Aren't donation buttons and "pay now" buttons the same thing? (They are to me, but if there's a difference, feel free to let me know.)
Calm down, you're only making this harder for yourself just by raising your temper! I never said anything about the site being related to everything. For the myhosting.com thing, I know that you were discussing about that, but does it really bother you that someone isn't up-to-date on everything because they don't have the time to check on it?!!! (Because of College, I haven't been on as much, so I sometimes don't see everything right away.) Also, are you aware of how the others are thinking of you right now? I feel like you're losing your temper just because of misunderstandings from both ends.
As for the request I sent you, let me know when you've calmed down enough to discuss it, for I don't want to be called bad names for asking about the status of the request in the middle of your impatience over the "pay now" button. This would be what moosehunter would tell you if he is informed about this, for I haven't forgotten what he said about how hard it is to control your emotions. So what if I misspell a users name? So what if I mistaken something that isn't related to what I'm asking for something that is? Remember, I'm slow at picking that up. When you're ready to speak to me again,..., just let me know.
@Yui Hirasawa
Pardon my "unpleasant discussion" with TUK. I've just been trying to help him wait for you to fix the problem with the "pay now" button, and he's just "overreacting." I had recently sent a request to keep the gang "occupied" while you were fixing the button, and when I asked TUK (since I think he was willing to do it at the time) where he was at, I think some confusion to what I was asking got to him and he "overreacted." I mean no offense to him, I just wish that he'd calm down enough to answer my questions so we could move on from it. Anyway, I apologize for misspelling your user name those last few posts. If there's anything you'd want from me, feel free to let me know and I'll answer you as best as I can (when I have the time, anyway).