Ya, this means PAL is f***ed, no way around this. And we didn't even get a ****ing newcomer. This is absolutely ridiculous ****. Nintendo just proves their retarted bias towards Japan, AGAIN! No wonder Sony and Microsoft aren't getting owned in Europe in Australia...THEY ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THOSE PLACES! STill though, the American delay is pretty ****ed. I think the Americas being the biggest video game and worldwide marketplace, ****ing us over is a bad move. The only good game I can think of that was released in March was Wind Waker.
This is ridiculous. The Americas release date should have been unaffected. Nintendo is so biased towards Japan, it's ridiculous. Not to mention, this probably FURTHER pushes back the Australian and European release date to probably at earliest Q4 2008. Way to f*** up Nintendo. Now I know why I'm not a Nintendo fanboy-because fanboys suck, and they constantly get taken advantage of by "their" company. Give us a 2 month advance notice (I've never heard of a 9 day notice=ridiculous.) Give us a newcomer. Give us SOME MOVIES! MAKE IS WORTHWHILE! THIS IS ABSOLUTE S***, and now I remember why I HATE NINTENDO SOMETIMES! Because they delay a game a little over a week before it comes out, and f***s everyone over.
I'll go back to playing my 360. Ya, I just owned Nintendo. Japan can sink for all I care, now. Microsoft isn't blantely blinded by favoritism towards the Americas. Halo 3 was worldwide in a week! A WEEK! NINTENDO sucks, point in case. Now I know why I only like their games, and why I don't have as high respect for them as others. Ya, this is even dumber then when they fired the best of Rare's employees, like the morons they are. If they expect to step on the fanbases like this, they should expect to lose this generation. If Nintendo continuely favors their own people without a care for the rest of their fanbases, they should lose this generation.
I'm going back to my 360, Gears of War, and remember why I was neutral on who I want to win this generation. Now I want Microsoft to win-because they are fair to all their fans, have good online, and have games with actaul replay value out now. And they don't treat the people who made them from the ground up-the fans-like dirt just because of where they live. PWNED!