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& Brawl+: The Montréal Weekly Poutine Thread...With More Sauce!


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Yea i think fizzi has coupons, but who ever ends up bringing some, can i have some please :) ?

And jarc ill be slipping my disc into your wii slot just like i slipped my disc into your moms slot


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I got coupons, Bento has coupons (assuming he doesn't forget them), and Jer apparently got some. So I think we're set. I still have like... 10.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
If you feel like it could you post your concerns and thoughts on SWF

we had a convo about GW, and we thought this would interest you. If you have a minute or two, read this and give feedback. unless you want things to not improve and such.. please contribute guys. it takes about 4 minutes to read.
.chet ¦
iunno, I feel like we're losing a lot of people because of the place
/2- I think having these events on week-end would make more people wanna come
/7 dollars to play, when you can't necessarily choose how you wanna play (singles doubles), cramped, getting pushed over by staff a bit
/like I know we have a "good" relationship with them and I thank them again for being there at your tourney

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Well how do you propose to 'choose' how to play exactly? I mean, smashfests turn out the same

.chet ¦
but I think that it's lacking depth, this relationship.

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Hey I'm not defending Gamersworld I just want full feedback, when I see something like "We should rethink our relationship with GW" there has to be a reason why

.chet ¦
well look, elef doesn't wanna come because of all the reasons given by other people, it's expensive, it's cramped, you can't play singles often (like, if you don't like teams, you're ****ed)

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Ah well I was actually going to propose a new solution for expenses

.chet ¦
o rly

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Membership fees, maybe by month or by season, Reduce fees for people who come often (Credit to Denis for that idea)

.chet ¦
k well that still limits us to 1 day for a membership, still the same conditions. 1day/week, I mean. Like right now, I have no reason to complain cuz I don't go too often to the events

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
As opposed to? Would it be better once every 2 weeks? Or twice a week?

.chet ¦ now has ggpo ¦ cell: (514) 699-7706 says:
but I just see people ***** ***** *****, so I'm like "is everyone happy about this?". Personally, I'd suggest making these events in the afternoon, during a week-end, but that's impossible at GW. In the afternoon, you get people, and you don't kill your saturday evening. I don't know what people would say about sunday

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Well, that's an idea no one has brought up

The thing is it's easy to make complaints, but it's hard to figure out how to solve them, especially when you're trying to decide for a community of people

As for losing people, I'm not sure if I can agree because we have more people attending the weeklies on average than we did for the Melee bi-weeklies

It could also be because of Brawl more than GW

Now, theoretically if memberships were introduced, that would improve conditions for those coming, right?

As for space, of course we can't do much, it's better than the hilariously cramped back room at least. The only solution possible (barring a MAJOR redesign of the store which will undoubtedly not happen) is a new location

However, the pros of Gamersworld...well, it's in the middle of Montreal, and is very easy to get to for anyone by public or car. There are also restaurants around

.chet ¦
we need to build a gaming house

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:

.chet ¦
it would be a nice community activity : D

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
We'll start with a box and steal electricity from a nearby mcdonalds

I'm just saying I don't care if we move but there has to be valid reasons why, and solutions for those reasons

.chet ¦
what if we simply find a better place? and would legislation actually be against us if we rented an apartment for gaming purposes?

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Ahaha I thought about that one myself

.chet ¦

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
I'm actually more worried about the inhabitants of the apartment rather than legislation. Otherwise I would do smashfests myself...

.chet ¦ now has ggpo ¦ cell: (514) 699-7706 says:
depends in which neighborhood we are, what type of apartment

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
How easy it is to get to

Oh another thing though is that an apartment would be sketch for the younger ones. Gamersworld is at least a public location

.chet ¦

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Ally doesn't go anywhere without his dad, as you probably noticed

.chet ¦ now has ggpo ¦ cell: (514) 699-7706 says:
true -_-

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
I'm all for experimenting

You can try finding a cheap (but at least relatively spacious) apartment in the basement (footsteps will go haywire in an apt) and host **** there

On weekends. During the afternoon. Who's willing to actually go through with it now

.chet ¦
lol, elef would be down

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Would you trust Elef to run something like that without getting kicked out or doing something silly?

.chet ¦
it would be the cost of a "membership" and it would be more convenient since we could access it anytime

elef never does anything at home

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:

.chet ¦
how could he get kicked out lol
unless he finally gets the guts to call a hooker

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Oh you mean the place he's at currently

.chet ¦
then we might lose the apart

but yeah, a 400 dollar apartment, 20 dollars, 20 people

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Sounds good on paper

.chet ¦
doesn't look good in my head

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
I mean, you do meet the rent

.chet ¦
a lot of people going in and out might be bad

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
And let's say that's including electricity and heat

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
And would you want people at your place that often

Always cleaning up after

My apartment is around XXX/mo for me. It's actually XXX+325$/mo + elec and inet, No hyperphone. (chet: screw u joel =/)

What bugs me at GW is those laggy HDTV's .It's be sweet if we could get more CRT's instead just to bring out in front of the lcd's or something

Anyways. If you feel like it could you post your concerns and thoughts on SWF?

.chet ¦
too lazy, can I just copy paste this convo?

Joel The Gangsta~~ says:
Go ahead

You can also add in that I've been meaning to ask about the membership since last week when Denis proposed it to me, but I've procrastinated too much on that

So my bad with that

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
These are all topic which have been raised numerous times by numerous people. I think anyone would be insane to think that the current situation doesn't need any change.

But as I have grown to understand about ranting about this for 2 months now, is that there a hard conrete solution is hard to come by. Actually, I think that solution is out there somewhere, but no one has found it yet or we're just too lazy to look for it. But if you want my official stance on the subject, I have been an advocate against GW for a long time so anything that is whatsoever better is favorable in my book, whether it be space wise, money wise, or anything else.


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
If it's on weekends I might not be able to come anymore. I work on weekends.

But, seriously, I'm kinda bored of GW.

1- Lack of space, we keep getting pushed off and there is almost no place to put 4 chairs in front of one

2-7$ a week for me is getting expensive, I work but, I have other things to pay and when we go there it means we ''gotta'' eat restaurant, that pushes it to about 15$.

3-2 tvs out of 4 lags, if I wanna play with lag I'll play online...(I'm not trash talking)

4-wednesdays are getting les and less people because of school and other stuffs...Maybe we should have a vote on which day we want it, but then again GW might not be able to handle it at that time.

5- I still think that GW is better then smashfests place though, it's cramped but less then at som1s place.

So, like Chet said we might wanna discuss for something better or watever..


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
renting an appartment is not a viable solution IMO... we will probably have noise issues, will have to pay electricity bills, etc.

lack of flexibility is the schedule is the main problem we have at GW imo

the best and most realistic solution IMO is that sum1 is able to host smashfests at his place

maybe there's a better spot than GW out there??? most likely not.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
renting an appartment is not a viable solution IMO... we will probably have noise issues, will have to pay electricity bills, etc.

lack of flexibility is the schedule is the main problem we have at GW imo

the best and most realistic solution IMO is that sum1 is able to host smashfests at his place

maybe there's a better spot than GW out there??? most likely not.
well I'm not saying we should get an apartment but:
- it is possible to get one in a basement/1st floor to limit the noise done by walking in and out
- it is possible to get an apart with heat/elec

I hear it could be possible to rent a music room to play smash, and just leave stuff there, I'll have to inquire about this during the next few weeks.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
But, seriously, I'm kinda bored of GW.
I personally believe that's where the real problem lies.

1- Lack of space, we keep getting pushed off and there is almost no place to put 4 chairs in front of one tv.
Yep, at this point it's pretty much an unsolvable issue.

2-7$ a week for me is getting expensive, I work but, I have other things to pay and when we go there it means we ''gotta'' eat restaurant, that pushes it to about 15$.
Well as I said I'm going to discuss about a membership fee which would cost...what? 15 bucks a month? Surely you can afford that.

As for restaurants, there are alternatives such as packing your own meal before you go. Realistically, I never do that and no one else does, but how would that change if we went to someone other place? You have to eat, so that's an unavoidable expense no matter where you go.

3-2 tvs out of 4 lags, if I wanna play with lag I'll play online...(I'm not trash talking)
Yep. Bugs me as well. Would be nice if GW got some CRT's like those nice Mitsubishi's they already have but I don't think they'll simply chuck the HD's especially since they take so much less space.

4-wednesdays are getting less and less people because of school and other stuffs...Maybe we should have a vote on which day we want it, but then again GW might not be able to handle it at that time.
Gamers World has many other events planned for their other clientele, so while we can request for a different day we would have A LOT less space, which seems to be the main issue here in the first place. We don't have much flexibility schedule-wise when it comes to GW.

5- I still think that GW is better then smashfests place though, it's cramped but less then at som1s place.
I have an idea for increasing the space by a little bit. How about we get rid of that table in front of the HDTV's? We could at least move better.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
For the laggy TVs, why not just ask GW to buy us two pairs of Component Cables? Should help out a bit, if not correct the issue entirely.

Last time I actually *taught* the employee there that the TVs were laggy, he didn't even know it. So perhaps we just need to bring up the problem to them.

Edit: Oh, and memberships don't sound too bad. As long as they don't cost more than the price of coming to the weekly twice per month...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
hmm...that brings up another problem. we can't just leave stuff there. people will come and go at will, things will get stolen.

There isnt really a solution to this, other than tell gamersworld to buy more tvs. thats basically my main complain about GW. every week people show up, we give them money without them even having to lift a finger and yet they dont do anything to improve the place. I remember last time i came. Someone new came by and wanted to play. All of the tvs were taken, and he did not know anyone. this followed by the GW clerk talking to people asking to let him play. This shouldn't happen. There should at least be enough tvs to have everyone in free for all matches. if we're 20, there should be at least 5 tvs.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
I hate you jarc.

About sunday: Sunday's a bad time because people who work week end while going to school might not be able to go. Also, sunday's a traffic day. so its bad for car users.

on week day's evening, students are off, day shift is over and there's hardly ever anything better to do since its not thursday or friday. afternoon shift gets cutted. (like I used to)

Saturday's a sad day too because there's just too much to do for everyone, parents visits and all that stuff. Saturday's every week holyday imo, shouldn't touch to it.

The place charge 7 bucks to play, however they have the legislation to do so, unlike we would have in an appartment. since we'd advertise it here. it will only takes one kid to tell his parents he had to pay to play and we are screwed.

a solution would be to set a list of host, those host would receive free weeklies and get money compensation from leechers and tv/wii bringer'd get it almost free. (sounds like a share your car site) This would prevent landmasters to get pissed of if we use a single appartment. cuz you now, landmasters can kil you one shot. but still using appartments does not gives us a good position to welcome newcomers. it can be scary, meeting a bunch of unknown people in a dark, cold basement playing brawl on a tricycle.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Small crowd today, but good games everyone. Mini-tourney was a lot of fun.

Steb... them Diddys are crazy...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Worth noting: Bento's Component cables on the LCD on the right worked wonders at removing all visible lag.

Also, do not want to pay extra money for singles tourney. I don't need an incentive to win apart the satisfaction of getting first place to play well : |


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
I brought my component cables today and the TV on the right did not lag at all =O. We now have 4 viable TVs including zaf's~

Removing the table under the HDs would be a good idea if we actually lowered their level, otherwise I don't really see myself moving any closer (since we don't even sit that close to the table anyways, and I wouldn't want to have the back of my neck hurting after an hour)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Good games all. We should do this mini tourney again.

Alopex, we shall never have a Diddy ditto ever again. Having too 4 bananas flying around along with random tripping is too much. I knew it would turn out like that, lol.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Concerning the issues brought up, we have discussed them relentlessly before.

-Weekends are horrible. People who go to school use the weekends for work. So the numbers will be lower. Also students use their weekends for friends and these things called "girls".

-Getting an apartment or basement level place is was to sketchy. New people will not show up. I know i wouldn't if i was new. $30 a month for going is still much, considering we pay $28 a month for gw.

-Joel can you speak to gw about buying a wire for the tv i want to donate. I do not want to buy a wire for a crt tv. I feel gw should since i am giving it to them. The tv has no rca inputs, so it needs a wire to tv plug.

-I have been trying to relieve this sense of boredom that people like agony are feeling at gw. I introduced the $2 tourney. The leaderboards are finally on their way.


As for tonight, GG's all.

-F u fizz. I was playing fizzi and when ever i pressed "a" mk would just jump and uair. it was ridiculous. I couldnt gimp him with nair at all. I noticed it late match and its not like we could of started over for a controller malfunction.

It seems a lot of people like paying an extra $2 for a chance at $20 and the competitive-ism is still up there.


With regards to next weeks 2v2 tourneys. I will be giving the winners a naked chick poster. It is the same material as the halo one. gl


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2005
Concerning the issues brought up, we have discussed them relentlessly before.

-Weekends are horrible. People who go to school use the weekends for work. So the numbers will be lower. Also students use their weekends for friends and these things called "girls".

-Getting an apartment or basement level place is was to sketchy. New people will not show up. I know i wouldn't if i was new. $30 a month for going is still much, considering we pay $28 a month for gw.

-Joel can you speak to gw about buying a wire for the tv i want to donate. I do not want to buy a wire for a crt tv. I feel gw should since i am giving it to them. The tv has no rca inputs, so it needs a wire to tv plug.

-I have been trying to relieve this sense of boredom that people like agony are feeling at gw. I introduced the $2 tourney. The leaderboards are finally on their way.


As for tonight, GG's all.

-F u fizz. I was playing fizzi and when ever i pressed "a" mk would just jump and uair. it was ridiculous. I couldnt gimp him with nair at all. I noticed it late match and its not like we could of started over for a controller malfunction.

It seems a lot of people like paying an extra $2 for a chance at $20 and the competitive-ism is still up there.


With regards to next weeks 2v2 tourneys. I will be giving the winners a naked chick poster. It is the same material as the halo one. gl

Okay johnson. Geeze
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