As some of you may know, we finally got some MvCI info in almost 5 months and it's a big one.
Not only is Sigma one of the 2 main villains in the story mode, he's also going to be a playable character!...However though...He's going to be a post launch DLC character.
Plus too, we've got a release date in which the game comes out September 19th, 2017 along with different editions of the game for pre-order. The Standard edition has the game and 2 costumes ($59.99). The Deluxe edition has that+another 2 costumes including X's Command Mission alt and the 2017 Character Pass containing 6 DLC...I mean 6 post launch characters with Sigma as the first one ($89.99). Finally, we have the Collectors Edition which has everything I mentioned above AND 4 statues with 1 of them being an X statue and some LED Infinity Stones. ($199.99)
I'm so hyped that we get to finally play as Sigma as well as that Strider Hiryu is confirmed. But, I don't like how they're already announcing DLC characters BEFORE the game is even released and I really don't know what to make of it being scheduled to release in September, this year. Hope this game doesn't get rushed.
Can't help but feel that Capcom might be a little bit... greedy, given what happened with SFV.
What do you guys think of this?