I have to say, as a certified Earthworm Jim disciple I'm extremely disappointed.
The original team is back and this is perfect. It's harkening back to the series 2D roots which is also perfect. It sounds like the graphical artwork is going to be something to behold, perhaps we'll see something rivaling Cuphead considering how meticulous Doug is.
Not on mainstream consoles, the possibility of ports is hindered by the whack controller, and clearly this is Tallarico's attempt to leverage sales towards his new console and it feels kind of scummy. I love the guy especially as a composer, but this is just extremely transparent and disappointing. A new Earthworm Jim would have been great as something accessible for all console owners to draw in new fans, but now nobody is going to play it. And the controller looks absolutely fricking atrocious. I considered supporting the console for this game alone, but after seeing what you have to use to play it, just why?
When the console fails, they may heavily reconsider porting. Or they already expect to port it and just won't say so. I am enthusiastic about the game itself, are you kidding me Earthworm Jim 3? It's really happening? It's enough to make a Sega Genesis kid cry. I hit the ceiling when I first saw the announcement. The ressurection of this series was something I waited years for and I'll be watching their progress closely. Jim and his misadventures are very special to me and this is still huge news. But I can't help being heavily concerned at the same time.