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Brawl Tournaments in Florida


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
before I start, I'd just like to namesearch bait all those involved:

Gallax, Hbox, hungrybox, esam, seibrik, viper, redhalberd, halberd, lade, cecil, radix, next level lan

Now, there's currently an issue with "nationals" for brawl tourneys, in which there are just too many. Too many big tourneys too close to each other, and they all suffer in attendance because of it. People cant afford them all, and with airfare being the highest average its been since the release of brawl (trust me, I would know lol), people can just go to less tourneys. So the solution is to hold less "nationals" so they can all can prosper, right? Simple logic right? Hopefully they can get the amount of nationals settled out between the other national TOs (two per year seems fine to me. Pound V and Genesis 2 are this year...Apex and 1 more true national next year seems the way to go as well, spaced out from apex of course by about 6 months.)

Well, nationals aren't the only thing this simple logic applies to. This applies to regionals and locals as well. I was recently looking at upcoming tourneys in Florida, and its a travesty. There are 5 saturdays in July, and there is a tournament on 4 of them. This many tournaments in one month within the same region is simply, not necessary. Having so many puts people in the mindset of "oh, why go to this one when theres one next week", and this cycle continues until the weekend comes they want to go to a tourney, but have to bail due to various life johns. It also hurts those who win the tourneys, as their accomplishments really arent remembered for more than like a day or two before its time to talk about next weeks.

The need for tourneys every single weekend just shows to me that people are trying to fill a need to practice. This can EASILY be solved by weekly organized smashfests/practice sessions. Tampa has been leading the way in this category for quite a while now honestly. I'm currently trying to acquire the NLL backroom to do something for CFL with a small door fee such as 1-2 dollars per week, and SFL should do something as well. Lets bring tourneys back to being semi important.

with that in mind, I suggest a new way of timing for tourneys:
--Each Region has their 1 monthly tourney (CFL has NLL, SFL has currently ESAM soon to be seibrik? Tampa may start something regularly or come to one of the other regions)
--One other tourney to be held that month by someone other than the standard TOs. This includes all of the other TOs in florida, which by now have already been namesearch baited into this thread.
--Along with this tourney timing, each region (aside from Tampa because they set the stage) should start some type of weekly or biweekly smashfest/practice session/get together, thats more open to public rather than just calling 1-2 people to come over. I plan to take care of CFL in that regard, in one way or another

This would mean that there would be 3 tourneys max per month. only two of those tourneys could possibly be in the same reason. The secondary tourney for that month would switch regions if other regions were interested:

NLL tournament
ZP tourney
Viper's holy smash

--Note here there are two tourneys in CFL and one in SFL, but 3 total. no other tourneys should be held in August in any part of the state

A tourney in Tampa/SFL/GVille, if a TO in one of those places is interested. Otherwise, CFL could host another tourney ONLY AFTER NO OTHER REGION WANTS TO. This is to ensure all regions have a fair opportunity for that 3rd tourney.

This would cut down on the number of tourneys, which when coupled with regularly scheduled smashfests per region, helps the community grow. There should be a tourney check-in thread that every TO posts/checks before deciding to host a tournament, just to see if his region already hit its limit/its their turn. I wouldnt mind running the thread itself

Some may ask "...but GDX, i see what you're doing there, but wouldn't that still be a tourney every weekend?".

Well, if tampa started having a regular tourney, then yes, but the difference is you wouldnt have over 3 tourneys in the same region in a given month. I have a job and I can afford all of these back to back tourneys, so on a financial aspect I aint even mad, but its pretty dumb to have 4 tourneys in the same region in 1 month (Holy smash, NLL, Gallaxfest, and WATO are ALL in july and ALL in CFL. Problem? Damn straight) Plus there would be NO chance of tourneys on the same date (such as Holy smash and ZP), which is also a problem we have that halts growth of our community, **** blocking our own tourneys with other tourneys. This problem is equally as bad as too many tourneys period, and it has been going on since I've been going to tourneys.

It could even go the other way, with ESAM leaving SFL may get lazy about tourney hosting (through posts, I havn't seen anyone willing to step up once he leaves, so im just basing it off of observation), but NLL is going to have one every month regardless unless theres some other large tourney in Orlando that month, because the owners and employees run the tourney, rather than someone using the venue. a NLL could be every month as a get together for the state, while theres 1 other tourney each month for the other TOs to decide over, limiting it to 2 tourneys a month (which to me would be the most optimal solution)

Anyway, I think this should start being used immediately, IE August. Thoughts? comments?

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
First off, myself and Lade feel honored that you gave Tampa such great compliments; thanks man :awesome:

As far as this idea, this is a brilliant idea man. It's time for FL to gel and grow together instead of apart. I think this would be amazing! Full support from me.

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
I approve.
Thats a really good idea and it doesn't force regions to have to choose.
ie holy smash on the 2nd.

It'll also give higher tourney attendance.

I approve highly.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
First off, myself and Lade feel honored that you gave Tampa such great compliments; thanks man :awesome:

As far as this idea, this is a brilliant idea man. It's time for FL to gel and grow together instead of apart. I think this would be amazing! Full support from me.
Ed how long are you down in SFL? you moved there for good from school or just there for summer

I ask cause you guys did such a good job with the tampa smashfest (a region that has had the most growth out of any region, most likely due to this), I was wondering if you planned to start something in SFL as well, if you are staying there for good


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Dojo wrote up something like this for Texas back in the spring and we eventually came up with the Lone Star Circuit that we're running right now.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I'd love to kickstart SFL but I'm not sure that I could run it at my place like I do in Tampa. I'll be back in Tampa after summer. Lemme see what I can do.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Dojo wrote up something like this for Texas back in the spring and we eventually came up with the Lone Star Circuit that we're running right now.
oh word? Not even trolling I had no idea :laugh:

Wow, now that you mention it, that could very nicely slip into a circuit of some sort one day, once more scenes are established within regions. I would like more growth before something like that. Could possibly end with a regional if everyone plays nice.

Dojo, if you see this, thanks for giving me this idea subconsciously...somehow

Another idea I had, that FL has already started doing, is centralizing our vids to 1-2 youtube accounts.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Yeah, the threads are somewhere in the southwest forum, if you wanna check them out.

Centralizing vids to a couple of youtube accounts is a pretty good idea. I'm gonna try stealing that idea x)


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
GDX, i full heartedly support this! I've always felt this was an issue myself. I do agree that tampa seems to be the most growing region. For a reason.

Anyways ya, i say we start this ASAP! Or else it'll fall apart or never happen.

First order of business i think is to figure out whether anyone in SFL is gonna step up to the plate.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)
I said about a year ago it should be like 1-2 tourneys a month or else everyone will get burnt out. A 2 week gap helps.

Lets people practice, build up $, hype, higher attendance.

FL TO's just need to talk to each other when picking dates.
NLL tournament
ZP tourney
Viper's holy smash

--Note here there are two tourneys in CFL and one in SFL, but 3 total. no other tourneys should be held in August in any part of the state

A tourney in Tampa/SFL/GVille, if a TO in one of those places is interested. Otherwise, CFL could host another tourney ONLY AFTER NO OTHER REGION WANTS TO. This is to ensure all regions have a fair opportunity for that 3rd tourney.
That's a good idea looking ahead just to make sure. Maybe make a FL scheduling thread? Or keep using this one.
Another idea I had, that FL has already started doing, is centralizing our vids to 1-2 youtube accounts.
We've been doing good so far thanks to 2link and exdeath.

DJ Arcatek

Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2007
Dark Side of the Moon
From what I see, 2link has been handling the SFL vids while Xdeath has the SFL/CFL vids, so we're good in that department.

TOs need to make some space between each tournament, though. It helps for the attendance and there are some people (ie, me) that ain't rich, so we can't be spending money every weekend at a tournament. Of course, we have the option to just not go to a tournament, but there's no fun in that :glare:


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Things like smashfests and ranbats should not be considered a tourney. What you just said sounds like ranbats and smashfests


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
No its not. Just because smash is not the main game doesn't mean its any less of a tournament with same value as zp or nll or w.e.

The other games are gettin the same recognition. Same payout %'s, etc.

So why the **** is it considered a fest. It has money it has door fee it has players its a tournament. Dnt show up never hostin smash and quit cuz ****ing players like y'all are ignorant to these facts. **** im doin this for y'all and treat it as a smashfest which in my head shows as a sign of disrespect. Now I don't even want to ****in host a tourney for u guys. **** good venue drinks and setups wtf u want more


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
oh word? Not even trolling I had no idea :laugh:

Wow, now that you mention it, that could very nicely slip into a circuit of some sort one day, once more scenes are established within regions. I would like more growth before something like that. Could possibly end with a regional if everyone plays nice.
Another idea I had, that FL has already started doing, is centralizing our vids to 1-2 youtube accounts.
I made a thread back in late '09 proposing the same two things but I got ignored. But whatever, if you need help let me know.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I remember you also had the circuit idea because we both did back then bro lol


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
No its not. Just because smash is not the main game doesn't mean its any less of a tournament with same value as zp or nll or w.e.

The other games are gettin the same recognition. Same payout %'s, etc.

So why the **** is it considered a fest. It has money it has door fee it has players its a tournament. Dnt show up never hostin smash and quit cuz ****ing players like y'all are ignorant to these facts. **** im doin this for y'all and treat it as a smashfest which in my head shows as a sign of disrespect. Now I don't even want to ****in host a tourney for u guys. **** good venue drinks and setups wtf u want more
Not sure if your trolling or not. You do know this is a smash site right? Smash SHOULD be the main game at your tourneys. So either your trolling us or REALLY overreacting which you shouldn't be doing.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Great write up Keith. Appreciate you using Tampa as a reference point for consistent Smashfests. There's been probably been more growth here in the past 6 months than in the previous 2 years before that, and I see growth everytime I play with people.

I agree completely about the number of tourneys and everything as well. Me and Ed will def look into what we can do to host tourneys in the fall or end of the summer.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I like the idea of not having a tourney every ****ing week. As much as we enjoy Smash, most of us have lives, and with less tournies, it creates more hype imo as you would have to wait a few weeks before the salty runback begins ;) it also helps people financially.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
Not sure if your trolling or not. You do know this is a smash site right? Smash SHOULD be the main game at your tourneys. So either your trolling us or REALLY overreacting which you shouldn't be doing.
Smash isn't the main game. Neither is mvc or ae. Know why? Cuz they have the same value in my eyes and hold the same merit as well. They're all the main game all 3 given the same amount of setups and payout% 's im not catering to anybody only the people who care about their game.my smash tourney has the same value as the other games im cohostin with. So what im sayin is. If u guys all dnt go im assuming you either 1. Dnt giv a damn about the tourney 2. Dnt care bout me 3. Dnt care bout smash 4. All the above. So if I see the games have more ppl in them than smash I wont host smash anymore after first tourney and it obviously shows that smash players are selfish and dnt want other games in their tournies for some reason


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I'm not saying you can't host a tourney but I am saying there should never be more than 2 tourneys per region in a month ever again. Preferrably only 2 a month period

A triweekly , while it may have payouts and a tourney at it, is widely regarded as a type of ranbat/smashfest to which its not included in the same phrasing here as tournaments. Tournaments are monthlys at most...anything more frequently is technically a ranbat because eventually you will have 2 in the same month

You can have your tri weeklys for every game ever made but its not a tourney in regards to how often so it won't fall under these newly suggested guidelines. This ALSO means you shouldn't be suprised if someone in a different region wants to use a triweekly date for a tourney date.

Honestly you should make your triweekly a biweekly or even weekly


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
They're locals. Its easily done in one day. There's two-three TOs. Luis and I are still makin the schedule and plans. Ill be buying 6 crt tvs in 2 weeks and renting 4 wiis 4 360 aand 1ps3. ****s a lot of money but ill be able to do these tournies often IF the community participates to.

And what I meant by the main game thing is that each game on its own is not the main but ALL games are EQUAL in being the main game


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Once every 3 months? Or 3 times a month? Cause a triweekly is once every 3 weeks and if it isn't that then...:wario: ?
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