Being worried about E3 Digital Event not living up to expectations is definitely sad. This is partly because I loved the Digital Event to bits and because I was at E3. Nintendo's presence in the west hall was unparalleled. There was no reason to express regret. Miyamoto certainly didn't. His reaction on the show floor was pretty telling. East or West hall, most games just looked the same to him (which I'm tending to agree with). The only ones that broke away from the MOBA-style, third-person shooter (in booth) were the indie corner (lots of demos), a couple small companies (mostly video-only unless we're talking about Natsume, Oculus, or Mobious), and the big 5 in the East hall (Ubisoft, Bethesda, Activision, Disney, and Squeenix; with only Ubisoft having a significant showing of games in-booth). EA just ate up space in the East hall, and their presence in the West hall was devoted to the new Battlefront. Iwata had nothing to worry about.