A handful of Hawaii players will be going to EVO guaranteed. For me, I got into some car troubles recently because of a hit and run, so my finances are in a bit of a rough state. Right now, it's leaning more towards a a no. I'll be rooting for all of our Bowser bros heading down though.
We just had our biggest tournament of the year over here in Hawaii. Almost
100 entrants. I didn't enter though, since I was helping another event. (this was at an anime convention, hehe) We invited a few very VERY good players to compete at our tournament, so there was some serious competition here. inb4 "lol just another Hawaii local."
We initially thought that the tournament would be a clean sweep for our guests, but that wasn't the case. LethalTrilogy, who hasn't even been considered to be the best Hawaii player in years, took 2nd at this event, losing to Larry in grand finals. I'm extremely proud of him, and all the other Hawaii bros that did well this tournament.
I know a lot of people will and always will think of Hawaii as a weak region since we're so isolated, but this tournament in particular reaffirmed my belief that Hawaii does have a talented pool of players that can potentially succeed in national tournaments given enough practice and experience.
I however, am playing a lot less nowadays. Playing with all the out-of-state guests also reaffirmed my belief that Bowser will have an extremely rough time placing in nationals. It will probably be impossible, considering the character's weaknesses. His top-tier matchup spread is atrocious, with his best being Rosa, being 40-60
at best. If there's a Bowser player who takes the character to the next level, it probably won't be me. I'm not that talented. lol
At this point, I'm really just a supporting member of my communities: Hawaii and Bowser. When I was younger, I was happy to win with Bowser and dunk on the competition. Now that I'm older, it makes me even happier to build a strong community as a whole. Even if I don't place or compete as often, I'll always be here.
-I'm free
-Jab and pivot grab are your best moves