I'm been using a relatively new microSD card for Brawl+.
Ever since I put custom textures and music into my microSD, every few weeks, without fail, either all or some of the files in the "pf" folder (textures and music), get randomly erased and I end up having to put them back in.
At first, this didn't annoy me
too much. But, then, I realized that my SD was losing memory every time my Wii erased the "pf" folders.
For example:
Let's say I've used up 25% of the total space of my SD card.
The Wii erases the "pf" folders.
When I check how much memory is left, the memory used should be
lower than 25%.
But, instead, I find that it's still at 25%!
Now, I have to re-add the "pf" files that were erased by the Wii.
The total used space has now gone up to 30%.
This process continues over the course of a few months and now, whenever I try to re-add anything to the SD, my computer's telling me that the SD's full...
Does this happen to anyone else?