Smash Lord
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- Apr 8, 2008
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Nevermind, just checked. It has only 4. This is perfect, because the model I want to use has 8 bones. I should like, get started.Kind of. How many bones does Ganon's sword have?
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Nevermind, just checked. It has only 4. This is perfect, because the model I want to use has 8 bones. I should like, get started.Kind of. How many bones does Ganon's sword have?
31 - Red Alloy
30 - RHandN
31 - GlowRArmM
32 - GlowCoreM
33 - ThrowN
31 - Yellow Alloy
30 - RHandN
31 - GlowRHandM
32 - GlowBodyM
33 - ThrowN
33 - Green Alloy
32 - RToeN
33 - ThrowN
36 - Blue Alloy
35 - RHandN
36 - GlowRHandM
37 - GlowBodyM
38 - ThrowN
37 - Ice Climbers
36 - RHandN
37 - R3rdNa
38 - R3rdNb
39 - RHaveN
40 - RThumbNa
41 - RThumbNb
42 - ShirttailN
43 - LShirttailN
44 - RShirttailN
45 - ThrowN
39 - Olimar
38 - RHandN
39 - R1stNa
40 - R2ndNa
41 - RHaveN
42 - RThumbNa
43 - RHandNb
44 - WaistNb
45 - ThrowN
40 - Pikachu
39 - RMimiNb (right ear tip)
40 - RShoulderN
41 - RShoulderJ
42 - RArmJ
43 - RHandN
44 - RFingerN
45 - RThumbN
46 - RShoulderNb
47 - ThrowN
44 - Samus
43 - RArmJ
44 - GunM
45 - RHijiN
46 - ShpereM
47 - ThrowN
Good research.We need to figure out what is significant about the right hand when these characters load. With green alloy, the right toe comes after the right hand so I can see why it is the significant bone, but why is pika's right ear significant when the hand comes after?
Pretty easy to find most character's minimum bone requirements now since RHandN is most likely the significant bone. But I want to find out why, and then how to change it so we can swap anyone onto anyone.
hmmm thats really strange... to me i never get passed the entrance animation, and i cant seem to make him load even in training mode... could you send me the replaced pikachu files?A lot of pokemon are invisible when you swap them. Don't know why. Mew loads on pika. That's all I'm testing here. I assume it will crash if you spawn an article or try to grab but that's unrelated to this. Mew also loads on olimar but I don't need to write that because olimar has a lower minimum bone requirement than pika.
3 - Bronzor
7 - Diglet
7 - Gastly
8 - Aron
8 - Magnezone
11 - Carvanhna
12 - Caterpie
13 - Duskull
14 - Lotad
14 - Munchlax
15 - Hoppip
16 - Gengar
17 - Chikorita
17 - Drifblim
17 - Dugtrio
17 - Piloswine
17 - Psyduck
18 - Elekid
19 - Bulbasaur
19 - Drifloon
19 - Golbat
19 - Snorlax
20 - Cyndaquil
20 - Geodude
20 - Magikarp
20 - Raichu
20 - Shroomish
21 - Empoleon
21 - Spinirak
22 - Aipom
22 - Bidoof
22 - Blastoise
22 - Butterfree
23 - Haunter
23 - Hitmontop
23 - Scizor
23 - Tediursa
23 - Wailord
24 - Absol
24 - Camerupt
24 - Charmander
24 - Chimchar
24 - Corphish
24 - Farfetch'd
24 - Gyarados
25 - Crogunk
25 - Golduck
25 - Groudon
25 - Marrowack
25 - Phanpy
25 - Treeko
26 - Ambipom
26 - Bellosom
26 - Buizel
26 - Delibird
27 - Aerodactyl
27 - Brelloom
27 - Celebi
27 - Eevee
27 - Electabuzz
27 - Jolteon
28 - Feraligator
28 - Garchomp
28 - Hitmonlee
29 - Abra
29 - Espeon
29 - Glaceon
29 - Gliscor
29 - Shinx
31 - Flareon
31 - Golem
31 - Salamance
33 - Dragonite
33 - Electrive
33 - Flygon
33 - Kirlia
34 - Jirachi
34 - Machamp
35 - Blaziken
35 - Heatran
36 - Darkrai
36 - Deoxys
36 - Infernape
37 - Ninetails
o_o Seriously? You added a bone?I have successfully edited a bone.
I have put data for a bone at the end of lucario's (pokepark) model, and it loaded correctly in brawlbox.
this was kinda easy, only having to change a few pointers, but my next step is adding bones.
just did! and here is proof:o_o Seriously? You added a bone?
I have successfully edited a bone.
Gardevoir over Zelda instead of Olimar... <3!!well, here's the deal, it is kinda... time consuming, so im just considering making a program to do it. and no, we cant attach verticies yet, but i may try to see about adding the bones to the beginning of the hierarchy, so we can have good TransN bones
also, havent tested it in brawl, but im gonna try with one of the GHZ characters
it's the index of that bone. TransN bone indexes need to match between character, and new characterNice. I don't see why everyone needs to find good TransN bones, though. If it's unnecessary to rename every single bone of new models, why's the TransN bone so different? I'm probably just not getting something... :/
[SPOILER]PM brres files to me?[/SPOILER]
3 - Bronzor
7 - Diglet
7 - Gastly
8 - Aron
8 - Magnezone
11 - Carvanhna
14 - Lotad
14 - Munchlax
15 - Hoppip
17 - Chikorita
17 - Drifblim
17 - Dugtrio
17 - Piloswine
17 - Psyduck
18 - Elekid
19 - Bulbasaur
19 - Drifloon
19 - Golbat
19 - Snorlax
20 - Cyndaquil
20 - Shroomish
21 - Empoleon
21 - Spinirak
22 - Aipom
22 - Bidoof
22 - Butterfree
23 - Haunter
23 - Tediursa
24 - Camerupt
24 - Charmander
24 - Chimchar
24 - Corphish
24 - Farfetch'd
25 - Crogunk
25 - Golduck
25 - Groudon
25 - Marrowack
25 - Phanpy
26 - Ambipom
26 - Bellosom
26 - Buizel
26 - Delibird
27 - Brelloom
27 - Celebi
27 - Electabuzz
28 - Feraligator
28 - Garchomp
29 - Glaceon
29 - Gliscor
31 - Golem
33 - Dragonite
33 - Electrive
33 - Flygon
33 - Kirlia
34 - Jirachi
34 - Machamp
35 - Heatran
36 - Infernape
37 - Ninetails
[SPOILER]PM brres files to me?[/SPOILER]
then it must have matched already, or the bone of that index has the movement in the animations....Really? I have a Blaziken (by mario6420072), and it has no renamed TransN bone. It works over Red Alloy just fine...
no. i will not post a tutorialFortwaffles: great work on adding bones :3
if you have time, wanna post an tutorial? x3
just want to test, even if it are time consuming :3
I have that feeling my precious dusknoir will be playable soon >w<
Thank you!no. i will not post a tutorial