To me Bombman always struck me as the WEIRDEST designed robot.
I don't know... maybe it's the duck-face.
As for my favorite.... After a long selection process, I narrowed it down to Air Man, Pharaoh Man, and Magnet Man.... but truth of the matter is...
Magnet Man is by far my favorite Robot Master design. And not only do I find his design to be really cool looking, but his weapon is one of my favorites in the series. And he has a magnet barrier too. Need I say more?
If they ever make a magnetic-inspired robot master again, it would be awesome to have his magnet barrier suck other robots and turning them into a shield.
I have no complaints about the chosen weapons for Mega Man in SSB4, but I'd easily take Magnet Missile for a Tilt+B over Crash Bomb. :D
This song is actually relevant to Mega Man.
Sigh.... I wish JAM Project would return to South America someday. I wouldn't miss it for the world!
BTW, needs more Megaman teleport sound effect immediately after the song stops at the end.
That would've made me nerdplode right here, right now.