as you could tell if you read the posts on that thread (which seems to be a skill most of smashboards tends to lack) you'd find out that that new thread was not made to update the code list. i did that in the other thread, updating a single post, which i'll intend to do. as clearly written time after time again, the original thread was turned into a code posting thread only, and this thread was made for everything else (except requests, those don't belong anywhere). the old thread grew to 63 pages, covered in comments, requests, and questions despite the clearly written instructions to ONLY POST CODE, time after time again. at the advice of my hacking peers, i made the new thread (they were also the reason this thread was made). the new thread is a clean state, with the sole purpose of having a single combo of only code posts, without hundreds of useless comments between. all for the benefit of the hacking community.