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C3 Cyberclub 1/24 Results


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Kojin, in defense for bonk. Didn't your counter pick kill LilB while Bonk's counter pick killed you?

All about the stages :3
He counter picked on Bonk and lost due to suicides and counter picked me to a pretty gay stage that should be banned but w/e I didn't even play good till that match cuz of some loser that wouldn't shut up till then


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
2 Items were left at the venue after the tournament. The first is a black jacket, kinda thin like a windbreaker type dealie. The second is a Wiimote+Classic controller attached, with a small pikachu stuffed toy attached to it. I gave both items to the guy running the venue and they should both be held in lost and found. I think I spoke to the owner of the wiimote+nunchuck earlier in the night.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
just to clarify for ya taj , i never disrespected you at ausa , hell, i never even really spoke to you , you would just get angry because i would win multiple times , and as i recall , i did attempt to talk to you , but then you got all pissy and tried to get in my face there too . if ya dont remember , all i did was laugh at stupid things that everyone did , not just you. so im kinda unclear as to why were hitting it off wrong. yea my crew was a bit loud and all , but we never made fun of anybody there , they always were making fun of me and whoever that we knew was playing , you would just call us kids whenever Mulligan or myself would win. its just a game man , just keep that temper of yours in check , dont take everything that's said so seriously and we could actually have some fun. oh and one more thing , i asked you for a MM , not Korn , so dont put things in my mouth

I don't have anything to say here, I intend to settle this off the message boards, and I'm not even thinking of reasoning with you here.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
He counter picked on Bonk and lost due to suicides and counter picked me to a pretty gay stage that should be banned but w/e I didn't even play good till that match cuz of some loser that wouldn't shut up till then
Never mind, I see then. I assumed it was bonk's CP because it looked like Kojin tried to grab the ledge where there wasn't one.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
whoever gets violent is always the one at fault. words are words and thats that. you guys are LUCKY that the smash community in general is so well behaved, it is NOT like that in other communities. I had to go to cali to play a 303 man tourney and deal with excessive trash talk and booing the entire time.

seriously, deal with it. cant? wear headphones. i dont give a **** really, but getting violent is what is truly childish. wanting to "settle your score" with a fight is pitiful too.

im not defending this jet guy, never even met him and probably dont care if i never do, but im just sayin that people are going to talk **** and be rude, its the nature of a competitive game. learning to DEAL with it and the pressure is just another aspect of gaming people need to get used to.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
yeah. i counterpicked myself. LOL that was the dumbest match of the night for me, i thought i had a shot to win that one, it was close even with the SDs too... :(

yeah, green greens probably will be banned next time. IF there is a next time...
and I vote to ban norfair on singles. whos with me?


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD

Bmx - too bad I can never get to play and beat you in tourney
Dre - good **** in team friendlies get yoshi spiked twice
Taj - we both played ****ty I need to step it up though so no johns
G-reg - great tourney I will be at the next one
k- 9 - we didn't get to play much but thx for the chips it help out
jet - your a jerk
kojin - really close match good ****
everyone else - good **** I played ****ty and placed ****ty so don't judge my skill from my bad placing


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
I hope I play G-reg next time. i really tried to get to him and chu. one of them will lose to Sonic. I declare it in the name of Steak.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Plank if you were to meet the guy you would understand why so many dislike him honestly he is a complete jerk but I understand were your coming from


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
whoever gets violent is always the one at fault. words are words and thats that. you guys are LUCKY that the smash community in general is so well behaved, it is NOT like that in other communities. I had to go to cali to play a 303 man tourney and deal with excessive trash talk and booing the entire time.

seriously, deal with it. cant? wear headphones. i dont give a **** really, but getting violent is what is truly childish. wanting to "settle your score" with a fight is pitiful too.

im not defending this jet guy, never even met him and probably dont care if i never do, but im just sayin that people are going to talk **** and be rude, its the nature of a competitive game. learning to DEAL with it and the pressure is just another aspect of gaming people need to get used to.
WRONG. you should stop

Plank, you never meet that guy before.... but i did so do lilb, Taj, K9


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
whoever gets violent is always the one at fault. words are words and thats that. you guys are LUCKY that the smash community in general is so well behaved, it is NOT like that in other communities. I had to go to cali to play a 303 man tourney and deal with excessive trash talk and booing the entire time.

seriously, deal with it. cant? wear headphones. i dont give a **** really, but getting violent is what is truly childish. wanting to "settle your score" with a fight is pitiful too.

im not defending this jet guy, never even met him and probably dont care if i never do, but im just sayin that people are going to talk **** and be rude, its the nature of a competitive game. learning to DEAL with it and the pressure is just another aspect of gaming people need to get used to.

need i remind yourself Chozen one plank bah i must remind you :p


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
no i remember chz1 which is why i didnt really say anything bad about hms. i wanted to kill chz1 before but looking back i just feel like a ****** about the whole thing. i understand some people are ridiculous, but you cant get violent because of it


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2009
Korn...... i dont even remember dissing you at ausa, in fact we shook hands and spoke for a bit afterwards, and you even asked me if was going to Katsu. so when did i piss you off?


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Plank, I don't mind trash talk if it EVENTUALLY stops.
I don't want to discourage these guys from coming anymore since we need more active players.
Grats on fourth Jet, but chill out and give us a break. :)


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
im confused about this. I beat thunderhorse in brackets so can someone explain that to me?
Did you beat him in winners? He beat more opponents in losers than you did Kojin. I don't remember the bracket exactly since it was not a tio file but ThunderHorse won like 3 losers rounds while you only won 1 i think

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
I meant settle the score as in MM, but yeah, as far as the rest of the post, didn't bother to read it but being passive all the time doesn't solve everything. Be realistic here.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Well no johns, but my first time using the recording setup is crazy, i'm trying to figure out this stuff.

So apparently only grand finals of teams was recorded- my computer stopped it when it went to sleep and never restarted or something weird.

I have like 3 hours of vids for singles- so it will take me sometime to get them online. My youtube channel is

www.youtube.com/thetantaIus (some @$$hat already has "Tantalus" and "TheTantalus" so I used a captial I in place of the l, youtube font it looks like "thetantalus"

Just check that channel periodically for updates. It will probably take quite sometime to get things uploaded.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
I meant settle the score as in MM, but yeah, as far as the rest of the post, didn't bother to read it but being passive all the time doesn't solve everything. Be realistic here.
so feel free to talk **** back? being passive and not being physically violent arent the same thing at all


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
Did you beat him in winners? He beat more opponents in losers than you did Kojin. I don't remember the bracket exactly since it was not a tio file but ThunderHorse won like 3 losers rounds while you only won 1 i think
yeah i did beat him in winners bracket, im the reason he was in losers lol . does that make a difference or not. idk...


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
na its all a bracket system. u can beat someone first round then lose 2 in a row and get 17th in a 32 man bracket

the person u beat first round can go on to win 4 matches in a row and get 7th. who beats who doesnt mean much, just dont get beat twice


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2009
dude , being passive all the time doesnt solve things , your right , but cmon , you dont think the way you acted last night wasnt a bit over the edge? i mean , you didnt even let us know it was bothering you , hell , NO ONE told us that it was bothering anyone. Do you guys ever go to other fighting game tournaments? Do any of you know how loud it can get? what we were doing was NOTHING compared to other places. Does anyone ever take the time to think about asking us "Nicely" to tone it down a bit? whats the worse thats going to happen? we are there to have fun . all this talk about im being a jerk , im being disrespectful , oh come on. how am i supposed to know whats going on in your heads....... Speak up for yourselves and you could get what you want.......... be realistic


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
yea i mean thats what i was saying is other fighting games are 100x worse than most of these new brawl players have ever seen.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Well, guess it's like one of those movies where a red neck goes into a party of somewhat more mannered (maybe snobby?) upperclass people.

Don't take those comparisons literally though of course.

What's right in one community doesn't make it right in the next. We weren't all big on **** talk. And honestly it was your personality that came off annoying. Not your **** talk.

Edit: Just for the rec I didn't get psyched out or anything or have any johns of losing due to **** talk.

And Plank I don't even know why you're in this no offense.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
dude , being passive all the time doesnt solve things , your right , but cmon , you dont think the way you acted last night wasnt a bit over the edge? i mean , you didnt even let us know it was bothering you , hell , NO ONE told us that it was bothering anyone. Do you guys ever go to other fighting game tournaments? Do any of you know how loud it can get? what we were doing was NOTHING compared to other places. Does anyone ever take the time to think about asking us "Nicely" to tone it down a bit? whats the worse thats going to happen? we are there to have fun . all this talk about im being a jerk , im being disrespectful , oh come on. how am i supposed to know whats going on in your heads....... Speak up for yourselves and you could get what you want.......... be realistic

I don't know about other fighter tourneys and honestly don't care but usually we do not act like that almost ever and if you were to look around you no one else was that loud except you and your friends it would be okay if we were all loud and rude but we were not so be a little more aware of your surroundings


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2009
Washington DC
Ok, I went to C3 because I was suppose to meet a friend but he never showed up so I just chilled and watched. It was free and it was something fun and exciting to do.

Jet and his "Crew". You guys seem to call them rude and childish. From being there and watching the only thing I seemed to notice were you guys being one sided. When one person says something about them all of you would agree It wouldn't even matter if they were right or wrong. People said playing with them wasn't fun yet I saw you guys laughing while playing with them. Looked to be having fun.

You also can't say the entire group was "rude" and "obnoxious" 3 of them played smash, and yes Jet was loud and when he wasn't playing, and would be loud when he was watching the other people play but the other 2 didn't really say anything. 1 of the friends sat by himself and played smash on a free tv sometime people would come over to play but I never once heard him mouth off. Two of them with beards sat in the Rockband room a lot of the time. One with a hat sat in a chair the whole time and the only one I ever heard while I was there and around say anything was a guy in a white jacket yell out "Fat *** tripped" "Marth is a weebo" "You suck". One out the the 8 or 9 that went. So you shouldn't be unfair to the entire group when more then half did nothing. You guys are being unfair and giving people bad impression about c3. When I came home All I talked about how fun it was.

Also childish is the guy who spat in one of the kids faces. Even some random guys who saw from across the room with me said that was wrong . Then to come on here and say he will do it again. Thats the child.

All in all it was a great first experience I had fun and saw stuff I never even knew was possible(Kirby 3 stocking a good snake thats amazing) Snake beating a Metaknight. Maybe next time I won't get ditched and have money to join in the games. Everyone was good and the vibe wasn't all that bad. Pretty great way to spend a Saturday night. Can someone tell me when the next one will be?

Top 5 winners you guys are pretty good. That guy and his ROB is pretty good same as the guy with his Kong.


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2009
Oh , here's also some food for thought:

its a GAME tourny, not a CHESS tourny, not a GOLF tourny, this isn't serious business, people should have fun and be crazy. cuz the rest of life is ****.


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA
WoW you guys are crazy like..


Greg - dayummm youuuuu, i would have rather done snake - rob

Lil b - **** that spike **** lawls. where da vids at :)?

- good **** on 9th bro

Tant - you da mannn!! kid (wait wut...)

- O_o Sonic is nasty good, you had me tbh but you killed yourself bro ughhh, i really need to work on that match up some how lol

Miller - your cool bro and i like you just the loudness has got to stop mayne, also grats on 4th i have no idea what happend in our set.. i was doing VERY well in the first match then i fell off.. o well good games

Team Woodbridge
- lawl@dennys

BMX - lol grab release, (Ben; "DOUCHEEEE")

k9 - X_X, dude our friendly was a upset, i still think your better than i am but somehow i beat you?

- good marth man keep it up

kking - good money match man, GREAT spike, maybe next time you'll win the dollar :)

HMS - o_o (be my spell check lol)


chu - hope you find that thing someday.. and it wasn't me man

i think im slowly progressing at this game.. and i was just about to quit heh. guess it takes time for some people. hopefully i do even better with bmx and place well in tourneies with more contestants, and uhh plank is right if this was Capcom community some one would have died that night lol<-- wall of text


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
yeah i did beat him in winners bracket, im the reason he was in losers lol . does that make a difference or not. idk...
Na, it doesn't make a difference. The reason I was shocked you didn't place higher was because your Sonic was some hardcore **** and I had expected it to run around most of the competition bar the usual suspects (Chu, g-reg, Forte).

Long overdue shoutouts:

Chu - I will play you one of these days! Good **** with 2nd and 3rd in teams/singles respectively.
Kojin - As I said, you have a ****ing hardcore Sonic and put my on the edge of my seat in our final match. Keep it up, I wanna see you go places.
Mulligan - Get me some firewood because we just set up camp. Seriously, how did we run down the clock to 7 seconds? Easily the most lulzy match I've played. Good stuff.
Joe - Takes a real man to main Ganondorf. Good **** in team friendlies. Donkeydorf is god tier.
Mow - Good **** man. Had a good time talking to you about all sorts of stuff. Shame you didn't enter singles though. Come down here longer next time; we need to Pokemon it up about other things. Also tell your fiance thanks for the meal. I don't think I properly thanked her in person.

And a quick mention to the rest of my bracket that I didn't already mention (K9, Matty ect.), and to everyone who I friendlied with (too many to name).


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Oh , here's also some food for thought:

its a GAME tourny, not a CHESS tourny, not a GOLF tourny, this isn't serious business, people should have fun and be crazy. cuz the rest of life is ****.
Oh, I forgot that chess and golf weren't games either. Thanks for clearing that.

Anything can be serious business if there's money involved. Besides, this isn't about the game in question, is it?

Smokysmash is right, the group in general were all cool.

My last post in this thread. GG again.

Deleted member

I didn't have a problem with jet or mulligan the first few rounds of singles when I was doing the bracket, and they were also pretty fun to play. Aside from the spitting thing, nothing seemed all that bad to me.

jet & co: we can do the teams MM next time.

Masa: you are ****.

everyone else I already talked to.

This was the first brawl event I attended where I beat the **** out of everyone that I played. Felt great.

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
Ah I was very disappointed in my rank this tournament, I could have done way better. Haha it seems that every C3 Event I go to, I get matched up against a Pro in the 1st or 2nd Fight. lol..

Oh wellz, I had a good time. I know I'll do better if Chu doesn't fight me second round again.. haha.

For the record.. and I'm not going to say who, out of respect for the player.. but I 3 stocked my 1st round opponent. >:p I felt the FIRE! But then.. along comes Chu.. haha.

I'll get my name up there. :)

As for the last C3, I'll thank Boss for that amazing Mario of his knocking me out of the tournament! >.<

I hope everybody shows up to the Gamepad Event coming up in February, I know Chu as well as a few other highly respected players are going to make it if we do end up setting it a week later. (Feb 28.)

Yeah, about those !@#$ Talkers, very unsportsman like.. and not good for the smash community. If you want to talk !@#$ to people in a video game, I recommend you go play Halo.. Lil B or anyone for that matter did not deserve that at all. Show some respect.


Chu: Good **** finally getting to know you man, your a chill dude. Sorry to hear about your wii, and I'm glad I could help. Hope to see you in February. Remember, possible after party! haha :D (if it goes down, only chill people can go!)

Congratulations on the victory man, way to clutch it up. Keep me away from Chu in the bracket next time!!! :p

Forte: Your Meta game was nasty man, keep it up.

Your hands were cold buddy, but theres always February. I'll be at the Pad practicing it up. Get back on your A-Game so we can show them what Throwdown is about.

MattX: You only beat my Diddy cause you practiced with me!!! haha ;P Don't worry, I'm cooking up a character specifically for that Marth of yours.. just you wait.

Kojin: I practice with your Sonic all the time so I knew you were gonna whoop up.. I'm mad at some of those faulty deaths though, but you did hella good. I'll scoop you up for practices if your down in KG.

Oath: That R.O.B. was nasty man, definetly have the potential to be one of the greats. Keep it up, catch you in February. You are still going right?
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