case. Not only in gaming.
And again, I would say complaining that people "only white-knight for girls" still doesn't do anything to say why women's issues in gaming don't matter. But I think you've otherwise addressed that.
If you do not want to diminish one of my statements because you realized I did adress your point, then don't do it.
* link me to a vid of a large tournament in which a girl enters and the room goes silent as everybody stares at her
** link me to a vid of this incident happening and tell me how this is not the normal sandbagging that is often done by superior players
*** yes, I called girls in gaming odd. Odd means "not the regular sight". No negative intentions. "things" is just more comfortable to say than thinking of some scientific phrasing