Sheep Man. Sheep Man? Yup, Capcom made it clear then that they ran out of ideas.
Except, why didn't they do this: SHEPHERD MAN. Less stupid name, he could have a cane for CQC, and the Thunder sheep could actually be tactical sheep management.
Who thinks which is a better idea: Sheep man the way he is, or Shepherd man as that MM10 boss instead?
So the boss itself should be Solar Blaze weak, as that would burn sheep. He plays a generally defensive style, summons sheep goons, and can use Wool to cover himself akin to Leaf Shield. If you get to close, he will hit you with his cane, knocking you back and doing good damage. Upon defeat, you would get the Shepherd Command, where the 5 sheep constantly circle around you while this is equipped, could instead act as a circling wool to nullify attacks (default state), gang up on enemies, collect items or turn into Thunder Wool upon command, something they do automatically upon death (they have 10 hp, compared to a bosses 28, and the wool would stalk above an enemy to hit them with thunder). The main weakness of this weapon would be that each command takes up 5% of the bar, and bring back a sheep would cost a third of it. It's essentially the ultimate micro management, and using it successfully would allow you to defeat any enemy in the game, as none should be immune to it, although the resistant ones take less damage and 2HKO (Or for bosses, OHKO) the sheep. It is still Pmp man, but also Commando MAn's weakness, as Pump Man is vurnerable to Thunder Wool as usual, while Commando Man is overwhelmed by the Sheep, being hurt extra by them and having the bomb cancelled by shields. Solar Man would destroy the Sheep on contact, and ignore the shields, but take normal Thunder Wool damage, while Nitro Man gets powered up by Thunder Wool.
What do you think? Is this a better concept than Sheep Man? Or is it really that terrible that "Sheep Man" is better? Any ideas on the idea? Does this go in another thread?