Use SPCs or other PSF variants so you don't have that problem.
I always use SPCs or if I have an MP3 that's good enough quality I use that. I meant the version of Flight of the Zinger that was already on there started awkwardly. Also, some of the tunes in the DKC series have odd loops, for example, in Voices of the Temple, the first 30 seconds or so and from about 1:30 - 2:00 seem very similar but if you listen they're actually slightly different, so the loop would actually start from about 0:40 - 2:10 or anything later.
Likewise, Hot-Head Bop's cymbals seem to copy themselves after the first loop as if two of them were playing with a fraction of a second between. And of course Bayou Boogie, in which the first 40 or so seconds are pretty much never heard the same again, much like Voices of the Temple. There are a few other odd things such as in DK Isle Swing, after the first loop, the hi-hats seem to change to a slightly different pitch, and hence why I uploaded it with a length of about 5:07 or whatever it was. Yeah, you have to actually listen quite hard, because there might be something as little maybe the bass drum is a slightly different frequency after the first loop, or maybe, for example, like in the case of Bayou Boogie, the chirpy, grasshopper and other wildlife noises aren't even heard after about 40-50 seconds (maybe a minute).
There is one big problem I'm having. No matter how loud I make them they always seem far too quiet for Brawl. So quiet that if I amplified them so they were almost distorted out of recognition, it still would only just about be loud enough. I outputted the SPCs as WAVs at the same sample rate as they originals (I think it was 44 kHz ... well whatever it was, that's what I had).