-.- You're missing the point. The logic you are using can be used to justify a union between any number of any age of any gender people. I told you why polygamy is bad (check earlier post and refute if you wish), underage marriage can lead to bad decisions and an unhappy generation, other species..... well, come on really? I can tell you that homosexual marriage is immoral (depending on religious beliefs) and has the potential to overturn our entire social system (not depending on religious beliefs, and you still have to refute this). Apparently you didn't see it the first two times so I'll try again.
no YOU are the one who's completely lost. the logic CANNOT be used to justify the union between any persons of any age. the same thing could've been said about the union between two people of different races. and you have not sufficiently explained to me why polygamy is bad. check my post after yours for a refutation.
religious beliefs are not enough to change laws (or they shouldn't be enough to. especially since church and state are supposed to separate). anybody can start a religion that sees non-aryans as demons, but that's not going to legalize a holocaust.
See what I said thar? You just strawmanned me by telling me that the only reason I said it's wrong is because "It's not what I think is normal so others can't do it", when in fact I offered a very credible disadvantage to gay marriage.
you have not offered ANYTHING. you said "i don't want guys dating guys and girls dating girls" and the only reason you gave was "cause i don't want it." that is not credible nor logical in the least bit.
I'm trying to explain to you why straight people will sometimes hit on strangers without finding out what their orientation is.
1. It's not very common
2. Most people you see walking down the street are straight.
3. Of the few people that do decide to hit on other people, most of the people they hit on are straight.
And that is why this assumption is made by so many people. It's an explanation. It does not explain why gay guys will just assume I am gay and start hitting on me, even if they have evidence that I am straight (haz girlfriend), and cause me a great deal of discomfort. And now AGAIN you misquote me and tell me that I'm advocating "throwing minorities out the window"? You're blowing this way out of proportion.
just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean you can't be interested in guys. and you ARE disregarding the minority. you are complaining about gay people hitting on straight people. i tell you that straight people hit on gay people, but you don't say anything about that being "wrong" too.
Which is why we have no right to say they can't! The government can't tell me that I'm not ready to get married because they're too buried in their bureaucracy to look at anyone specific! It's discrimination! I won't stand for it! This "We know what's best for you, even though we've never even met you" stance the government takes makes me sick!
These are the same type of arguments you might hear for gay marriage ain't they? Thus.... if you legalize gay marriage based on this argument, you have to legalize underage marriage as well. And polygamy, don't forget that. You can't walk on both sides of the street. It's contradictory to support gay marriage but not the other types of illegal marriages as well.
i have no idea how you jump to such ret@rded conclusions such as these. the first paragraph is not what pro-rights people say AT ALL. it's not even a logical argument.
Look at these arguments again...... I told you why you're slipper slope WAS a fallacy, and then you tried to apply it to my slippery slope. There's no link between not creating equality for blacks because then you'd need equality for criminals, and not legalizing gay marriage because then you'd have to legalize all marriages. You gave me an example, and then you tried to tell me that the reason that example is a fallacy is the reason my slippery slope is a fallacy? It's like you were waiting for me to argue against a slippery slope so you could steal my argument and use it on my own slippery slope. I don't think you would do that, though. This is a serious twisting of logic either way.
wow, can you at least TRY to fix your grammar? this paragraph is mostly incoherent.
what i said was an analogy between civil rights 50 years ago and civil rights now. black people were treated unfairly, so i pretended to be you back then, saying that if we give black people rights, we have to give EVERYONE the same rights. this is exactly what you're saying about gay marriage, and it doesn't make any sense.
My example of a child being punished has nothing to do with gay marriage. It's an example. I'm trying to explain to you that slippery slopes are not always fallacies. If a child is not punished, parents fear that he will not learn the immorality of the action in question and will repeat it until it forms a habit. This is a slippery slope that is assumed by parents everywhere, and it's not illogical. Please stop trying to bend my arguments and put words in my mouth.
and i'm saying it's not a slippery slope since if the parents do not do anything, the child won't know what he did was wrong. the punishment is NECESSARY for the child to know.
Technical point. How about If a man owns a gopher and he loves it very much, (and he's not mistreating the gopher, then who are you to tell him that the two can or cannot marry? You didn't refute the argument. -.-
i have already. there's no way for the gopher to give consent. just because it's "his" gopher doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants to it.
Or, all gophers aside, Who are you to tell two children that love each other very much that they can or cannot get married?
children do not know the consequences of marriage, and they have no use for it anyways. plus, EVERYONE has to go through the stage where they do not have the rights of an adult. homosexuals are the only people that cannot get married.
Or maybe Who are you to tell three consenting people that they can or cannot get married?
who ARE we to tell three consenting adults they cannot marry?
All three of these are stupid statements. There are good reasons why we can say that they can or cannot, just like gay marriage. The statements above use the very same logic that gay marriage advocates use, and I pointed out the fallacy by showing you what else you can do with it. You are being contradictory by not agreeing with the bold statements above.
you have not given me ONE good reason why gay marriage shouln't be allowed. all you've said is "it'll lead to bad things." well i can do that too: gay marriage will lead to everyone being happy forever. it's a "slippery slope."
This is getting stupid. You can't argue that Christians think homosexual acts are moral. Stop trying to. -.- It's not a debate, which is why these are not arguments, which is why I will not be responding to anything else based on this quoteblock above unless it's actually relevant and actually makes a point.
I really couldn't let those go. I'll most to say later about some other posts (like aeghrur, who had some valid points I will need to address), but I'm tired and hungry and it's time for me to chill and play some smash. More tomorrow or this evening.
yeah, this IS getting stupid. i should just give up since i'm not going to get a substantial response from you. your brainwashed and miniscule thought process won't allow it.