.chet ¦
iunno, I feel like we're losing a lot of people because of the place
/2- I think having these events on week-end would make more people wanna come
/7 dollars to play, when you can't necessarily choose how you wanna play (singles doubles), cramped, getting pushed over by staff a bit
/like I know we have a "good" relationship with them and I thank them again for being there at your tourney
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Well how do you propose to 'choose' how to play exactly? I mean, smashfests turn out the same
.chet ¦
but I think that it's lacking depth, this relationship.
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Hey I'm not defending Gamersworld I just want full feedback, when I see something like "We should rethink our relationship with GW" there has to be a reason why
.chet ¦
well look, elef doesn't wanna come because of all the reasons given by other people, it's expensive, it's cramped, you can't play singles often (like, if you don't like teams, you're ****ed)
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Ah well I was actually going to propose a new solution for expenses
.chet ¦
o rly
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Membership fees, maybe by month or by season, Reduce fees for people who come often (Credit to Denis for that idea)
.chet ¦
k well that still limits us to 1 day for a membership, still the same conditions. 1day/week, I mean. Like right now, I have no reason to complain cuz I don't go too often to the events
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
As opposed to? Would it be better once every 2 weeks? Or twice a week?
.chet ¦ now has ggpo ¦ cell: (514) 699-7706 says:
but I just see people ***** ***** *****, so I'm like "is everyone happy about this?". Personally, I'd suggest making these events in the afternoon, during a week-end, but that's impossible at GW. In the afternoon, you get people, and you don't kill your saturday evening. I don't know what people would say about sunday
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Well, that's an idea no one has brought up
The thing is it's easy to make complaints, but it's hard to figure out how to solve them, especially when you're trying to decide for a community of people
As for losing people, I'm not sure if I can agree because we have more people attending the weeklies on average than we did for the Melee bi-weeklies
It could also be because of Brawl more than GW
Now, theoretically if memberships were introduced, that would improve conditions for those coming, right?
As for space, of course we can't do much, it's better than the hilariously cramped back room at least. The only solution possible (barring a MAJOR redesign of the store which will undoubtedly not happen) is a new location
However, the pros of Gamersworld...well, it's in the middle of Montreal, and is very easy to get to for anyone by public or car. There are also restaurants around
.chet ¦
we need to build a gaming house
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
.chet ¦
it would be a nice community activity : D
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
We'll start with a box and steal electricity from a nearby mcdonalds
I'm just saying I don't care if we move but there has to be valid reasons why, and solutions for those reasons
.chet ¦
what if we simply find a better place? and would legislation actually be against us if we rented an apartment for gaming purposes?
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Ahaha I thought about that one myself
.chet ¦
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
I'm actually more worried about the inhabitants of the apartment rather than legislation. Otherwise I would do smashfests myself...
.chet ¦ now has ggpo ¦ cell: (514) 699-7706 says:
depends in which neighborhood we are, what type of apartment
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
How easy it is to get to
Oh another thing though is that an apartment would be sketch for the younger ones. Gamersworld is at least a public location
.chet ¦
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Ally doesn't go anywhere without his dad, as you probably noticed
.chet ¦ now has ggpo ¦ cell: (514) 699-7706 says:
true -_-
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
I'm all for experimenting
You can try finding a cheap (but at least relatively spacious) apartment in the basement (footsteps will go haywire in an apt) and host **** there
On weekends. During the afternoon. Who's willing to actually go through with it now
.chet ¦
lol, elef would be down
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Would you trust Elef to run something like that without getting kicked out or doing something silly?
.chet ¦
it would be the cost of a "membership" and it would be more convenient since we could access it anytime
elef never does anything at home
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
.chet ¦
how could he get kicked out lol
unless he finally gets the guts to call a hooker
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Oh you mean the place he's at currently
.chet ¦
then we might lose the apart
but yeah, a 400 dollar apartment, 20 dollars, 20 people
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Sounds good on paper
.chet ¦
doesn't look good in my head
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
I mean, you do meet the rent
.chet ¦
a lot of people going in and out might be bad
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
And let's say that's including electricity and heat
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
And would you want people at your place that often
Always cleaning up after
My apartment is around XXX/mo for me. It's actually XXX+325$/mo + elec and inet, No hyperphone. (chet: screw u joel =/)
What bugs me at GW is those laggy HDTV's .It's be sweet if we could get more CRT's instead just to bring out in front of the lcd's or something
Anyways. If you feel like it could you post your concerns and thoughts on SWF?
.chet ¦
too lazy, can I just copy paste this convo?
Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Go ahead
You can also add in that I've been meaning to ask about the membership since last week when Denis proposed it to me, but I've procrastinated too much on that
So my bad with that