I've been gathering a list in my head, but it's probably important that we focus on nintendo chararacters, or characters that were in Wii/GC titles...
travis, no more heros
alex, etneral darkness
Vanessa, PN03
Soul Calibur
ayame, tenchu
lara croft
krystal, star fox
resident evil, jill
jade, beyond good and evil
..then a bunch of junk that have nothing todo with nintendo
Blood roar girls
StreetFighter Girls
Virtua fighter girls
blood rayne
FFX, rikku, pain, yuna,
DOA girls
heather silent hill
arica,chaos legion
need for speed girls
nina williams, death by degrees
ghost in the shell
eileen, silent hill4
Sheila Crawford, spy fiction
racheal, ninja gaiden
kosmos, tilos & shion, xenosaga
sally mae, leasure suit larry
rumble roses girls
Ikki tousan girls
ada, resident evil 4
shieva, RE5
jessica cannon, sin
Dawn, Nvidia
Zoe, dreamfall
devil kings
dynasty warror girls
kurenai, red ninja
rogue galaxy
star ocean3
lost oddessy
enchanted arms
rule of rose
ashe, FF12
niety nine nights
Elise sonic
golden axe
DMC4 girls
obscure2 girls
Casey Lynch guatar hero
faith, mirrors edge
princeof persia